Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance) Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Ransom?” His lips puckered as if he’d tasted something nasty. “I thought you guys were on a first name basis.” The cutting bite of his tone lingered in the thickening air between us.

  I was fairly certain Ransom didn’t even know my name until he’d heard Carmen Rosa use it yesterday. Or he just liked Red better. “He’s a vamp and he’s my assignment, Spark. Nothing else matters.”

  “It does matter. The guy keeps showing up everywhere, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

  “What are you saying?” I threw my hands up.

  “I’ve heard of this happening before: vampires obsessing over sicari. It’s like a sick game to them.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not at all what’s happening here.”

  “Then why has everything changed between us since we got to Nocturnis?” He dragged his hand through his hair.

  Because you forced me to be your girlfriend, and it wasn’t what I really wanted. “It’s not because of him…”

  He closed the distance between us in one long stride, his bulky form towering over me. “I think he’s gotten under your skin, and that’s dangerous. You can’t forget what he is.”

  “I won’t. I haven’t.” I pressed my arms across my chest and met his unwavering gaze.

  His thumb glided across my cheek as he cupped my face. “I just want you to come back to me. Safe.”

  I nodded quickly as unexpected emotion tightened my throat. I willed my tongue to say the words that had to come next. That I should’ve said weeks ago. But I couldn’t. Not when he looked at me like that. “Spark, I—”

  He pressed his finger to my lips and shook his head. “We’ll talk about everything when you get back.”

  I kept my mouth shut as he pulled me into a hug, his familiar citrusy scent soothing the raging turmoil in my chest. Dammit, why was I such a chicken? Were we together? Were we not? This was exactly why I didn’t do relationships.

  When he finally released me a long minute later, a grin tipped up the corners of his lips. “So are you going to give me any pointers or are you scared I’ll be such a damned good team leader you’ll be out of a job when you get back?”

  “Ha ha ha.” I jabbed my elbow into his side and pushed him out of my room. “Only in your dreams could you ever replace me, Rhydian Sparkson.”

  He paused at the door and threw me a smile. “Oh, Nix, when I dream about you there’s no replacing going on.”

  I threw him an eyeroll and shooed him out. “Let me finish packing, and I’ll be out in a sec.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  As soon as the door shut behind him, I slumped down on my bed. Goddess, I sucked at this. My backpack tipped over from my weight, and all the clothes spilled out on the floor. Mother fanger!

  As I shoved everything back in, I replayed our conversation in my mind. Spark was surprisingly intuitive for a guy, and he wasn’t wrong. Ransom had gotten under my skin. Had I learned nothing from Demetra’s teachings? I might have been able to block Ransom’s compulsion, but he was still playing me with his witty banter and charm.

  That was the end of that.

  Tomorrow morning, it would be all business. He was a vampire, and I was a slayer. I’d protect him for the next few days until the end of my assignment, and then I’d go back to hating him and every other bloodsucker out there.




  * * *

  I gulped down the icy blood Desi held to my lips as Jade unfastened the iron cuffs. With every swallow, I felt stronger, the vervain trickling out of my system. Once I finished my breakfast, the queen’s guards escorted me out of my chamber. In the dungeon.

  For someone who claimed to trust me, Carmen Rosa sure was taking every precaution to prevent my escape.

  “I don’t trust you.” The queen turned a corner, appearing with two more guards in tow.

  I wagged a finger at her. “Naughty, mommy dearest. It’s no fair if you start eavesdropping before I can even attempt to block you.”

  Her crimson lips curled into a smile. “You’ve gotten stronger in the months you spent away from the castle, Ransom. I don’t know whether to be pleased or concerned.”

  I shrugged. “How about a little of both?”

  She grunted and motioned toward the staircase that led to the main floor of the castle. “Your escort has arrived. I’ll remind you just once that this is your last chance at redemption, my boy. Despite my relationship with your father, there is only so much I can excuse. You heard Lucíano yesterday. My inner circle demands obedience from all offspring, new and old alike. If you step out of line, I won’t be able to hold them off any longer, and after everything your father has been through, I’d hate to subject him to another funeral.”

