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Secret Obsession

Page 4

by Katie Reus

  Why was he with her… She remembered now. The doctor—Dr. Hernandez—put this oxygen mask on her in case she had respiratory distress. He’d also taken her blood, given her something called activated charcoal and had kept her talking. She vaguely remembered Ford talking to her and sitting next to her, holding her hand. He’d been constantly by her side, she was pretty sure. She thought he’d told her she was drugged, maybe roofied? She couldn’t remember though. She actually couldn’t remember much of what she’d said at all. Or what he’d said. It was like there was a block in place, preventing her from remembering anything.

  Which was scary.

  “I’m sure. According to her blood work, the dosage was very low. You’ll need to stay with her tonight.” The doctor glanced at his watch, frowned. “Well, this morning. But she’s showing no signs of respiratory distress, no convulsions and she hasn’t been nauseous except when she first arrived. You’ll need to watch her to make sure she doesn’t get sick when she sleeps, but at this point there’s nothing else I can do. It’s been five hours and her symptoms are improving. She’s okay to go home.”

  She pulled her oxygen mask down. “I’ve been here five hours?” An iciness slid through her. She couldn’t believe she’d lost that much time.

  Ford swiveled to her and hurried across the small room. He sat on a short, round stool next to her, his expression pure concern. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay. I think. What…happened again?” She was glad to have him by her side. Everything about him was solid, comforting.

  His brow furrowed. “You don’t remember anything?”

  “A little. I remember leaving for a club with my friends and…I remember you and Doctor Hernandez asking me a lot of questions and keeping me talking.” Even if she couldn’t remember what she’d said. She could feel her cheeks warming up as she worried about what she might have inadvertently confessed. She’d never done drugs so she wasn’t sure if she would have blurted out stuff. Oh no—what if she’d admitted how much she wanted him?

  “That’s normal.” The doctor came to stand on the other side of the bed, his expression gentle. He sat on a rickety-looking plastic chair. “You were given a very small dose of…the street term is GHB. You were very lucky.”

  Feeling sluggish, she turned to Ford. “You thought it was Rohypnol though, right?” Or maybe she’d imagined that conversation.

  He nodded. “Yeah. GHB is pretty much the same thing though. Someone likely put it in your drink. In liquid form it’s odorless and a little salty. So your drink likely covered up the salt taste.”

  “My drink… Are my friends okay?” She hated that she couldn’t remember much about the night. There was music, laughter, dancing…bright lights. Somewhere near the beach.

  “They’re okay and they’re worried about you. I’ve been in contact with a woman named Jules and with Grant.”

  “Julieta’s so sweet,” she murmured. “Wait, Grant came out with us?” That didn’t sound right.

  “No, but he knows what’s going on.”

  “Oh, good, I guess. Why are you here?” Because she couldn’t imagine what would have made him come out with her and her friends. It didn’t even make sense.

  “I was at the same club you were. Work thing. Purely by chance, saw some guy dragging you outside. He ran off and I couldn’t leave you by yourself.”

  As the reality of his words set in, she shivered, wrapped her arms around herself. She was glad she was still in her own clothes and not scrubs. If Ford hadn’t been there she could be in a hospital right now for a very different reason. A tremble racked her body and she couldn’t stop it.

  Ford took one of her hands, pulled it against his chest. His hold was steady, comforting. “You’re okay. Something could have happened, but it didn’t. And this isn’t your fault. In the next few days and weeks you’re going to second-guess yourself, berate yourself over ‘letting’ someone put something in your drink. Don’t. You did everything right. You were with friends and shit just happened. An asshole drugged you and it wasn’t your fault. And…I know it doesn’t feel like it. But you’re lucky.” There was an understanding in his gaze, as if he knew what could have happened to her. Considering he was a cop, he’d probably seen the worst of humanity.

