UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7) Page 11

by Hayley Faiman

  She turns her head, her lips sliding along the underside of my jaw. “You’re still inside of me, Hawk,” she says.

  I hum. “Yeah, that’s where I belong.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t look like I’ve been ridden hard and put away wet at this point. I’m sure that I look like a complete disaster, not like I’ve seen myself in the mirror or anything, I haven’t. Do you know how hard that is for me?

  It’s pretty fucking hard, especially since the next stop we make is the clubhouse with all of his brothers and Trista, not to mention whatever new little whores are there, new whores that he’s no doubt slept with.

  Gripping the sides of Hawk’s waist, I try not to think about the fact that I haven’t had a shower and I had to pee behind a cactus, it was the weirdest moment of my life.

  Well, almost.

  Really, the oddest request from a client was when he wanted me to fall asleep so that he could jack off, just watching me sleep. I’ve had other odd things, but that one has always stuck with me, that and now, peeing behind a cactus.

  Hawk reaches backward and wraps his hand around my thigh, squeezing me. The wind whips my hair around and I wonder if these extensions are completely trashed, or savable? They’re probably trashed. With a sigh, I lean forward and press my cheek against the warm leather of Hawk’s vest.

  His hand stays on my thigh until we slow down, rolling to almost a stop. Lifting my head, I gasp at the sight in front of me. It’s the clubhouse gate opening. We’re here. Then I let out a squeak, because we’re here and I know I look like complete shit. I can’t believe he didn’t at least stop somewhere where I could freshen up.

  Hawk pulls the bike up close to the main clubhouse building and Keaston slides right in next to him, kicking his stand down and throwing his leg over before I can even muster up the energy to get off of this bastard of a machine.

  “I need a fuckin’ drink,” Keaston announces.

  Scrambling off of the bike, Hawk slowly disengages as well. “Booze and bitches are right through that door. Pinkie should have a guest room all set up for you too if you want to shower and rest a bit.”

  Keaston jerks his chin, then turns and walks away without another word. Spinning around, I tilt my head back and look up into Hawk’s amused gaze.

  “Why are you being so friendly to him?” I demand.

  His brows shoot up in surprise and he lets out a boom of a laugh as he shakes his head from side to side. “I thought you wanted me to be nice to him?” he asks.

  “I do,” I whisper.

  I’m not sure why I’m upset, it’s not because of the bitches comment, I hope Keaston gets laid and loses interest in me sexually. But I just can’t help but feel that there’s something else happening, some other reason Hawk is being friendly to him.

  “He knows you’re not happening and now he’s in my house. No reason to be a dick to him, not when it’s really fucking clear he doesn’t stand a chance, and now that he’s here if he even so much as looks at you sideways, he won’t walk out of here alive.”

  I gasp, taking a step back. “Hawk.”

  He shrugs a shoulder, his eyes searching mine as a smile plays on his lips. He opens his mouth to say something, but Trista’s voice rings out loud and clear. Spinning around, I watch as my best friend comes toward me in her short shorts and tank top at a full run.

  Before I can even brace myself, she’s jumping in my arms and wrapping her arms and legs around me. Hawk is faster than I am, he stands behind me, a brace for me to fall back against, instead of landing on my ass in the dirt.

  “I missed you,” Trista cries out.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I tell her that I missed her too and laugh as she untangles herself from me. Then she takes a step back, her gaze traveling down my body and back up to my face. Her lips set into a hard line as she lifts her gaze to Hawk whose body is still pressed against mine.

  “What the hell is going on?” Trista snaps.

  “What?” I ask.

  She shakes her head, refusing to look down at me, her glare is all for Hawk. “She looks like she slept on the ground, hasn’t showered, didn’t even get to brush her damn hair, and she smells like sex.”

  Taz lets out a choking laugh, lifting his hand to cover his mouth in an attempt to cover himself, but it doesn’t work. Trista lifts her hand in a silent sign for him to shut the fuck up, and he does, though he coughs as he looks down at his boots, trying to calm himself.

