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The Persuasion

Page 38

by Iris Johansen

  “No, I’ll talk to him. He’s a bully and likes the idea of intimidation. Let him take it out on me. It keeps him from looking around for another target, like Tomas.” She drew a deep breath and answered the call. “Hello, Luca.”

  “You’ve been busy,” Luca said. “I have a report that you’ve been talking to MacDuff. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re being so cooperative. How is MacDuff? Was Caleb able to persuade him to his way of thinking?”

  “MacDuff agreed to do it. It wasn’t that difficult. He reacted just as Caleb thought he would. He thinks he’s going to be able to either kill you or put you behind bars. He doesn’t realize that if it suits Caleb, he’ll have no compunction about killing him after we’re down in the vaults.”

  “And you didn’t tell him?”

  “You know I didn’t. I hated sitting there and listening to Caleb talk him into doing it. But I knew there wasn’t any doubt that you’d kill Tomas if I did anything to make you lose that damn treasure.” She added wearily, “And I hoped I might persuade Caleb to let MacDuff live if he doesn’t give him too much trouble in the bank.”

  “I doubt it. It would be much more efficient to kill him, and Caleb is very, very efficient. Though you have my permission to offer him any lure you think would please him to do it. By all means, keep Caleb content and working hard and fast to get that treasure for me any way it can be done.”

  “Your permission?”

  “You’re offended? Yes, everything depends on my permission. You have to remember that you’re just on loan to Caleb. By the way, your new address is Twenty-Four North Thorn Way in Edinburgh. I hope the two of you will both be very happy there. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you and expect a report from Caleb as soon as he finalizes the plans for tomorrow night.” He paused. “Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll be hearing from Tomas, Jane.”

  “Caleb will call you,” she said coldly. “Is that all?”

  “For the time being.” He suddenly burst out, “I’m really finding you a trifle boring, and your insolence is unbearable. I’m beginning to wonder why I thought you might be suitable for my purpose. You’ve given me nothing but trouble since this began. I’ll have to consider how you should be punished for wasting my time.” He cut the connection.

  “I believe I might be on Luca’s discard list. What a pity,” she said bitterly as she turned to Caleb. “I didn’t handle him very well. I could tell he was seething with impatience. I should have shown him more panic and pain. He likes pain. I was so angry and frustrated it was all I could do just to keep myself from screaming at him. I’ll be more careful the next time.”

  “I told you I’d talk to him.” He started the helicopter and it lifted off. “His reaction was…extreme. But you did everything you should have. You verified that Luca has men watching us and assured him that MacDuff is on board to help me get what he wants. And he wouldn’t have believed you if you’d been any more docile. He knows you too well after Tower House.” He was silent for a moment, thinking, before he added slowly, “No, it wasn’t you, it was something else Luca has on his mind. Something else is going on with him. I could feel it.” Then he shook his head. “Don’t worry about it now. Let me think about it. Relax and I’ll have you back in Edinburgh in no time.”

  “To that house on North Thorn Way that Luca so kindly set up for us?” she asked sarcastically.

  “No, I’ve already got a house there that suits me better. It will have no bugs for him to listen to what we say and no easy access for any of his men to pay us visits.” He grimaced. “Though I’m already regretting the latter. I’m going to really need an outlet in the next couple of days.”

  Her eyes widened. “Caleb.”

  “You’re worried about the boy if I don’t toe the line? It will be okay. Luca might be feeling a little heady with power after he managed to have his way about making me stay at Fiero. But he’s not fool enough to believe he can keep me on a leash.” He added, “As far as he knows, I care nothing for the child and only gave in because you were upset and asked me to. He believes he has you under control, but he won’t think that you’ll be able to sway me for very long. I was very careful about changing his perception of me. He accepts it totally. It would be against everything he’s certain he knows about me now, everything I’ve made him believe, and it would make him suspicious if I change anything.”

  She could see it, but it still frightened her. “Luca’s not stable, Caleb.”

