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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  “But your cum is still inside of me,” she says with a hitch of her breath.

  With a jerk of my chin, I don’t respond to her observation. Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t argue, instead she climbs up on the edge of the vanity and spreads her legs for me. Sinking to my knees, I spread her folds with my fingertips, smiling at her soft, pink, and swollen pussy.

  “Hawk,” she says in a trembling voice.

  Her hands are grasping the edge, her knuckles white as she waits for my mouth on her clit. Her head is tilted down to watch, her lips pressed together, and her gaze hungry as fuck.

  This is my Avah.

  Leaning forward, I circle her eager clit with my tongue. She lets out a sigh as her thighs shake next to my face. Wordlessly, my tongue focusing solely on her clit assaults her in the best way fucking possible.

  I show her that she’s mine, claim her right here, knowing that I have her now. She’s coming home with me and I’m going to brand her as soon as we get there. When she comes, I can’t deny that a sense of pride fills me as her body trembles and her cries fill the bathroom, echoing off of all the walls around us.

  She falls forward as I stand. Picking her up, I carry her toward the shower and we wash one another off. I try to wash away her worry, but it doesn’t disappear, it’s deep inside of her and it’s not for herself, it’s for me, for the club, and her newfound friend.

  Whatever she needs to feel safe, even if that means bringing another man into our group, a man that I know wants inside of her sweet cunt, then I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her. She knows who this senator is and when I get all of the information that I need, I’ll make damned fucking sure he’ll never be an issue again.


  I’m exhausted. Three orgasms in just a few hours will do that to a girl. Plus, being stalked, and everything that happened at the dealership tonight. It’s a lot for me to take in and I just want to sleep, for a year, maybe two at this point.

  Hawk grunts, jerking his chin toward a bag, and then toward my closet. Nodding my head, I wonder how much I can truly take. He shakes his head with a growl, but he doesn’t turn around and leave the room like I expect.

  Instead, he marches up to me, lifting his hand, he cups my cheek before he leans in, his lips touching mine.

  “Whatever you need, we’ll come back and get or I’ll buy you more. Pack very light, honey. You’re on the back of my bike.”

  My breath comes out on a shaky sigh. “I sold a lot of my designer clothes, but what I kept isn’t cheap, Hawk.”

  He chuckles. He knows exactly how much I like my expensive clothes. “Whatever you need, I’ll make sure you have it,” he promises.

  “Okay,” I sigh.


  Taking a step back, I mourn the loss of his lips against my own. Turning around, I take a small backpack and start to pack as much shit inside of it as I can.

  I start with my toiletries, because as much as he says he’s going to buy my stuff, I highly doubt I’ll be getting five-hundred-dollar face cream next day aired to me anytime soon.

  I think about not even packing panties, knowing how much we have sex, I doubt I’ll really need them. With a shiver of desire at my own imagination, I grab some tops and shorts, then throw in my favorite pair of jeans.

  There is no way I’ll be able to stay for any extended period of time. Not only will I need to work, a girl cannot live in three measly outfits, a pair of boots, and one pair of sandals. Plus, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to get any of my Botox or fillers in Eagar, then there’s my extensions and eyelash extension fills, not to mention my nails and my facial peels.

  I’m so fucked.

  Panic fills me at the idea of what I’m going to look like without my monthly maintenance. I mean, I stopped restricting my food and working out all day long and I’ve gained a gross amount of weight. Turning my head, I lift my hand and touch my face, my eyes wide.

  “I don’t even want to know what’s going on in that crazy fuckin’ head of yours, honey.”

  Shifting my gaze, I look over at him. “You don’t have any day spas or salons in Eagar,” I state.

  He dips his chin. “Wouldn’t know, but doubt it, baby.”

  “I’m going to get really ugly really quickly, Hawk.”

  His eyes widen and he leans forward. “Your face gonna mutate?”

  “Maybe,” I breathe. “I don’t know, I have had a regular Botox fill, and facial peel appointments, not to mention a dozen other things for years. I don’t even know what my face would look like if I stopped.”

