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Secret Obsession

Page 2

by Katie Reus

When she’d walked into Porter’s office wearing that slim pencil skirt, pretty pink top and high heels, all his naughty librarian fantasies had flared to life. She was lean, with a runner’s build, and had long, thick dark hair he’d fantasized about running his hands through as he claimed her mouth.

  Then her body.

  He always had the urge to mess up her perfect hair, to get a rise out of her just to see her cheeks flush pink. And he always froze like a teenager around her.

  As the two brothers continued to talk about the merits of Raegan’s date and how they’d like to kick his ass, Ford started packing up the rest of the rifles. Grant had found them at a yard sale, of all places, and snatched them up for a steal. Now he wanted Ford’s help to restore them. Some wouldn’t be worth much more than the money they put into refurbishing them, but a couple Grant would be able to sell to collectors if he didn’t keep them himself. It was a solid investment.

  “…and BDSM. What the hell?”

  Ford snapped back to reality at the last few words snarled by Grant. “BDSM?” They couldn’t still be talking about Raegan. Could they?

  Grant slid the last rusted rifle into the long, padded case. His expression was disgusted. “I ran the guy Raegan’s ‘not dating’ and yeah, turns out he’s into that shit. Owns a couple clubs. But she’s a grown woman. We can’t tell her what to do.”

  “She’s really not dating him. At least that’s what Lizzy says.” Porter lifted a shoulder but Ford could see the tension humming in the man’s body.

  Ford gritted his teeth and turned away from them, making himself look busy. He wanted to ask what the guy’s name was, do a run on the guy himself. Only that was insane behavior. He rolled his shoulders once. He had no claim on Raegan. She barely looked at him.

  “You guys mind if I head out? I promised a buddy I’d do some light recon tonight. We’re trying to track down some guy they suspect of a bunch of jewelry store burglaries.” At some downtown club that wasn’t remotely his style, but it was overtime and he owed the detective a favor.

  “I’ll walk down with you,” Grant said. “You want to take these now?”

  He nodded, picking up two of the cases. Anything to get his mind off Raegan and why he could never have her.

  Chapter 2

  He kept his hood pulled up over his head as he watched Raegan on the dance floor of the loud, obnoxious club. In a place like this the hood didn’t stand out and it kept his face blocked from any security cameras. He’d seen enough guys wearing hoodies, sunglasses and ridiculous bling that he wasn’t even a blip on anyone’s radar tonight. Just another club-goer.

  He wasn’t even sure if he’d make a move tonight, but he liked to think two steps ahead of everyone. So if an opportunity presented itself, he’d take it.

  It was how he’d come to be where he was.

  She was such a fucking tease. It would be easy to write her off as another Miami whore, but he knew she wasn’t like that. But she constantly teased him, made him crazy. She was so nice to him, always smiling at him, asking him how his day was, what his weekend plans were. He wondered if she knew what she was doing, if that big-eyed farm-girl thing was all an act designed to make him sweat.

  Right now she sure as hell didn’t appear as if she’d stepped off any farm. The dance floor was outside and looked out over the white sand beach. Strings of colored lights were the only roof for everyone out there.

  But he stayed back at the main bar, his seat giving him the perfect view of her and her friends. Unfortunately she’d come with three other girls and three men. He’d seen them before too. Well, all except one of the men. A guy with a messed-up face who looked like he might be related to the other Hispanic man.

  The big blond guy with them looked like a damn Viking and he rarely left the table where the women’s drinks were. The guy with the ugly face didn’t leave often either, but he was watching one of the blonde women who was friends with Raegan on the dance floor. He never seemed to take his eyes off the curvy woman.

  Raegan was a lot leaner than her friends. Slim, but with enough curves that she was smoking hot. As the music shifted to a slower, more sensual song, he watched as the Hispanic guy at the table stood, moved closer to the dance floor. As if he couldn’t keep away from the blonde.

