Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 32

by P. G. Allison

  Late in the afternoon Missy gave Angelina the go ahead. She knew Shiu-Yuen and Jielun were both still in Shiu-Yuen’s office. Jielun had been coming and going all day. Missy did feel at a disadvantage, not knowing Chinese and thus only able to guess at many of the things going on. But, when Angelina called for an appointment, she was told they’d been expecting her and she could come right away.

  When Angelina arrived she had her son Troy with her. Desiree Yeager and Millicent Pratt also came along. Once again, they went through the ritual of being seated and being served some tea. Desiree explained Troy would be replacing her someday as the leader for the New York coven and how Desiree and Millicent were senior witches from the Salem and Dallas covens, respectively.

  Shiu-Yuen said, “You have come a long way. Are you here, like the others, on behalf of the young witch at West Point? Missy McCrea?”

  Angelina answered, “Yes, that is why we came. And, like those other visitors, we are asking that Zhu-Gung stay away from the U.S. You are not welcome.”

  “I find it interesting this young witch who is not even a member of any coven is able to influence all of you important witches,” said Shiu-Yuen. “I also am surprised that you are supporting criminal organizations. Why are you willing to align with them rather than align with my organization?”

  “We are not aligned with any criminal organizations at all and have no interest in aligning with yours. We are aligned with Missy McCrea. She explained how, amongst other crimes, you brought over many young girls. Girls, some in their early teens, who were forced to become prostitutes. That is unacceptable and all twelve covens in the U.S. are very much opposed to that.”

  Shiu-Yuen nodded and said, “I see. So, this is about the young women we are helping to have better lives, over in your country, rather than suffer the horrible conditions and fate that await them otherwise. Perhaps we might negotiate. Zhu-Gung is willing to make special arrangements in return for cooperation from witches in the U.S.” He was used to brokering deals which, once made, could be subsequently revised. He and the other witches in his coven could be very patient.

  Angelina said, “No, there will be no negotiations. Your organization has proven to be dishonorable. We came here to say you are not welcome in our country. Stay away. Do not come back. Not to New York and not to anywhere else in the U.S.”

  “You dare to give ultimatums to us!” exclaimed Shiu-Yuen. He looked at Jielun and then back at the witches from the U.S. “You greatly underestimate the power which we have and are prepared to use against those who oppose us.”

  Troy chuckled and said, “Actually, Mr. Chong, it is you … you and all your Zhu-Gung witches … who are underestimating things. As for whatever power you are prepared to use against us? Missy will be visiting you next. She will bring more of her supernatural allies with her. She asks when would you … you and your entire coven … when would you like to have that meeting?”

  “Are you saying this witch Missy McCrea is here in Hong Kong?” asked Jielun.

  “Actually,” said Angelina with a big smile. “She is here in this room. With us.”

  Shiu-Yuen exclaimed, “How is that possible! We have heard she was capable of some kind of cloaking spell, making herself invisible. Is she also able to mask our awareness of her presence here?”

  Angelina said, “We leave it for her to answer whatever questions you may have. When would you and your coven be available for that?”

  Shiu-Yuen and Jielun were obviously disturbed. They exchanged several looks back and forth and then, in Chinese, rapidly began discussing things. Finally, Shiu-Yuen said in English, “We will assemble our coven here in the auditorium down on the first floor. Tomorrow. Will your young witch who makes herself invisible be willing to appear before us? If so, she and whatever allies she brings with her must come without weapons.”

  Angelina smiled and said, “That will be fine. No problem. What time tomorrow?”

  It was agreed the Zhu-Gung coven would be ready at two p.m. Angelina assured Shiu-Yuen that she did not plan to be there. Nor would any of those who had already visited be there. They had all made their positions very clear and would leave it for Missy McCrea to demonstrate why Zhu-Gung must never return to the U.S.

  Then, Angelina and the others got up and left. They had no problem doing so and they returned to their hotel. They knew Missy would call. They were confident she was pleased since this was what she’d told them she wanted. It was time for her to confront Zhu-Gung.