  “But he can see he’s almost at the finish line. And he’ll do anything to cross it and get what he wants.”

  She nodded. “Even give me permission to ‘keep you happy.’ That was one of the times I almost lost my temper. It was pretty clear where he was going. As I said, I might be on his discard list.” She paused. “But you’ll be careful with him? You won’t let him—No, of course you wouldn’t. I was just scared for a moment.”

  “And remembered to whom you were talking?” he asked cynically.

  “No, I forgot to whom I was talking. You would never do anything that would hurt either me or Tomas. You’d find a way to keep us safe.” She looked out the window as MacDuff’s Run faded into the distance. Everything seemed to be moving at lightning speed now, and she could feel the fear gripping her. “But that’s not enough, Caleb. MacDuff is right, you might be moving too fast because you want this over. I won’t have anything happen to you, do you hear?”

  “Oh, yes, I hear you loud and clear. I have no intention of letting anything bad happen to me.” He smiled mockingly. “Haven’t you noticed that only occurs to other people around me? Everyone else can see it. It’s all in the genes.”

  “Bullshit.” But she could see he wasn’t going to promise her to slow the pace. She could sense the reckless tension beneath that smile. She could tell he was in full hunter mode. “I won’t lose you, Caleb.”

  His smile ebbed and then disappeared. “No, you won’t,” he said quietly. “I’ll always be there. But it’s time that I started moving, and I can’t let you stop me. Things are changing, and we have to adapt.” He paused. “And I guarantee you’re not going to like how I’m going to handle Luca when I call him back today.”

  She stiffened. “Why not?”

  “Because you’d consider it going into hyper speed.” He changed the subject. “Didn’t Eve say that she wanted you to talk to Michael? Why don’t you call him now?”

  “So that I’ll stop nagging you to tell me what you meant?”

  He nodded. “Exactly.”

  She was not going to get anything more out of him. At least that recklessness had lessened, if it hadn’t entirely vanished. She took her phone out of her pocket and started punching in the number.

  Michael picked up after only one ring. His words tumbled out. “Hi, Jane. I was going to call you, but Mom said you might be busy with Lord MacDuff and to let you call me. You’re okay, aren’t you? I was worried about you. I told you that you shouldn’t do that. We should have been together. You shouldn’t have been alone with—”

  “I remember you said that,” she interceded to try to stem the flow. “But it seemed the best thing to do at the time. And I’m okay.” She paused before she added, “And I don’t think you let the fact that I left you behind keep you from trailing after me, did it? You were contacting Tomas?”

  “It was the only way I could think to do it. I wasn’t sure I could reach you. It was so far away. I’d only been able to reach Mom, and then later Dad, a couple of times when they weren’t right there with me. But I guess a kid is kind of…open.” She could tell he was trying to work it out for himself. “It was hard at first but then Tomas got easier and easier. On that last night before you went away, I didn’t even have to wait until he went to sleep. If I concentrated, I could be there with him, seeing what he saw. It was pretty cool.”

  “I can see how it would be. How is he, Michael?”

  “Sad. Scared. He pushed me away after you left him, but I’ve been concentrating and talking to him and he’s better
now. And I’m learning all the time about how to do stuff. I didn’t try before because I knew Mom and Dad didn’t want me to do it. But it’s…exciting, Jane.”

  “And pretty cool,” she repeated. “But I think that your mom and dad would prefer you focus on finding us a way to save Tomas while you do it. It’s important that your dad get Tomas out of there as soon as possible.”

  “I know that.” His voice was troubled. “I had Tomas get up and walk across the room with his mama this morning and he almost fell down. His legs are really weak, and his balance is off because his arms are all swollen and hurting. It was bad what they did to him.”

  “Yes.” And it was bad that Michael was having to face that torture. “But we’ll get him well and strong again.”

  “I know we will.” He was silent. “But we mustn’t let those people ever do it again. Tell Caleb that, will you?”

