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Healing Hearts 8: Teach Me What Love Is

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “She’ll take back her apology thinking that you’re a serial killer.”

  Hendrick snorted. “What the fuck. How can some pint size sexy little bombshell do this to us? I did not see this shit coming when I got up this morning,” Paulie said.

  “Just wait until you get to roll around on the mats with her tomorrow, Hendrick, and how me and Paulie join in, as well,” Rocky said.

  “Tomorrow can’t come fast enough,” Hendrick said and they all agreed.

  Chapter 4

  Faith was smiling wide as she drove to her house. She was already thinking about what to wear tomorrow to her first self-defense class with Hendrick. Oh boy, Hendrick was intense and he had such big muscles, too. She knew what would happen. They would wind up making out on the mats and maybe not doing much learning. She should make sure he was serious and taught her things. She needed to learn and she didn’t want them thinking she was weak. She didn’t like how it felt when they thought she had no training and was basically stupid for not having any. They were right in a way because women were more often than not targets for violence and crimes. It could give her an upper hand.

  As she pulled down her street and thought about what bathing suit to wear, she spotted a van by her house but a guy holding some flowers at her neighbor’s house. Then her neighbor pointed at her. She wondered what was going on and pulled into her driveway to park when the flower delivery guy approached. The package was wrapped up in purple tissue paper.

  “Miss Coleman?” he asked.

  “That’s me.”

  He smiled wide. “Great, these are for you. I was going to leave them with the neighbor and then leave a note for you.”

  “Glad I got here in time,” she said and then reached into her purse and pulled out two dollars to give him. She then headed into her house as he drove away. She wondered who would send her flowers. As she locked the door and then set her things down on the small island in the kitchen she looked at the package. She undid the wrapping and as the purple roses came into view she felt as if her heart stopped beating.

  She stepped back, covered her mouth as thoughts and emotions flooded her body. The instant fear, the meaning behind the purple roses and who they came from.

  “It can’t be from him. They can’t be. Why now?” she wondered, thinking aloud about meeting Rocky, Paulie, and Hendrick and liking them, letting them kiss her, touch her and make plans with her. Did Andrew know? Was he watching her somehow? The panicked feeling began to start and as she looked at the card attached to the gorgeous purple roses she reached up and took it.

  “My dearest Faith. I am so very sorry for what I did. I plan on making it up to you. Please forgive me. Andrew.”

  She closed her eyes and remembered the night he struck. How angry at his boss he was and how he took it out on her. She called Brook right away. Refused to press charges because she was so afraid of him but also felt like he didn’t mean it and that this would ruin his chances to get a job and have a future. She didn’t want to feel any responsibility toward screwing things up for him. Brook thought she was crazy and two weeks later when he threatened to break into her apartment in Sussex if she didn’t let him in to see her she knew she needed the order of protection. Then he disappeared.

  She moved to Mercy when the house came up for sale this last summer. Her cousin Everly knew his friend Greg and they were starting to date. It was how Faith found out that Andrew cheated on her with some woman he met when he got fired. He was out all night drinking and having sex with some woman and then showed up at her place days later taking out his anger on her for breaking up with him and not accepting his mistakes. It had been a nightmare.

  She suddenly felt very alone and very scared. She even stopped talking to Everly because she always asked what Faith would do if Andrew came back to make things up to her. She asked if Faith was going out on dates or sleeping with anyone. She had a feeling her cousin was more interested in pleasing Greg, who controlled her, than she cared about Faith’s safety.

  She hurried to the front door and rechecked the locks. She then checked the windows and then the bedroom. She started to pace again, wondering what she should do. She thought about Rocky and his brothers and about Andrew’s threats. Would he hurt them? Try something because she liked them? What was she going to do?

  * * * *

  Conan slid his hand along Brook’s ass as she climbed up off of him to look at her cell phone.

  “Just leave it. It’s Sunday,” Kinchley barked.

  She stood up and Kernan walked out of the bathroom, his hair all wet from his shower. She eyed him over, feeling ready to make love to her men again. As she looked at her cell phone she saw the numerous missed calls from Faith and then the text messages. “CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS PLEASE.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Faith. She tried calling me several times last night and then just now. Plus text messages, too.” She pulled on one of Kernan’s shirts and then brought the phone to her ear.

  “Is she that panicked over Rocky, Paulie and Hendrick hitting on her?” Kinchley asked, now getting up out of bed. She shrugged her shoulders but her gut clenched with concern. The phone rang one time and then Faith answered.

  “Oh God, I’m so sorry, Brook. I’m sure you were with the guys and all but I’m scared and panicked and I don’t know what to do.”

  “About Rocky and the guys?”

  “That and well, last night when I got home there were flowers here.”

  “Wow, that was fast.”

  “No, not from them, from Andrew.”

  “What?” She raised her voice.

  “Purple roses and a card, too.”

  “What did the card say?”

  As she told her, Brook got angry. “That son of a bitch. Why now? Why would he start bothering you and send you flowers now?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t sleep at all last night. I was afraid he could come here or something. I don’t know. I mean I don’t think he would. I think he really wants me to forgive him.”