  Chapter Fifty

  Sunday, May 31, 2020

  Shiu-Yuen looked around the auditorium and was satisfied. Sitting at the head table with him were the other eight official members of the coven. There were four vacant places at this table, very obvious. Then, gathered at several tables on both sides, dozens of witches were seated. All men. Standing against the two walls behind these tables were many more members of the Zhu-Gung organization. Only a few were women. This was a true show of force.

  Jielun had arranged for some wards to be placed all around the auditorium, once everyone was in their assigned location. There were several guards at the rear, where the visitors would enter. These wards would alert them when anyone approached and sought to come into their gathering. The wards would also detect any weapons and prevent those from being brought in.

  Missy made an out-of-body visit beforehand, noting the wards and getting a sense for what awaited her. Then she teleported back to her hotel and re-entered her body. She got up and, with Marsha helping her, she finished getting dressed and ready. She wore no jewelry but did apply a little make-up, accentuating her stunning good looks. Once done, she indeed appeared absolutely gorgeous.

  Her gown was a bright shade of gold which contrasted nicely with her dark red hair. It hugged her voluptuous curves, which she’d plumped herself up with on purpose. She stepped into her four-inch heels, also gold to match her dress, donned a snow-white shawl and she was ready.

  Outside her hotel, her limo was waiting. She and the others proceeded over to the Zhu-Gung building and when their little caravan of limos pulled up in front, they made quite an impression. She had come with several members of her own werewolf pack as well as Alphas from various other packs. Missy had invited these Alphas to join her in confronting the Hong Kong witches.

  The men were all dressed in tuxedos, making this entourage appear as though it was attending some gala function, where a red carpet would be appropriate. They all surrounded Missy and, following her lead, marched their way up to the main entrance and through the doors. Although there was no red carpet, their procession was indeed very dramatic. They worked their way down the hallway to where the auditorium was located and stopped.

  Missy pushed out some energy to disintegrate the wards and then opened the doors using her telekinesis ability. She then swept inside with her werewolf men right along with her. Marching forward, she proceeded up the center and walked the full length of the huge room, stopping a dozen feet in front of the head table. She gestured to her companions to take their places all around her. Then, looking directly at Shiu-Yuen, she announced, “I am Missy McCrea. I have brought Shifters with me from all regions of the United States. We are all supernaturals, as the witches in this room can certainly tell, and we are here because we don’t want Zhu-Gung to ever return to the U.S.”

  Shiu-Yuen was indeed impressed. He no longer viewed her as being a young girl. No, she clearly was a woman of substance and her young age didn’t matter. He said, “Why are you here, challenging us and making demands?”

  “I am here for many reasons,” said Missy. “But, when your witches Wagner Shen and Antony Ying attacked me, along with my loved ones, that gave me the greatest reason for confronting you. Zhu-Gung is responsible for many crimes, crimes which are not acceptable. Your organization will never be allowed to operate in the U.S.”

  “You are the witch who murdered Richard Hwang,” said Shiu-Yuen. “His empty seat is right here.” He made a big deal of pointing at one of the empty chair
s. “You have no authority and no business confronting us. You do not even belong to any coven. We don’t need to listen to what you have to say.”

  “Rather than debate that, first allow me to introduce my friends,” said Missy. “You may wish to listen to what some of them have to say.”

  Shiu-Yuen said, “Yes, it would be appropriate for you to introduce these Shifter friends of yours. However, whether or not any of what they have to say would concern us, that is yet to be determined.”

  “Very well,” said Missy. “Here, to my right, is Mr. Thomas Turek, Alpha from the Chicago werewolf pack. Next to him is Mr. Craig Perry, Alpha from the Los Angeles werewolf pack.” One by one, Missy introduced each of the Alphas, identifying which werewolf pack they were from. She took her time, allowing each man to step forward and nod towards those at the head table.