  “I don’t believe I’ll have to tell Caleb. But you’re doing your part just helping to get Tomas stronger, and it will help if you let us know what’s going on with him.” She paused. “I’m sorry you have to see all this, Michael. It’s terrible, and I know it hurts you. You’re being very brave. I’m proud of you.”

  “It hurts him. Tell Caleb.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell him. I’ll let you go now. I’ll be in touch. I love you.”

  “Bye, Jane. I’m glad we have you back.”

  Caleb was gazing quizzically at her as she ended the call. “He’s having a difficult time?”

  “Yes, and I hate it for him. He shouldn’t have to face this. But he won’t stop because he might be able to help.”

  “And what did he ask you to tell me?”

  “He told me once he believed there were monsters, but that he thought there were also people who could fight them. Now Tomas is showing Michael what agony a monster can cause every time he’s with him.”

  “And his message for me?” He held up his hand. “Never mind. I can imagine. Michael and I both have a very simple and direct mind-set. You can tell him I understood.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll try my best not to do that. He’s facing enough ugliness at Tower House trying to help that boy survive without discussing when and how to eliminate monsters.”

  * * *

  Tower House

  Luca received a call from Caleb at 5:40 that afternoon. He snatched up the phone, punched ACCESS, and shouted, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Caleb?”

  “As you can see, I’m humbly obeying your instructions to Jane that I should phone you,” Caleb said. “Enjoy it. It won’t happen again.”

  “Where are you?” Luca hissed. “You’re not at the Thorn Way house as I instructed. And I’ve been calling both of you for the past two hours.”

  “What a waste of time. Though Jane would have answered, but I told her that I wouldn’t permit it. I was bored with playing your game. That night at Fiero was enough for me, and I wouldn’t have let you get away with it except that I discovered it had dividends. Actually, that little egotistical indulgence of yours backfired. I found I still had a few lingering feelings for Jane, so I gave her what she wanted when she asked me to stay. In fact, she was so entertaining and convincing that night, I decided to keep her with me after all. So you’ll have to find another artist to play your patron games with, Luca.” He paused. “But that also means I’ll have to change the arrangements we have for Cira’s treasure.”

  “What the hell do you mean?” Luca grated through set teeth.

  “Just a small adjustment. Jane wants Tomas released and I’m not in the mood to refuse her. She didn’t trust that you’d see your way clear to letting him go after you have your hands on the treasure, so it will have to be at the time I deliver.”

  “Are you insane?” He added viciously, “I’ll send you his head! I’ll chop him into pieces!”

  “No, that wouldn’t do at all. You’re not talking to Jane; threats won’t work with me. It’s the time for choices, Luca. Jane told you that today I’d made sure I could use MacDuff to go after the treasure. That’s the last piece in the puzzle as far as I’m concerned. Now you have to decide if you still want your share.” He added mockingly, “And I have to decide if I want to take it all for myself. I’m tempted, because you tried to use me and that pisses me off. If I let you keep it, it has to be on my terms. You’ll do a trade for the boy at the time of delivery of the treasure. You’ll permit Jane to call and talk to Tomas anytime she wishes before then so that she can verify he’s alive and well. Agreed?”


  “Then you’ll get zilch. I know you’ll probably kill the boy sooner or later anyway if you don’t take my offer. So does Jane or she wouldn’t have come to me and asked me to make him part of the deal.”

  “She’ll call me back and tell me not to listen to you.” He spat out the words. “She’ll beg me not to kill that kid.”

  “No, I won’t let her. She knew when she asked me to interfere that I’d be in charge. Besides, she doesn’t beg, though she might make an exception and beg me to kill you if you actually do something foolish and hurt Tomas.” He added softly, “She wouldn’t have to plead long or hard. On some subjects, I’m putty in her hands.”

  Luca felt as if he were choking with rage. “You can’t do this to me.”

