Quagmire's Revenge

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Quagmire's Revenge Page 1

by Alisa Guttadauro

  Copyright © 2019 by Alisa Guttadauro

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever including Internet usage, without written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, or events used in this book are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, alive or deceased, events or locales is completely coincidental.

  Cover design by Jeanine Henning

  Book design by Maureen Cutajar (www.gopublished.com)

  Print ISBN: 978-1688897137

  To Sammy Abujaja, a strong warrior, great friend, and genuinely wonderful person. Although you were taken away from us too soon, you will forever remain in our hearts. Fly with the Angels Sammy, you are surely one of them.


  Part One

  Part Two


  About the Author

  Part One

  “Careful with the trident!” hissed Raven to her sister Ruby. “Thanks a lot,” Ruby snapped back, “I nearly dropped it!” The magical trident was handed down to the sisters from their father Edrical, a wizard, who was killed by the wicked dragon Quagmire, some years ago. The girls lived in Dragoness, a land in the kingdom of Equonicous, which was once a peaceful place for all of its inhabitants. A tear fell from Ruby’s eye as she thought of her father. The trident, which was made of steel, had a birthstone on each of its three points. The first stone was an amethyst which represented the girl’s mother’s birthstone. The second was Raven’s birthstone which was an emerald, and the third, a Ruby, which happened to be Ruby’s birthstone. There was only one stone missing, which should have been at the handle of the trident, and it was the most powerful of all the stones, a black onyx. Without it, the weapon could not perform to its fullest potential. The magical trident was used for protection against hostile enemies, but, at the time of Quagmire’s attack, the trident had been stolen by an evil sorceress, who was Quagmire’s mistress. The girl’s mother, Willow, had destroyed the sorceress, who was named Iniquitous, with the help of Adorna, an expert swordswoman, and the girl’s godmother. The Feelers, who were empaths, held magical powers of sight, and spell weaving. They contributed to the downfall of Iniquitous, but unfortunately, by the time they recovered the trident, Quagmire’s strength had vastly increased, and Edrical lost the battle with the vile creature. The kingdom consisted of four lands, Beauteous, which was where King Edgeworth and Queen Primrose held reign, Shimrock Mountain, which was a huge mountain that sparkled like silver and held many inhabitants from gnomes to mums, and every magical creature in between, Wickardia, which was where the enchanted wickets lived and made all of the kingdom’s magical candles from their own ear wax, and Dragoness, which was where the sisters resided. There was a fifth land, Ralliant, but it was taken over by the evil Murk brothers, who were twins and minions of the dark dragon Quagmire. Ralliant which was once a beautiful land of mermaids, mermen, and shimmering blue waters was now dark, dank, and murky. Re-named, ‘Murk Island,’ by the Murk brothers, it was a land of dread and destruction. The Murk brothers inhabited the land after they fled with Quagmire. Except for Murk Island, each land had a unique beauty of its own, and was guarded by the people who lived there. Once Edrical was killed, and the Murk brothers took Quagmire to hide him at Murk Island, all of the occupants of the kingdom suffered from a disadvantage; they weren’t as powerful as they once were. It was like something in the atmosphere changed and they had to work even harder to cast spells or use defensive magic. It seemed like those hideous Murk brothers, Nefari and Querd, had some help because even with the inhabitants of the kingdom being powered down so to speak, they should have been able to conquer the brothers. Those two were always able to sneak around and wreak havoc, whenever they wanted to, plus they have kept Quagmire hidden well the past couple of years. Quagmire, which was the name the Murk brothers gave him, when they had stolen the dragon’s egg before he was born, was supposed to be brought up in Dragoness, but unfortunately, the brothers found out the hiding place of the three dragons’ eggs and were able to obtain one, before anyone caught on. There were still two eggs hidden somewhere in the kingdom, and if the brothers found them first, they’d be one step closer to taking over the whole kingdom.

