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Force: Book Two of the Zoya Chronicles

Page 6

by Kate Sander

  She went to dinner, which was indeed steak. She ate silently in the empty mess hall and noticed Alejandra come and check on her to ensure that she was where she was supposed to be. Alejandra watched her from the door for a while then left her with her lonely meal.

  After her dinner, she walked to her bedroom and locked the door. She turned off the lights and allowed herself to think. The cameras in her room wouldn’t be able to see her face in the dark. She let out a tear and a sob, disgusted at what she had become. She pitied herself more than ever before and her shoulders heaved in silent grief. She wrapped her hand around a necklace under her night shirt. It was a gold dragon wrapped around a ruby. It was her only possession from her life before and she clung to it dearly, pouring emotions into it.

  She gradually relaxed and came to a conclusion. One that she had thought of before but never had the incentive to pull off.

  She needed to break into her lab and steal her research back. She needed to destroy everything. That was the only way to undo what she had done.



  October 21, 2023, 09:55

  Location: Toronto, Canada.

  Carter sat beside her hospital bed, head in his hands. It had been three days since they had gotten Senka out of Russia. The army crew that had retrieved her had managed to keep her alive and stop the bleeding in the helicopter. They had sped to the nearest Canadian Military base where Senka had gotten stitched up and had been flown home as fast as possible.

  The surgeon contracted to the ZTF had done his best to repair the damage to her face. She had then been transferred to the ZTF headquarters in Toronto for recovery. The Zoya Task Force headquarters was located in a normal apartment building in downtown Toronto. They had the middle two floors of the fifteen-storey building to themselves. The walls between the apartments had been removed, state of the art sound proofing added, and access to the floors was blocked by elevator and the stairs. The people living in the building had no idea there was a world-class military organization right under their noses.

  The upper floor was archives, the secured server room and the medical recovery ward. They had the best of the best medical equipment and a couple of hand-picked nurses. The two other beds in the recovery ward of ZTF headquarters remained empty. Carter wasn’t the only one in the room visiting. Leo was asleep beside Senka’s bed and hadn’t left her since the ricochet bullet had hit her. It proved difficult to try to move him as he would bare his teeth and growl when anyone tried to get him out of the ward. Finally, Carter had bought him a bed and food from the nearby pet store and Leo had made his home. Leo had even let Carter bathe him and groom him while Senka was in her last surgery. Carter figured they both had needed the distraction.

  He heard the door of the ward open and both he and Leo raised their heads. The head of the Zoya Task Force, Amanda Nguyen, stepped into the room. She was medically trained and used to be in charge of recruitment, which had previously led her to the Riverview Medical Clinic to recruit Senka when she woke from her coma three years ago. Amanda had posed as her nurse and thus was privileged to all of her information. When their previous boss had retired, Amanda had taken his position.

  She walked in in her power suit and her heels clicking away on the tile. Leo huffed and put his head down. Carter stayed seated.

  “Any change?” Amanda asked. She busied herself checking Senka’s chart at the foot of the bed.

  “No,” he answered. He was tired. “Is she…” He was afraid to ask.

  “No,” Amanda said, putting the chart down and leaning against the bed. “She’s not in The Other Place. Not in a coma at all, actually. Just resting. She’s had a long couple of days. The doctor said she’d be fine.”

  Carter was relieved but he still couldn’t look at Senka’s face. It was covered but he knew she would have a large scar running down it for the rest of her life.

  Amanda was watching him, “She had that in The Other Place,” Amanda said. “The scar. You of all people know that. She will know what it’s like.”

  “Hasn’t she earned not having it?” Carter asked. “Everything she did in The Other Place? Everything she’s done here?”

  Amanda shrugged, “You know it’s not about earning it. Children with cancer never earned it. It just happens. She made choices and this is what happened. And she’s killed a lot of people. Maybe she has earned it.”

  Carter shook his head, “She does what we can’t. You wouldn’t be able to pull the trigger, nor would I.”

  “She’s not the only Zoya out there. She’s not the only one working for us. They all pull the trigger. This has been happening more and more. History is repeating itself. You know how Tomo died? It was the same in The Other Place. I don’t know why, but just be thankful she’s alive.”

  Carter flinched when he heard Tomo’s full name. His mind was momentarily filled with the view he had from Senka’s camera that fateful day. He saw the explosion. Senka’s wretched scream filled his ears as they watched the truck Tomo was in burn. He shook his head, trying to put the memory in the past. He and Senka always shortened the name, it was just easier that way. Amanda refused. Carter rubbed his forehead, the echoes of the scream never really leaving him. He figured that Amanda, of all people, was allowed to call Tomo whatever she wanted. Still didn’t stop the pain.

  “Anyway your lunch is over. It’s time to brief.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait for her to wake up?” Carter asked, nodding towards his sleeping partner.

  “You can fill her in. My office in five,” she walked away.

  Leo and Carter watched her walk away. “Well, that was fun,” Carter said to the dog. Leo huffed his agreement.

  Carter left Senka’s side and walked down the stairs to the lower floor, nodding to the two military guards at the door. They had a few highly trained guards on staff for security and for an extra set of guns if they needed them.

