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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

Page 20

by G. K. DeRosa

  Ransom scoffed. “Like I’d leave her with you, Dinah. As I recall, your appetite is insatiable.”

  She shrugged, a coy smile on her pouty little mouth. “I promise to be good if you promise to quell my other appetites after your meeting.”

  He rubbed at the scruff on his chin, the grating sound prickling my flesh. “I suppose that depends on how it goes.” His arms encircled me, drawing me tight against the hard planes of his chest. “But she still comes with me.”

  With a hard eyeroll, she caved. “Fine.” She motioned toward one of the private rooms at the back corner. “He’ll meet you in there then.”

  “Wonderful.” Ransom picked me up off his lap as if I weighed no more than a feather and deposited me on the floor beside him. His fingers wrapped around my hand, and he tugged me toward the crimson enclosure.

  My heart ratcheted up with every step closer, and it took all my willpower to keep it from breaking through my ribcage. After so many years, to be face-to-face with the man who’d killed my parents… Shit. I couldn’t do this.

  My mind spun back to the camp, to the billowing plumes of smoke, the putrid odor of decaying flesh. My mom’s face flashed across my mind. So pale, so still. I hurtled down the spiral of gruesome memories. Free-falling.

  Everything blurred around me.

  No. Not now. All my training, the years of hard work and sacrifice, it all flew out the window. A tangled mess of emotions filled my chest and burned my eyes.

  I barely noticed the crimson curtain as it closed around us, my mind too consumed with the darkness of the past.

  “Phoenix! Phoenix, snap out of it.” A familiar voice drew me back from the precipice.

  I blinked rapidly, and two bottomless obsidian orbs blotted out my vision.

  “Breathe, Phoenix. Everything is going to be fine.” Ransom’s pupils pulsed, the steady contracting and enlarging oddly mesmerizing. “Look at me, focus only on me.” His arms curled around my middle, and he drew me into his chest. I buried my face against his silky shirt and his musky, woodsy scent enveloped me in a soothing bubble.

  His hands cupped my cheeks, and he searched my eyes. “Are you going to be okay? Can you pull this off?”

  I nodded quickly.

  “Ronin’s going to be here in a second, and I need to know if I have to get you out now.”

  “No, I can do this.” I steeled my nerves and called on the quiet calm that came from the years of training. The peace before the battle, the laser-sharp focus. Closing my eyes, I imagined the feel of bardy in my hands, the power behind that blade. I was a freakin’ badass sicari. What the hell was wrong with me? I’d dreamt of this day for as long as I could remember. “I’m ready.”

  The anxious furrow of his brow relaxed, and he eyed me skeptically. “You had me worried there for a second, Nix.”

  Nix. I almost smiled. It had been the first time he’d ever called me by my nickname. I hated how much I liked the sound of it on his lips.

  The curtain whooshed open, and the vampire who’d plagued my nightmares for as long as I could remember filled the entryway.




  * * *

  My eyes locked on the tattoo. On the black symbol, the swirling dark whorls and crosses across his left cheek. My heart stopped for only an instant before that laser-sharp focus returned. Everything around me went silent, the room blurring in the background. I bent down and reached for the stake strapped to my thigh.

  I didn’t think. I didn’t wait.

  “Ah, let me help you with that.” Ransom spun me toward him and clamped his hand around my fingers before they closed around the stake. He jerked me against his chest and threaded his free hand through the hair at the back of my neck. He kissed me hard, teeth gnashing against mine.

  I knew what he was doing. He was punishing me.

  But I didn’t care. How could I be in the same room as Ronin and not try to end him?

  The tense set of my body slackened against Ransom’s, and he finally released me. He’d won, and he knew it. I leaned into him, baring my neck like a good little bloodwhore.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Ronin finally spoke after silently watching the exchange.

  “Not at all,” said Ransom, tugging my skirt down. “I just can’t get enough of her.”