  I don’t blame him, not only was what she said funny… it’s also true.

  “Let Avah get cleaned up, then you can give us both the third degree. She’s had a hard few days, darlin’.”

  Trista’s demeanor instantly changes, her shoulder jerks and her gaze shifts over to mine. “Why are you here?” she whispers.

  Looking over my shoulder, I glance up into Hawk’s eyes. His face softens and he gives me a small, sexy, encouraging smile. One of his hands wraps around my waist and he squeezes me reassuringly.

  “I’m going to get cleaned up, then we’ll talk.”

  Trista opens her mouth to say something, but Taz walks up behind her and before she can even say a single word, he’s redirected her and is walking her away from us. She looks back over her shoulder, her eyes on me and watches me pleadingly. I give her a small smile in an attempt to show her that I’m okay, but she doesn’t buy it, and she really shouldn’t.

  I don’t feel okay.

  Hawk turns me around, his gaze dipping and his eyes finding mine. “We’ll shower, rest, and then you can tell her as much or as little as you want.”

  “You don’t want me to tell her anything, do you?” I ask.

  He shakes his head once, his lips turned up in a sad smile. “She’s still working through her own kidnapping, I don’t want to upset her, especially now that she’s pregnant.”

  Lifting my hand, I cup his cheek. “You’re a good dad. I know you don’t think you are or were, but you are.”

  He opens his mouth to speak, but I shake my head. “Trust me when I tell you, Hawk. You’re good.”

  He snorts, dipping his chin and lowering his face until his lips touch mine. “I need your mouth on my cock, baby.”

  I moan against his mouth, thinking that sounds mighty nice. “You gonna make me come, again?” I purr.

  He chuckles. “You know I always do.”

  “Yeah,” I breathe.


  Avah strips out of her clothes the second I close the bedroom door behind us. Her backpack goes flying through the room and her shirt is peeled off of her as fast as humanly possible. She turns her head to look over her shoulder as she unhooks her bra, then smiles.

  “Hawk,” she calls out.

  Lifting my gaze from her hands at her now bare back, I look up at her face. She’s smiling even though she looks tired as fuck.

  “Yeah,” I rasp.

  “Come take a shower with me,” she breathes.

  Clearing my throat, I jerk my chin in her direction, then start to strip out of my own clothes. Leaving everything in a pile on the floor, I walk toward her completely naked. She’s bared as well and I wonder, yet again, why in the fuck she’s with an old man like me.

  Avah throws back her head laughing, her wild black hair skimming her ass when she does. Reaching behind her, I grab ahold of her ass and squeeze her flesh. She lifts her hands, gripping my shoulder before she rights herself.

  “I’m with you because you’re easy to fall for, Hawk. You’re also sexy as shit.”

  My lips curve up into a smile, knowing damn well that she’s full of shit. Squeezing her ass, I bend my knees and hoist her up. She wraps her legs around my waist instantly and her arms around my shoulders.

  Tilting my head back, I look up at her. She’s got her chin dipped down, her eyes focused on mine and a sweet smile tugging on her full lips. I think about what she said, about her not getting all that shit done to her face and body, and for
whatever reason, I shift forward and touch her lips with my own.

  I want to have her.

  Not just the untouchable version that she always showed the world.

  I want to have the real her.

  “Hawk,” she breathes against my lips.

  I hum, my cock hard with anticipation. I don’t think I’m going to make it to the damn shower. I feel like a kid again when I’m with her, but better than I ever did back then, different.

  The wall is only a few steps away, so instead of walking to the shower, I take the few steps and press her back against the wall, my grip still firm on her ass.

  Avah rips her lips from mine, her breathing coming out in heavy pants. Her green eyes widen as I bury myself inside of her with one quick thrust, then she lets out a sigh and looks at me through lowered lids.

  “Fuck me,” she exhales. She leans forward, her teeth nipping my bottom lip. “Own me.”