  Without a word, his head falls backward and he lets out a bark of laughter. It’s not just a bark, it’s a full-on belly laugh and his entire body shakes as he attempts to control himself, although he doesn’t attempt all that hard.

  “Pack your goddamn shit, Avah.”

  “Fuck off, Hawk,” I grind out.

  His laughter dies immediately and he narrows his gaze on me. He leans forward and he growls in my face. He fucking growls in my face like the goddamn animal that he is. I open my mouth to tell him to back the fuck up, turn around, and go home, but he speaks before I can get my words together.

  “You’re goddamn beautiful, I venture to guess you were before you put all that plastic shit in your body, too. Doesn’t matter either way, you’re a goddamn knockout. You look better with the weight, even better with the weight and no makeup on your face.

  “You look best when you’re coming on my cock, but I ain’t picky. You’re thirty years younger than me, Avah, you’ll always be young and beautiful, especially standing next to my old ass. Now pack your fuckin’ shit, gorgeous, and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  My lips part and I gasp at his words, but at the same time, I have to press my thighs together because damn him, that was a hot as shit speech. With a shiver, I turn my back to him and finish packing my shit.

  I make sure to add my jewelry and whatever cash I have just in case something happens or the senator sends some dickheads to ransack my place.

  Putting my backpack on my shoulders, I spin around and put my fist on my hip. “My shit is packed, asshole.”

  He snorts. “Obliged.”

  Without a word, he turns to me, and I am forced to follow behind him. Once we’re in the hallway, I lock the door, then reach for his arm. Hawk turns around, tipping his head down to look into my eyes.

  “Why don’t I pack a bigger bag and just follow you in my car?” I ask, the thought just entering my head, now that my mind isn’t jumbled by his kisses, his arguing, and his dick.

  His lips twitch and he leans in close to my face. “You’re on the back of my bike, honey.”

  As though that explanation is enough, he turns around and stomps down the hall to Keaston’s place. He lifts his hand, making a fist and bangs on the door a couple of times. On the second knock, it swings open as if he’d been waiting for us, or namely me to come knocking.

  “Pack a bag, you’re coming to Arizona,” Hawk growls.

  Keaston’s eyes widen and his gaze flicks to me from over Hawk’s shoulder. “What?” he asks.

  In caveman talk, Hawk explains the situation, and even though it wouldn’t be enough for me to follow his demands, it must be for Keaston. Twenty minutes later, he’s on his bike, I’m on the back of Hawk’s and we’re on the road heading to a hotel outside of the city.

  Chapter Twelve


  Last night was weird, Keaston stayed in the hotel room next to ours, though it wasn’t so much a hotel as it was a motel. I tried not to be ungrateful or complain out loud, but inside I was bitching about every little thing.

  Today it’s hot, we’ve been riding for hours in the middle of nowhere. There is sweat dripping in, out, and around all of my two thousand body parts. The sun is starting to go down, and there isn’t a hotel, motel, or anything in sight and I don’t think we’re close enough to Eagar to stop.

  “Hawk,” I shout.

  He jerks hi
s chin, lifts his hand to give some kind of signal and pulls over to the side of the road. Without even looking back at me, he asks me what. The way he shouts it, I know he’s impatient. Possibly because I’ve made him stop about ten times to get water, sunscreen, and use the bathroom.

  “Are we stopping at a hotel tonight or are we going to be in Eagar soon?” I ask.

  “No,” he says.

  His single-word answer causes my lips to turn down into a frown. Climbing off of the bike, I walk around to look at him. He’s smirking up at me and I know he’s fucking with me or he’s about to. Whatever it is, I narrow my eyes on him because I have a feeling that I’m not going to like it, not even a little bit.

  “What do you mean, no?”

  His brow raises as his lips continue to smirk in amusement. “We won’t make it to Eagar because you made us stop about twenty times. We also won’t be going to a hotel because I wasn’t planning on stopping tonight, so I didn’t make my route anywhere near a fuckin’ hotel.”

  “So we’ll just ride through the night,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head slowly. “No, honey, we won’t. I’m tired as fuck and we’re alone.”