  I waved a dismissive hand. “Been there, done that. Everyone in Moon Valley thinks I died nearly two years ago.”

  “Not your father and not your brother.”

  I huffed out an exasperated breath and crossed my finger over my heart. “I promise to be on my best behavior, my queen.” I dipped into an elaborate bow.

  “Good. Remember, Phoenix will be reporting directly to me. If anything goes awry, she knows she has the authority to end your life.”

  Phoenix. I rolled the name around my tongue, savoring its intricacies. Yes, the name suited her well. I should’ve been more troubled by the queen’s words, but instead, I could only focus on those two syllables. Phoenix. Would she help me rise from the ashes? Or was it too late?

  “Are you ready?” Her sharp tone dragged me from my musings of the girl.

  “Always, my queen.” I offered her my arm and was only slightly surprised she took it.

  The walk up to the main floor of the castle was a quick one with my mind swirling with possibilities. Before I began my contemplations, I made sure to build up my mental walls to prevent Carmen Rosa from listening in. At least that had been one thing I’d practiced my entire life as a wolf living under the alpha’s control. Speaking of walls… It hadn’t escaped my attention that Red had managed to avoid my compulsion, thereby delivering me to the queen. Had that been a fluke? Perhaps the alcohol had dampened my abilities. Or could the little sicari truly evade vampire coercion? If so, my escape would prove trickier than planned.

  My thoughts flickered back to her apartment, to the feel of her pressed against me. The warmth of her body, the curve of her hip, her taste. If she hadn’t been compelled, she’d put on quite a show. I’d have to be on guard. I’d underestimated the girl. I couldn’t help the smile from splitting my lips as her lively emerald eyes danced across my vision. It wasn’t often someone got something past me.

  We entered the main foyer, and my gaze locked on hers. Those eyes were even more vivid than I remembered, like two jewels in a sea of darkness. She squirmed under my gaze, and another grin surfaced unbidden. Yes, I’d make my escape, but I’d have some fun with Red while I was at it. Remaining in Nocturnis seemed more impossible by the day, perhaps I’d have to give the human world a try after all. I just had to keep my bloodlust under control.

  “Are you ready, Phoenix?” Carmen Rosa’s words startled me. I’d nearly forgotten all about the queen.

  “All set.” She kept her eyes on the royal, refusing to spare me a glance despite my best efforts. Her tight jeans coiled around her hips, hugging the tight curves and revealing a few inches of skin beneath her tie-dye crop top. She’d done her homework. Though the condition of her jeans were too nice for a typical bloodwhore, her revealing shirt was on point. Her backpack hung from one shoulder, the other toting that medieval monstrosity she always carried.

  “You can’t walk into the Darklands with that.” I pointed at the weapon and scowled. “Everyone will know who you are, and my cover will be blown.”

  The queen released me and sauntered closer to her prized sicari. “He’s right, my dear.” She reached for the weapon, but Red dodged her advance.

  “Bardy goes where I go.”

  It took me a sec
ond to realize she’d given her favorite weapon a nickname. I had to suppress the chuckle of delight. This girl really was special.

  “Not to worry,” said the queen. She crooked a finger at a male standing in the shadows of the mammoth hearth. “Nestor, after you’ve portalled these two to the Darklands, transport this to the safehouse.”

  The warlock nodded.

  The tendon in Red’s jaw worked as she gritted her teeth. I could feel the objection on her lips, but somehow, she managed to tuck it away. She longed for the queen’s favor, to become her top slayer. Now with the alcohol and vervain out of my system, I regretted my rash decision from the night before. The loss of my wolf had nearly destroyed me when I first turned, and the idea of recovering him had made me reckless. I was seeing much more clearly now.

  Despite how she looked at me, she’d only ever see me as one thing. The enemy.

  She proved that last night, and I’d be stupid to ever think otherwise.