  The Viking stayed at the table, unfortunately. Still…he might be able to make this work. If he could get her loose, pliant, he could get her the hell out of here. Then she’d be his to do what he wanted with. He tossed a bill on the bar and stood, drink in hand. As soon as he’d taken three steps his seat was already occupied, no surprise.

  The Latin beat of the music vibrated through him, pumped up his adrenaline as he reached into the pocket of his pants. Just having the small container was a schedule-one felony but it was easily disposable. He was going to use it now anyway.

  Always be prepared. His motto.

  Tonight he’d just planned to follow Raegan like usual, but given this opportunity, he had to take advantage. He was always ready for an opening because he knew one day, he’d get one. Normally she was surrounded by people, even at work. And her condo building was difficult to get into. Not impossible, but they had more security than a place like this did.

  It would be easier to lead her away once he got this drug in her system. He’d have to break her away from her pack of friends. That would be the difficult part. Getting her dosed was also difficult, but he was up for the challenge. And if he failed, no harm, no foul. She’d never know he’d done a damn thing. That was the most important part. She couldn’t know he’d been here, what he’d done.

  He was going to spend time with Raegan alone. Naked. With no other distractions. Then she’d see how good they could be together. She was always so nice to him, but…she didn’t seem to see the real him. That was all he wanted. He wanted her to see him, to touch him, to tell him how much she wanted him.

  Winding his way through the throng of half-dressed people, he felt secure enough that he blended in with everyone else. Standing out was the one thing he couldn’t do.

  As he passed the table where the blond giant was sitting, watching the cadre of women he’d come with, he didn’t bother trying to move up behind him out of his line of sight. Instead, he acted as if he’d go around him, then tripped, spilling his drink on the guy’s pants.

  He grabbed onto the man’s shoulder as he weaved on his feet. “Shit, man, I’m sorry.” He intentionally slurred, using sleight of hand to dump the liquid into Raegan’s glass on the table.

  The guy shrugged off his hold, his expression hard as he stared at him. “It’s fine. Move along.”

  “Yeah, yeah, really sorry.” Keeping his head low, he held up his hands as he hurried off, blending into the crowd of people and high top tables behind him. He didn’t turn around even though he wanted to. He wouldn’t look to see if the Viking had noticed what he’d done. Maybe the guy would remember his face, maybe not. It wouldn’t matter. No one could pin anything on him anyway.

  Adrenaline humming through him, he kept his pace steady. He needed to find another spot so he could watch Raegan unobtrusively. If his move had worked, he’d get Raegan alone a lot sooner than he’d planned.

  And then he’d do all the things he’d been fantasizing about.

  * * *

  Raegan pressed a hand to her stomach as a wave of nausea swept through her. Blinking, she shook herself. She’d only had two drinks, but it had started to get hot. Even with the huge fans and chilly breeze kicking up from the Atlantic it was getting sticky. Summer in Miami wasn’t remotely cold anyway, but the place kept huge misting fans blowing to cool everyone off. That wasn’t working right now.

  She’d worn a brightly colored halter wraparound dress but that didn’t seem to matter now. She needed fresher air, ASAP. There was a live DJ tonight and he’d been playing mostly Latin dance. The beat of the music seemed suddenly too loud, pounding in her head, everything too stifling. There were too many people. She felt suffocated.

  She started to tell
Ruby she needed some water, but she noticed that Montez had finally worked up the courage to do more than just stare at the blonde bombshell. They weren’t exactly dancing, but they were talking near the dance floor. That was progress. Sandro and Dominique were still tearing it up. Though Sandro didn’t have a chance with Dominique, that much Raegan knew. And Julieta and Ivan might be at the same table as her, but they were in their own world.

  She started to tell them that she was going to grab a bottle of water, but slid off her chair instead when Ivan leaned down to his fiancée’s ear and started whispering something that made Julieta laugh and blush.

  “I’m gonna grab a water,” she murmured, not sure if they’d heard her, and at this point she didn’t really care.

  The huge bar was half inside and half outside the building. But she knew there was also a small tiki bar on the other side of the expansive dance floor overlooking the beach and ocean.