  “So,” I whisper.

  His mouth presses into a straight line and he dips his chin as he shakes his head a couple of times. “I forget, you’re not one of us.”

  “One of us,” I whisper to myself.

  “Yeah, Avah. You ain’t one of us, you ain’t in the life. We ride through the night, that leaves us vulnerable to some of the other surrounding clubs. Normally, wouldn’t be a big deal. At night, just me, it’s a big deal.”

  A throat clears behind us, and I swing my head to the side and lift my head to look up at Keaston who is standing to the side watching the show that is me and Hawk.

  “We’ll just camp out along the road. Won’t hurt nothin’ for one night.”

  “Camp. Out,” I exhale. “Camp. Out.”

  Hawk chuckles at the same time Keaston grunts. “This is going to be a long fucking night, isn’t it?” Keaston asks.

  Narrowing my gaze on him, I wrinkle my nose. “Go fuck yourself,” I snap with a stomp of my foot.

  Hawk chuckles as he reaches for me, his fingers wrapping around my hips before he tugs me toward him. He’s still sitting on his bike, not even bothering to stand up, the asshole. I don’t say a word, my eyes staying narrowed as I watch him.

  “Avah, you’re high maintenance as fuck,” he announces, acting as though he’s telling me something that I don’t know. “Doesn’t bother me much, but right now you gotta get your shit together. You wasted the fucking day. We still have three hours to get home and the sun is pretty much set.”

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I wonder why I’m even here. I know that it won’t be long before the senator tracks me down and drags me to some dungeon, ties me up and tortures me until he kills me for his own kinks and pleasures.

  It would be easier for everyone if I wasn’t even around. I should just go and wait in my apartment for the sick fuck to take me.

  “You’re pissed,” Hawk mutters. “Did you not know you were high maintenance?”

  I snort, lifting my gaze to meet his. “I know I’m high maintenance. I know that I cry when I’m drunk. I know that I’m worried about my spa days and being pretty because I spent a lot of money on looking this way. And you’ve only seen me this way, so it would really blow if you saw me ugly.”

  Inhaling a deep breath, I continue. “I know that this asshole is coming for me, too. If I’m such a burden, why are you even dragging me out to Arizona? He can find me just as easily there as he can in LA. Take me back.”

  Keaston’s intake of breath is loud and sharp, but Hawk does nothing except stare at me. His jaw clenches and I watch as a muscle jumps in his cheek. His eyes darken to an almost pure black color and I know without a doubt that I’ve truly pissed him off.

  “I should bend you over my knee and spank the absolute shit out of you,” Hawk growls.

  I try to take a step backward, but his firm grip on my hips doesn’t allow it. Instead, I’m forced to stand still, far too close to him and his radiating anger. Keeping my mouth closed, I bite the inside of my cheek and wait for him to say something else.

  He doesn’t do anything for a long moment, then his gaze flicks to the side before he brings it back to meet my own. One of his hands leaves my hip, his arm lifts and his palm cups my cheek.

  “I meant it when I said he wouldn’t touch you, Avah. Ain’t gonna say it anymore after this,” he rasps. “I fuckin’ got you, baby. He will not hurt you. Let me protect you. I know you been on your own for a long time, you been taking care of you, but let me do this for you.”

  “Why?” I breathe.

  His lips part and slowly turn up into a soft smile. “Because you’re mine, honey. No other explanation needed.”

  Hawk’s thumb slides across my bottom lip and I let out a trembling breath. “I’m scared,” I confess.

  He dips his chin, lifting his gaze, his eyes connect to mine. “I know you are.”


  Watching Avah freak out and then turn her back to me, lying still and pretending to be asleep in the fucking desert dirt, it makes me realize that she is not okay. She is freaked the fuck out, and she’s willing to just lie down and accept what she feels is her fate far too quickly.

  It’s not her goddamn fate. She’s my fate and I won’t let her be taken from me.

