UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7) Page 12

by Hayley Faiman

  “Shit,” I whimper as tears fill my eyes. “I love you, too.”

  Trista reaches forward and takes my hand in hers. “I shouldn’t have told him to bring you home. I should have let you live your life. I shouldn’t have done that, because now that I’m sitting here and talking to you, maybe it was the wrong move.”

  “I’m successful in LA. I sell cars left and right, the top earner in the dealership, and my commissions are adding up every single month, but I’m lonely. You’re right on that. I’m also so head over heels in love with Hawk that I’d rather have just a small amount of pure happiness, than a lifetime of nothing special.”

  Trista opens her mouth, but I squeeze her hand and shake my head. “Also, I’ve never had someone love me like this before. I know it’s different from a romantic love, but I’ve never had love at all, so if this is where you want me, then this is where I’ll be.”

  “Avah,” a booming growl shouts causing both of us to stiffen and our conversation to quickly die.


  “Now that we have a plan, when do we go?” I demand.

  Dragon lifts his gaze to me from across his desk, his eyes narrowing as his mouth forms a straight line and he shakes his head once.

  “We gotta wait,” he says.

  Growling, I lean forward in my chair, unbelieving this moment, his words. If I could strangle him right now, I would. I think I might at a later date because there is something about him lately, he’s really pissing me the fuck off.

  “Care to explain?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything else. I know I’m being patronizing, but I also don’t give a fuck, I deserve an explanation on this one.

  “Jaguar said he needs a little more time.”

  I almost burst out in laughter, if he wasn’t being completely serious, I think I might. Instead, my entire body starts to shake in rage and a low rumble escapes my chest.

  “You’re taking orders from Jaguar, now?” I demand on a growl.

  He shakes his head. “I’m not, but what I’m doing is making sure the timing is perfect. Right now, it’s not.”

  “And? What’s your plan when Jaguar gives you the order?” I ask, my tone one-hundred percent smart-ass.

  “Calm the fuck down,” Dragon grinds out.

  “Fuck off,” I snap.

  He doesn’t get angry, doesn’t threaten me, in fact, he looks completely passive as he watches me from across the desk. Meanwhile, I’m getting hot as fuck, ready to throw down with my president.

  “Bones is coming down here with a few of his men. We’re going to have a meet on this. It will get handled, retribution will happen.”

  Clenching my teeth together, I stand and place my palms on his desk as I lean forward. “Swear to God, if we wait on this shit again and something else happens, it’s your ass. I won’t sit back on this, not again. Something happens to Trista or anyone else, it’s on your head and that fuck will be rolling.”

  Without another word, I stand up straight, turn around and walk out of the room. I’m tired and I need a goddamn beer, then Avah’s going to suck my dick so that I can sleep and tomorrow, I’ll deal with whatever comes my way, but tonight I’m too goddamn tired.

  That is.


  Until I see Avah.

  She’s not where I left her, where I told her to be, no, fuck no, why would she listen to me? Instead, she’s sitting at a table with Trista, laughing and chatting it up, looking like the knockout that she is, her full paint on her face and her hair done.

  “Avah,” I shout from across the room.

  Her back stiffens and slowly she turns around, her eyes finding mine. I watch as her lips part, bright red fucking lips, and her green eyes widen. Fuck me, but I want inside of her again. Jesus fucking Christ, I don’t know how much sex I can physically have at my age, but I’m down to find out.

  “Get your goddamn ass over here.”

  I expect her to stand up and walk over to me, but she doesn’t. Instead, her eyes narrow and she sits back in her chair, a smirk playing on her lips. I can’t see anything else around me, my vision is focused on her and nowhere else.

  Marching toward her, I don’t bother saying a word to anyone that I pass, instead I grab the back of her chair, spin her around and bend over. Shoving my shoulder in her belly, I pick her up and stand with her body draped over me.

  “Hawk,” Trista shouts. “Taz, do something.”

