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Captivated with Them (Dirty Twisted Love, #3)

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by Farrar, Marissa

  His henchmen closed back in around us. They didn’t trust us to find our ways back there ourselves. It was fair enough. Though I couldn’t risk attempting an escape, not when I knew they had Dillon locked up somewhere, I highly doubted the Capellos had anything like that kind of leverage. If there was any chance of escape, I hoped they would take it.

  Like sheep, we were herded back together and into the corridor we’d originally been brought down. I’d yanked the front of my dress back up, covering myself, though I could still feel the sweaty imprints of the man’s palms against my skin. Even though he’d barely touched me, I knew I’d spend the next hour standing beneath the shower, trying to scrub the memory away.

  I was shoulder to shoulder with the other girls as we were hustled away from the orangery.

  A small voice spoke up from beside me.

  “My name is May.” It was the brunette girl who had refused to even look at me.

  I threw her a cautious smile. “Hi, May.”

  May and Skye. I didn’t know if those were the girls’ real names or if they’d been given to them at some point while they’d been held captive and instructed to never speak their real names again.

  But just that tiny amount of connection gave all of us hope. There might be ‘them’ but there was an ‘us,’ too. Even if we couldn’t help each other physically, we were stronger together, knowing there were others who were in the same position. People who understood.

  And sometimes, that was all we needed.

  Chapter Five


  A NOISE CAME FROM OUTSIDE, the distinctive scrape of something—or things—heavy being dragged across the floor. I sat up, my spine pressed against the pipe behind me, newly alert.

  Someone was out there.

  “Hey!” I shouted. “Who’s there? I’m in here. Open the fucking door!”

  My prison suddenly flooded with light.

  I twisted my face away, squinting as the light pierced my eyeballs and went straight for my brain. My head still ached from the hit I’d taken from the butt of the gun, and the piercing illumination was doing nothing to help.

  The light wasn’t daylight, however. It came from whatever lay beyond the small door that led to my prison. I needed to take the moment to look around, assess the space for any means of escape, should I manage to get my hands free.

  The room was even smaller than I’d first thought. I didn’t see any light-bulbs hanging from the ceiling.

  What was this place? A piece of the restaurant cellar they’d walled off, away from the rest of it? A place to keep people they didn’t want others to find. An image filled my mind of the other side of the wall, of crates stacked up against the door my visitor had just opened, and them needing to be moved before they could enter.

  Yeah, that would make sense. So, I was still beneath the pizza place. But what about Rue? Where was she?

  I vaguely recognized my visitor as he approached with a plastic plate and a bottle of water. He looked like one of those men who was hired for his brawn rather than his brains. Thick shoulders, beady eyes. No neck to speak of.

  “Boss says we’re not allowed to let you die down here, though I can’t see why.”

  I yanked at my hands. “Are you planning on feeding that to me? Because unless you are, it’s not going to do me much good with both my hands tied behind my back.”

  “Figure it out,” he snapped.

  “How about you release one hand?” I suggested. “That way, I can eat and drink, but I’ll still be tied up down here. I need to take a piss as well, and unless you’re planning on getting up and close and personal with my cock, I’m gonna need a hand free.”

  “You can piss yourself. I’m not going anywhere near your dick.”

  “I assume we’re underneath the restaurant,” I said, pretending to only just be musing this through, “and I can’t imagine the Capellos are going to be happy if the stink of piss and shit starts drifting up through their floorboards. I think that might get a few complaints from customers and maybe even a visit from the health inspector. Considering they need this business to be legit and not get any unwanted attention from the authorities, I would have thought that would look pretty bad on them, and who do you think they’re going to blame?”

  The beefy man scowled. “They’ll blame you, asshole.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not like I can do much about it. I will make sure I mention this conversation to them, though.”

  I was never going to get past this guy through physicality alone. I needed to be smarter than that.

  “You need to shut the fuck up. In fact,” he took a menacing step forward, “someone should have taped your goddamned mouth up, too.”

