Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 31

by P. G. Allison


  Tuesday, May 26, 2020

  “P” Branch had two of their representatives waiting at the airport when they arrived. However, rather than being driven in a private limo, they all rode the Airport Express train from the airport into the city. That was the easiest and the fastest, at under a half hour, and Missy greatly enjoyed it.

  Once there, she could see the city was similar in many ways to New York City. Both have large skyscrapers only those in Hong Kong are newer. Both have intricate subway systems but, again, in Hong Kong those are newer. Their “P” Branch reps provided a running commentary about all the wonders which Hong Kong had. They also claimed it was a much safer city than New York.

  Rather than staying in separate rooms, they checked into a large two-bedroom suite. Missy wanted Les and Marsha to be close at hand for when she would be out-of-body. This was something she planned on doing quite a bit during the first few days. She wanted to visit all of the Zhu-Gung witches without their knowing she was there.

  From the “P” Branch surveillance, Missy obtained names and addresses for Shiu-Yuen Chong and the other eight official coven members. They all maintained lavish residences in the city and their coven meetings were held in a large auditorium at one of the better downtown locations. This was at their headquarters and they owned the entire building.

  Missy wasted no time and, orienting herself using a map of the city, she quickly began exploring. In her spirit form, with her body resting in its comatose state back at the hotel, she made her way over to the Zhu-Gung headquarters.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Tuesday, May 26, 2020

  Shiu-Yuen Chong was in his office with Jielun Zhang, a powerful earth witch like himself. With Wagner gone, Jielun Zhang was his next in command and Shiu-Yuen was reviewing where they stood concerning the events in New York. It had been a month since the ill-fated kidnapping attempt which had led to multiple arrests and the disintegration of their network in the U.S.

  “Simon Yang is still unable to get any of our people released,” said Shiu-Yuen. “Most of the others not arrested have managed to leave the U.S. They will agree to return but only if it’s not to New York.”

  Jielun said, “It’s unfortunate they used tranquillizer rounds instead of real bullets. They should have killed that McCrea witch rather than merely kidnapping her. She’s the one responsible for Richard’s death and Peter being arrested back in February. Killing her would have given other witches an excellent warning not to interfere with us.”

  Shiu-Yuen smiled and said, “Perhaps. But her secrets would then have died with her. And, if the U.S. government was keeping our people under surveillance, as it now appears was happening, since they quickly made all those arrests …”

  “Yes, yes. The situation might then have been worse,” agreed Jeilun. “As for her secrets? We still have no records of other witches performing invisibility spells, cloaking themselves like Wagner claims this girl was doing?”

  “No. Nor do we understand how she succeeded in killing Richard. Simon finally obtained a copy of the coroner’s report. Cause of death was listed as a probable heart attack. However, Richard was in excellent health. There’s no explanation for why he suffered a heart attack and, given that it happened when it did, that seems unlikely.”

  “I know Wagner was convinced the McCrea witch was responsible since he sensed her being there,” said Jielun. “Do we know where she is now?”

  “No. Once our people started getting arrested and the others rushed to escape, our surveillance of her stopped. She should have finished her semester at West Point and, according to what Wagner’s sources had learned, she’s scheduled to serve with some Special Forces unit this summer. We never managed to establish her connection to the New York crime families.”

  “Well, if the U.S. government knows she has abilities, perhaps interfering with our attacks was merely an assignment they gave her.” Jielun shrugged and raised his eyebrows. “If we try establishing ourselves on the West Coast rather than the East Coast, our luck should be better. We should have selected San Francisco rather than New York City.”

  Shiu-Yuen nodded and said, “All in good time. We will need unanimous approval by our coven at the next meeting. We also need their approval for the four witches I am recommending who will fill our vacancies. This has been a huge drain on our resources and is not something we want to repeat. Getting everyone to accept any future plan is necessary.”


  Missy returned after six hours and re-entered her body. Then she joined Les and Marsha who were waiting in the lounge area of their suite. “Hey, guys! Need any help with jet lag? You know I can help with that, right?”