  “I’m sure.” His eyes narrowed as they lanced over me. “I can hardly tell where her scent begins and yours ends.”

  Sucker! I actually inched closer to Ransom, staring up at him adoringly.

  “Dinah said there was something you wanted to speak to me about?” Ransom cocked a casual brow.

  “Have you reconsidered my offer? I see you’ve been frequenting my clubs, so I assume you must have.”

  My brows knitted as I waited for Ransom’s response. What offer?

  “Do I want to join you and your Children?” He shook his head. “Not really, but I do like to eat.”

  “I warned you after our last encounter. Stay away from my brothels unless you’re ready to bend the knee.”

  “You know, I hated that show. Can’t we just settle on co-existing peacefully?”

  Ronin shook his head. “Why would you come here, flaunting that bloodwhore, if you weren’t planning on joining my ranks?”

  “Oh, this lovely establishment is yours?” He reached for the crimson curtain, rubbing the crushed velvet between his fingers. “Kuddos, my friend. Things must be going well for you.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Ransom, unless you want your lady friend to leave this lovely establishment in a body bag coated with your ashes.”

  A guttural growl pierced the air, and I tensed. Ransom’s body was like stone against my flesh. His eyes narrowed, anger carving into his handsome features. “You can insult me all you want, Ronin, but when you threaten what’s mine, we have a problem.”

  The male stiffened. “Perhaps I was wrong about you. Your antiquated ways have no place in my association.”

  “Thanatos, what is up with all the sharing is caring shit around here?” The amusement was back in his teasing tone. “To be quite honest, I like the idea of human blood on tap, don’t get me wrong. I’m just not fond of the notion of answering to the likes of your associates. I am a vampire prince, after all.”

  “And what about me? Would you answer to me?” Ronin growled.

  “Maybe. If it was worth my while.”

  The rebel vampire’s eyes razed over me, and goose bumps puckered my skin. Those eyes, I’d never forget them. They still haunted my nights. He crossed his arms over his chest and diverted his attention to Ransom. “What do you want for your allegiance?”

  “A ticket out of here once it’s all over. I want to disappear.”

  I tried not to react to his words, reining in my shock. Was this part of the game or was he serious?

  “Once this is over, Carmen Rosa will be no more. I doubt anyone would come after you.” A sinister grin pulled at the corner of his thin lips. “Or send you back to the Isle of Mordis.”

  Damn, someone had done his homework on Ransom De La Sangue.

  “And what exactly would you require of me?” Ransom asked.

  “I need you to stay close to your sire. Keep us abreast of her plans against us.”

  I almost laughed out loud. Ronin and Carmen Rosa were more similar than they knew.

  “We’re not really in a good place right now,” Ransom responded. “You know, since she tried to kill me and all.”

  “That’s another thing—” Ronin wagged his finger at us. “I’d have that island prison disbanded immediately and our people freed. The Royal sicari would be no more.”

  “I like that.” Ransom grinned.

  “Fine, if you can’t provide intel on the queen, then I need you in the front lines. I recently lost one of my generals. Would you be interested in replacing him?”

  Ransom buffed his nails against his shirt and blew at his fingers. “I suppose I could fit it into my schedule.”
br />   “Very well. Dinah will contact you tomorrow to arrange the details.”

  Ugh. Of course, it would be vampire Barbie.

  Ronin’s hard gaze flickered to me, and despite my wolf surging beneath my skin, I forced my eyes down like a good bloodwhore. “One more thing.”

  I stiffened, something in his tone setting off alarm bells.

  He moved closer, and Ransom’s hold around my waist tightened. Ronin swept my long, auburn locks behind my ear and cupped my cheek. I swallowed down the urge to vomit, my flesh crawling at his touch. “I’d like a taste of this one. She smells different.”

  Ransom jerked me back, his figure nothing but an inky blur as his body became a wall between us. “No deal.”

  The fanger cocked his head at Ransom, eyes wide. “You’d deny me a bite?”

