Quagmire's Revenge

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Quagmire's Revenge Page 2

by Alisa Guttadauro

  Raven’s eyes widened and Adorna realized she sounded ominous. She smiled, “I’m not trying to frighten you, and the particular task involving Ruby should not be too dangerous, but we still have to take every precaution because you never know. I’m going to tell you something now that you must keep to yourself. You cannot even tell Ruby because she doesn’t have all of her powers yet, and she would be vulnerable. First, I need to ask you something. Have you fully come into your three highest powers? I know you have your telekinesis skill down, now what about the other two? I need to know this because I cannot give you training on those and need to find trainers skilled with those powers for you.” Raven put her head down. Adorna gently lifted up her Goddaughter’s chin, “No time to be ashamed, you’ve learned a lot in a short amount of time. You should be proud of yourself. It took me years of practice to sharpen my own skills. We all have different talents, now tell me.” Raven began, “Yes, I’m completely comfortable with my telekinesis. I have been using it for two years now, ever since I acquired it. I’m still having trouble with teleportation and spell casting.” Adorna sighed, ‘I know, it’s too much all at once, plus your sword training. As you know, I can only advise you in sword training and telekinesis. I do know spells, and can cast, but it’s not my power to teach. When you become an elder, so to speak, and trainer, The Green Goddess, Isoldina, grants you two powers that you may teach. Those wind up being your strongest talents. She does not grant more than two so that you become so attuned to your powers, you can use them with your eyes closed.

  “I’ve heard of the green goddess,” replied Raven, “But I thought she was just a fairy story I’d heard as a child.” “She’s more than just a fairy story,” smiled Adorna, “And for what I’m about to tell you, I need you to be prepared. I need you to stay here to help guard dragoness, while we journey to see the goddess.”

  There was silence as everyone sat around the table at the Shadowstone home. It was a long night as they planned the trip to see the green goddess. One could not go empty handed, and gifts for the goddess had to be prepared and safely packed. Willow had called upon Phinnia, the Fairy queen to help with the preparations as she was the keeper of spells and enchantments. Daffilda, Phinnia’s apprentice fairy, could transform herself to human size if need be, but she preferred her less obvious, normal dimension. As keeper of the spell book, known to the occupants of Dragoness as the ‘Charmoire’ she would also be training Raven in spell casting.

  Phinnia had long dark hair, and beautiful sapphire blue wings that looked like delicate lace. She lived in the forest in a tree called the Spotted Elm, because of various big red dots on the woody trunk. The tree produced a magical sap used in healing potions. Also, it was a place where one could get a cocktail if he or she was of age. It looked more like a tavern than a magical tree, thus the illusion of a pub kept it safe from prying eyes. Tonight there would be a feast as all of the mystical creatures of the land gathered to help with Adorna’s journey to see the green goddess. Stark Greywolf appeared just as everyone quieted down to eat. Ruby’s eyes lit up as she saw her uncle enter the room. “Uncle Stark!” she yelled, as she ran over to hug him. Stark was Willow’s younger brother. He was a wizard trainer, and the guardian of weaponry. Willow also ran over to her younger brother. “Well now brother, you are late, but just in time for dinner!” she quipped. Stark laughed a deep laugh and Raven giggled as she also greeted her uncle. As Serena walked by, to get a plate of food, Stark grabbed her hand and kissed it, “Lady Serena, you are as beautiful as ever.” Startled by the compliment, and kiss, Serena blushed scarlet, and whispered, “Thank you.” and Stark laughed again. Stark then also took a plate of food and followed Serena to the long table of guests. Kerina, the Wicket queen was also there, while the other wickets were back in the forest guarding the land. Kerina had brought enchanted candles for Adorna to give to the goddess as her gift. She knew the goddess enjoyed the relaxing scent of vanilla and lilac, and made these candles especially for her. The candles exuded a calming aura, that lasted for days. As the rest of the guests arrived, the sky became overcast. Only two of the Feelers showed up, Callioth and Harmonia. The feelers were empaths, and though they were not as powerful as the goddess, they could sense things. Their intuition was stronger than the others in dragoness; they could feel danger. They also had the power of telekinesis, like Raven.