  I tried to look as though I didn’t care. “I’m sure as hell not going to be able to eat or drink anything then, am I?”

  He glared at me.

  I desperately wanted to ask about the others, but I doubted this meathead would know anything. Even if he did, he most likely wouldn’t tell me. I tried to remember what had been said before I’d been knocked unconscious. I was sure Frankie Capello had mentioned something about Kodee and Ryan proving they could be of use to him. Would they be sensible and keep their heads down and do whatever the Capellos asked? Or would they be hatching a plan?

  At least I could be sure Rue was still alive, assuming Joe Nettie’s men hadn’t gotten anywhere near her. The Capellos would keep her safe, at least until the trial. I hated to think that they’d have put her back to work, though. Rue was ours now—body, heart, and soul—and I clenched my teeth at the thought of anyone else touching her.

  I needed to try a different tact.

  “Tell your boss I’d be more use to him if I was working than being kept down here.”

  Meathead snorted. “You’d be lucky. You’re just trying to talk your way out of this shithole.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, so, maybe I am. So what? Wouldn’t most people prefer not to be down here?”

  “So you can be free and race off to try to help your friends? You’re an idiot for thinking that.”

  “I’m not thinking that. I’m thinking I clearly picked the wrong side, and now I’ve had a change of heart. I’d rather be doing your job than this.” I tried to lift my bound hands.

  “Are you saying you’re a turncoat?”

  “Look, I was having some fun, and it all got out of hand, that’s all. Frankie Capello knows me from before this whole mess. He can make use of me.”

  “And what about your friends?”

  “What about them? My motto is that you always have to look after number one, am I right?”

  “Suppose.” The big man looked like he didn’t know what the right answer should be, as though he was worried I’d take his words and throw them back at him. He was right to be cautious.

  I sighed, pretending to be bored of the conversation. “Release one hand, so I can do what I need to do. I’m not going anywhere, am I? I assume there’s a great big lock on the other side of that door, and I can hardly open it from the inside.”

  “Fine.” He grunted. “Just the one hand.”

  “Yeah, just the one.”

  He clearly hadn’t figured out that when I had one hand released, it would be pretty simple for me to undo the other one. It would give me more freedom in here, but since the room was barely more than a large closet, there wasn’t a whole heap I could do with it.

  He came closer.

  My mind whirred. Could I headbutt him in the nose? I doubted it would be enough to do anything more than seriously piss him off, and since I’d still have one hand bound, I wouldn’t be able to take the moment and make a break for freedom. Plus, I had no doubt he would be armed and would most likely shoot me in the back if I tried to run.

  It was tempting, if only to see the pain in his eyes and the blood run down his stupid face, but if I tried to attack, I’d be throwing away my hand at trying to convince the Capellos that I’d be better off working for them than being held down here. Every day tha
t went past was another day Rue was being exploited by these sons of bitches, but I had to hold my nerve.

  He leaned around me, and I tensed, gritting my teeth to restrain my instinct to fight the enemy. He picked at a loose end, like someone trying to find the end on a roll of tape, and then there was the riiip of the tape being loosened, and he unwound it from one of my hands.

  I pulled my hand away from the pipe and twisted my wrist, flexed my fingers, and rolled my shoulder, grateful for the extra movement.

  “Don’t try anything stupid,” he growled.

  “I just want to eat and take a piss,” I commented. “Is that too much to ask?”

  He grunted again and stepped back. Then, with his foot, he shoved the bottle of water and the plastic plate closer toward me.

  “You can use the bottle to piss in after you drink the water,” he said. “Think of it like recycling. You’re saving the goddamned planet.” He chuckled at his own humor, but I barely cracked a smile.

  He turned away from me and took the couple of strides that brought him back to the door, which had been standing open this whole time. He had to duck his head to step out into the main part of the cellar.