  Raven took one look at her younger sister, and immediately felt guilty. “I’m sorry Red,” Raven’s nickname for her sister who’s hair looked like fire, “I…I It’s...” Ruby wiped her eyes, “I know, it’s all we have left of him.” Raven and Ruby Shadowstone, lived with their mother, Willow, in Dragoness, a world of magic, alchemy, sorcery, and dragons. Their father, Edrical Shadowstone, was a great wizard, who died a hero’s death trying to save their world from the corrupt and loathsome savages who insisted on destroying all that was good. Raven who had just turned eighteen had fully come into her powers, but she still had to work extra hard to use them because of the attack they all suffered years ago, making everyone’s talents less potent. Telekinesis was her main talent, which she had been practicing for the past two years. Her beautiful dark hair, which attributed to her mother naming her Raven, was always worn in a long plait. She said it kept her hair off her face, especially helpful if she was ever caught in combat. Her voluminous green eyes were warm, but weary because she was always worried about something, especially her younger sister. Ruby wore her long, radiant red mane loose. She said it made her feel free and unfettered. Her big dark brown eyes were mischievous and sparkled when she laughed, which could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on if she could control her powers. Ruby learned about her strongest power by accident one day while she was having an argument with her friend Gregor, who was a young wizard, and a constant prankster.

  She was working on a spell one day and Gregor had hidden one of the ingredients she needed to complete it. Ruby became so angry at Gregor that a fire bolt shot out of her eye and almost singed his ear off. It only came out of her right eye so her mother had her wear an eye patch over that eye until they figured out how to control Ruby’s newly found gift. Since Ruby was only sixteen, her magic wasn’t fully developed yet, and sometimes her temper grew as hot as her flaming red hair. Both girls were beautiful in their own way, as was their mother Willow who was flaxen haired, and fair. Their father, Edrical had had dark hair like Raven. Willow was a witch, and a very good one at that, but the people of dragoness had to be aware of evil still because although Iniquitous was vanquished, Quagmire had disappeared vowing his revenge before he retreated.

  Ruby hugged her sister as they both placed their father’s trident in the special chest, their mother made for it, out of tree bark and enchanted stones. The girls smiled as the scent of lilacs hit their noses. “Mother,” they both said at the same time. Their mother always wore lilac perfume; it had been their father’s favorite. Willow looked at her daughters and frowned, “Reminiscing again, I see?” Ruby looked down at her feet, and Raven replied, “Nothing of the sort mother, we were discussing what we needed from Serena’s.” Serena’s Potions Shop was where you went to buy what you needed to make potions, and pretty much anything else. It was a special, mystical place and depending on how advanced you were with your magic, certain effects, so to speak, were not available to you. There was a huge room in the back of the store that was used for training, most specifically swordsmanship, with an area for spell casting. Past the training room was a big wooden door which led to a tunnel. The tunnel led passage to the outside into a magnificent, ethereal garden. The garden was protected by an ancient fairy spell to protect the creatures that lived there. The Wickets, who lived in Wickardia, one of the four lands in the Kingdom, were small troll like beings who made enchanted candles out of their ear wax. No
rmally, that would be gross, but, these were magical trolls, with spellbinding powers, and colorful earwax. The candles were used for various reasons, such as casting spells, lighting the way during travel, and healing purposes. Daily, the delightful creatures would deliver these majestic candles to the forest garden, and would travel back and forth through a secret tunnel. The female wickets all had long beautiful, colorful hair which was always sought after for certain spells. When they had their hair trimmed, the cuttings were saved, tied in bundles with magical twine and stored in protected treasure boxes, by color. The trolls despised loud noises, and often times would wear special ear muffs during training time at Serena’s shop. Being that the trolls were expert gardeners, they often would supply Serena with herbs and plants she needed for her potions which they cultivated from the fruitful forest they so loved so much, and looked after. In turn, Serena offered them protection and knowing how much the mystical creatures loved her freshly baked strawberry muffins, she gladly baked extra for them.

  The bell on Serena’s shop door jingled, and she smiled as she watched Raven and Ruby walk in. The shop was cozy and Serena always had something baking in the quaint back kitchen. One wall in the shop was full of bookshelves housing every magical book you could want, and the other held beautifully hand blown glass goblets, bowls, and mugs. In the glass case by the register, there were handmade charms and jewelry. With the smell of muffins baking and the delightful atmosphere, the potions shop was a comforting place to hang out. “What will it be today, young ladies?” Serena asked mischievously. “I have training today with aunt Adorna,” Raven said excitedly. Ruby stomped her foot, “I don’t understand why I cannot train too!”

