South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 12

by Kacey Hamford

  “Better now…” I said as I hugged Liam close to my body. “That I have my two men with me.” I grabbed hold of his hand and he perched on the edge of the bed and looked at us. “We’re a family.” I smiled.

  “We are. I love you, sugar.” He said and my head snapped up to look at him.

  “I love you, too.” I smiled at him. “You can’t keep calling me that, when he’s older he’ll think that’s my name.” I giggled. He shook his head as Liam let out a cry.

  “He’s probably hungry, here.” Blade said as he handed me a bottle.

  “I wanted to breast feed him.” I said.

  “You can’t, sugar. You’re on pain medication.”

  “Oh.” I sighed, reaching for the bottle. Blade pulled off the lid and I offered it to our perfect little boy. His eyes flew open as I placed it on his lips and he began sucking on it straight away. I was upset that I wouldn’t get to enjoy having a new born baby again, but it just meant that I would have more time for Liam and he would never want for anything.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  I looked over towards the door and Cammie poked her head into the room.

  “Can I come in?” She asked. I nodded my head as Liam pulled away from his bottle, I placed him on my shoulder and once he was winded I passed him to Cammie.

  “Liam, I’d like you to meet your God mum.” I said.

  “Really?” Cammie asked, tears pooling in her eyes.

  “Yes, you delivered him. You’re my best friend. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She sobbed as she sat on the bed next to me and we hugged with Liam in between us.

  “I just gotta make a phone call, I’ll be right back.” Blade said as he walked towards the door. I smiled at him and he winked at me.

  “How are you feeling?” Cammie asked.

  “A little sore and upset that I can’t have any more children. I always wanted a little girl.”

  “I’m sorry, maybe if I had got you to the hospital sooner.”

  “No, this is not your fault.” I told her. “It’s just bad luck.”

  “If I hadn’t pushed you onto the floor behind the bar…” She said quietly.

  “You saved my life. I didn’t get shot.” I cut her off. I was upset that I had to have a hysterectomy but I wasn’t going to let it rule my life. I was alive and had a gorgeous son and a man that adored both of us. I wasn’t kidding myself I knew there would be difficult days especially as my body gets used to the changes. I would try and stay positive and be the Mum that my son needed.


  HEATHER WAS FINALLY ALLOWED to come home, we were waiting in her room for the doctor to discharge her. She was sat up in bed feeding Liam and I was sitting in the chair beside her bed flicking through the TV channels.

  “I’ve been thinking.” Heather started saying.

  “Hmm.” I said, listening but not taking my eyes off the TV.

  “How does this sound, Liam James King?” My head whipped around to look at her and she was smiling at me.

  “You want him to have my last name?” I asked, shocked as we hadn’t discussed this.

  “Yeah, that way he has both of his Daddies in his name.”

  “I love it.” I told her standing up and leaning towards her to give her a kiss. “I love you, both of you.” I ran my hand over Liam’s head as he fed on his bottle.

  “We love you.” She smiled and I would never get bored of hearing that coming from her mouth. I kissed her again and only pulled away when I heard the door open. I looked up to see the doctor walking in followed by a nurse pushing a wheelchair.

  “Ok, Heather. Here are your discharge papers and your prescription. Nurse Jackson will help you out to the car.”

  “Thank you.” She said as she passed me Liam, I burped him and got him comfy in his car seat. She climbed off the bed and slid her feet into her sandals and walked over and sat in the wheelchair. The nurse began pushing her out of the room and I followed quietly behind with Liam, who was already fast asleep.

  When we reached the car the nurse helped Heather into her seat as I strapped Liam’s car seat in. I had to check it over a couple of times, I’d hate to think I hadn’t done it right. When I was satisfied that he was secure I climbed into the driver’s side.

  “Let’s go home.” I said to her and she smiled at me and leant her head against the head rest, closing her eyes.

  * * *


  I CLOSED my eyes once we were in the car, I was relaxed and relieved that I was getting to go home. I was fed up of being in the hospital. I was ready to get back to normality, whatever that was. Would I still have to dance to work off James’ debt? Would Prez now expect me to work it off in a different way? No, he couldn’t I was now Blade’s Old Lady. I was hoping he’d let me carry on with the beauty treatments as payment for the outstanding debt.

  When I felt the car stop I opened my eyes and was surprised to see we weren’t at the clubhouse.

  “Where are we?” I asked looking at Blade.

  “Home.” Was all he said as he climbed out of the car, ran around to my side to help me out.

  “Is this your house?” I asked.

  “Our home.” He said kissing me. “Are you ok to walk or do you want me to carry you?”

  “I can walk. I need to walk, to get back to normal.” I told him and he held my hand and led me to the side of the car where Liam was. He put Liam’s changing bag on his shoulder and pulled out his car seat. We walked together hand in hand towards the place where we would live as a family. Blade let go of my hand to dig out his keys and unlock the door. He pushed the door open and waited for me to walk inside.