  His expression and kind words broke something free inside her and to her horror, tears started rolling down her cheeks. Oh, God. This was pretty much the exact opposite of how she imagined spending time alone with Ford. It wasn’t even in the same galaxy as her fantasies. He’d had to save her from being drugged and probably assaulted, maybe worse. At the very least, robbed. Now his Friday night had been spent at a clinic with her. This definitely wouldn’t make him see her in a different light. Okay, that wasn’t true. He probably thought she was a complete mess.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart.” His voice was deep, soothing as he pulled her into a hug and rubbed a big, steady hand down her spine.

  She hitched in a breath at the word sweetheart, her tears drying up. That wasn’t the first time he’d called her that, was it? She vaguely remembered… Oh no! She pulled back from him, wiping at her wet cheeks. “Did I kiss you?”

  His neck flushed red and he did a weird shake then nod of his head. As if he couldn’t decide whether to tell her the truth. But it was so obvious.

  Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. That had been real. She remembered basically attacking him. Then him easing her back. She covered her face with her hand. It was official. Tonight couldn’t get any worse. “Can I go soon?” she mumbled.

  “Yes,” Dr. Hernandez said, his voice sympathetic. Which made her feel even crappier. “And Ford is right. None of this is your fault. I’ve started a file for you and I’m keeping a record of your blood work, but…you weren’t assaulted. Someone dosing you with an illegal substance against your knowledge is a felony but unless the police catch who did this I don’t know that my records will matter.”

  She’d rather have everything documented, regardless. “I…have insurance. I don’t think I have my card with me though. Do I even have my purse?” Now panic punched through her. Her credit cards, her driver’s license—

  “I’ve got it. And your phone,” Ford said.

  “Don’t worry about paying me. Make a donation to the clinic later,” the doctor said in a tone that made it clear this wasn’t up for discussion.

  “Okay. Thank you.” She laid her head back against the flat pillow typical of medical places. She waited while Ford and the doctor talked quietly again, out of earshot, then she waited more as the doctor came back and talked to her again, going over everything one more time.

  When it was time to leave, she wasn’t surprised that Ford wrapped an arm around her shoulders, steadying her, but having the huge, sexy guy so close was jarring to her senses nonetheless. “I’ve already talked to your cousins. Porter wants me to bring you to his and Lizzy’s place. They want—”

  “No. I’m just going to go home. They have a one-year-old. They don’t need me there interrupting them in the middle of the night.” And she was embarrassed. Right now she wanted to be alone.

  The humid, salt-tinged air rushed over her as they stepped out into the dimly lit parking lot. They must not be far from the beach if she could still smell it.

  He didn’t respond, just frowned at her. She turned away. She wasn’t going to bother her cousin and his wife, and she didn’t care what Ford said. There were two vehicles in the parking lot. One was a truck she was fairly certain belonged to him.

  Sure enough, he led her to the truck, opened the passenger-side door for her. The action was so sweet, reminding her of where she’d grown up. Aaaand she remembered kissing him the last time she was sitting in here. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment but she shoved the thought away and got inside. Once she was alone she’d wallow in mortification at the way she’d attacked him.

  Once he slid into the driver’s seat he turned the ignition on but didn’t make an attempt to leave. “Look. You shouldn’t be alone right now.”

bsp; “I’m not going to Porter’s.” Ugh. She knew she was being stubborn, but she’d worked hard to get her independence. The thought of heading over there now at almost three in the morning? Just no. She didn’t want to do it.

  “I was going to say you could stay with me for the next few hours, get some sleep. In the morning, or later this morning, I can take you home. So either my place or Porter’s—or your place. But if you go home, you know Porter will just drag you up to his condo, probably using guilt. So your choice.” There was no give in his voice.

  “Your place.” She should have just said Porter’s, because putting Ford out like this was probably taking advantage of him. But something told her he wouldn’t make the offer if he didn’t mean it. And okay, she wanted to be with him right now. She felt like a total mess and this man made her feel safe. She didn’t care what that said about her. And he was right. If she went home, Porter or Lizzy—or probably both—would insist she come upstairs to their condo or just plant themselves in her place. “Only if you don’t mind.”

