UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7) Page 14

by Hayley Faiman

  “Fuck that,” I snarl. “Patience got us nothin’ but Trista taken.”

  He shakes his head once. “I’m not givin’ up on Dragon, not yet. If you’re going to fly off of the handle and ruin it all, I won’t tell you when they’re headed up there.”

  Pride. It’s a fucker of a thing. Instead of telling him to mind his own shit and I’ll do what I want, I grind my teeth together, gnashing them and wearing down the enamel as I hold back everything that I want to say.

  “I’ll bide my time, but just to say, if he doesn’t have a solid plan soon, I ain’t holdin’ back shit.”

  “Nobody would expect you to and I’ll be the first one at your back.”

  I snort, unsure if I believe him. Doesn’t matter, once this shit is done with Avah, my priority is the Donkey Punchers, with or without Dragon’s approval.

  “Guys are leaving in three days, figured you didn’t want to head out that soon, but that’s the only time I could schedule them between runs to head out that far north,” Taz announces.

  “I’ll be with them. Need to see Marshall anyway, it’s been a while.”

  Taz jerks his chin and I turn around at the sound of someone’s boots approaching behind me. I’m surprised to see that it’s Worm, our resident computer whiz and intelligence guy. I asked him yesterday to find out what he could on this senator that has used Avah’s services before, especially since she refused to give me very much information about him.

  “You are a fast motherfucker,” I call out.

  He jerks his head, but he’s not smiling. Instead, he’s got his brows furrowed and a frown on his face as he closes the distance between us.

  “Got a place you wanna talk?” he asks as his greeting.

  “Right here is as good as any.”

  He nods his head a couple of times, then turns and walks over to the picnic table that’s in the shade. I notice as he’s walking away that he has a stack of papers in his hand. Following behind him, I sink down on the bench across from him and place my forearms on the table.

  “You wanna tell me what the fuck you’re acting like this for?” I demand.

  Worm clears his throat. “Yeah,” he rasps. “This guy, he’s bad news, brother. Not just bad, like he’s a dick bad news, like he’s in with the wrong fucking people bad news.”

  Leaning forward, I grin. “Brother, we’re the wrong fucking people kind of news.”

  He chuckles, though it’s a nervous type of laugh. “We’re fucking saints compared to the crowd he hangs around, Hawk.”

  “Explain,” I demand.

  “All those guys we took out, the ones who bought, kept, and abused women? Yeah, he is part of an underground group that visits one another on the monthly to play with their pets.”

  There’s a moment of silence. He pauses and I inhale a deep breath. “Why didn’t we already get rid of his ass?” I demand.

  “He flies under the radar, uses a pseudonym with documentation for that name. He was a ghost and even when I had his real name, it took some serious fucking illegal digging to figure it all out. No way in fuck would I have ever found it had I not been able to piece it all together with Avah’s involvement.”

  Just thinking about the fact that this motherfucker has been inside of Avah, that he was a client, and he’s the kind of man that he is. Thinking about the fact that he’s had her, alone, and now he’s stalking her. It makes me want to take him out and make him pay for every misdeed he’s ever done to a woman.

  “He’s protected, Hawk,” Worm says, reading my mind, or maybe he wants to do exactly what I do with this bastard.

  “He has to be alone sometime,” I point out.

  Worm shakes his head. “He’s not. He has two men, his guards. They are with him twenty-four seven. That doesn’t include the government security that is with him as well. His personal guards though, they know everything. They are with him always.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss. “There won’t be any way to get in and out quietly.”

  Worm shakes his head. “No way, and I can’t disable his security. He’s locked up fucking tight.”

  “Any way to get inside of his inner circle somehow?”

  There’s a moment of silence and he clears his throat. “Maybe. He’s got a couple guys that aren’t as connected as he is politically speaking. They keep the circle tight because there are some other political and police figureheads in there, but if I can get one of the guys who aren’t as well connected, maybe blackmail them somehow. Maybe, all just a maybe, I can get someone in with one of them, or something on them.”

  Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around the back of my neck, squeezing as I think about Avah and her insistence that this fucker will get her. He will too, if I don’t figure out how to take him out, he will get her.

  “Get working on a list of people, and gather whatever blackmail evidence we need, to get inside.”

  I hear a commotion behind me and I turn my head, my eyes catching a glimpse of Trista and Avah walking out of the clubhouse. Frowning, I wonder why Avah isn’t where I left her and then my frown deepens when I see that she’s wearing a new fucking tank top, and no goddamn bra, yet again.

  “Avah,” I bark.

  Her head whips around and her eyes find mine. She doesn’t walk over to me, instead she faces me, crossing her arms just below her fantastic tits and arches a brow in my direction. Jesus Christ, she’s defiant. And holy fuck, do I want more.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Hawk looks from me to Trista, then back to me. His eyes narrow and Trista pokes my back. “Girl, you better get your ass over there,” she whispers.

  “Fuck that,” I snap. “I’m not his property.”

  “I’m thinking he’s ready to change that,” Mountain announces from somewhere behind us.

  I snort, not willing to get into that conversation again. Instead, I don’t look back at Mountain. I keep my gaze straight ahead and focused on the man who is growing angrier by the second, if his reddening face has anything to do with it.

  “What are your plans? To stare at him all day? I’m hot and hungry, so I’m going to need to go sooner rather than later,” Trista announces, louder than she needs to.

  Rolling my eyes, I shrug a shoulder, turning my head to look back at her. “Let’s get going then.”

  “Shit,” she whispers.

  Ignoring her trepidation, I walk past her and toward her car. I don’t get far. Maybe a step or two when a strong band wraps around my waist from behind and I’m hauled backward into a hard chest.

  “May I help you?” I grind out.

  Hawk’s lips touch the shell of my ear. “Baby, where the fuck do you think you’re going with your tits out like that?”

  Looking down at my chest, I frown. The tank shows a little cleavage, but not much. Then, it dawns on me, it’s the fact that I’m braless. I almost laugh, but decide not to. Instead, I play dumb.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  He grunts, one of his hands sliding up my chest and his fingers grip my breast, squeezing me roughly. I bite the inside of my cheek, liking that way too much.

  There is no way I’m going to moan right now, even as I clench my thighs together, it takes all that I have not to close my eyes and enjoy the way he’s gripping me.

  “Put a bra on and get your ass back upstairs.”

  I hum, not moving, but wanting nothing more than to pull away from him and stomp like a teenager. “Actually, no to both. I have a total of two outfits. I’m going to go shopping with Trista today.”

  “Fuck,” he hisses.

  “Unless you want to come with us?” I ask.

  He lets out a grunt at the same time I smile, trying to imagine shopping with him. I would torture him, especially right now since he’s pissing me off.

  “A couple of prospects will go with you,” he growls.

  “Suits me just fine,” I quip.

  He releases me and I take a step away from him, although I regret it immediately becaus
e I already miss his warm hard body, and his grip on my breast. There’s a long pause, a moment of complete silence where Trista looks from me to Hawk, then back to me and I can tell she doesn’t know what to say or do.

  Hawk stomps away, I can hear his boots crunching in the hard dirt and rock as he makes his way back into the clubhouse.

  “Girl, you are crazy,” she hisses. “Taz would lose his shit if I acted like that, especially in front of his brothers.”

  My lips curve up into a grin and I arch a brow. “Difference is, I’m not his Old Lady. I’m just someone who is temporarily sleeping in his bed. I don’t have to bow down to him, here or anywhere else for that matter.”

  “You’re fucking crazy,” Mountain announces before he saunters away.

  I am fucking crazy, but I’m not about to let a man who doesn’t want to keep me control me. No way in hell. He wants to put a ring on, brand it, and put a baby inside of it, then we’ll talk. But as of right now, he has zero control over me.

