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Dark Water: A Collective World Novel (Academy's Rise Book 2)

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by Lia Davis

  It didn't make it any less pleasurable, though. My pussy tightened around him surprisingly fast. He did some sort of twisty thing with his hips that made me cry out every time he was fully seated.

  Slowly, he built up speed until he was hitting it so hard the desk squeaked forward with every thrust, and I was screaming in pleasure.

  He must've registered how loud I was, because he clapped a hand over my mouth, pulling me upright somewhat and swinging me around. I pressed my upper body against the wall beside his chalkboard, the cold wood of the wall sending shockwaves down my breasts, increasing the speed and intensity of my coming orgasm.

  The change of angle gave him wonderful reach to move his arm around me and bury his hand in my folds from the front, finding my clit again and pressing it between his fingers and my body.

  With his other hand still on my mouth, he fucked me until I went limp, exhausted from the massive orgasm that crested and broke over me.

  I hoped he was nearly done, because my ejaculation had drenched both of us, making it too wet for him to continue. Based on how deeply he pressed himself inside me, I was pretty sure he was coming hard inside me.

  He pulled back and looked around, shock and regret already evident on his face. "Fuck."

  "That was pretty damn good," I said as I walked to our pile of clothes and picked up his undershirt. I used it to dry my snatch and legs so I could put my clothes back on, then tossed it to him. "Do you know a spell to clean up this mess?" I asked, indicating the liquid all over the floors. "I can take care of it if you don't."

  "Uh, no," he said as he stared at the evidence of what we'd done on the floor. His gaze moved to his desk, shoved halfway across the room into a row of student desks. "I don’t."

  "It's all good." I had just clasped my bra around my waist, but I left it and stood naked, bra hanging from my waist and reached my hands out to the liquid. Finding the part of me that could ask water or liquid to do exactly what I wanted it to, I moved my hands, drawing the liquid to me to hover over my hands. "Open the window, please." We were on the third floor, so nobody would've been able to look in. "And make sure nobody is below us."

  He ran, still naked, to do as I asked, his dick now tucked neatly against his body. After throwing open the window and looking surreptitiously down, he looked at me with wide eyes. "Nobody."

  I flung the ball of liquid out of the window. "There. Problem solved."

  Returning to my clothes, I dressed quickly, stuffing my damp panties in my pocket.

  My emotions broke through the wall I built long ago to keep them from overwhelming me, and the staggering enormity of what had happened hit me like a freight train. Rummaging around in my bag, I pulled out a sucker. I always kept suckers or candies on me that I made from a potion that helped calm me and turn off my emotions.

  "I'm going to lose my job. You're a student."

  "You don't say." I wasn’t able to freak out with him. His emotions were already hammering at the wall inside me.

  "I fucked a student, fucked you like I've never fucked anyone in my life." He yanked his underwear on and dressed frantically with jerky movements. "My room smells like sex, and I've got another class coming in." He turned in a circle to check the clock on the wall. "Fifteen minutes!"

  Grumbling, he continued dressing, totally panicked.

  Sighing, I stood and put my backpack on my shoulders. "Gimme a piece of paper." He rummaged around in his desk until he found a sticky note. "Great invention by the humans," I muttered as I grabbed a pen from his desk and wrote a note.

  Handing him what I'd written, I turned and walked toward the door. "You may want to fix the desks before you leave." I opened the door and remembered the window. "Leave the window open, it'll air the room out."

  He read the note with his mouth open then looked at me. "Well, bye," he said weakly.

  I'd railroaded the poor man. He'd get used to it if he knew what was good for him. My personality was large, and I wouldn't change it for anyone.

  After I left his room, my bravado deflated, and I hightailed it for the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, the candy helped me build the wall to steady my emotions and let me be in control of myself.

  When I'd gotten it together and smoothed my hair and clothes, I peeked out the door. I didn't want to run into Fenton again, not yet. Lucifer knew I wasn't ready for that yet.

  The note was on his door. He'd already left.

  I peeked again at the note I'd written for him, pleased that he'd used it.