  “Wow.” I said as I looked around, we walked down a narrow hall way and I noticed that there were pictures hanging on the wall. I stopped to have a look, they were of Blade and who I’m assuming is Willow, it was wedding pictures and a few of them together showing off her bump.

  “Shit, sorry, sugar. I’ll take them down.” Blade said as he walked towards the pictures and reached out for them.

  “No, it’s ok.” I said as I grabbed his hand to stop him. “Is this Willow?” I looked at him and something in his eyes changed. He placed Liam on the floor and pushed me against the wall gently kissing me as he held onto my face. When we broke apart after a couple of minutes I said; “I know what you’re doing.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that then, sugar?” He asked smirking at me.

  “You’re using sex as a way of not talking about it. But we can’t have sex. I’m still recovering. So you can’t shut me up.”

  “Oh yeah? Well, I can always put this.” He grabbed the bulge in his trousers. “In there.” He ran his finger over my mouth. “To keep you quiet.” I felt myself blush and a hot sensation took over my body. “Are you blushing?” He chuckled.

  “No.” I pushed at his chest with my hands. He took a step back. “It’s the changes in my body, hot flashes are one of them.” I told him fanning myself.

  “Come on, sugar. Let me show you the rest of the house.” I nodded and he motioned for me to carry on while he picked up Liam and the changing bag. I walked through an archway at the end of the hall and came into an open plan space, a large living room was to the left and the kitchen was just around the corner, to the right. I walked towards the kitchen, it was beautiful, marble counter tops that shone with the sun hitting them. White cupboards with stainless steel handles. The back wall was made of glass and a set of patio doors led out to a large garden.

  “It’s beautiful here.” I whispered as I stared at the blue sky and in the distance I could see the sea. “Do I not have to go back to the club house?” I asked not turning around.

  “Not yet, sugar. You need to recover.” He told me as he wrapped his arms gently around my middle. I leant back against him and sighed. “What you thinking?”

  “Are you sure you’re ok with us being here?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, turning me around to face him.

This was yours and Willow’s home.” I said quietly. He pulled my chin up and kissed me. “Kade.” I sighed; he was doing it again. Avoiding any questions to do with her. Just as I was about to speak Liam let out a wail and Blade stepped away to get him out of his seat.

  “I’ll just go and change him.” He said as he walked off towards the stairs. I took a moment to look around and followed him out of the room. I didn’t mind being in the house, but I didn’t know how I felt about sleeping in the same bed he shared with her. Something was almost disrespectful about it. I walked out to the hall and looked at the photos again. Willow had long dark straight hair, blue eyes and a tanned complexion. We couldn’t look any more different. I did wonder about the baby, she had a large noticeable bump. Where was the baby? Did Blade not keep it? Was that who Lily was? The other name that was on his arm? I heard Liam cry again and I walked towards the stairs, using the rail to help me climb them. The upstairs landing was big, I could see four doors and the one at the end of the hall was open, I walked towards it and I could hear Blade talking to Liam.

  “This was your big sisters room. We had it decorated for her. Sorry about the pink, I’ll get it changed before you sleep in here like a big boy.” I stood in the doorway and watched as Blade changed Liam’s nappy, Liam was looking up at him and I smiled as the two most important people in my life bonded. “There you go, all clean. Let’s go and find Mummy.” Blade picked him up and held him against his chest, turning around and seeing me standing there. “Oh, hey. We were coming to find you.” I smiled at him and walked towards them, I kissed Liam on the head and pulled Blade down towards me to kiss him on the lips.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, sugar.” He winked at me.

  “We need Liam’s stuff from the clubhouse.” I told him as he held my hand and led me back down the stairs and seated me on the sofa with Liam in my arms.

  “I’ll call the prospects to bring it all over.” He said as he kissed me and dug his phone out of his pocket. I heard him talk as he walked away. I thought I heard him swear but I couldn’t be sure. I looked down at the precious bundle in my arms and was glad that I had him.

  I YAWNED and stretched next to Blade sitting on the sofa. Liam was asleep in his moses basket and he looked extra tiny in there.

  “You tired, sugar?” Blade asked, I nodded my head and curled into his side, closing my eyes. “I’ll make up his bottle and we can feed him in bed.”

  “Ok.” I said as I sat up straighter. Blade got up and made his way into the kitchen.

  “Go on up if you like, I’ll bring Liam up.” He called from the kitchen. I stood up and stroked the side of Liam’s face. I didn’t want to go up to bed without Blade as I didn’t know where we were sleeping, if it was in the master bedroom I had to bring up how uncomfortable that made me feel. I walked towards him and he looked at me over his shoulder.

  “You ok, sugar?”

  “Umm… Where are we sleeping?” I asked, not looking at him in the eyes.

  “In the bedroom.” He chuckled.

  “Which bedroom?” I asked. He turned around to look at me with the made up bottle in his hand.

  “The master bedroom, why?”

  “Umm… I don’t know if I can sleep in there.” I told him.

  “Don’t worry, Liam will be in there with us too.” He said as he placed his palm on the side of my face and kissed me gently.