  The way she says it, this isn’t just sex. This is more. This is so much fucking more. Pulling out almost completely, I slam back inside of her to the root. She lets out a grunt, her arms flexing around my shoulders.

  We don’t say anything else, nothing left to say. Her words, her demand—own me. That says everything. She’ll be branded by the end of the week—mine.

  She’s not going back to LA, she’s not going anywhere but my bed and the back of my bike. Nowhere else she needs to be. Shouldn’t have walked away from her last time, I’ll be damned if I let that shit happen again.

  Her body trembles as I grind my pelvis against her clit with each downstroke. She’s so fucking close, her pussy fluttering as her moans fill the room.

  “God,” she cries. “Harder.”

  Fuck me, I’m fucking her hard, harder than I ever have and she wants more. I growl, thrusting and moving harder and faster. She lets out a whimper, her head falling back and hitting the wall. It doesn’t take long, just a few rough strokes before she comes.

  Gripping her ass, I hold her now limp body as I search for my own release. Dipping my chin, I watch her tits bounce with each thrust, loving the way that they move, her nipples sweet hardened peaks.

  Licking my lips, my gaze travels down to her center. I watch my cock move in and out of her, glistening with her wetness, with her release and I let out a groan. My balls immediately tighten and I feel a tingling in my lower back right before I bury myself as deep as I can inside of her and come, hard.

  Lowering my head, I press my forehead against her chest, attempting to catch my breath.

  “So good,” she sighs. “Every time. So damn good.”

  Lifting my head, I look up into her eyes. “I thought that was my line.” I chuckle.

  Her lips twitch into a smile. “Yeah, probably, but it can be mine too.”

  Shifting forward, I brush my mouth along hers. “Yeah, baby. It can.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Hawk promised rest, relaxation, food, and more sex. What I got? Sex, a shower, and him looking at his phone, then telling me that he had to go. Of course, that came with a stern, demanding order to stay my ass in bed.

  I smirk to myself as I slip on my clothes. I’m going to need to go shopping and do laundry tomorrow, then I need to figure out how to deal with my damn job and try to decide what I’m going to do with my future.

  If that future includes Hawk and staying here, or if I have to make a really hard decision and walk away. I don’t want to think about leaving, but the reality is that we haven’t discussed anything and, in the end, no matter how much we want one another, we may not have the same plan for how we see the future.

  First, I need to see my girl because it’s been far too long and I miss her. Plus, I need to hear everything about this baby that is on the way. Though, I don’t think any of the heavy decisions that are weighing on me will go away anytime soon or need to be solved tomorrow, so for tonight I’m going to focus on my friend.

  Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I cringe. My hair is freshly washed and styled. My clothes are as on point as they can be and with a sigh, I slip into my sandals and apply another layer of red lipstick in hopes that it will provide some kind of shield.

  It doesn’t.

  I’m still Avah, the whore.

  Avah, the lost.

  Avah, the weak.

  Closing the bedroom door behind me, I make my way downstairs and smile as soon as I see Trista sitting in a chair next to the pool table. Her husband is playing pool, but she’s smiling as she laughs at something Pinkie tells her.

  It’s still fairly early in the evening and there are only a few guys hanging around, but I have a feeling it’s going to get busy tonight. Hurrying toward them, I skirt past a few of the guys that I recognize, though I don’t know any of them.

  “You’re here,” Trista cries out as she stands and rushes toward me.

  She throws her arms around my shoulders and we embrace in a hug. This one is longer and just better. Mainly because I don’t smell like sex and have a rat’s nest for hair.

  We break the embrace and I step back, looking into her tired eyes. “You’re having a baby,” I whisper. She nods, her lips curving up into a small smile. “Taz’s baby,” I exhale.

  She couldn’t hold back the huge smile even if she wanted to at that. Her lips turn up and her teeth even show.

  “I am,” she sighs.

  “I hate you and love you all at the same time.” I laugh.