  After the Alphas, she began introducing the six members of her New England werewolf pack, starting with Fredrick Vautin, her Beta. By the time she had finished, it was obvious all the witches as well as all the other members in the Zhu-Gung organization were indeed impressed. She had brought representatives from all the important regions of the U.S. And, most of these were Alphas, entitled to a great deal of respect. It would be very difficult for Zhu-Gung to ignore these important figures.

  After Missy had introduced everyone, Shiu-Yuen stood up. He bowed towards them and said, “It is interesting that so many of you have come here today. Perhaps this woman’s great beauty, which we can all see and which no one will deny … perhaps that is blinding you prestigious gentlemen to what this witch has done.” After a pause, he said, “I notice there are six members here from the New England werewolf pack. It appears the rest of you are all Alphas from other packs. Unless I am mistaken, the New England pack is the largest in the U.S. Where is their Alpha? Why is he absent?”

  Fredrick said, “Missy McCrea is the Alpha of the New England pack.”

  Shiu-Yuen was definitely surprised, as were all the others. “Perhaps that explains why so many of you are here,” he said. Addressing Fredrick, he asked, “Is this witch also a Shifter, then?”

  Fredrick said, “Yes, she is both a Shifter and a witch. She defeated our former Alpha after he accepted her lawful challenge. That challenge was decided by combat, a fight to the death, and she defeated him. She subsequently has proven herself to be a great leader to our pack, in spite of her attendance at West Point.”

  Shiu-Yuen asked, “And, all of you other Alphas? You accept this? A female Alpha? One so young … how is this possible? Perhaps she is using spells to blind all of you. Surely, she killed the Alpha she replaced with some sort of trickery.”

  “Yes, we acknowledge the Alpha of the New England werewolf pack to have earned the right to be their leader,” said Thomas Turek. “And, no. There was no trick or use of her witch abilities when she defeated the former Alpha. However, we all are pleased that she does use those abilities for the good of others.”

  Craig Perry said, “Yes, not only does she dedicate herself to benefiting werewolf packs but she also is using her abilities for all witch covens and for helping our nation. She is a warrior who has already proven herself in combat against our nation’s enemies. She will become a future officer and a great leader in the U.S. Army.”

  “We respect that and we are all here with her today, supporting her,” stated yet another Alpha. “Zhu-Gung is not welcome in the U.S.”

  “Enough! Allow me to demonstrate what we think about her and her abilities!” exclaimed Jielun. He stood and gestured to those around him and then he pointed at Missy. He tried to send a huge energy pulse at her which, had she been anyone else, would surely have knocked her to the floor, possibly after being driven back several feet. But that did not happen.

  Missy smiled and stepped forward, raising her arms in the air as though welcoming what Jielun was trying to do. Everyone in that auditorium was able to sense the tremendous power which Jielun was unleashing. Missy stood there and absorbed the energy being sent against her and began to drain energy from Jielun.

  Then Missy extended her arm and pointed at Jielun. She used her telekinesis power once again and lifted him high into the air. Then, she said, “Yes, I killed Richard Hwang. And, I could easily kill you right now. I could kill any one of you or I could kill all of you.” She lowered Jielun back down and released him. He slumped back into his chair, next to where Shiu-Yuen was standing.

  For several moments, there was only a stunned silence as everyone tried to process what they had just witnessed. Then, Shiu-Yuen bent over Jielun and checked to see if he was still alive. Jielun slowly recovered but was obviously weakened.

  Missy then lifted all eight of the witches seated at the head table, raising them up while still sitting in their chairs. She began drawing some energy from each of them while she slowly moved them around the room. Only Shiu-Yuen remained where he was, standing alone at the head table.

  “I will let each of these witches describe what it feels like to have their power, their essence, drained away. This is merely a small example of what I can do.” Then, bringing them forward and lowering them all to the ground in front of her, she stopped draining them.

  Dropping her arms back down, Missy continued, saying, “While I myself may be busy in the years ahead, off serving with the U.S. Army, my Shifter friends and my witch friends will always let me know if Zhu-Gung returns to any U.S. location. Should I learn of that, I shall teleport here and deal with those here who are responsible.”