  It seemed to take forever to get to the edge of the dance floor where larger seating like couches and plush lounge chairs were set up. She knew this place was popular for beachgoers and transitioned to more of a club at night. According to Julieta it was one of the top-rated clubs in Miami because of the fun atmosphere and celebrity sightings.

  Not that Raegan had seen anyone famous. Or she didn’t think she had. And right now, she didn’t care. She just needed water and a cool blast of air.

  As she continued on through a throng of people, another wave of nausea combined with dizziness assaulted her.

  She blinked, clutching on to a high top table. The occupants, three college-age-looking guys grinned at her.

  “Buy you a drink?” one of them asked.

  She couldn’t even shake her head, couldn’t say much of anything. Instead she dropped her hand and continued walking. Her body felt numb, and the floor was beginning to tilt, but she knew she didn’t want to sit there with a bunch of frat boys.

  Something was wrong with her, she wasn’t sure what, but it was getting worse and she was getting worried. Instead of continuing toward the tiki bar she turned back around.

  She needed to find her friends. And go home.

  “You okay?” A man wearing a hoodie and jeans sidled up to her, put his arm around her waist to steady her.

  She tried to answer but struggled to find her voice. The scent of his cologne turned her stomach even more. She shook her head. Or tried to.

  “Let’s get you some fresh air,” he said, guiding her back through the thick mass of people.

  The bright lights above suddenly seemed like a manic kaleidoscope of colors, flashing and hurting her eyes. She was barely aware of moving, but when he shoved open a big door that opened up onto a short set of stairs that led to the sandy beach, she tried to pull back.

  She didn’t want to go to the beach or anywhere with this stranger. “Leave me alone,” she said. Or tried to. Her words came out slurred.

  His grip on her upper arm tightened as he shoved her through the door.

  She cried out and tried to turn back around but he slammed the door shut.

  Iciness invaded her veins as she tripped and fell into the sand. This was not good. She needed to call her friends. Get help. Waves crashed in the distance and she could hear the thrum of laughter, voices and music through the big wall behind her, but she knew that no one could help her now. Even if she screamed. And she couldn’t find her voice. Everything was all screwed up. God, what was wrong with her?

  Before she could push up, strong arms yanked her to her feet.

  “Don’t know why you’re wearing these stupid heels,” the guy muttered, tugging her close. As if he had a right to touch her at all. He wrapped an arm around her waist but she shoved at him.

  Or, again, tried. Panic punched through her, but her fingers wouldn’t obey as he dragged her across the sand. She lost one of her shoes in her struggle. “Let…me go.” Her words didn’t come out as strong as she’d intended.

  “Hey!” A deep, vaguely familiar male voice from behind seemed as if it was coming from a long way away. “What the fuck are you doing?” He was angry.

  “No, no, no,” the guy holding her muttered.

  Suddenly she was falling, her knees and hands hitting the soft sand. The grains rolled across her knees and palms. She tried to push up, but another wave of dizziness swelled through her.

  She was aware of someone calling her name. Someone…familiar. She couldn’t place the voice, could barely remember her own name, as callused, strong hands gripped her upper arms and pulled her to her feet.

  Chapter 3

  Ford pulled Raegan to her feet as gently as he could. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” The term of endearment just slipped out, but she didn’t seem to notice.

  She blinked at him with big, blue eyes. “Ford?”

  He held onto her upper arms. “Did you know that guy?” Right about now he wanted to race after the asshole who’d shoved her and run, but no way was he leaving Raegan to fend for herself. Not when she could barely stand.

  “What guy?” She blinked again, swaying in his arms now.

  Cursing, he glanced over his shoulder as the side door to the beach club opened. A giggling group of three women stumbled out. Instead of heading their way, they turned and started for what he knew was the parking lot. He turned back to Raegan, who was beginning to fade fast.

  He cupped her cheek, shook her a little. Her eyes were glazed. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “What…you doing here?”