  She turns and walks back over to the table where she’d been sitting with Pinkie. I look around now that Pinkie’s seat is empty and wish I hadn’t. Pinkie is now on her knees sucking someone off, which is fine, but all I can see is his clenched hairy ass cheeks and the side of her body as she bobs on his dick.

  Spinning back around to Trista, I wrinkle my nose at her, which makes her laugh. Sitting down, I let out a groan as my sore ass touches the chair. Riding on that damn bike for two days killed me. Maybe I should have just sucked it up for a full day’s ride and not been so demanding about pitstops.

  Trista clears her throat and I lift my head, my gaze flicking up to meet hers. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” she asks, her voice softening with each word she says.


  She arches a brow and I remember what Hawk said, that he doesn’t want her to know everything. Honestly, neither do I. She doesn’t need to know what is happening, not unless it affects her. Although, as a friend, I really wish that I could just unload.

  “It’s just a problem with an old client. It’ll blow over.”

  “Who’s the hottie?” she asks, arching a brow.

  I let out a laugh. “My neighbor. He was helping me. I figured he’d be safe here in case any of that stuff spills over.”

  She purses her lips together, her gaze narrowing on me, but doesn’t say anything immediately. Instead, she studies me and I wish that I could figure out what she’s thinking, but I can’t. Her face relaxes and she speaks, her voice low and steady.

  “Your neighbor that wants to fuck you so my dad is going to prove a point, drive it home in an obvious kind of way, and that means he’ll let this neighbor of yours fuck the clubwhores while my dad fucks you, either in front of or practically in front of him.”

  I could say that I’m relieved she didn’t ask me any more in-depth questions about my issue with an old client, however, I’m not sure I’m ready for where this conversation is going with her. Clearing my throat, I wonder if I should have just stayed up in that room the way that Hawk demanded I do.

  “Avah,” Trista softly calls out.

  Shifting my gaze to her, I think about lying, but I can’t. Not only can’t I lie about Hawk, I can’t lie to Trista, not ever. Biting the inside of my cheek, I try to think about something else, something that I can quickly change the topic of conversation to, but it doesn’t happen, nothing pops into my head except the memory of Hawk literally fucking me in the dirt right next to Keaston.

  “I’m his territory that he’s marking,” I whisp

  “Avah,” she rasps, her voice filled with a shot of pity. “I don’t really know what to say.”

  I snort. She does know what to say, she does, because she said it to me once already. She warned me off of her dad. Said he runs when things get hard, which he’s already done once, but to be fair I pushed him away, too. She said she doesn’t know anything about his personal life, but she doubts that he’ll want much more than a good time.

  I fell for the bastard too. Completely and totally, and now I’m fucked.

  “You told me so?” I laugh, though it holds zero humor. “We had sex in the dirt, in the desert, while Keaston was a few feet away.”

  “Shit, girl,” she hisses. “I honestly never want to hear a sexscapade story again, but shit.”

  Nodding my head, I lean in. “Keaston is hot, but I don’t want to be with him.”

  “You want Hawk.”

  Pressing my lips together, I try not to say the words aloud, but I don’t have a choice. “I want Hawk.”

  She makes a cringing face and leans back. “Avah,” she sighs, the pity not even hidden this time in her voice.

  “I know,” I say with a nod. “I tried to start over. I really did, then all this shit happened, but even if it hadn’t, I couldn’t get him off of my mind.”

  “I told him to bring you home. He loves you and I told him to bring you home,” she confesses.

  “Home?” I ask, ignoring the part about love, mainly because I can’t think about that.

  She shrugs a shoulder. “Home, here with me. I’m selfish like that. I know you love him and if he was someone who could identify that kind of emotion, I think he loves you too. I told him you were lonely and needed to come back here, come home and be with your family.”

  “Because you missed me?” I whisper.

  “Because I love you, Avah. You’re my best friend, you’re my sister and I missed you, but I love you too and I want you here where we can see one another.”


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