  Shiu-Yuen was incredulous and asked, “Did you just claim you would teleport here?” The shocked silence around the room as they waited for Missy to respond was almost palpable.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I claimed,” said Missy. “You have seen my power as an earth witch. These witches of yours have just experienced my power to drain their abilities. I possess all of those and can control light, fire, lightning, water … all of the abilities which this coven has been using to commit crimes and oppress others. I abhor how you have taken advantage of women, forcing so many young girls to degrade themselves against their will. Why are there only men sitting as official members in Zhu-Gung’s coven?”

  Missy slowly looked around the entire auditorium. “Where are the women?” she asked. Although there were a few, they were very few indeed.

  “As for my teleporting? Perhaps you would care for a demonstration.” Missy had handed her white shawl to Fredrick earlier, after first arriving. Now she stepped out of her shoes and began removing her dress. Fredrick assisted her and once she was only wearing her bra and panties, he stepped back.

  “I am aware you have wanted to learn my secrets,” exclaimed Missy. “That is why Wagner and Antony kidnapped me. However, when I am invisible, it is not because of any spell. No, no. I will now move around this auditorium, teleporting from one place to the next. Then, I will leave you. My allies here will also leave after that. We have warned you. We will not warn you again. If I return because you fail to heed our warning, I will deal with those responsible in ways which are unimaginable. You are all merely witches, after all!”

  With that, Missy vanished in a shimmer of light, her underwear dropping to the floor and all that remained.

  There were many gasps all around the room. For a full minute, there were only murmurs from those who struggled to believe their eyes. Then, Fredrick announced, “Behold Missy the werecat!” He pointed at the head table.

  With a noticeable pulse of energy, Missy appeared in her mountain lion form, standing on the table. She took a few steps toward Shiu-Yuen who, after initially being immobilized from shock, began to cringe away from her in fear. Missy bared her fangs and then let out an angry cougar scream which resonated throughout the room. It truly was a terrifying sound and Shiu-Yuen backed further away, desperately looking for some way to avoid being attacked.

  In another shimmer of light, Missy disappeared. An instant later, she reappeared at the opposite end of the room and let out yet another cougar scream. The only way sh
e could possibly have gotten there so quickly was to have teleported. That, of course, was the point she was making. She began disappearing and reappearing in different locations around the room, often right next to stunned members of the Zhu-Gung organization. She made certain they understood she was real, a predatory animal ready to pounce should she choose to do so.

  After several instances of her doing this, they had no doubt … no, she was not a false image, something they only imagined or perhaps some hologram … no, she was very, very real. Her popping from place to place almost seemed as though she was in two places at once. Finally, she reappeared back where she had started, standing next to Frederick. She sat back on her haunches, rubbed her head against Fred’s leg, and yawned. Now she was playing nice kitty.

  Thomas Turek said, “Now you can understand why we Shifters are welcoming Missy McCrea as one of our leaders. We will leave, as she said we would. And, you need to heed our warning, as she demanded. Otherwise? No matter when it is or where she happens to be around the world? She is capable of returning, teleporting here and locating each and every one of you. You cannot hide from her. We don’t believe any of you will want for that to happen.”

  One by one, each of the Alphas and then each of those from Missy’s pack began walking out of the room. They proceeded back the way they had come and their departure was equally as dramatic as their arrival had been. Once they had all climbed back into their limos, their caravan pulled away and left.

  Missy remained behind, sitting in the middle of the room, her yellow-green eyes pulsing and glowing with energy. Then, she stood. She gave them one last cougar scream and vanished in a shimmer of light.


  Friday, June 5, 2020

  Once again, Missy was with her pack, celebrating the full moon. She had waited for a couple more days in Hong Kong before teleporting back home to Mike. She’d wanted to learn what Lisa and Marie would find out before doing that. As it turned out, based on the flurry of communications after her visit, the Zhu-Gung coven was no longer considering any future operations in the U.S. They wanted never to see her again.


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