  His eyes dipped to her mouth for a long, heated moment. “I don’t mind,” he rasped out, looking away from her before kicking the truck into drive.

  She blinked in surprise. What the heck had that just been? Did Ford…want her? Raegan was still a little fuzzy on some things but she was pretty sure that had been a healthy dose of lust she’d just seen.

  Well that was…interesting. And very, very welcome.

  * * *

  Damn it, damn it, damn it.

  He slammed his fist into the punching bag in one of his extra bedrooms. He’d set it up as a personal gym instead of a bedroom. He had to stay fit.

  In middle school he’d been picked on, bullied. Nothing he could ever tell his father about because he had to be tough. He’d gotten tough, all right. By high school he’d been in track and ripped. No one picked on him again.

  Now he still worked out, kept his body perfect. He wasn’t bulked up though. No, he was all lean muscle. Something Raegan would appreciate when he finally got her alone.

  He’d hinted that he might want to take her out, but she’d laughed it off. As if the very idea was hilarious. It wasn’t as if he wanted for pussy. He got pretty much whoever he wanted when he went out.

  But he wanted Raegan. He would have her.

  Tonight she’d been so out of it, hadn’t even seemed to recognize him. She was his. He’d do whatever he wanted. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her though. Just make sure she understood she belonged to him. Then that guy had shown up. He’d seen him before…somewhere.

  Frowning, he stopped, stilled the swinging punching bag. He had seen that guy. But where?

  Grabbing a towel, he wiped the sweat off his face and neck before heading to his office. One wall had a display of pictures of Raegan. She had no idea he took them. No one did.

  He scanned the pictures, didn’t see anyone in the background who looked like the guy from the club.

  But these were of her anyway. He’d made sure to only put up images of her or mostly her, cutting out anyone who might be in the background.

  He pulled out a box of extra photos, the ones that didn’t make it to the Wall of Raegan. After twenty minutes of flipping through pictures, he found one with the guy in it. The picture had been taken outside Grant Caldwell’s house.

  He’d followed Raegan there once, hadn’t realized who the home belonged to until later. He’d taken pictures of everyone coming and going from some party. A barbeque-type thing. He tapped his finger against the guy’s face. He might not know his name, but this guy knew Grant or at least worked for Red Stone.

  Though…he didn’t remember seeing the guy at Red Stone. Maybe he was just friends with Raegan’s cousin.

  Or maybe he was fucking Raegan.

  Rage surged through him at that thought but he quickly shoved it back down. No.

  He refused to believe that. She wasn’t seeing anyone. He’d know. And she hadn’t shown up with that guy tonight. And no man, not if he was Raegan’s boyfriend, would let her go out with a bunch of friends. Especially not dressed like she’d been.

  Her dress had been bright, revealing. As if she wanted attention.

  She’d certainly gotten his.

  He didn’t want anyone else to look at her though. Once she was his, he’d make sure she understood that she couldn’t dress like a whore.

  He closed the box and slid it back into a drawer, but he kept out the picture of the man who’d interrupted him.

  “I’m going to find out exactly who you are,” he said, tracing an X over the guy’s face.

  Tonight would have been perfect if not for this bastard. He’d gotten in his and Raegan’s way. That was unacceptable.

  Chapter 5

  For a long moment Raegan looked around the unfamiliar, masculine bedroom. Panic spread through her until she remembered where she was.

  Ford Burke’s house.

  In his bed.

  Wearing one of his T-shirts.

  After a very terrifying night. Ugh. It tasted like something had died in her mouth and she had a wicked headache.

  Everything was still pretty fuzzy but she remembered Ford bringing her back to his place. She’d tried to insist on sleeping on the couch but he’d pretty much run over her arguments in a few seconds flat. She’d have never agreed to come to his place if she’d known he didn’t have another bed. He had another room, but it was an office. She couldn’t worry about that now.