  The Zoya Task Force was small but effective. His station was one of seven, with each handler having one agent. They each had a series of computer screens at their desks set up how the handler wanted. There was a large screen on one wall for joint efforts or when Amanda wanted to take the lead. It was playing the news, which it always did unless there was something important happening. They had a weapons room on this floor and Amanda had a glass office that doubled as a briefing room that could fit the entire task force.

  They were the best of the best. Seven agents, Zoya from all over the world, worked out of here on international affairs. Carter only knew what Senka was doing and her mission. He knew the other handlers and agents, they were all friendly, but they had distinctly different missions. They only knew the details when an agent was killed or when a mission was a success. Many of these missions were years in the making, but all were absolutely influential in world events.

  Carter stopped at his station to pick up his tablet and a folder with papers readied for Amanda. The Zoya Task Force symbol was embossed on the front of the folder. A globe surrounded by a shield with a sword and a Z over the hilt. Simple, yet effective; same as the ZTF.

  He focused on the large screen. He shook his head. Another tsunami in Japan. It was the third this year. The number of environmental disasters all over the world was exponentially on the rise. The major scientific consensus was global warming. However nobody knew why, despite global green efforts, there had been a sudden increase of natural disasters over the last three years.

  Carter pulled himself away from the screen and entered the briefing room. It was glass-walled but one hundred percent sound proof and bullet proof. It had a large monitor, one which he could control from his tablet. Amanda was sitting behind her sparse metal desk, hands folded in front of her, all business. She could see and observe her entire floor from behind that desk.

  Avoiding formalities, Carter sent the data he wanted to share to the computer in the room. He walked to her desk and gave her the paper folder.

  Amanda flipped the hard copy open, “What am I looking at?
” Amanda asked.

  “Well, we’re going to start with the more important information I’ve been able to unlock.” He paused, looked up and smiled.

  Senka walked into the briefing room with Leo by her side. She was leaning on an IV pole and her hospital gown was flapping open behind her. He could tell by the looks of the handlers at their desks that she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  Carter took three big strides towards her and wrapped her in a bear hug. He stepped back to look at her. She had removed her dressing and her face looked sore, a cleanly stitched cut running from her hairline down past her chin. It actually looked better than he thought it would.

  “Thanks for waiting, team,” Senka said sarcastically as she sat in a chair. Leo circled and sniffed a few times and lay down heavily beside her.

  “We figured you would be up and at it soon,” Amanda offered.

  “Good seeing you up and about,” Carter said, smiling at her warmly. “You look just as ugly as ever.”

  Senka tried to smile but Carter could tell it hurt her face to do so. Her eyes smiled, though, “Look better than you any day. Besides, the scar makes me distinguished.”

  Carter laughed, “We were just getting started.” He was visibly more comfortable now that Senka was in the room. “So I’ve been trying to unlock the server data that you gave me access to. The servers that were destroyed in Russia were just the tip of the iceberg. You gave me access to a whole worldwide network of servers. There are multiple firewalls and the passwords change for each folder every hour so it’s been slower going than I expected.”

  “Seems like pretty extreme levels of security, even for a drug ring,” Senka said, all business. Amanda wouldn’t say much during the brief. It was more her style to listen and watch her handlers and agents then ask her questions later.

  “Exactly,” Carter replied. “Why the security? We were just going in thinking it was an international drug ring. I think it’s more.”

  “I think it’s people,” Senka offered.

  “I think you’re right, but it feels even high security for that.”

  “What have you found?” Amanda asked, keeping them on task.

  “I’ve managed to access a few folders, mostly just locations across the world. I’ve also been able to access the list of folders.” Carter brought it up on screen. There was a list of folders with their symbols that popped up on the screen.

  “What’s that?” Senka asked, pointing towards the top-most folder. It was a golden symbol of a tribal insect with an A in its body, surrounded by a purple background. The title beside read Ampulex.

  “I honestly have no idea,” Carter replied, “that has the most information but it will be the hardest to access. They have firewalls on their firewalls on that folder.”

  Senka squinted her eyes at the picture, “Is it just me or does that look like a wasp?”

  Carter squinted, “I guess if you look hard and tilt your head. I think it looks like a bee.”

  Senka rolled her eyes. “Ok, let’s agree it’s a flying, stinging bug. Folder obviously has the best shit,” Senka said, changing the subject. “If it has the highest security.”

  “Right, but I wanted to find out some more stuff before I tackled that.”

  “Fair enough,” Senka said.

  “Anyway. I found a very interesting folder and I was able to access most of it. Actually, that was by mistake. I was online getting my bearings in the server and this data was uploaded.” Carter brought up a folder and opened it. Inside were research notes.

  “Drug design?” Senka offered. Carter was scrolling through the data fast, “Stop!” Senka said when Carter scrolled by a 3D model of a molecule.

  “What is that?” Amanda asked, being drawn in with both of them.

  “As far as I can tell it’s a new molecule. Looks like a Ketamine molecule with a GHB molecule added,” Carter said looking closely.