  A few moments later Hawk walks out of the clubhouse with three prospects at his back. I watch them all approach and his gaze flicks from me to Trista, then settles on me. His face is completely without humor, his anger simmering just below the surface and completely serious.

  “These three go with you, you don’t go anywhere without them. You need to piss, they go into the goddamn bathroom and stand outside of the stall. You understand me?” he growls.

  I momentarily think about giving him some kind of smart-ass answer as my reply, but decide against it, deciding that I’ve been enough of a problem this morning and I’m hungry just like Trista.

  “I can do that, boss.”

  “Boss?” he asks.

  My lips curve up into a grin. “I can do that, daddy,” I purr.

  Trista makes a noise behind me that sounds a lot like gagging, but I can’t look away from the way that Hawk’s eyes suddenly ignite. He doesn’t make a single move, he doesn’t even twitch. Instead, he jerks his chin, his gaze flicking behind my shoulder to Trista.

  “You guys have any problems, call. Don’t put yourself in danger, not for anything, got me?” he growls.

  I don’t miss the fact that he said those words to Trista and not me. He doesn’t give a shit if something happens to me, or maybe he does, but he gives a bigger shit if something happens to Trista and as much as I don’t want to feel jealous, I can’t stop the emotion from rolling throughout my entire body.

  Hawk doesn’t even tell me goodbye, instead, he turns and walks back into the clubhouse, leaving me and Trista with the prospects.

  I look to the men standing there waiting for us to go to Trista’s car. “So, you three are going to sit in the back seat, who’s riding bitch?”



  This is exactly why it’s easier to be single.

  Granted, technically, I’m still single. Which is kind of a bummer since this particular bitch seriously does it for me. After walking away from her, I made sure to slip Trista three grand for Avah’s shit today, something I grabbed while I was rounding up prospects.

  I know that Avah is high maintenance as fuck and prefers to live on the more expensive side of life. Three g’s probably won’t be enough for a full shopping excursion, but it’ll have to do today. Walking into the bar, I see Mamba sitting on a stool, a beer in hand.

  “A little early for that shit, especially after last night, no?” I ask.

  He shakes his head once, then turns to look over at me. “I don’t know, brother, seems like it’s a good time to get wasted.”

  I don’t ask him anything else, he is in a heap of shit with his woman and man, and honestly, I don’t want any goddamn part of it. I do need a favor, and I’m wondering if he’s the perfect guy for the job right about now.

  “I’m going to be heading up to NorCal later this week, but I was wondering if you could do a favor for me?”

  “As long as it doesn’t involve babysitting bitches, I’ll do it.”

  Chuckling, I can’t say that I blame him. I’m not sure I’m going to survive all that is Avah. “No babysitting. But it involves a little work.”


  Nodding, I clear my throat. “When I took Avah, I couldn’t waste time letting her pack up her clothes and shit. Wondered if you could get a truck down there and box all her clothes and shit up, bring it here? Move her completely out of her place.”

  “Guess I could get Maria to come and help,” he rumbles, though it sounds like that’s the last thing that he wants to do.

  “Take Gator too, maybe the three of you need some time away from here?”

  His eyes catch mine and he nods once. “Yeah, I think we might.”

  Digging in my front pocket, I pull out her keys, keys that I stole from her backpack yesterday. Tossing them on the bar, I tell him that I’ll text him her address later today.

  “We’ll head out first thing in the morning,” he offers.

  “Appreciated, whatever you want for compensation, you let me know, yeah?”

  “How about you owe me?”

  “Fuck,” I bite out.

  He laughs, knowing that it’s going to benefit him for me to owe him more than cash ever would.

  Leaving the bar, I decide to go and talk to Dragon. I want to ask him some more about Jaguar and his bullshit. I was too angry yesterday to demand any details, and now that I’m calmed down a bit, I want to know exactly what the fuck is going on.

  I don’t get far.