  Red unstrapped the bardiche and reluctantly handed it to the queen. Her eyes ran over the blade like a lost lover as Carmen Rosa gave it to the warlock. Gods, she was twisted, just like I liked them. Chasing the inappropriate thought out, I turned to the queen. “Anything in particular about Ronin’s operation that you’d like me to uncover for you?”

  Her dark eyes narrowed, and her tongue slid across her teeth. “Everything.”

  “Okay, then.” I offered my arm to the sicari. Her arms were crossed so tight over her chest, her biceps strained. “Shall we?” I shot her a crooked smile.

  Her gaze darted to the queen who nodded approvingly.

  With a huff, she weaved her arm through mine.

  “Don’t worry, Red, I promise it’ll be a good time.”

  The warlock began to mutter, and the whirling winds of the portal appeared seconds later. I squinted, the brilliant blues illuminating the dark chamber.

  “Good luck,” said Carmen Rosa, but her words were muffled by the violent storm churning in the middle of the room.

  I tightened my hold on Red’s arm, drawing her closer, and we jumped.

  Red landed in a crouch beside me, her arm coming free as the winds pulled us apart upon arrival. My eyes were drawn to her stance, the predatory lupine pose. Why hadn’t I seen her shift yet? My mind whirled back to the island. I’d seen her team member turn, but never her. I added it to my ongoing list of interesting traits. To defeat an enemy, it was necessary to know your enemy. That was something my father had taught me.

  “What?” she snapped.


  The portal had dropped us off a few feet from the river, a strategic spot for a sicari safehouse, right on the border between the two territories.

  “Come on, it’s this way.” Red took the lead, her boots slapping on the cracked pavement.

  “You know, for a bloodwhore, you sure are bossy.”

  She spun back and seared me with a glacial glare. “Suck me sideways.”

  A laugh burst from my lips.

  “Let’s get something straight here, Ransom. I’m in charge of this op. When we’re not in front of other fangers, I’m not your freakin’ bloodwhore, I’m the sicari sent to babysit your vampire ass.”

  “Whoa, someone is not a morning person.”

  She shoved her finger in my chest and snarled. “No, I just don’t appreciate being relegated to watching a spoiled vamp when I should be leading my team.”

  “And the possibility of getting close to Ronin doesn’t strike your fancy at all?”

  Her eyes widened, and a vein pulsed to life across her forehead. Gotcha.

  “What is your deal with the leader of the Children of the Night, anyway?”

  “That’s none of your business,” she muttered and spun on her heel, picking up the pace.

  I jogged up beside her. “Actually, it is my business. If I’m supposed to infiltrate his crew with you on my arm, I need to know if he’s going to recognize you.”

  “He won’t. I’ll play my part don’t worry.” She turned down a narrow alley and jerked at the rickety fire escape ladder that hung from a dilapidated four-story building. The rusty thing stretched out, and she ticked her head up. “After you.”

  “Sure. We wouldn’t want you plunging to your death when that contraption falls apart halfway up.” I reached for the first rung and vamp-sped to the top. Peering over the edge at her, I caught a muffled curse escaping her clenched teeth as she began to climb.

  The fourth-floor window was ajar, and I pried it open with one eye on the ascending sicari. I hadn’t been kidding about the ladder. It was a death trap. If she hadn’t been so nimble, it would’ve likely crumbled beneath her feet.

  Once she safely reached the tiny balcony, I climbed into the dark room. My pupils adjusted, taking in the small space. A kitchenette ran along the right wall, and a couch and TV sat in the middle of the room. Beyond that, a doorway led into what I assumed was the bedroom and adjacent bathroom. It would be tight quarters for the next few days until I could figure out a way to make my escape.

  Red’s footsteps turned my attention back to the kitchenette. Her eyes lit up as they landed on the weapon perched beside the small table. She lifted the bardiche, caressing the long staff.

  “Should I leave you two alone?” I shot her a mischievous smirk. “Or would you prefer a softer shaft to fondle?”