  Lifting my hand, I shift to my side and use my fingertips to trail down her arm. We didn’t eat much for dinner, some snacks that Keaston and I picked up at a gas station, along with some waters that were in our saddlebags.

  Leaning forward, I touch my lips to the side of her neck. She tries to lie still, but I can feel her body tremble and I hear the way her breathing patterns change as I touch and kiss her.

  “We’re out in the open and Keaston is literally just a few feet away,” she hisses as she attempts to shimmy away from me.

  I slide the hand that was on her arm around her middle to keep her from moving anywhere else. Shifting my lip to her ear, I let out a breath.

  “Baby, he could be sitting cross-legged in front of us and I’d still want inside that beautiful pussy.”

  She squeals slightly, turning her head and her lips almost crash against mine. I can feel the fire coming from her, that anger and annoyance filling her, but fuck me, I like it. I like all of her moods, every single fucking one of them.

  While she’s distracted almost kissing me, I slide my hand down the front of her stomach popping the button of her jeans, then slip my hand beneath her pants. My fingers shift down her panties and over her mound before I hit her sweet wet cunt.

  “You like it,” I whisper against her lips.

  “It’s wrong,” she practically moans.

  A laugh rolls through me at the thought of her thinking anything to do with sex is wrong. “Baby, nothing we do is wrong, not ever. If anything could be considered wrong, it would begin with a lot more than me fucking you right here in the open.”

  “Not just in the open,” she breathes as her hips search for the friction she needs. “With Keaston right there,” she hisses.

  Nipping her neck, I growl against her skin and continue to finger fuck her. Slipping two fingers inside of her, I press my palm against her clit. Avah lifts her hand, wrapping her fingers around the back of my neck as she holds on to me tightly, her back arching as her hips jerk with each pump of my fingers and grind of my palm.

  “So wrong,” she moans.

  “Nothing is fucking wrong when it feels this goddamn amazing,” I remind her.

  Those are the exact words she said the first time we fucked, in my room at the clubhouse, Trista just a few doors down the hall. She was right then and I’m right now. I can feel her pussy flutter and I know that she’s close, but I pull my hand from between her thighs before she comes.

  “Hawk,” she grinds out, her fingers tightening against the back of my neck.

  My la
ugh comes out deep and raspy, my own body on goddamn edge. “Take your pants down, gonna fuck you like this so nobody sees a damn thing.”

  “How are you this horny all the time?” she asks on a sigh as she does exactly what I’ve demanded and shimmies her tight jeans down as far as she can. At the same time, I push my own jeans down and release myself.

  She can only get them down to about mid-thigh, which is perfectly fine with me. “Arch,” I growl.

  I feel her sweet ass press against my hard cock and I let out a groan, knowing that her ass is mine, her cunt, tits, and mouth is mine too. Her hand lifts again and her fingers wrap around the side of my neck, most likely an anchor for her arched position.

  She flexes her fingers, digging her nails into my skin and I let out a grunt, absolutely loving the way it feels. The hand beneath us, I maneuver and wrap around the front of her throat, the other I use to guide myself inside of her wet heat before it resumes its position against her no doubt aching clit.

  “Stay still,” I murmur against her ear. “You’re going to come on my cock, I want to feel every fucking moment.”

  No other words are said, not even one. Just breath hitches, gasps, and soft moans as I play that beautiful fucking clit until she comes completely undone around me. I feel every goddamn second of it too. Her pussy flutters, then squeezes as she comes. The muscles in her body stiffen before she lets out a sigh.

  With a grunt, I thrust inside of her, enjoying the way that she feels, the way her body is arched for me. It doesn’t take me long to find my own release, my body exhausted and sore from the trip.

  Clenching my jaw, I let out a growl as I fill her with my cum, deciding right then and there that I’m going to brand her as soon as possible. It’s probably dumb, seeing as she’s so much younger than I am. We don’t know one another that well, and my track record isn’t all that fucking great, but she’s mine and I’m keeping her.

  “Get some sleep,” I rasp against her shoulder, continuing to hold her, though my grip on her neck loosens and I slide that arm down to wrap around the front of her chest.


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