  “Don’t do that. He can’t be trusted.”

  “I don’t want any trouble, especially not now. Everything was going so well. I can’t believe this. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Do nothing. Just wait and see if he contacts you again. I’ll help you. Just go on with your life and with your plans.”

  “Oh God, Brook, I can’t go out with Rocky, Paulie, and Hendrick. They want to teach me self-defense. Hendrick is picking me up in an hour.”

  “Don’t be silly, of course you can go. You’re going to have to let them know about Andrew anyway.”

  “No. No, I can’t, and I don’t think going out with them and letting this thing get complicated is smart.”

  “Why not, when you like them so much?”

  She was silent.

  “Wait a minute. You mean because of Andrew’s threats to you, against any man you were to date or sleep with?” Brook said and she knew she grabbed the attention of her three men. She swallowed hard.

  “He does not have control over you, Faith. I was there that night.”

  “Exactly, and what if he’s worse. What if he only wants forgiveness and to move on?”

  “No. You can’t think that way. You’re too sweet and forgiving. He knows that and he will prey on that innocence. You call me right away if you hear from him. I think you need to continue living your life, Faith. Don’t let him have that invisible hold on you. He doesn’t own you and he never did.”

  “I know that, but he scares me so much.”

  “I know he does, sweetie. You have every right to fear him, but that’s what he’ll count on to break you down and to make you question those who will really protect you. Please make sure you don’t fall for his lies. Go out with Hendrick and them. Take your time with them. There’s no need to rush into anything.”

  “It’s so different with them, Brook. I like them a lot. I don’t mind their pace, their commanding ways. It’s different when they bark orders or ju
st take control. I don’t feel like a victim, I feel…desirable.”

  “I know what you mean, and that’s wonderful, so don’t push them away. Talk to them.”

  “No. I won’t tell them about Andrew and about what happened.”

  “You should.”

  “It’s embarrassing.”

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You were completely innocent. He took advantage of that and he lost his shit and beat you up. You were in the hospital and thank God it was the summertime or you would have missed work or maybe been forced to go to school and let those kids see the bruises. I was there, Faith, and I know that fear you had, that you still have.”

  “What if I’m wrong? What if Rocky, Hendrick, or Paulie could lose their tempers and strike? I don’t think I can do this. Not with men so big and capable as them.”

  “They won’t hurt you. My men know them well. Don’t go back into hiding and let Andrew have this control. Get ready for your date. Put those flowers in the trash and remain aware of your surroundings at all times. If he contacts you, call me.”

  “Okay, Brook. Thanks so much.”


  Brook exhaled as Conan hugged her from behind. She leaned back against him and covered his hands with hers.

  “Is she in danger?” he asked.

  “I sure as hell hope not.”

  “What is going on? Who is this Andrew?” Kernan asked her. She faced him and Kinchley and Conan released his hold on her.

  “It’s a long story.”

  “So start talking,” Kinchley said, arms crossed and looking pissed off.

  She exhaled and explained all about Faith and Andrew.

  “Holy shit, what a piece of crap,” Kernan said.

  “He completely manipulated her. She hadn’t expected him to number one cheat on her, and secondly lose his job, flip out and then attack her. He could have done worse,” Brook said.

  “He didn’t rape her though, right?” Conan asked.

  “Thank God, no. They were dating for a few months, and things were getting more serious when this happened. You have to understand that Faith is very timid and shy to begin with. She doesn’t see how beautiful she is and that isn’t her focus in life. She loves being a teacher and taking care of the kids. She volunteers her time and she’s truly a good person, but unfortunately that big heart had her falling for Andrew’s control and lies. I think that’s why she hasn’t dated anyone since him and why she is freaking out over Rocky, Paulie, and Hendrick now.”

  “That’s understandable. They are good men though. A lot older than her, so it could cause some issues. Rocky doesn’t ever take any women seriously, but he acted different around Faith,” Kernan added.

  “She won’t tell them about Andrew,” Brook said and they all had scowls on their faces.

  “She needs to, and especially if this guy starts stalking her or making threats,” Kinchley stated.

  “He warned her to not ever date any other man or he would kill them. It’s been a year or more now, but she took that threat seriously, I guess, and she doesn’t want to put Rocky and them into some sort of troubling situation because of her bad decision a year ago.”

  “That’s insane. She’ll need their protection. She’s a petite little thing and her shyness and timidness is also from the aggressive behavior of her ex and his abuse of her. She has to tell the men,” Conan said to her.

  “I can’t force her to.”

  “Well, maybe we could give them the heads up. Maybe let them know to go slow and that she was hurt before and leave it at that,” Kernan suggested.

  “You seriously think that will work with men like Rocky, Hendrick, and Paulie? I know them from SWAT, they will want answers. Leave it alone for now and if things progress then she will have to tell them, or I will then.”

  “I don’t like it. It has the makings for a disaster,” Conan said.

  “We’ll see, and in the meantime I’m going to try and find out exactly where Andrew is.”

  “Then what?” Kinchley asked.

  “All depends on his intentions with Faith and whether or not he needs a little reminder about staying clear of her or else.”

  Conan pulled her into his arms. “Not alone, you aren’t.”