  Sable stops me in the hallway just a few feet away from Dragon’s office door.

  “She’s really pretty,” she says, extending her arm as she places her palm against my chest

  Looking down at her hand, I flick my gaze back up to meet hers. Clearing my throat, I reach out and wrap my fingers around her wrist. This bitch seriously has a hard-on for trouble. As if Trista didn’t fuck her up just months ago, not only does she come back, but now she’s messing with me of all people.

  “She’s fuckin’ gorgeous,” I grunt.

  She hums. “Yeah, she really is.” Her hand slides down to my waist, then she cups my dick and squeezes. I can’t keep the rumbled groan from escaping my lips, my gaze never breaking hers. “When she’s gone, I want to be in your bed, Hawk.”

  “In my bed?” I ask.

  She smiles, licking her lips. “I don’t have to be anything other than your fuck toy, and I’ll still do my whore’s duties, but I want to end my nights with your cock inside of me.”

  “Why?” I grunt.

  Sable sighs. “You’re just that good, Hawk. I want all of you, all the time.”

  The offer is nice. Fucking with zero commitment. No feelings to get in the way, but Sable’s cunt has teeth and I know they’re itching to sink deep into me, anyway that they can. I have free pussy anytime I want it, so her offer isn’t that enticing.

  “Sorry, babe,” I grunt, reaching for her wrist and tugging her hand off my cock. “I have any pussy I want here, any way I want it, including yours, and I like my space.”

  Leaving her, I don’t head toward Dragon’s office, instead I make a detour to talk to Keaston. I haven’t seen him since we arrived and I want to make sure he knows what the fuck is going on here.

  Keaston isn’t hard to find, he’s leaning against the wall in the bar common area, beer in hand, his eyes search the room and he jerks his chin when they find mine. Making my way over to him, I stop a few feet in front of him and cross my arms over my chest while planting my feet wide.

  “Yeah?” he asks.

  “You gettin’ along here okay?”

  He nods his head, lifting his beer to his lips and taking a pull. “Got a sweet setup here,” he points out.

  My eyes widen and my lips curve into a grin. “You thinkin’ of applying to be a prospect?”

  “You sponsor me?” he replies quickly.

  You could blow me the fuck over with a feather. “You ever been part of a club before, know anything about one?”

  He shrug
s a shoulder. “Brother was in a local club when I was a kid. Killed in a rival thing. Don’t remember much about it. Got my love of bikes and the open road from him.”

  “That club affiliated with any other?”

  “Don’t know, doubt it. They were really just a group of guys playing badass.”

  “Give me your name, social, and all your information. I’ll give it to our tech and see if you’re eligible.”

  He nods his head a couple of times, taking another pull from his bottle. I think about walking away from him, but I can tell that he has something else on his mind. I wait a few more minutes, then finally he gets the courage to say what he’s thinking.

  “You guys figure out who’s after Avah?”


  “You’ll get him?” he asks.

  “Why do you give a fuck?” I demand.

  He shrugs a shoulder. “Because it’s not right. Terrorizing a woman like that. She didn’t do shit. She goes to work and comes home. No men in and out, no partying late.”

  It’s clear he doesn’t know Avah in her past life and maybe she really should be with him, but it doesn’t matter because she never will.

  “You want her still?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, his gaze drifting over my shoulder. Turning my head, I look back to see where he’s staring and hiss. His eyes are for Sable and Sable only.

  “That one has teeth, brother,” I reply as I turn my gaze back around to meet his.

  “No, I don’t want to fuck Avah. I like her, and I did, but it’s obvious she doesn’t want nothin’ to do with me. And no need for warning, I know Sable’s got teeth. Don’t know why, but I like ‘em.”

  With a laugh, I leave him to his woman and decide to go for a ride. Just talking of the open road has me itching to get out for a bit.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I spend longer than I should out on my ride. Ignoring everything, I ride in the desert, the hot sun beating down on me until that sun sets.


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