  Senka wasn’t even remotely surprised that Carter knew that off the top of his head. Carter knew everything.

  “I don’t know what that means,” Senka said.

  “Ask the nurse,” Carter said smiling at Amanda and taking a drink of water.

  “Ketamine is used as a sedative. GHB is the same but it’s mostly used as a date rape drug. Ketamine can also cause hallucinations,” Amanda offered, brow furrowed. “Carter, can you zoom in on the bottom right?”

  Carter obliged. As he did, a signature appeared beside the molecule.

  “Good eyes, boss,” Senka said, “What does it say?”

  “C.B.Penn,” Carter offered and shrugged, “Old school practice, researchers signing their stuff. This must be the guy who made the molecule.”

  Amanda was squinting at the name. Senka saw a look of shock pass over her face, disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

  “What did you see?” Senka asked, cocking her head.

  “Nothing. I’ve never heard of him,” Amanda answered. “Continue Carter.”

  Carter nodded, oblivious. “This is really the only thing I’ve been able to access, this and a couple of emails,” Carter said, scrolling quickly through the research. He paused at a brainwave pattern labeled Z207, looking at his own notes.

  “Stop!” Amanda barked when she saw it. “That I recognize. Those are the same brainwave patterns as people who are Zoya.”

  “No…” Senka said in disbelief.

  “That’s a Zoya?” Carter asked.

  “Yes,” Amanda said, “that’s the brainwave pattern of a Zoya while they are in a coma.”

  “Why do they care about Zoya?” Senka asked.

  Carter was focused, quickly skipping through all the information he had accessed.

  “No idea,” Carter replied. “I was hoping the other thing I was able to infer helps with that. No one uses names in the server, it’s all numbers.”

  “So if the server was hacked, no one would be able to find anything,” Senka offered.

  “Exactly. But the easiest thing to access was a string of emails going back a couple of weeks. Seems to me the boss was coming to a facility to visit. It was all pretty vague. Anyway, in a flurry of emails there was a slip and a name was used,” Carter brought the information up. “Someone calls him Freudman.”

  “Find him,” Amanda said, staring at the screen intently.

  Carter obliged. They waited in silence, all three lost in thought. A profile popped up showing a man with well cropped red hair and a moustache. This time Amanda really did gasp.

  “Dr. Wolfrick Freudman,” Carter said, staring at Amanda intently, “says here he’s a notable neurosurgeon in Germany. Why the gasp?”

  Amanda returned to her desk, staring at Senka.

  “When you were in your coma, a man came. Dr. Freeman. I caught him performing unauthorized research on you. It actually almost killed you.”

  Senka stared at her.

  “That’s him,” Amanda said, pointing at the screen. “This is way bigger than drugs or human trafficking. Carter, you will pick a team of three of the best hackers available to the Canadian Government. You will unlock everything in these servers, including that folder labeled Ampulex. We need to know everything yesterday, understood?”

  Carter nodded.

  “Senka, you have a new, low-profile mission in the interim,” Amanda reached into her desk and pulled out a folder. She walked to Senka’s side and put the folder and a smartphone on the table in front of her.

  Senka leaned over and read the title of the dossier. She paled.

  “No,” Senka said, pushing the folder away. “I’ve refused before, I’m refusing now. I’m not doing it.”

  “Yes, you will,” Amanda said. “I have no use for you here. Your mother’s birthday is tomorrow evening. You leave tomorrow morning.”

  “No, I’m not,” Senka said flatly.

  Amanda ignored her, “I’ve also taken the liberty of running your civilian Facebook page for you while you were away in Russia.”

  Senka’s eyes went wide as she scrambled to unloc
k her phone. “No, no, no, no, no!” she exclaimed as she looked through her phone. Carter caught Amanda hiding a smile. Senka’s face went even whiter as she read hastily through her phone. “You put me in a relationship!” Senka groaned.

  “Yes,” Amanda said, “It was about time that you were.”

  “Who am I supposed to be in a relationship with?” Senka exclaimed.

  “That’s in your mission dossier. You should probably review it before you get to Winnipeg.”

  “All she’s going to do is ask me about my relationship. God, she even liked it! What did I ever do to you?” Senka whined.

  “It’s part of your contract that you maintain a semblance of civilian life,” Amanda said, stone faced. “And your psychiatrist thinks that you need a trip home. I happen to agree.”

  “I’m taking Leo and we get the private jet,” Senka said, a full blown pout on her damaged face.

  Amanda stared at her for a long time. Senka stared back. “Fine,” Amanda acquiesced, “but there is a Honda Civic waiting for you at the airport. Your family thinks you still live in Brandon.”

  “A Civic?” Senka said, slouching lower in her chair. Grasping at her last rope of freedom, she said, “How do you explain this?” as she pointed to her face.

  “Bike accident,” Amanda said, beginning to busy herself with her computer.

  Senka seemed to perk up slightly, “Well, least I own a motorcycle.”

  “A pedal bike accident,” Amanda said firmly.

  Senka’s face fell. Carter tried to smother his laugh and he patted Senka sympathetically on the shoulder. She rose, mumbling incoherently and left with Leo contently padding behind.


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