  Marsha said, “Yes, we know, but no. Save your energy. We’ll manage.” She grinned. “Tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve learned.”

  “Well, I did find their headquarters, no problem. It does take me a good bit of time when I’m searching … sifting and sorting and scenting.” Missy giggled. “Opps! Did I really just say that? Tracy and my brother must be rubbing off on me.”

  Les chuckled and said, “No, no! Relax. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. So, what did you find?”

  “I did find their headquarters, of course. Getting there was interesting, but I won’t bore you with that. Likewise, I won’t bore you with what I experienced as I visited each and every room, starting at the bottom and going all the way to the top. I did spend some time in Shiu-Yuen Chong’s office. He was there talking to Jielun Zhang. Unfortunately, I didn’t understand much since they were speaking Chinese.”

  “Well, you knew that would be a disadvantage over here,” said Marsha. “When you do confront Shiu-Yuen, however, his file shows he’s fluent in English.”

  “I will go back tonight. I watched until one of their employees finally needed to login with a password to disable the screensaver on their computer. It’s a desktop and, hopefully, they’ll leave their computer on when they go home, relying on that password protection rather than shutting down. If so, I’ll be able to infect that computer. Marie tells me once she has access to anyone on their network, she can spread her virus to all the other devices on the network.”

  Les said, “Great! And, with the interpreters she has back there, we’ll be better able to keep tabs on this coven. I know you’ll be visiting everyone at their residences as well, hoping to infect their devices while they sleep.”

  “That’s my plan,” said Missy. “if I can access them. This is why I asked to spend a few days here, since I know it might take that long before I succeed with that and then Marie’s people are able to find any useful Intel.”

  “Yes, and meanwhile you’ll be experiencing what each person is like. Know your enemy!” Marsha grinned. “Once you’re ready, you really think Shiu-Yuen will agree to some of the visits you’re arranging?”

  “Sure! What’s he got to lose?” Missy put on an innocent face.

  Les chuckled and said, “Everything! Of course … he has no idea about that. We’ll see!”


  Friday, May 29, 2020

  Shiu-Yuen had been very surprised when he’d been asked to meet with these next visitors. But he’d agreed and now they were being escorted into his office. Salvatore D’Amato and his lawyer, Benjamin Marchitto. They had their two bodyguards with them, Billy Martin and Donny Delgato, whom Sal insisted on bringing with him even after they’d checked all their weapons at the entrance to the building.

  Shiu-Yuen took his time. He had Jielun Zhang with him. There were the introductions and then everyone needed to be seated. Even Billy and Donny sat; their chairs positioned in the back. Tea was brought in and everyone was served. At last, in English, he said, “Mr. D’Amato. To what do I owe this honor?”

  Sal looked at Shiu-Yuen and Jielun for a moment before speaking. Then he said, “The purpose of this visit has little to do with you being honored. I’m here because your guys Wagner and Antony threatened my son and my daughter. I want it u
nderstood by you and everyone in your coven over here that my family is off limits. There will be no accidents or problems caused by any of your witches. Since your guys got arrested, I wasn’t sure my message on that was sent back.”

  “I presume you’re talking about Wagner Shen and Antony Ying,” said Shiu-Yuen. “I was not aware of their making any threats. As for their being witches … are you suggesting my Zhu-Gung organization …”

  Sal interrupted without letting him finish. He said, “You are all a bunch of evil witches. Stay in Hong Kong. Stay away from me and my family. Is that clear?”

  Shiu-Yuen and Jielun were both surprised at Sal’s accusations. Especially about him knowing they were witches. Jielun asked, “Why do you accuse us of witchcraft, Mr. D’Amato? Are you saying you believe in witches?”

  “I was told about you being witches back when you were attacking my places. The FBI told me. That’s why I let them handle things. Then, your guys came to me asking for an arrangement like the one they had with Ray Morelli. When I refused, you started competing with me, selling drugs and bringing in your prostitutes.”