  I hear Taz’s chuckle. “Sorry, babe. Can’t get in the middle of that shit, got no claim to Avah.”

  I don’t bother sticking around for the rest of their conversation, instead I walk toward the hallway that leads to my room, only pausing to see Keaston standing at the end of the bar. He looks at us, Avah hitting my back with her little fists, and his eyes widen. I arch a brow, waiting for him to say something, but he doesn’t, instead he jerks his chin toward me.

  With a snort, I continue on my way, only stopping when I’m in my bedroom and after I’ve slammed the door behind me. Tossing Avah on the bed, I watch as she bounces a couple of times, her face bright red with anger.

  “On your knees, open your mouth,” I demand.

  “Fuck off, I’m not sucking your dick,” she snaps.

  “No, you’re not,” I agree. “I’m going to fuck your mouth. Be a good girl and take your punishment.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  A shiver of desire rolls through me at Hawk’s words. Maybe it’s a threat, I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter because I want that. I want him. I want him to fuck my mouth. I know that I shouldn’t. I’m sure that it’s totally fucked up, but I’m never going to be normal, not that I know what that word even means.

  Opening my mouth, my entire body trembles as he begins to stroke his hard cock. He looks down at me, his eyes blazing with the same heat that I’m feeling pulse throughout my entire body.

  Wordlessly, he takes a step toward me, his hand reaching out quickly and his fingers burying in the back of my hair. He holds my gaze completely arrested, I’m unable to look away, I’m not even able to blink.

  He moves in and out of me slowly, easing himself farther down my throat with each shallow thrust. That is until those thrusts are no longer shallow and he’s completely buried down my throat.

  Hawk tugs my neck back a little farther as he dips his chin and continues to hold my gaze. “Fuck,” he rasps. “Fuck.”

  He doesn’t say anything else, his breathing picks up and he starts to pant as he pulls out of me, then buries himself all the way down my throat again. His strokes become relentless. This should start to feel like a punishment, but even as tears and saliva start to slide down my cheeks and chin, I feel nothing but pleasure.

  “You’ll swallow every single drop,” he grinds out as he begins to thrust even faster.

  His grip in my hair tightens, tugging against my scalp and I let out a moan right before he stills, burying himself completely and comes. I’m forced to swallow every drop, just as he demands, though I would anyway—for him.

  When he’s finished, he pulls out of me, his hand still gripping my hair tightly as he leans forward, his nose almost touching mine. He doesn’t say anything immediately, but the anger in his eyes, the rage that fills him, it hasn’t ebbed at all.

  “Clean your fuckin’ self up, and stay in this goddamn room, Avah.”

  He tugs his pants up his hips, turns around, and walks out of the door, slamming it behind him. I stay frozen at the edge of the bed, on my knees with saliva and tears running down my face, my red lipstick and makeup completely fucking ruined as I stare at the closed door.

  I expect him to come back inside, to take me in his arms and to fuck me. He doesn’t. Instead, I’m left staring at the closed door for far longer than I should. Narrowing my gaze on the wooden piece, as if that object somehow is to blame, I growl in its direction as I climb up off the floor.

  I’m glad that there is an attached bathroom in this room and I don’t have to further embarrass myself by walking a
round the hallways looking like a fucking disaster. Stomping toward the bathroom, I slam the door behind me and lock it just for good measure.

  Refusing to look at my reflection in the mirror, I start the shower and slip inside, washing my body and my face, scrubbing myself until my skin is red and raw. I feel dirty and angry all at the same time.

  Tears spill down my cheeks and I instantly hate myself for crying like a little bitch. I’m bigger than this, bigger than my own stupid feelings. I can’t even remember the last time that I cried because some man hurt my feelings or made me feel like shit.

  Once I’ve cried and cleaned myself up, I dress in sleep shorts and a tank top, no bra, and slide on my sandals before I head toward the laundry room. I’m completely makeup-less, my hair is in a messy bun and I look as worn out, tired, stressed, and annoyed as I feel.