  Sometimes they would have visions, but had to decipher the meanings, and they were great healers. The Feelers were always dressed in white and wore gold leaflet crowns on their heads; they were looked upon as doctors and holistic healers. They were well respected in the lands, and would travel as required to help those in need. Callioth explained that there was negative energy in the air so the other feelers stayed behind just in case of a crisis. Willow cleared her throat and said, “Dear friends of dragoness, I want to thank you all for coming. We’ve known for some time now that a shadow has fallen over our lands, and I’m sure we all want to know why.” Everyone cheered as she continued, “Ever since, since,” her voice cracked, and Stark came to his sister’s side. She started again, “Excuse me, ever since Edrical, was killed by that monster, Quagmire,” Phinnia spit at the sound of his name, then looked at Willow who nodded, “I have felt like I have been in a fog, I don’t remember details, and it then Edrical was gone, and everything went back to normal the next day. I only remember bits and pieces. I can remember seeing my Edrical for the last time…” Stark caught his sister as she appeared faint. Callioth and Harmonia ran over and Harmonia said, “The poor woman is drained, she needs rest.” Raven and Ruby ran to their mother’s side, tears filling their eyes. Adorna clapped her hands, “Everyone please, quiet down.” She looked at Willow who was trying to smile through her embarrassment. Willow nodded at Adorna to continue. “The girl’s Godmother said, “This is a fact; we all vaguely remember what happened on that dreadful day. The girl’s and I received a warning yesterday from a hideous creature, which we can assume came from the dark dragon’s lair. If that was a warning, that means an attack is not far behind. We need to be prepared, but we also need answers so we know what to be prepared for. Radkiel, Ruby, and I will make the journey to see the green goddess. We will bring her all of your generous gifts, and hopefully, in return, she will help us see what we need to do to secure our land and defeat Quagmire, should he return. It will take us twenty-four hours to make the trip there and back as we have to go on foot to travel undetected. While we are gone, the rest of you must prepare your best powers of defense against dark sorcery, and protect all that is dear to us. “I will accompany you!” yelled out Stark. “No!” shouted Radkiel, “You are needed here!” “Do not tell me what I will or will not do, Radkiel,” Stark shouted back, “You do not out rank me!” “Gentlemen please!” cried out Callioth, “Radkiel is right, Stark, I will send Thaddeus with them, it would be wise to have a healer with them.” Willow spoke up, “They are right Stark, and I do need you here.” “Stark softened his voice, “All right, but I’m warning you Radkiel, if anything happens to my niece….” and Stark stormed off. A piercing scream interrupted the festivities just as everyone was finishing their dessert. Flying into the house came Daffilda, Phinia’s assistant fairy. “Oh gracious me,” she wailed, as everyone looked on wearily. “What is it Daffilda?” questioned Phinia impatiently. “Oh I don’t know where to begin,” cried the befuddled fairy. Adorna stood up, “Dear Daffilda,” she cooed in a soothing voice, take a deep breath, and tell us your news.” This seemed to calm the anxious fairy and she continued, “I was flying around, looking for ingredients for an incantation. I was admiring all of the beautiful flowers that recently bloomed and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, terrible I know.” Raven coughed and got a dirty look from her aunt. “Please continue,” encouraged Adorna. “Oh yes,” replied Daffilda, “I don’t know how far I went or where it came from, but I was down on the ground, picking elderberries, when I saw something shiny.” Daffilda’s face turned three different shades of purple as she became an
xious again. “Oh blasted, spit it out already!” squealed Phinnia. “I found…this!” Daffilda waved her hand and a considerably large egg appeared on the table. It was an odd light gray color with speckled red dots all over it. Everyone gasped as Adorna held up the egg, “Now we have another query for the green goddess,” she said grimly, and everyone nodded in astonishment. “It could be one of the missing dragon’s eggs,” said Adorna, “It must be locked up with the trident for safe keeping!”

  The green goddess, or Queen Isoldina, as she was commonly known, lived on Shimrock Mountain, in the Silver Forest. She was called the green goddess because of her holistic and natural ways of magic; she could also converse with animals. She was so beautiful; one would gasp at the sight of her. Her long blonde, almost white hair was long and wavy, and her piercing aqua eyes always had a worried look in them. Right now she was pacing the floor, the train of her sparkling emerald green dress trailing behind her. “She closed her eyes for a moment, “I can sense evil, Ambrosia,” she said to her loving, colorful parrot. Ambrosia nodded and squawked, “Evil!” “We will have visitors soon, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for them,” the goddess went on, “If only Edrical….” she bit her lip, and then shook her head, “Never mind, I must stop thinking of the past,” she said sadly. “Forget the past!” Ambrosia agreed. Isoldina smiled as she pet the bird’s head, “We have to do what we can to help, and so we will wait for our old friends to arrive.”