  The day is too beautiful for staying indoors. We'll learn on the quad today. See you there.


  Chapter Two

  My mind raced too much over what happened to focus on classes, so I made my way to my dorm. I would’ve thought that fucking Fenton would’ve curbed my need for him for a little while. Nope. I wanted him even more. All the more reason not to hang around where I might run into him again.

  My dorm came into view, and I blew out a breath, relieved that I hadn’t run into anyone. I didn’t want to deal with chit chat at the moment.

  My phone chimed, and I glanced at it and then rolled my eyes. Elijah had sent a text.

  Where are you?

  Sorry, went back to the dorm.

  You okay?


  I turned off my phone and shoved it back into my pocket as I entered the dorm, letting the door slam behind me. Rushing up the stairs, I kept my fingers proverbially crossed that I wouldn’t run into anyone. Especially not Randell.

  Think about the hot-headed sentry and he appears. I almost turned around and went back down when I heard the top-floor door open. Peering up the stairs, I saw Randell. Of course. Instead of running, I straightened my spine and held my head high. I hadn’t done anything wrong. Randell hadn’t made any move to claim me. In fact, he seemed dead set against the mating. So, fuck him.

  When I moved past him, he scented the air. Then, faster than I anticipated, he grabbed my arm and whirled me around to face him. "What the fuck, Tala?"

  I glanced down at his hand then met his heated stare. "Apparently, I have another mate."

  Randell jerked back as if I’d slapped him, releasing me. I didn’t say another word, just started up the stairs again. He could’ve followed or he could’ve left. I really wasn’t in the mood to care what he did. Unfortunately, he was in the mood to argue. The fact that I smelled like another man and sex didn’t help anything.

  When I entered the dorms I shared with my sisters, I didn’t bother to close the door. Randell was right behind me and would be even more pissed if I slammed the door in his face. However, the thought did cross my mind.

  I went straight to my room because I needed to shower. Not for Randell’s benefit, but my own. Fenton’s scent was driving me crazy. Add in Randell’s and damn, I was ready to fuck both of them. At once.

  Nope. I shut that thought down. As mates, I was sure eventually it would be on the agenda, but my body responded too readily to the idea, which meant I needed to let it go for now. Damn.

  I did close my bedroom door, which did nothing to keep the growly sentry out, of course. Randell barged in with a snarl. I glanced at him with one raised eyebrow. He crowded me, trying to intimidate me. Whatever. It wouldn’t work.

  "What are you doing?"

  I placed a hand on his large chest and pushed. It was effective enough to make him take a step back. "I’m going to take a shower." If he didn’t move I’d show him who was the damn alpha in this relationship.

  "That’s not what I’m talking about."

  I knew what he meant. With a sigh, I crossed my arms and glared at him. "You’ve made it clear that you don’t want this mating." Like he had any choice in the matter. I poked him in the chest. "So don’t get in my face because I found a second mate and acted on the flood of desires that comes along with it."

  He growled again. "You didn't think it would be good to talk to me first?"

  Oh, Hell’s hammertoe
s. No. My fangs lengthened and my wolf snarled. Fury built inside me and my water boiled under the surface, this time out of anger, not desire. I may not have been a fire element like Meda, but I could pull on her heat to boil my water. "You don’t have a say in what I do. You are my sentry, here to protect me, not order me around." Sometimes, like now, Meda’s heat came to me in anger or desire, whether I called on it or not.

  I needed a cold shower to calm me down. Fuck, what I needed was to drown in my water. Although water would never kill me, no matter how long I stayed under—when I was in the water I didn’t need to breathe because I was the water.

  "You can’t tell me I don’t get a say," he said in a deadly low voice.

  I laughed humorlessly. "Says who?" Turning on my heels, I entered the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. Stripping out of my clothes, I tossed them into the hamper. The shower curtain rattled as I jerked it open and then turned on the cold water.

  I was so pissed at Randell that my internal water was still boiling hot. I needed the cold to counter it, or I risked losing control. Hopefully, it would calm me down in the process.