  Her eyes bugged out, two gleaming emerald orbs emerging from the darkness.

  “Not even in your wildest dreams.” She lowered the weapon, hanging it from one of the chairs.

  “Oh, Red, trust me, you could not handle my dreams.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I don’t have to.” She stomped past me and disappeared through the door at the end of the living room. When she reappeared a few minutes later, her backpack was gone. “That’s my room. You can sleep on the couch.”

  “And so the torture begins.” I slumped down on the stiff sofa as she circled the room, igniting a few kerosene lamps.

  “You trying to set the mood?”

  She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Trying not to call too much attention, but I’d rather not sit in the dark with a fanger.”

  “Why do you say that word so derogatorily?”

  “It’s what you are,” she hissed. Then she turned to the fridge and examined its contents. From the corner of my eye, I caught the mouthwatering sight of frozen bloodbags. Okay mouthwatering was a stretch, but I was starting to get hungry. And the last thing I needed was to be hungry around her. Not when she smelled like that. Like the ripest, most delicious apple in the entire gods’ forsaken orchard. She spun at me, eyes narrowed, assessing. “Do you need to feed before we go?”

  “Go where?” I stretched my legs out on the chipped coffee table.

  “To Ronin’s hideout.”

  Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Do you know nothing about spy work, Red? You can’t just show up at the bad guy’s door and knock. You have to wait for them to come to you.”

  “You think they’re magically going to show up here and offer you a spot in their gang?”

  “They already have, my little sicari. I just turned them down.”

  Her brows slammed together, a mixture of surprise, disbelief and maybe a hint of admiration furrowing the line above her pert nose. Once she’d recovered from her prejudiced beliefs being rocked to the core, she folded her arms across her chest and puckered her lips. “Then what do you suggest?”

  “We go out to one of the hot vamp spots and make our presence known.”

  “In the Darklands?” Her luscious pink lips twisted into a deeper frown.

  “Of course not, we’re not animals.” I ticked my head toward the window and the river snaking just below it. “To the Rive Gauche, where the high and mighty Royals mix with the serviles without batting an eye. If there’s free flowing human blood and human entertainment, you’ll find the lines drawn between the classes are easily erased.”

  She threw her hands up and muttered, “Fine.” Reaching for her weap
on of choice, she headed toward the door.

  “Oh, Red, number one, you can’t go out with that cleaver, and number two, that outfit would be fine for a bloodwhore confined to the Darklands, but not for a night out on the Rive.”

  “Are you seriously telling me what to wear right now?”

  I nodded and shot her a placating smile. “You’re gorgeous in anything, little sicari, but if you’re going to do this right, you have to dress the part.”

  She stomped to the bedroom and slammed the door behind her with a huff.

  Oh yeah, this was going to be fun…




  * * *

  I resisted the urge to curse with every step in the thigh-high pleather boots Ransom had forced me to wear. With my blazing red hair loose over my shoulders, bare midriff, and the leather mini skirt, I felt like I was channeling my inner Pretty Woman. Only Richard Gere wasn’t at my side. Nope, I had an annoyingly witty vampire instead.

  How had I let him convince me to wear these clothes? My stake was practically visible beneath the tiny skirt, and my spray bottle of vervain was poking out of my bra. And bardy… don’t even get me started on leaving my trusty weapon behind.

  “The clothes wouldn’t have been at the safehouse if you weren’t supposed to wear them,” Ransom whispered as we crossed the street toward a lively establishment on the corner. “Stop fidgeting.”

  “I can’t help it,” I hissed. “I had to strap the stake so high up my thigh because of this damned skirt that one wrong move and I can say goodbye to ever having children.” I snapped my mouth shut to halt the verbal diarrhea. Gods, what was wrong with me? I was pretty sure I didn’t even want kids. What would make me bring that up to an immortal male?

  He smothered a laugh. “It’s not your baby-making abilities I’m concerned with.” He shot me a wicked grin, and a hint of heat unfurled in my core.


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