  Shiu-Yuen asked, “So, you do believe in witches? Because the FBI told you? Why would they be talking to you anyway? It’s my understanding they want to arrest you for your many criminal activities.”

  “I believe in witches because of Missy McCrea. She’s the witch your witches tried to kidnap.” Sal was pleased at the reaction that statement got. “There are not many of us non-witches who know about you supernaturals. That’s what she says you all are. Supernaturals. She’s the one who suggested I make this visit. She says I need to make you understand you’re not welcome in the U.S. So, I hope I’ve done that.”

  “You have made it very clear we are not welcome,” said Shiu-Yuen. “Since you believe we are witches, why do you dare threaten us? You must know some of the things we are capable of.”

  Sal smiled and said, “I do know what you are capable of. But I’m not threatening you with anything as long as you stay away from my family. I’ve said all I’m going to say. There are others who wish to speak with you. I’ll let them speak for themselves.”

  Sal stood up and then Ben, Billy and Donny did as well. When they headed for the door, they were confident they’d be allowed to leave. After all, they knew Missy was there with them and would take appropriate action should anyone interfere.


  Shiu-Yuen let them leave. Then, looking at Jielun, he said, “His mentioning Missy McCrea cleared up some of the mystery. Wagner was right about her working with him although we still don’t know why. I didn’t see any point in stopping him from leaving. He wasn’t going to answer any questions. She’s behind this visit.”

  “What do you suppose he meant about others wanting to speak with you?” asked Jielun. “He made it sound like we’d understand his threats once we met with them, whoever they are.”

  Just then, Shiu-Yuen’s secretary buzzed him on the intercom. When he asked why he was being interrupted, he learned there were two gentlemen wanting to meet with him. Right away. Mr. Carlos Mancini and Mr. Rafe Santiago. They were there on behalf of Missy McCrea.

  “Who are they? Where are they from?” asked Shiu-Yuen. Then the name Carlos Mancini reminded him of something he’d read. Ah, yes! It had been the Manuel Rodriguez organization about which he’d read. “Ask if they are from Colombia.” He was aware there had been a big shake-up of the cartels in South America. They were his major competition for selling drugs in the U.S.

  Since, indeed, the gentlemen were from Colombia, Shiu-Yuen agreed to meet with them. He arranged for that to be later in the day. He wanted to review all the information his sources could come up with concerning Mancini and his take-over of the Rodriguez organization.

  He also wondered how it was possible they would be there on behalf of Missy McCrea!

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Friday, May 29, 2020

  When Carlos Mancini and Rafe Santiago were escorted into Shiu-Yuen’s office, both Shiu-Yuen and Jielun were surprised. They both recognized Carlos was a Shifter, although they didn’t know what kind. They again went through the ritual of introductions, taking seats, and serving tea. Then Shiu-Yuen said, “You asked to meet with us on behalf of Missy McCrea.”

  Carlos studied the two witches. Unlike them, he wasn’t able to sense other supernaturals unless they were Shifters. “Missy tells me you are the leader of the Zhu-Gung organization. She also tells me you and Jielun are both witches and that your organization is a coven.”

  “We have not had the pleasure of meeting Ms. McCrea. Yet. Can you tell us where she is?”

  Carlos chuckled. “Well, yes. I could. But, I won’t. Since you are witches, my being a Shifter is no secret. Missy tells me you witches are able to sense all supernaturals. But, the purpose of my visit is to reinforce what supernaturals in the U.S. will all be telling you. Stay out of the U.S.”

  “Ahh, but you are from Colombia, Mr. Mancini,” said Shiu-Yuen. “What is your relationship with Ms. McCrea? Perhaps you two are lovers?”

  Carlos smiled and glanced briefly at Rafe. Then he said, “Although she is a most attractive woman, we are not involved romantically. We share in wanting Zhu-Gung to stay out of the U.S. I’m sure you are aware that most of the cartels in South America use my organization to distribute their product throughout the United States. When you attempted to infiltrate some of the New York crime families, selling your drugs to them and competing with my business, Missy suggested I interfere.”