  I looked down at the contents of the bowl and barked out laughter. The plastic tub contained slices of pizza. I had the feeling pizza was going to make up most of my meals from now on, and by the time I got out of here—assuming I did so without being surrounded by a body bag—I was probably never going to want to eat pizza again.

  The door to my prison slammed shut, blocking out the light.

  I was left to eat my meal in the dark.

  Chapter Six


  THE PAIN WOKE ME BEFORE any alarm went off.


  I knew I’d pay for the massive hike eventually. I just hadn’t understood how bad it would be. My non-existent lower leg was on fire, and it felt like someone was stabbing a screwdriver in my foot and twisting it.

  Kodee’s voice came from beside me. “Ryan? Are you all right? What do you need?”

  I hadn’t realized I’d been moaning.

  “My meds,” I managed to grate. “They’re in the bathroom.”

  Kodee climbed out of bed and crossed the room. Even the sight of his perfect high butt wasn’t enough to distract me from the pain. I was experiencing the agony two-fold—the physical pain of my stump having swollen from overexertion, and the twisting, stabbing of the phantom limb pain in a foot that no longer existed.

  The rattle of bottles came from the bathroom as Kodee picked up my meds from where I’d left them in the cabinet above the sink, and then the gush of water as he filled a glass from the faucet. He carried them back to me, opening the bottles and tipping the pills into my hand.

  I threw them down my throat in one go and washed them down with the water. I’d become an expert at taking medication since I’d gotten injured.

  Kodee hovered over me, frowning down, biting his lower lip. I wasn’t in a position to do or say anything to reassure him, even though I hated him worrying about me.

  “The meds are going to take a good half an hour to work,” he said, already knowing the routine. “You need something to help with the pain before then.”

  “Kodee—” I knew where this was leading. I wanted to protest, but I was in too much pain to think straight.

  He stepped forward and caught me by the jaw and tilted my head back. Then he lowered his mouth and traced a line down my throat with his tongue. I trembled in response, my skin erupting in goosebumps as his saliva left a cool, wet trail down to my shoulder. His teeth pressed against the point where my shoulder met my neck, biting just hard enough to hurt. The pain distracted my brain—much in a way a TENS machine did, only a thousand times more powerful.

  His hand covered the front of my underwear, and he squeezed me forcefully. My cock sprang to attention, reacting to his touch, just as he knew it would. Kodee slept naked, and having him right there, in front of me, in all his big, beautiful glory was already a turn-on.

  I groaned, my eyes slipping shut. The way he rubbed my cock instantly pulled my thoughts away from everything else. I was hard, so hard, my balls tightening.

  He freed me from my shorts and worked me, his hand pumping from the swollen head down to the base. He kissed my neck again, and the kiss morphed into another bite.

  Was Rue being forced to do this to another man right now? Was she being held by the hair while some asshole fucked her face, or bent over a table while he pushed his cock inside her pussy? And what about Dillon? He could be dead, for all we knew, his body disfigured beyond all recognition and dumped out in the wilderness for wild animals to finish off.

  My erection wilted at the thought.

  Kodee noticed and leaned back to look into my face. “What’s wrong?”

  “We can’t. It doesn’t feel right with Rue and Dillon not here.”

  “Fuck that. You being in so much pain isn’t right either, Ryan. Neither of them would want you to suffer. You know that!”

  We hadn’t done anything when we’d gone to bed the previous night. Instead, we’d lain in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. How could we find pleasure in each other when Dillon was hurt and being held captive, and Rue was quite possibly being fucked by another man against her will? It had felt so wrong, and both of us knew it, but now Kodee was suggesting we do exactly that.

  Over the time we’d known each other, Kodee had helped me learn how to cope with the pain of my amputations, both mental and physical. But the truth was the main thing that helped with the pain was sex—the rougher, the better. It forced my brain to focus on something else, and when it was over, it seemed to snap the cycle.

  “Neither of them would want you to be in pain, Ryan. They’ll both know you thought of them, but they would hate to see you suffer.”