  Several minutes after I stepped under the cold spray, Randell joined me. Damn it, I was still pissed at him. Why did he have to bring his gorgeous ass—and dick—into my shower? "Don’t. I’m pissed." Giving him my hardest glare, I tried to ignore his hard cock when I really wanted to bounce on it. Damn him.

  "I know." He stepped closer, and I groaned as his cock pressed against my hip. Then he fisted his hand in my hair and pulled. "I never said I didn’t want to mate. I’m still processing it. What I don’t want is for everything to change. Mating with you changes everything."

  Jerk! I shoved against him, not moving him. To be fair, I hadn’t tried very hard. "Get out."

  He ignored my command. Great. What use was it having a sentry that didn’t obey your orders? Or a mate, for that matter.

  "Is that what you really want?" He pulled my hair tighter, drawing a whimper from me. Pain mixed with pleasure was my undoing.

  But I couldn’t let him know how weak he made me. It was bad enough his lycan senses picked up on my arousal. Ass. He rejected everything but my pussy for the mating, then had the nerve to be jealous of Fenton.

  "Yes. If you can’t accept that I have two mates, then you need to leave." I gripped his cock and began stroking, slow and teasingly, giving him my sultriest, horniest look as I moved my hand up and down his long shaft.

  He bucked under my touch and hissed in my ear. "You are mine."

  "No, I’m not." I belonged to no one but myself.

  Without warning, Randell grabbed and lifted me, slamming my back against the cold tile of the shower wall. He lifted my legs and thrust inside me, stretching me. The sting of the sudden invasion fueled my desire for him all the more. If I hadn’t wanted what he had to give me, I could’ve taken him down easily, but no way I wanted him to stop.

  He cupped one of my breasts and rolled the tight nipple between his fingers as he thrust into me. Pinpricks of pleasure raced over my skin and in my core.

  "You are mine, and that pussy is mine." He growled out the words, the sound vibrated through me. I didn’t answer.

  "Answer me, Tala." His voice rose. "You belong to me. Say it."

  Right then, I was anything he wanted me to be. Although, I’d never give him the satisfaction of knowing that. "Shut up and fuck me." I stared into his eyes and challenged him to disobey that order.

  That was the one command he could never disobey. He pulled out and slammed back in again and again. Each thrust hit the perfect spot, drawing me straight toward an orgasm with no buildup.

  I scored his back with my nails and fought the urge to bite him. It had been our rule to each other since our fuck sessions had changed and the mating had overtaken us. If we bit, the mating bond would sure as hell take root. It was the one thing we didn’t want. Or at least, we hadn’t.

  Then why had I offered to claim Fenton? The idea of making Randell my official mate had been repugnant. Not because I didn’t like Randell, but because I’d wanted to have a few years of freedom before being tied down with a mate.

  On the heels of that thought, Randell kissed my neck and then sucked. His teeth grazed my skin, and I shuddered as the pending orgasm hit me hard. Did he want to bite me? Would he if I told him to? Just the whisper of his teeth on my skin was enough to give me an orgasm. I couldn’t wait until I bit him, and then I’d let him bite me. Eventually.

  Of course, I was too chicken to demand it of him yet. There were too many unknowns between us. But the one big known factor was that he didn't want a mate. My anger returned, and I tightened my legs around his waist, trying to squeeze all the air from between us.

  As if knowing what I wanted, he picked up the pace. Then he gripped my throat in his hands and squeezed. As long as the water rushed over us, he couldn’t choke me. But the dominance from his grip was what I wanted and needed. He could never be my alpha in the world, but he could in the sack.

  I deserved to be dominated because I hadn’t given Fenton a choice earlier. He was a witch and didn’t fully understand the mating pull.

  "Tala." Randell’s sharp tone got my attention.

  I narrowed my gaze at him. "You’re mine," I told him then claimed his mouth. He would have to get used to it. I wasn’t hiding him anymore.

  When he thrust his tongue in my mouth he nicked it on my fang, and I groaned at the rich taste of his blood. I sucked his tongue, drawing on his life essence as he pounded in and out of my pussy. Our breathing increased and another orgasm exploded inside me, making my body spasm.