  Damn it, she was drunk. Or…worse. “Who did you come with?” Because it sure as hell hadn’t been that guy.

  Instead of answering, she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her very full breasts against his chest as she practically nuzzled his neck. “You smell good,” she murmured.

  He groaned at the feel of her pressed up against him, felt like a dick for liking it so much. “Listen, sweetheart, we need to get you out of here.” Without pause, he lifted her into his arms, holding her close. She had one of those slim wallet-sized purses with the strap securely around her wrist. He scooped up her fallen shoe as they passed it, tried not to notice the soft swell of her breasts peeking out of her halter dress as she cuddled against him. Or the way she was rubbing his chest and nuzzling his neck.

  “Who did you come with, Raegan?” he asked as he carried her along the exterior of the club. It was just chance he’d seen her stumbling out the side door with some shady-looking guy. He’d come here tonight because a detective friend had needed a favor. A suspect they were trying to bring in was known to frequent this place and half a dozen others. This was the club he’d been chosen to stake out.

  “Friends. Who’d you come with? Your…girlfriend?” Her words were still slurred, uneven.

  “Don’t have one,” he muttered. Because the only woman he wanted was currently in his arms. And she wouldn’t be acting like this if she were sober. That much he knew.

  The music faded as he made his way past the door they’d come out of. As he rounded the building, he noticed two security guys talking and smoking. They didn’t even give him a second glance as he carried a practically unconscious woman into the parking lot. Not doing their damn job. He knew who the owner of this place was and he’d be making a call to him very soon.

  But Raegan was his priority. When they reached his truck, he got her into the passenger-side seat.

  “You smell good,” she said again, this time nipping his earlobe. Her voice was sensual, her eyes heavy-lidded as she looked at him.

  Inches separated them as he stared into blue, blue eyes. Eyes he could drown in. Looking at her now, however, he wondered if she’d been drugged. “So do you,” he said quietly. “I need you to focus for a second. I’m going to take you to see a friend of mine.” Because Ford was pretty sure she’d been drugged, and that guy who’d ditched her had clearly had something bad planned. “He’s a doctor—”

  She listed forward suddenly but when he went to steady her, she grabbed onto his shirt and tugged him dow
n to her. Her mouth skated over his, her lips soft and pliable.

  He needed to pull back. To stop this. Right now. She wasn’t herself, wasn’t thinking.

  But when she moaned against him and bit his bottom lip, he lost the ability to think. Almost.

  “Raegan, no.” He withdrew from her, strapped her in, slid back and shut the door as she made a protesting sound.

  Cursing, he leaned against the side of the door, scrubbed a hand over his face. Raegan was not for him and she wouldn’t even remember the kiss anyway. He shouldn’t have let it go that far. Continuing to curse himself, he rounded the truck and slid into the front seat.

  “Do you remember how much you had to drink?” he asked, starting the ignition.

  “Um…two. Maybe one and a half. I started to feel…dizzy though. Why are you here again?” She closed her eyes, let her head fall back.

  Damn it. Drugs. He decided then and there that he would make it his personal mission to find out who the hell had drugged her. Because this clearly wasn’t a case of her drinking too much. “Open your eyes,” he said sharply, rolling down her window to get a burst of air rolling over her.

  Her phone started to ring in her purse and he guessed it might be one of her friends wondering where she was. “You want to check who that is?”

  “Um…hold on.” It took her a few tries to get her small purse unzipped and when she did she squinted at the screen. “It’s Jules.”

  “Is that who you came with?”

  “Yesh,” she slurred out, her eyes starting to droop again.

  He plucked it from her hand, not bothering to ask for permission as he swiped his thumb across the screen. “This is Ford Burke. I’m with the Miami PD and I’m taking Raegan to a doctor.”

  “Oh my God! Is she okay?” the woman named Jules shouted. He could hear music and other voices in the background.

  “She’s fine.” Or she would be. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  “What’s going on, then? Why are you taking her to a doctor?” Her voice was bordering on panic.


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