  I wanted to believe him, but I still felt guilty.

  A fresh stab of pain went through a calf muscle that had been lost in a far-off country. It felt as though someone had stabbed a knife through my non-existent leg and twisted it. I doubled over, wincing, my teeth clenched against the cry of agony, frustration and anger building inside me. Why did life have to be so fucking unfair?

  “That’s enough,” Kodee said, determination in his brown eyes. “I’m not going to watch you in pain when I can do something to help.”

  He pulled my shorts farther down my thighs, and I lifted my ass off the bed, allowing him to remove them.

  We were both naked. Even though I hadn’t touched Kodee yet, his cock was already at half-mast. But Kodee only semi-erect was basically the size most men were when they were fully hard, and I couldn’t help reaching for him.

  It was more difficult for me to move around when I wasn’t wearing my prosthesis, and Kodee knew that and made exceptions for me.

  I took hold of his cock and leaned forward, bringing my mouth level with him. I slid my lips over his swollen head and sank down. He grew harder in my mouth, swelling against my tongue. I loved that I had this effect on him. His cock hit the back of my throat, and I forced myself to take him even deeper, the natural response of my body to reject him helping to distract my brain from my leg. Kodee knotted his fingers tight in my hair, deliberately pulling on the strands. Pain spread across my scalp, and I groaned against him, my lips stretched around his girth.

  I pulled back again, feeling every inch of him sliding from between my lips. When I reached the head, I wrapped my fist around his base and swirled my tongue around him before taking him back into my mouth. I held his gaze while I sucked his cock, losing myself in the dark depths of his eyes.

  Kodee released my hair, and I took that as a sign to stop. I pulled myself off his dick and wiped my saliva from my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “Now it’s your turn,” he said, dropping to his knees.

  He fisted my erection and ducked his head. Hot wetness enveloped me, the thick slab of Kodee’s tongue wrapping around me, lapping at me. His tongue pressed against my slit, the fee
ling a combination of pleasure and discomfort. He reached between my thighs for my balls and cupped them, squeezing and massaging in a way that made my eyes roll.

  “Ah, fucking hell, Kodee. That’s so good.”

  He kept sucking me, and I lifted my hips off the bed as best I could, trying to fuck his mouth. My ass clenched, missing the feel of him inside me but knowing it wouldn’t last long.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I gasped. “Fuck my ass. Fuck me hard.”

  I felt him smile around my cock, and he released me. “Happy to comply.”

  I shuffled back on the bed, giving him room to climb on with me. We always kept lube in both the nightstand and in the bathroom—it was something none of us wanted to run out of—and I reached for it now. I picked the bottle up from where it was beside the bed and handed it to him.

  Kodee took the bottle from me and climbed onto the bed. He unclicked the cap and dribbled lube onto his hand. He pushed his knees either side of me, so he was sitting back on his haunches, my thighs on top of his. With his lube-covered hand, he rubbed my cock again, and then massaged down to my balls, my perineum, and finally to my ass.

  I lay back, a groan filtering from between my lips. His fingers rubbed my asshole, working the lubrication into my tight ring and stretching me at the same time. He pushed one finger inside, right up to the knuckle, and then added a second. He tipped the bottle again and dribbled yet more onto his hard cock.

  “Do it,” I encouraged him. “Take my ass. Fill me up.”

  He shifted position slightly, pulling my legs up higher, pressing them back in toward my chest, exposing me. He didn’t flinch at the ugly stump, and even I could tell it was uglier than normal—swollen and filled with fluid.

  I wanted to feel the weight of him on me, pinning me down, making me feel I had nowhere to go except here. He spread my ass cheeks and rubbed himself down my crack, spreading more of the lube from his skin to mine.

  He pushed his cock against my hole, and I stretched around the bulbous domed head. I gritted my teeth, trying not to resist him, my body more tense than normal because of the pain from my amputation.


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