  Shiu-Yuen feigned surprise and asked, “And, you did as this girl, not yet twenty years old, suggested?”

  Rafe said, “After discussing the situation with Missy, I went and met with Salvatore D’Amato. We worked together, disabling your people with tranquilizers on the eighteenth of April. That interference and those attacks proved very effective.”

  “I see,” said Shiu-Yuen. “And, now you come here, in spite of attacking my people and stealing drugs from my organization. Is your organization really prepared to go against mine? What makes you believe you can win against witches?”

  “Look, it was Missy’s idea to only use tranquilizers. My organization was prepared to kill your people. Should you attempt further operations in the U.S., we will work with other supernaturals to stop you. And, we won’t be using tranquillizers.”

  “You were ill advised to come here with your threats,” said Shiu-Yuen, with a firm and dangerous tone in his voice.

  “As I explained in the beginning, we are here to reinforce the message from those other supernaturals in the U.S. Stay out. It would be a war which you would not win. But I’ll let those other supernaturals speak for themselves. We will leave now.” He and Rafe stood up and headed for the door. They knew Missy was with them and were not worried about being stopped.


  Jielun asked, “Why are you letting them leave? Just give the word and I will have them followed. It would be easy to dispose of them.”

  Shiu-Yuen sighed and said, “I’m not ready to start any war with the South American cartels. They know that and it’s obvious this witch Missy McCrea knows that as well. She may be only a girl but she’s behind these visits. I’m guessing there will be more.”

  “Are you thinking more criminal organizations will be visiting?”

  “I’m thinking more supernaturals will be visiting,” answered Shiu-Yuen. “The witch covens in the U.S. might be aligned with criminals in spite of our having no information suggesting that until now.”

  Jielun said, “And, you want to better understand that before we go back to the U.S. again. I see. Yes, you are correct. We need more information. We cannot allow any more failures.” After pausing a moment, he added, “I still think we should kill this McCrea witch. We cannot allow someone like her to embarrass the great Zhu-Gung.”


  Missy had returned to her hotel. She called Carlos, just as she’d called Sal earlier, and expressed her thanks for supporting her. After getting off the phon
e, she went in and sat with Les and Marsha.

  Les asked, “What’s next, Missy? When will you want Angelina and Troy to visit them?”

  Missy smiled and said, “Let’s see what Lisa and Marie are able to find out from monitoring their emails and phone calls. We definitely shook up those two witches today. One or the other or maybe even both will definitely be communicating with others about all of this. I’m sure when Angelina contacts them, they will be expecting that. Carlos did an excellent job, setting the scene for other supernaturals.” She chuckled. “He told me this was the most fun he’s had since the night we convinced Manuel Rodriguez to surrender. He loved knowing I was there, invisible to these witches but ready and able to act, if needed.”


  Saturday, May 30, 2020

  Missy continued to closely watch the Zhu-Gung witches and their organization. She would return to re-enter her body every six hours and then spend an hour or so reviewing things with Les or Marsha, one of whom would always be awake. Then, she’d go out-of-body once again, drawing energy from all around to replenish all that she was using.

  Although it was the weekend, in the Western world, that didn’t seem to matter. It was obvious the Chinese activities for this coven, heading such a large criminal organization, were not affected by that. Everyone was very busy, working hard and dealing with a multitude of issues.

  There was some interesting feedback from Lisa and Marie. The news was not surprising. Shiu-Yuen and Jielun were expecting some witches from the U.S. would be contacting them next. There had been varying reactions from the other coven members on learning what Sal and Carlos had said. There also had been much discussion about Missy herself. Jielun was advocating she be assassinated as soon as possible. He insisted she needed to be killed, both to stop whatever she might be trying to do and to send a clear statement to others who might oppose Zhu-Gung.


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