  After washing her face and brushing her teeth in his bathroom, she found him in the kitchen.


  It was probably one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen. He had on a pair of jeans and nothing else. His broad back practically begged for her to run her fingers over all those carved lines. Something was sizzling at the stove and whatever it was, it smelled delicious.

  “How’re you feeling?” he asked without turning around.

  Feeling guilty at being caught staring—and how had he even known she was there?—she nearly jumped. “Um, good, thanks. I used your toothbrush,” she blurted. She felt bad about doing it, but she couldn’t face the idea of seeing him this morning with breath like a garbage can. “I’ll buy you a new one.”

  Laughing in clear surprise, he glanced over his shoulder to pin her with a sensual look. “That’s okay. I’ve got extras.”

  She didn’t know what to do about that look, was feeling way too out of sorts after last night. She knew what he’d told her had happened, but she didn’t even remember being taken out of the club by some guy and she barely remembered the five hours at the clinic. Only after was clearer. “Thanks. I just…I felt really gross. Thanks again for letting me stay over. I know what a big inconvenience this is.”

  He just snorted, which could have meant any number of things.

  “I, uh, I was just going to call a taxi and get a ride back to my place but I’m not sure where my phone is.” And she hated the thought of heading home in her club dress and heels.

  Flipping off the stove, he slid the pan off the burner before turning to her. “First, you’re going to eat.” He nodded at the rectangular table next to a window that overlooked a neat backyard with an S-shaped pool. It glistened under the bright morning sunlight. “Then I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about taking orders, but there was no reason to argue when he was just looking out for her and was possibly one of the sweetest men she’d ever met. And food sounded really good. Wishing she’d put on sweatpants or something other than the long T-shirt that came to mid-thigh, she sat at the table. “Do you need help with anything?”

  “Nope.” He moved around the kitchen like a pro, which, again, was ridiculously sexy.

  “Have you talked to Grant or Porter this morning?” Please say no, she thought.

  “I talked to all of your cousins. Keith too.”

  She cringed. Crap. Her uncle was even more protective than his sons. “I’m a little surprised they’re not here. They can
be total cavemen.” Because she could actually see them storming over to Ford’s place like lunatics. They were normally sane, well-trained security guys who ran a multi-million dollar company—or maybe billion, she wasn’t sure. But they could act like big kids sometimes. She just hoped Belle had a son, for Grant’s sake. And their future child’s sake. She couldn’t even imagine how nuts they’d all be if Belle had a little girl.

  “They wanted to come over.” There was something in his voice, an edge almost, that did something strange to her insides.

  Not many people could tell her relatives to back off—and actually have them listen. Another point on the Ford sexiness scale. The guy was pretty much off the charts by now. She wondered what he looked like in uniform. She figured that was the last thing she should be thinking about but it was hard not to be curious—and fantasize. “I’ve never seen you in your uniform,” she murmured as he brought her a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. She wasn’t sure why she’d said it out loud. Apparently she didn’t have a filter this morning. She’d blame it on the drugs.

  He lifted a big shoulder. She tracked it with her gaze, suddenly feeling just a bit warmer. “I don’t wear it often. Mainly for funerals or a mandatory event. Coffee?”

  She nodded. “Cream and sugar. And, seriously, thanks again. You don’t have to do all this.” She felt bad just sitting there while he waited on her. It was disconcerting.

  “I want to.” The words came out pointed.

  And she didn’t know what to do with that. She was still feeling out of sorts simply by being in his kitchen, his house, alone with him. This was one of those surreal situations she’d never planned on being in. Of course, no one planned on getting drugged and almost assaulted.

  Against her will a shudder streaked down her spine. If she let herself think about what could have happened last night she was pretty sure she’d have a breakdown. A blank space in her memory was terrifying. She couldn’t remember the face of the man who’d tried to take her away from her friends. She could have woken up this morning somewhere else and… Her stomach roiled as her mind filled in a dozen different scenarios. Before she realized it, Ford was crouched in front of her.


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