  A sense of relief fills me as I walk into the laundry room, thankful that I didn’t run into anyone along the way and that this room is empty. Throwing my meager amount of clothes into the washer, I sigh at the heavily scented detergents that line the shelf.

  “I doubt they’ve ever heard of a free and clear detergent,” a voice mutters.

  Spinning around, I freeze at the sight of the woman standing in front of me. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her and she looks a hell of a lot different without her face being swollen and covered in bruises.

  “Sable,” I sneer.

  She smirks, her gaze searching mine. “I’m back, bitch.” She laughs.

  “Do you need Trista to serve you a little reminder of why you left in the first place?” I ask.

  She shrugs a shoulder. “I don’t see her anywhere.”

  “Do you have a reason for being here?” I ask as I turn around and start the washing machine.

  When the machine is started, I face the bitch again, crossing my arms as I wait for her response. She doesn’t say anything right away, her eyes search mine for a moment and whatever she sees, she must think that she’s found it, that she’s beat me or better than me in some way.

  “I’m back where I belong, though I’m not sure anyone could say the same about you.”

  Laughing, though the humor is not in my tone at all, I smirk. “I’m not sure who you think you’re in competition with, but it’s not me.”

  She hums. “We’ll see about that, I suppose. I’ve come to terms I’ll never be an Old Lady, but I also know that I have a place here and you don’t.”

  “And I’ll never be an Old Lady either, right?”

  She takes a step back. “Maybe you will. But considering the one you’re hung up on is the most unattainable man in this place, I highly doubt it. You should have gone for Keaston, I’m just saying.”

  At the mention of Keaston’s name, my spine straightens. “So you’ve been the one entertaining him?” I ask.

  She licks her lips, her eyes shifting to the side, then coming back to meet my own. “You really should have just stayed with him. Great cock and knows how to use it, tongue too. Though Hawk’s is pretty remarkable too, so can’t say I don’t blame you for wanting another taste of him.”

  “Did you just say that to me?” I whisper.

  “Keaston knows what he’s doing, he’s packing too. I’m just letting you know in case you’re having doubts about your neighbor. Things with Hawk won’t last long and Keaston is easy access. Plus, he seems like a pretty decent guy.”

  “So you’re just the friendly clubwhore helping a girl out?” I ask.

  Sable laughs as she shakes her head. “That’s rich,” she says as her laughter dies. “You calling me a whore, when that’s exactly what you are, too. It’s okay, hon. You can be in denial all you want, but if you truly want out of the life, Hawk isn’t the one for you. You’ll always be his whore, but Keaston wants a wife and a family.”

  Without giving me the option to respond, though I’m not quite sure what I would even say, she turns and walks out of the room. I stand, staring after her in shock, the same way I stared after Hawk when he left the bedroom a few hours ago.


  Maybe the bitch is right.


  Fire rages throughout my whole body as I walk out of the clubhouse and into the cool, dark night. The music is starting to get louder at the bar, bodies are beginning to strip out of their clothes and I’m just so fucking pissed off that none of it goddamn matters.

  “You ain’t up there with your girl,” a deep voice rumbles.

  I don’t bother looking over my shoulder, I know who it is, it’s Mamba. Staying looking straight ahead, I can’t help but snort. Like the rest of the brothers, he’s around my age, but just like them, I don’t need relationship advice from him.

  “Ain’t you supposed to be with your woman and her dude?”

  Mamba grunts, but doesn’t respond to my words, at least not immediately. We both stay in our spots, me about ten feet in front of him and him leaning against the wall of the clubhouse. The moon is bright, too fucking bright, and it’s close to being full which means we need to strike soon. Those Puncher fucks, if they’re going to do anything, it’ll be during a full moon.

  “They’re spending some one-on-one time together,” he mumbles.

  At that, I turn around, arching my brow in surprise. He presses his lips together, tipping his chin to spit on the ground before he covers it up with dirt. Slowly, he lifts his gaze up to meet mine.