  Getting there was not going to be an easy task. The group would have to first make a portal at the end of the woods of Dragoness. “Ruby, do you have everything you need?” asked Adorna? “I think so, Aunt Adorna,” she replied nervously. “The only thing we need is a vile of sap from The Dotted Elm.” “You are not going there alone.” said Radkiel sternly. The Dotted Elm was about a mile from the potions shop, and was actually constructed inside the enormous, odd looking tree. Sometimes, the younger ones tried to sneak in and get a peek at the bar, but Crizal, the barkeep was always there to make sure there were no shenanigans going on. Ruby frowned, “I’m not a baby, you know!” Her eye started to twitch. “Ah, ah, ah!” scolded Adorna, “We will not have any arguments, and I wasn’t going to send her alone, Radkiel.” Ruby rolled her eyes. Radkiel smirked. Just then Thaddeus appeared and said, “I am ready for our journey.” “Thaddeus,” replied Adorna, “Would you be as kind as to accompany Ruby to The Dotted Elm? Crizal, the proprietor will be there waiting for you with a vial. Please be careful, and do not dawdle. Radkiel and I will wait for you at the end of the forest. We need the vial for the spell to open the portal. She only had enough time to make the one vial so you must be cautious with it.” Thaddeus bowed, “On my honor, my lady, we will be most cautious.”

  Adorna smiled, “Thank you.” then she hugged Ruby, and squeezed Thaddeus’ shoulder. “If you both have your packs ready, then there’s no time to waste, Radkiel and I will see you shortly, remember, Kerina, the wicket queen will be waiting for you at the back of the potions shop, she will guide you to the end of the forest, Radkiel and I have a few more things to do here.”

  When Ruby and Thaddeus set off, Radkiel whispered to Adorna, “I’m very concerned.” Adorna put her fingers to her lips, “Shhh!” and motioned for him to follow her outside. “I don’t want Willow to hear you; she’s been under enough stress.” “I’m sorry,” grimaced Radkiel, “I don’t understand why we are taking Ruby with us when Raven has her full powers already.” Adorna smirked, “This is exactly why,” answered the swordswoman, “I need Raven here with Stark to protect her mother, and the trident. Ruby, although she doesn’t know it yet, is an empath.”

  Radkiel’s eyes widened. Adorna continued, we may need her skill on our journey.” Radkiel sputtered, “How, how can she be an empath when she shoots fire from her eyes uncontrollably when she gets angry?” He looked at Adorna, bewildered. She laughed, “Ah, you don’t know much about witches’ powers, nor women, do you?” Radkiel’s face turned pink as Adorna chuckled again. “She is much better at controlling her fire power, and we will have Thaddeus, who is also an empath, and a healer with us. Besides, she went on; during breaks you can teach her your avian skills.” Radkiel’s mouth dropped open. Adorna chuckled once more, “Yes, she inherited wizardry from her father, and this is her destiny. Now open the door and close your mouth before a tweedle bug flies in it, there’s no time to tend to wounds. Radkiel picked up his bag and held the door open for Adorna. They assured Willow they would be safe and look after Ruby. After Raven hugged her aunt and Radkiel, the swordswoman, and wizard headed to the potions shop to pick up last minute supplies.

  Serena heard the door jingle and looked up from the new spell she was reading. She smiled when she saw Adorna and Radkiel. Then she turned serious. “Are you sure you need to take this trip?” she asked, sounding concerned. Radkiel looked at Adorna who smiled grimly, “Serena, I know you’re worried, but I can feel Quagmire, I can feel his wrath, his pain. He is bent on revenge. I fear if we don’t seek the help of Queen Isoldina, we will get blindsided. We need her help.” Serena glanced at Radkiel, and in a gentle voice said, “Does Ruby know about…” Adorna gave her a warning glance and shook her head. Radkiel raised his eyebrows, “What is it I don’t know!” Adorna sighed, as Serena mouthed ‘sorry.’ “I’ll tell you later Radkiel; we have to go, now!” Serena gave her a velvet pouch with an elixir in it, and off they went. “Safe journey!” Serena yelled, as her friends rushed through the back door. Ruby, Thaddeus, and Kerina were waiting for Adorna and Radkiel at the edge of the lake near the end of the forest. “Did you have any problems at The Dotted Elm?” queried Radkiel. Ruby smirked, and Thaddeus’s face turned bright red. “No problems,” giggled Ruby, “But I think Crizal has a crush on Thaddeus!” Thaddeus looked down at his feet, and Radkiel laughed out loud. Adorna cleared her throat, “Yes, well, Thaddeus can worry about that later, we have a journey to begin, but first we must open the portal. I need the sap from the dotted elm. Ruby handed her aunt the vial of sap, and Adorna mixed it with the elixir Serena gave her. She then threw the mixture into the lake. “Make sure you hold onto your belongings, grab hands, and repeat after me!” Kerina bid them farewell, but waited to make sure the portal opened before she left. Adorna chanted, “A journey to the goddess, we seek thine help, open the portal, we bring you wealth, as loyal subjects of Equonicous, we plead you Queen Isoldina, we are in distress!” Suddenly a mist appeared, and a big gust of wind, as the travelers tightly gripped each other’s hands and their belongings. It became quiet, as a big circle opened in the lake where Adorna threw the potion. Kerina yelled, “Safe Journey, don’t dawdle, it won’t stay open long!” Ruby looked at her aunt nervously; she wasn’t fond of the water. Then Adorna smiled at her, and Ruby could hear her aunt’s voice in her head, “It’s okay, we are going to jump down together, we will not be submerged in water, trust me.” Ruby nodded, and Adorna yelled, “Everyone ready, at the count of three, one two, three!”