  “You should have known I wouldn’t stay under anyone’s thumb for very long. After all that studying and research you claim you did on me, didn’t you learn anything? I don’t know why you’re complaining. Well, I guess I do, you hate to lose. But it’s only a slight adjustment. And then I grab Cira’s treasure and do whatever I choose to make this work for both of us. Shouldn’t you just agree so that we can get down to the business of taking that treasure away from MacDuff?”

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Am I? You’ll have to judge for yourself. Think about it. You’ve always assured me that you know everything there is to know about me. Maybe you were right and there is a touch of obsessiveness in my relationship with Jane. Do you want to take the chance? Tomorrow night I could make you an enormously rich man. I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted. Hell, with your share you could build your own city-state that would dazzle the world. You could be greater than the Medicis ever dreamed of being. You only have to arrange to get your treasure out of Scotland and then give Jane what she wants.” He paused and then added, “I’ve gone to a great deal of trouble and money to set this up, but if you won’t give me what I want, I can walk away and do it later on my own. Can you say the same?”

  The bastard knew he couldn’t, Luca thought furiously. He’d always realized Caleb was a unique asset that couldn’t be substituted. Everything you’ve ever wanted…Dazzle the world…He could see it gleaming in the distance, beckoning him. “Perhaps we could discuss it,” he forced himself to say.

  “Not good enough. Commit.”

  “She can have Tomas,” he said stiltedly. “Whatever you want. He doesn’t matter.”

  “Excellent. I’m glad you’re being reasonable.”

  Malicious asshole. Luca struggled to hold on to his temper.

  Dazzle the world. I can dazzle the world.

  “It will still happen tomorrow night?”

  “That’s what I said. Three thirty A.M. I’ll make the final selection I need from the guards tonight and set them up. But I’ll need to know where to deliver your share of the treasure. Have you made the arrangements yet? It should be outside the city. After we leave the bank, I don’t want to be anywhere near it in case something goes wrong.”

  “Do you think I’m an idiot? I arranged all of that eight months ago when I knew I was ready to get you to go after the treasure. It’s a house in the Highlands with a landing field that will allow me to ship that treasure out within an hour of receiving it from you.”

  “Now I do feel very taken for granted,” Caleb said derisively. “Yes, I’d say that’s far enough to give us wriggle room. Would you care to give me the exact location?”

  “Hell, no
. I’ll tell you that when you’re on your way to put it in my hands.” He paused. “And when the men I have watching you tell me that you’ve left the bank with the treasure, and I’m sure you’re not trying to trick me.” He didn’t bother to try to keep the rage from his voice. “You keep changing the rules and you just think I’ll put up with it? You believe because I let you dangle that treasure in front of me that you can persuade me into giving you anything you want? I might give you that useless boy, but I’m still in control of everything else and I won’t be cheated. Here’s what’s going to happen the minute you leave that bank. There will be a van waiting outside in which you’ll put the treasure, then you and Jane will get in and drive to the private airport outside the city that’s keyed into the GPS. Any deviation and I kill the child. When you arrive at the airport, there will be one of my men there to meet you. You will open the chests and show him that what you’ve brought is the genuine article. If the treasure passes inspection, only then can you board the plane and be given the flight plan that will take you to the delivery site. I don’t have to tell you that I won’t tolerate any type of trickery. I want that treasure, but I won’t hesitate to blow it and you out of the sky if I think that you’re trying to make a fool of me.”

  “Now, why would I try to do something as useless as that would be?” Caleb murmured. “Good enough. And I’ll be just as careful about my arrangements for delivery. You won’t get your hands on your share of the treasure until you bring Tomas out to the plane for the trade. Though I realize an honorable man like you would never think of a double cross.” He cut the connection.

  “Condescending son of a bitch!” Luca’s hand clenched on his phone. He was panting, shaking. He’d barely been able to finish the call after he’d had to give Caleb that humiliating victory. Then he was swearing vehemently as he threw his phone down on the desk with all his force. “I’m going to kill him.”

  Davron tensed warily. “You’ve always said he’d have to die. It wouldn’t be safe to leave him alive. What did he do now?”


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