  “She’s mine,” he growled again. “Consider me old school in that regard.”

  Something unreadable flashed across Ronin’s pitch irises. A long minute later, he loosed a breath. “We’re going to have to do something about this possessive streak, Ransom. It’s unbecoming for one of my generals.” He waved a nonchalant hand and continued, “Besides, once you’ve had a taste of the humans in my private collection, this one will seem paltry in comparison.”

  Doubtful, vamp-hole.

  “Maybe.” Ransom took my hand, turning it to expose my wrist. “But for now, she’ll do.” His fangs pierced my flesh, and I sagged against him, my mind already spinning. I tried to focus, tried to fight the debilitating effects of the venom. I couldn’t risk losing myself with Ronin just a few feet away.

  He watched us intently, crimson eclipsing his pitch irises.

  This was probably not a good idea. We didn’t want to tempt the beast.

  Ransom finally released me, and I tucked my hand behind my back.

  “Where did you find her by the way?” Ronin asked, licking the drool from his bottom lip. “She’s not from one of my brothels.”

  “No, she’s not. I found her on the border of the Darklands. She’s been a very willing guest at my home.”

  “Ah, now I see why you’ve grown so attached to her.” His lip curled as his eyes lasered down my body, lingering below my navel. “She must be satisfying on both ends.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” Ransom pressed my back to his front and thrusted.

  Ronin chuckled darkly.

  My hands curled into fists at my side, and it took everything I had not to stab the bastard fanger in the heart. Both of them. Heat scorched my cheeks, anger, not embarrassment this time.

  “Speaking of satisfying, it’s time we took our leave. I’m getting hungry.” Ransom’s hands gripped my hips, and the ground fell from under my feet as he tossed me over his shoulder. I wiggled as I dangled but a quick smack on the ass put an end to my squirming.

  The faster we were out of there the better.

  Ronin drew the curtain back, then dug his fingers into his pocket. Pulling out an old flip-phone, he handed it to Ransom. “Dinah will be in touch.”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  As soon as we crossed the bridge back into the Darklands, my fists pounded into Ransom’s back. “You can let me down now, you vampire caveman.”

  He slammed to a halt, and I nearly flew over his shoulder. Grasping onto his shirt for purchase, I stopped my forward motion enough to tuck into a ball and roll, landing in a perfect crouch.

  “Impressive,” he snarked.

  I slapped my hands on my hips and glared up at the insufferable vampire. “Did you have to be such a Neanderthal back there?”

  “I had to make sure we were convincing.”

  “Job well done,” I mumbled.

  “You too. You did well tonight.” He stepped into pace beside me as I turned toward the rundown building a few blocks away. “Except for the part when you tried to stake him.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “He would’ve taken you down before your weapon made contact.”

  “That’s what you think.”

  After a pause, he mumbled, “I really thought you were going to flip out for a minute.”

  I grunted. “Momentary lapse. I’m back on my game now.”

  “Good. You’re going to need to be. It will be hard keeping them off you, as you’ve noticed.”

  “Now that you’re in, there’s no reason for me to hang around you all the time. We can come up with a schedule. I’ll check in a few times a week.”

  “Uh, uh, uh, little sicari. I don’t think that was the deal with the queen. You’re supposed to hang out to keep me safe.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “Forever?”

  “Until we’ve taken him down, I suppose.”

  “Or you ride off and disappear in the sunset.”

  He smirked. “So you caught that, huh?”

  “I’m not deaf.”

  Ransom shrugged nonchalantly. “It was all part of the show, Red. I’m not going anywhere.”

  We lapsed into an oddly comfortable silence after that, but his words played on repeat in my head. I wasn’t surprised he’d try to run, but what did surprise me was the pang that streaked across my chest at the idea of it.