  “Oof!” cried out Radkiel. “That was a rough landing.” Ruby’s breath came out in a whoosh, “Whew, I’m glad that part is over with.” “For now,” replied Radkiel, we have to do it again to get home.” Adorna and Thaddeus both gave him a dirty look, as Ruby’s mouth opened. “Wow, what is this place!” asked Ruby in awe of her surroundings. “It may look pretty,” said Thaddeus, “But be careful, there are creatures here that are protective of their land, and will not appreciate trespassers. Don’t forget, they were run out of Ralliant when the Murk brothers took over the land.” “But we are good,” surmised Ruby, “We mean them no harm.” “Yes, continued Thaddeus, but they may not know that at first.” Ruby was amazed at what she saw, sure Dragoness was beautiful, but this place was ethereal, it sparkled, glistened even.

  Everything from the trees to the flowers appeared to be silver, and glinted in the sunlight. “Are those roses?” asked Ruby. “Yes,” replied Adorna, and they are very sacred to the queen, she err... she planted them herself years back and….” “Radkiel threw up his hand, “Quiet
!” he hissed. There’s someone else here!”

  Back in dragoness, Stark was pacing the floor at Willow’s house. Willow placed her hand gently on his shoulder, “Stark please eat something,” she frowned, “Starving yourself with worry is not going to get them home any faster.” “I’m not hungry!” he groused. “I’m uneasy about his Radkiel fellow.” Willow looked at her brother questioningly, then it dawned on her, and she smirked, “Ah ha, you’re in love with Adorna, and you’re jealous!” For a moment, Stark turned pale, and then he exclaimed, “That’s not it at all, I’m worried about Ruby.” The truth was, he’d always held a torch for the green goddess, but never felt worthy of her. “Mmhmm,” teased Willow. “Sister, I swear…” he started, but was interrupted when Raven ran into the room, breathless, “Quick, help,” She took a deep gulp of air, “What is it?” exclaimed Willow as Stark ran over to his niece who had a bruise on her cheek and was bleeding. “At the Shop, Serena,” and then Raven fainted. “Stay with her!” Stark shouted as he ran out the door. When he got to the shop, Stark noticed it was dark inside. He stepped cautiously as he opened the door. It looked like a warzone. Glass was smashed everywhere, the floor was slippery, and pages were torn from books. He could hear weeping coming from the back room. “Who’s there!” he yelled. Phinnia and Daffilda appeared, one of Phinnia’s wings looked damaged, and she had dirt smudged on her face. Daffilda was hysterical and Stark couldn’t make out what she was trying to tell him. He didn’t want to do it, but he had to snap her out of it, “Daffilda!” he roared. She immediately stopped crying, and looked at him in shock. “I’m sorry,” he said in a lighter tone, “I need you to calm down, and tell me what went on here, so I can help.” Phinnia wearily sat on a bench, and winced. “OH oh, yes, “I’m sorry master Stark!” Gently, as to not frighten her again he said, “Please tell me what happened.” “Lady Serena, she was taken!” sniffed the apprentice fairy. “Taken!” exclaimed Stark, “By whom?” “That’s just it sir, we are not sure, it was an awful creature!” her voice rose again. Seeing Phinnia wanted to speak, and knowing she was the more level-headed of the two, Stark said, “Daffilda, I need you to go find Callioth and Harmonia. Tell them what happened and that Phinnia needs her wing mended. Also, send word to the wicket queen, Kerina, we will need all the help we can get. “Oh yes, my lord,” agreed Daffilda, and she left. Phinia sat up straighter, and Stark helped her, “Can you talk?” She shook her head, and then started, “We were having tea, and Lady Serena was conjuring up some new spells, spells to ward off dark magic. Raven was helping her, and using her telekinesis, and practicing her power by moving things to Serena’s cauldron. Raven was just about to add the last ingredient to the mixture, when all of a sudden there was a loud rumbling.


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