  Randell’s body tensed right before he roared through his own release, the tiny bit of my venom that went into his tongue spurring him to a faster orgasm than he probably would’ve had.

  He loosened his hold on my throat and pulled out so I could lower to my feet. Neither of us said a word as he washed off and got out of the shower. It wasn’t until the door shut that I allowed myself to feel.

  His emotions, Fenton’s, and my own seemed to consume me, overwhelming me. Being an empath was a bitch. I normally picked up on the emotions of the people around me, but Randell and now Fenton affected me even more, on the level of my sisters.

  Sinking to the floor, I let the cold water pour over my head as I wrapped my arms around my legs and placed my forehead on the tops of my knees.

  I wanted to drown and tried to, allowing my water to fill my throat and take me to a place where I didn’t feel as much. When I was totally full of water, like now, I could move to a trance-like state that helped me sieve off the bad emotions.

  Fighting with Randell always made me feel drained and depressed. Throw in a new mate, and I’d lost all control over my life. I was a mess of bad decisions and crippling emotions that weren’t all mine.

  What if I was destined to have a third mate? Would I lose Randell when I found him?

  Chapter Three

  My Paw’s voice was seriously in danger of putting me to sleep in his History class. It had been a shitty weekend, holed up by myself in my room. I’d begged off of going to family dinner on Sunday. I didn’t want to hear all about how I seemed to be in a bad mood from my family.

  Even though we hadn’t officially mated and claimed each other, I could tell my mood was starkly impacted by Randell’s. More so than Fenton, probably, since we’d spent so much time around each other. Plus, he was right down the hall from me.

  I didn’t know how, but I knew he was nearby. All fucking weekend.

  Monday morning History was really the last thing I wanted to sit through, but unfortunately, I was stuck in there with both of my sisters and all three of our sentries. Including Randell. Damn it.

  I’d sat as far away from him as I could, the only open seat a couple of rows over behind Harper. "You okay?" she whispered as I sighed again.

  "Yeah, a lot on my mind." That was a fucking understatement.

  Paw gave me a stern look, no doubt able to hear our entire conversation.
As could most of the room. I shrugged and slumped down farther in my seat.

  Halfway through the lecture, which I normally enjoyed, the door opened.

  His scent hit me first since I had my forehead resting in my palm, propped up on the desk. I jerked, knocking my notebook off of my desk with a clatter.

  Half the room turned to look at me, the other half looked at the hunk of sex appeal that had walked in the room and knocked me over with his scent.

  "Holy shit." A whisper from my right drew my attention, but I couldn’t manage to look away. I knew the speaker from school.

  "Andee, you ain’t kiddin’." We hadn’t been close, but anyone could bond when someone that bad-boy hot walked into the room.

  That asshole heard me, and as he inhaled, his head swiveled from greeting my Paw to looking for me. He’d scented me.

  The Tall Glass of Fuck Me stared at me as I fought the urge to jump up and claim him in front of the entire class. And my Paw.

  Lucifer’s leg hair, the last fucking thing I needed was a third mate. And a vampire, to top it off. Just like Meda. What kind of fated mate, romance novel, made-for-tv bullshit were my ancestors thinking?

  The only open seats in the room were up front, directly in front of Paw, and right be-fucking-side me. "Don’t you sit there," I warned him under my breath. All heads swiveled to me. Everyone but the witches, anyway. The vamps and lycans all heard my warning with their excellent hearing.

  The stranger, my mate, smiled. He knew exactly what was going on. I leaned slightly out into the aisle so I could see him from head to toe. Mainly, I wanted to see if he had a boner to rival the lady-boner I had.

  His fucking black fucking jeans were so tight on his Adonis-belt style body that the entire room could see the outline of his dick as it pushed against the material.

  Everyone except Paw, who walked around the desk and stood slightly behind the blonde. The hollows of his cheeks deepened as Paw introduced him. "This is Kevin, everyone. Kevin, this is pretty much the whole school. I teach history to everyone at once, like it or not."


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