  “Not that it’s your business, but we have three different things that happen. Them, her with me, and us.”

  “Sounds like a lot of fuckin’ work.”

  Mamba snorts. “You have no idea.”

  “You workin’ on getting it good again.” His brows snap together. Shaking my head, I chuckle. “Brother, everyone knows shit wasn’t good for a while there. You can’t hide things from us.”

  His eyes flash, then his lips turn up into a grin. “Neither can you, brother.”

  “Yeah,” I agree.

  “You claimin’ Avah, making it official?”

  I shrug a shoulder, looking up at the moon again. The anger hasn’t left, it’s only just boiling instead of raging throughout my entire body. I don’t know if it will go away, and if it does, I’m not sure when.


  Mamba pushes off of the wall, his steps slow and steady as he makes his way toward me. He stops just in front of me, his eyes blazing with something unreadable. There’s a moment of pause before he speaks.

  “No, yeah, brother. You want her, you take her. Don’t fuck around with that one. She’ll turn around and she won’t look back. Aren’t you a little old to play that back and forth shit anyway?”

  Pressing my lips together, I don’t answer him, at least not right away. I open my mouth to say something, but he just shakes his head. “Hawk. You fucked up with Savanna and Trista. That’s life, but don’t do that shit again, not when it looks like you feel a lot fucking more for Avah than you ever did for Sav.”

  I start to respond when a woman’s voice calls out his name. “Mamba,” she cries. He turns his head and looks up and over his shoulder. It’s Maria, and she’s topless as she hangs out of the window. “Come on, we need you.”

  I hear the hitch of his breath as he watches her. Then Gator’s head leans out from next to her. “C’mon brother, got her ass all primed for you.”

  Mamba doesn’t even waste a second. He takes off like a fucking shot and I can’t help but chuckle at the sight of him practically sprinting to his woman and man. My laughter dies when I shift my gaze to the side and see Avah standing in the doorway.

  She’s wearing a pair of too fucking short shorts and a tank top, I can also tell even from the distance that she’s not wearing a fucking bra.

  Growling, I don’t move, afraid that I’ll take my anger out on her again. I was pissed at her, but I wasn’t that pissed at her. She was talking to my daughter, enjoying herself, but the fight with Dragon just sent me over the edge. Now, she’s just pissing me off all over again.

  “You’re here
because?” I ask, arching a brow.

  She tilts her head to the side, her gaze searching mine. I watch as she licks her lips, noticing that all of her makeup is gone and her lips are no longer bright red. I liked the red, especially when they were wrapped around my cock.

  “You’ve proven your point,” she announces as she starts to make her way toward me.

  “My point?” I ask.

  She nods her head, stopping directly in front of me. “Yeah, your point. You’re the big bad man, you punished me for disobeying you. I’m your whore, I won’t forget that. You brought Keaston here, fucked me in front of him, and supplied him with clubwhores to kill any illusions he once had about getting inside of me. I get it, Hawk.”

  My entire torso jerks backward as if her words physically assaulted me. “You get it?” I ask, saying the words slowly.

  Avah nods her head. “Yeah, I get it.”

  “You’re my whore,” I rasp.

  She hums. “Yeah, seems I am. Locked in your room, fucked the way you want it. Punished for breaking your rules and you just walk away when you’re done. Your whore.”

  Lifting my hand, I reach out and wrap my fingers around the front of her throat. She gasps, her eyes widening in surprise at my quick move. Tugging her toward me by the grip I have on her throat, I dip my chin as my nose almost touches hers.

  “Bitch,” I growl. “You don’t know shit.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Hawk has never scared me. He’s tried to intimidate me and maybe attempted to frighten me, but he never actually has scared me, not until this moment. His voice is deep, raspy, and almost otherworldly. I’ve never heard this tone before, or seen his eyes so focused, so intense, and so terrifying.

  His fingers tighten around my throat, then he pushes me away from him, releasing his grip. I don’t make a scene, not even as I stumble backward and almost lose my balance.


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