  * * *

  I had to stop watching her sleep. I was bordering on stalking now. I tore my gaze away from the halo of auburn hair, the soft set of her lips, the rosy hue of her cheeks. We’d exchanged too much blood. Already, I could feel a bond forming with the girl. It would prove disastrous coupled with the other thing…

  I rubbed at the vacant hole in my chest, where my wolf used to reside. A tiny portion of it had been filled—by her. My head twisted back, unbidden. I watched the steady rise and fall of her chest, her breasts pressing against the tight tee, for only another second before closing the door.

  I couldn’t get the memory of the feel of her pressed against my body while we danced out of my mind. And I had to…

  My part in this mission was almost over. Once I’d gotten into Ronin’s good graces and repaid my debt to Carmen Rosa, I was out. It didn’t matter what I felt—or may have felt for her. Phoenix’s mate died over a year ago. I wasn’t that man anymore.

  Sleep. I needed to sleep. I folded down onto the couch and willed my eyes closed. Thanatos, things were so much easier when I’d turned everything off. Those first few months when I turned had been glorious. I was so lost in the bloodlust, I didn’t feel anything. I didn’t miss anything. Now, with Red’s appearance, everything was flooding back.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as screams echoed across my skull. I was starting to see my victim’s faces. Before, they were only shadows, but recently something had changed. That gnawing sensation in my gut was growing worse.

  Had I suddenly developed a conscience?

  I shook my head driving out the crazy thought. Not possible. I was a vampire. I had no soul. I was a soulless bloodsucker according to Red, and she was right.

  An annoying buzz drew my attention from my inner ramblings to the phone on the chipped coffee table. I reached for it and flipped open the antique device, scanning the glowing green screen.

  Dinah: You ready?

  I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was just past three in the morning. We’d only gotten home a few hours ago. Ronin must’ve been desperate. With a grunt, my fingers flew over the dial pad.

  Me: You know I’m always ready.


  Me: Where to?

  Dinah: Meet me at the corner of Racine and Fatio. You know it?

  Me: Of course. It’s down the block from one of the best brothels along the Rive.

  Dinah: See you in fifteen.

  I snapped the phone shut and slipped it into my pocket as I rose. I only debated waking Red for a minute. She’d be safer here. If all went well, I’d be back before she woke up anyway. I crept toward the bedroom and pressed my ear to the door. Her quiet breaths seeped through the shoddy timber. Closing my eyes, I could picture her splayed across the mattres
s. My fingers twitched, wanting more than anything to turn the knob. Just one last peek…

  I jerked my arm back, buried my hand in my pocket, and spun toward the door. I needed this mission to be over with as soon as possible, before I did something stupid.

  The cool night air cleared my mind. Racing across the desolate sidewalks, I felt free. It was almost like being in fur. Only I was much faster now. As a Royal wolf, created by the goddess Luna and descended from the vampire queen herself, I’d been blessed with vampiric traits. Ironic I’d ended up as an actual vampire. I’d always been faster, stronger, and had I made it past my twenties, my ageing would’ve slowed like my father’s. Royal wolves craved blood, but it wasn’t necessary to survive. If we chose not to partake, it would merely shorten our lifespan and slow our healing and special abilities. I occasionally enjoyed the stuff, but the desires were nothing like they were now.

  As soon as I crossed the bridge, a tall blonde caught my eye. Dinah leaned against the street post at the corner, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. She straightened as I approached and fiddled with the top button of her blouse. If she wriggled another inch, the last button would pop revealing her lacy black bra beneath.

  I was fairly certain that was her intent.

  Dinah and I had a short affair a few months after I’d been turned. I was out of my mind at the time. I didn’t remember much besides it being fun. The female knew how to party and now her human blood connections made sense. How long had Ronin been planning this move against the queen?

  Dinah’s eyes flickered over me appreciatively when I sauntered up. Her tongue snaked out and wet her full lips as she regarded me. “I’m glad your bloodwhore isn’t in tow.”

  “Oh, Dinah, jealousy doesn’t suit a female like you.” I curled my arm around her small waist and brushed my mouth to her cheek.


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