  “When you learn not to scorch anyone’s ears off, then maybe you’ll be ready,” smirked Adorna, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Serena stifled a smirk and pretended to count the new gemstones she received that morning, while Raven giggled. Ruby’s eye started to twitch, but she remained in control, and just exhaled loudly, frowning. “Ah, very good, very good!” praised Adorna, “Keep that up, and you’ll be ready in no time!” Despite being annoyed, Ruby began to smile, “So you were just testing me?” she questioned her aunt. “Adorna laughed lightly, “Yes my little robin and you passed with flying colors. Do not be envious of your sister, your time will come. In the mean while, get a hold on this fire power of yours, which is of great importance. We will discuss it at another time, have patience. With that the expert swordswoman retreated to the back to wait for Raven. Ruby sighed, “Good luck today Raven, I’ll see you later.” “Thank you Red!” Raven replied, as she ran to the back to start her sword training. Serena smiled, “I see you have a list with you.” Ruby started to open her mouth when all of a sudden there was a bright flash of light and the store started to shake. Glass goblets and containers flew off the shelves and broke. Ruby screamed, and Serena yelled, “Get down!” Ruby ran behind the counter with Serena just as a big puff of black smoke filled the room.

  Serena held tightly to Ruby, and told her to keep her head down. When the smoke dissipated, hovering above the floor was a gorgon like bird, with three heads. It was hideous, and emitted a foul stench. The creature clicked its long yellow claws together and hissed, each mouth sharing a part of the sentence, “Beware of once was, for it will be again, the tides are turning, my wrath will begin. Many will suffer, vengeance is mine, all will be clear in due time!” A loud whistling sound pierced the air just then as Adorna’s dagger came flying at the grotesque creature who cried out and tried to avoid the hit. Raven, who was standing beside her aunt, looked at the sword behind the counter on the wall and sent it flying at the creature while she and Adorna chanted, “Ecru Sonata lagora throosh!” There was a loud thunderous vibration as the evil being vaporized, and then there was silence. Angrily, Adorna said, “Is everyone okay?” Serena, still holding onto Ruby, said in a shaky voice, “What in the world was that!” Ruby, her hand covering her right eye exclaimed, “This is why I need to be trained!” Raven shushed her sister, “Not now Ruby, this is serious!” “Like I don’t know that!” retorted Ruby, her eyes flashing. “Girls!” thundered Adorna, “Enough bickering, I think we were just warned that Quagmire is trying to make a return, and if this is the case, not only are we in danger, but so is the whole kingdom. Ruby is right, although she hasn’t received all of her powers yet, she will need to be trained. I will have to go speak to Willow, and I’ll need both of you girls and Gregor here first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Gregor, give me back my bow!” shouted Ruby. Gregor laughed, “Come and get it, if you dare!” “Listen you two,” admonished Raven, “Just because aunt Adorna isn’t here yet…” “Ah,” a voice interrupted, “The children are quarrelling maybe you three should go back to the fairies for kinder lessons.” Ruby stomped her foot, and opened her mouth to reply, but Raven put her hand up. “And who might you be sir?” she asked in a curious tone. “My name is Radkiel; I am the royal crop keeper, and an avian wizard.” Radkiel smirked at the quizzical looks on the teenagers faces. Then, in a puff of smoke, the wizard was gone and a black crow appeared on Ruby’s bow. Startled, Gregor dropped the bow and shrieked. As Radkiel appeared once again, he picked up the bow and handed it to Ruby, whose mouth was hanging open. Raven started laughing at the younger teens because of the funny expressions on their faces. “What is so amusing this early in the morning?” yawned Adorna.” Ruby pointed to Gregor, “He took my...”

  “Please,” Adorna smirked, “No shenanigans from you two, I missed two hours of beauty sleep to come train you little tyrants, so let’s get on with it!” Just then, Serena came to the back of the shop with hot herbal tea and her infamous strawberry muffins. “No training, until you’ve all had some tea and muffins!” Her chestnut colored hair was piled loosely in a bun and her dark brown eyes sparkled when she smiled, “Oh Radkiel, I didn’t know you were visiting, can I get you some of that special coffee you like?” Radkiel bowed, “No, thank you, Lady Serena, what you have here is plenty.” He bowed again, and Serena blushed, “Okay then, good luck everyone!” Raven spoke up, as everyone grabbed a muffin and some tea, “Aunt Adorna, you didn’t tell us we were also being trained by Mr.….” “It’s Radkiel,” smirked the Crop master.