  “Like I haven’t had to put the pressure on someone alone before?” she asked and ran her palms up and down his chest. He lifted her up by her ass cheeks and she straddled his waist.

  “Those days are over, women. We’re a team now and we handle things together.”

  She held his gaze and a serious expression.

  “Thank you, Conan. I love you guys, and I’m concerned for Faith. I hope this doesn’t turn into a nightmare situation.”

  “If it does then we all have her back and will protect her from this guy, but guaranteed, Rocky, Hendrick, and Paulie beat us all to it,” Kinchley said and she nodded and then kissed Conan as he backstepped to the bed, fell back and rocked his hips up against her, indicating he was ready to make love again. She was game definitely. She loved her men and they loved her. That’s what she wanted for Faith.

  * * * *

  Hendrick pulled into Faith’s driveway a few minutes early. As he got out and a light breeze began to blow, the cover came off of her garbage pail that was by the side of the house. He saw her front door open and he gave a wave.

  “The cover came off your garbage pail. I’ll just grab it and put it back on.”

  Her eyes widened and she pushed the storm door open as he headed to the garbage. His eyes landed on a gorgeous extra large bouquet of purple roses. He never saw anything like them before, and it appeared they were stuffed into the pail.

  “I can get that,” she said and reached for the cover he had picked up.

  “These look brand new. They were sent to you?” he asked her, eyeing her over and he could tell she looked nervous and, well, guilty. He wasn’t a patient man at all as he put the lid back on and took in the sight of her. She wore a pair of loose-fitting joggers, a V-neck T-shirt in blue and a pair of sneakers.

  “Let me just grab my bag,” she said and he followed her into her house, definitely wanting to know about the flowers. As he entered her front door and took in the sight of her place, he inhaled. It smelled like her and it was neat and clean. Immaculate, actually, and like no one lived there. Like it was for show. She smoothed her hands along her pants.

  “Is this good to wear for training? I wasn’t sure. Some places like you wearing those martial arts pants.”

  “This will be nice and casual. You want to be comfortable, especially when we start rolling around on the mats,” he said, looking over her body and imagining wrapping her up with one arm and slinging her over his shoulder before he lowered her to the mats and pressed between her open legs. She would be begging for mercy as he tickled her before he kissed her breathless. His dick immediately hardened as she stared at him.

  “Bathing suit, too?” he said.

  “I’m wearing it,” she told him and then grabbed her bag and the towel.

  “This is a really nice place you have. It’s so neat.”

  “That’s easy to do when you live alone,” she told him as they headed outside and she locked her front door. He opened the passenger side of the truck for her and she grabbed on to the handle and hoisted herself up. It gave him a nice view of her ass and the opportunity to grab her hips and help her up. She gasped and he gave her a stern expression. He closed the door and got inside.

  “This truck is huge,” she said, appearing small and feminine in the passenger seat.

  “It’s perfect for me and for my brothers. We need the room.” She swallowed hard.

  “So, back to the flowers. Who were they from?” he asked as he revved the diesel engine and headed down her block and to the main roadway.

  “They were sent to me by mistake,” she said and looked out the window.

  She was lying and he got a bad feeling in his gut. As they got to the traffic light he stopped the truck, placed his ha
nd on her crossed legs and she looked at him with that surprised, shy expression he was getting used to. “Don’t ever lie to me or my brothers. That’s one thing we will never accept from anyone. Man or woman,” he said firmly and then the light turned green, her eyes widened and he started to drive again. He kept his hand on her thigh, wished she weren’t wearing pants but instead shorts so he could feel her smooth skin beneath the palms of his hands.

  “I don’t want to be lied to either. Just so you know.” He glanced at her and then back to the road.

  “It’s personal and today you’re just teaching me some self-defense,” she whispered.

  He squeezed her thigh, making her move closer to him. She complied and scooted across the seat. “It’s more than that and you know it.” He made the turn onto the side road leading up to their house.

  “A first date then?” she asked.

  “Darling, I haven’t been on a date since I was in middle school.” He pulled the truck along the side of the garage where the dojo was.

  “Well, I’m old fashioned, I guess, or maybe not like women you’re used to,” she said to him.

  He parked the truck, turned off the engine and looked at her. He had one arm resting on the steering wheel as he turned toward her and the other hand smoothed between her legs as he held her gaze. “Does that mean I won’t be getting a taste of your sweet cream today, Miss Old Fashioned?”

  Her cheeks went flush, and she looked panicked and adorable as he laughed then cupped her cheek and kissed her. He wanted more. Desired her so much as he picked her up—she was light as a feather—and deposited her onto his lap. He dipped her slightly, making her gasp, and then he kissed her again. She kissed him back, ran her hand up into his hair and then to his shoulder. When he slid his palm under her T-shirt he hit material and he pulled from her mouth.

  “What’s this?” he asked, and pushed the top up a little higher.

  “My bathing suit,” she said as if he were crazy.

  She didn’t wear a bikini? She wasn’t going to show off her sexy skin and tight abs and holy shit, she was really shy. It confused the fuck out of him and he stared at her like she was so strange, then tears filled her eyes.


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