  “Yes, well,” replied Adorna, “I was not sure he would be available, and luckily, he was. Now eat up, because we have a lot of work to do.” Radkiel had been searching for an older wizard named Sagacity who had gone missing recently. The elder wizard was the oldest and wisest sorcerer in the kingdom.

  Radkiel worked with Gregor and Ruby by honing their archery skills, while Adorna taught Raven fencing and sword fighting techniques. Raven was a quick study, and Adorna was relieved because she knew there was trouble brewing and the young one’s talents would be needed when the time came to fight for Dragoness. She also knew, they had a long way to go, and frowned for a moment while lost in thought. “Take a break,” Radkiel said to the students.

  He walked over to Adorna, “Your thoughts, my lady?” “Adorna half smiled, “Ah, I’m showing my concern on my face again.” “You are fearful?” asked the avian wizard. She brought her voice to a whisper as she looked to see where the teenagers were, “I dare not talk about it now, as I don’t want to frighten them.” “I sent them to get food,” said Radkiel, “Please tell me what is troubling you.” She looked at him, and he grabbed her hands. Adorna then told him, without going into detail, that they received a warning in the potions shop the other day, and why she thought Quagmire was trying to make a comeback. “He is going to try to destroy us all and take over the kingdom, I can feel it. I need to speak to the green goddess. She’s the only one who can clear things up. If we could just be a step ahead of the dragon I’d feel better. There is so much we still don’t know. Ever since that day, that horrible day…..” A tear ran down her cheek. Radkiel put his arm around her protectively. “We will fight if we have to, and we will defeat Quagmire!” he hissed bitterly. “I feel like, I’m missing pieces of what happened that dread
ful day, Radkiel, like my memory was erased. Don’t you feel it? “Radkiel looked into Adorna’s misty gray eyes, “I hate to admit it, but yes, I do feel fogginess about that fateful day, it’s like a spell was cast over us, and it wiped out some memories of the event.” Then at once they both said, “The Green Goddess!” Adorna grabbed Radkiel’s hand, “I’m sure of it now, she’s had to have had a hand in this somehow, but why? What was the good of making us forget the details, especially when we need to know everything to fight that wretched beast!” “She must have had her reasons,” Radkiel said in a soothing tone. We can go to her together.” He then lifted her right hand to his, and kissed it. “Adorna, my lady, there is something I have wanted to talk to you about…” “Oh shut up already!” Raven yelled, as the young apprentice’s came noisily back to the training room. Adorna snatched her hand away from Radkiel, but not soon enough for Ruby not to see. The girl turned slightly pink and said in a low voice, “I’m sorry, are we interrupting something?” “Hush,” smiled Adorna, as she wagged her finger at Ruby, “You didn’t see a thing.”

  When they were done training for the day, and completely exhausted, Radkiel said, “You all did wonderfully, and for a reward, you will have tomorrow off. After that, we will be here every day and there is no room for slacking. “Aunt Adorna, should we be worried,” asked Ruby, sounding concerned. “We haven’t really talked about the warning from that hideous vulture the other day, and now there’s this rush to train all of a sudden…” Radkiel’s eyebrows shot up, “Vulture, you were attacked? You didn’t bother to tell me about that part!” Adorna patted his hand and looked at Ruby, “There is nothing for you to be concerned about as of yet. When I know more, I will let you know. For now, I need you to train, hone your skills, and be cautious. Anything out of the ordinary that happens, one of us elders needs to know, immediately. Gregor, please walk Ruby home, and tell lady Willow, I will speak to her later. Raven, please stay, I need to talk to you about something. Radkiel, can you come by Willow’s later? “As you wish,” he smiled, and bowed at the ladies as he left. Raven, I know you’re only eighteen, but you are mature and wise beyond your years. With your mother’s permission, I would like to take your sister on a mission with Radkiel and me. The reason I am telling you first before asking your mother is because I want to make sure both of your decisions are your own, and you are not influenced by Willow or anyone else about what I’m going to ask of you both.”


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