  “No, that’s not what I meant… I… I don’t think I can sleep in that bed. It was your bed, yours and Willows. It doesn’t feel right… Liam and I can sleep in the spare bedroom.” I heard him growl and he placed the bottle on the work top and picked me up and placed me on the kitchen work top too. I was now the same height as him. He placed his hands either side of me and leant in close.

  “Sugar, Willow never lived in this house. Yeah, I bought it for us and we were going to raise the baby here, but… It never happened.” I saw a look of lost in his eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. It hurt a little to stretch but I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

  “What happened to her? Where is the baby?” I asked as he held me tight. He shook his head and as I was about to complain Liam let out a small wail.

  “Here, you take this and go up to bed and I’ll grab the little guy.” I nodded and he helped me back down to the floor. I was feeling a bit more pain so I grabbed my prescription and a glass of water before heading upstairs.

  I walked into the bedroom, it was light and airy. There was a massive four poster bed on the middle of the back wall with matching bedside tables and lamps. The window was big and long and you saw the same view from the kitchen. Hills, fields and the sea in the distance. I placed the bottle, water and pain killers on the bedside table and looked around for something to wear to bed. I pulled open a door to find a walk in wardrobe and all of mine and Blade’s clothes hung inside. When did he have time to do this? I pulled open a drawer from the large chest of drawers and pulled out one of Blade’s t-shirts; that would be ideal to sleep in. I walked out and shut the door, I noticed another door and pushed it open.

  “Wow.” I gasped as I walked into an en-suite bathroom. There was a large walk in shower and a large bath tub that looked big enough to fit a family of four in. The bathroom suite was white and it looked clean and fresh.

  “You want a shower, sugar?” Blade said from behind me, making me jump.

  “Shit, Kade, you made me jump.” I told him as I turned around. He was smiling at me and Liam was happy laying in his arms. “And what are you doing awake, little man. It’s past your bed time.”

  “Say, I want milk, Mummy.” Blade chuckled.

  “Come on then, I’ll feed him, you burp him.” I told him as I walked out of the bathroom and began removing my clothes to get into bed.

  “Mmm, sugar, you trying to tease me?” Blade growled behind me as I striped out of my clothes.

  “There’s nothing for you to get all hot and bothered about, I look horrible. I can’t wait until I can start my yoga again.”

  “You look beautiful.” He said as he placed Liam in the middle of the bed and pulled me closer to him, I was topless and he palmed my breasts in his hands which caused them to leak milk. He dipped his head and lapped up the milk. “Mmm, not bad.” He chuckled.

  “Kade, stop it. We can’t have sex for ages yet.” I complained. He stepped away from me and slipped his t-shirt over my head. I turned around to climb into bed and winced as I did. So I reached for my tablets.

  “Are you in pain, sugar?” He asked, concerned.

  “Just a little uncomfortable.” I popped two pills in my mouth and took a sip of water. I sat up against the headboard and held my arms open for Blade to pass me Liam. Once he was settled in my arms Blade checked the temperature of the milk on his arm.

  “It’s good to go.” He passed me the bottle and licked the milk off his arm. “Ugh, not as good as yours.” He screwed his face up. “I’m gonna grab a quick shower.” I nodded and he disappeared into the bathroom leaving the door open slightly.

  “That’s a good boy, drink up all of your milk and then you can grow to be big and strong like your Daddy. Though, we may have to talk about the whole biker thing when you’re older.” I knew it was very likely that Liam would be a biker, it would be in his genes. I was talking to him about random stuff, I stopped when I heard the door pull open and Blade walked out with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Showing off the sexy V that pointed to the one thing that I couldn’t have.

  “Now who’s teasing who?” I pouted. He laughed out loud letting his head fall back and Liam jumped and started crying. I placed the bottle on the bedside table and put him on my shoulder, rubbing his back and rocking him gently.

  “It’s ok, baby, it’s just Daddy being noisy. You’ll have to get used to that.” I quietly said to him, he calmed down and I felt him burp. I looked towards Blade and he was standing staring at me. “What?” I asked, confused by his look.

  He shook his. “Nothing
, I just love you, that’s all… Shall I put him down?” I nodded and Blade took him from my arms. The moses basket was staying on Blade’s side of the bed as I wasn’t meant to be straining, and getting in and out of bed would be over doing it. I wanted to heal as quickly as possible. I slid down the bed and rolled onto my side, waiting for Blade to climb in. Once Liam was settled, Blade climbed into the bed facing me.

  “You happy, sugar?” He asked pulling me closer to him so I had my head resting on his chest.

  “Yes.” I whispered. I was at home with my two men, what more could a girl want? “Are you?”

  “Yeah, sugar.” He kissed the top of my head as I ran a finger over the tattoos on his chest.

  “Will you tell me about them?” I asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment. I felt him stiffen and I looked up at him, my hand following until it was on the side of his face. He hadn’t shaved for a couple of days and the stubble scratched my hand. I liked the feel of the roughness.

  “There’s not much to tell, she died.” He said.

  “Where’s the baby?” I was looking at him and he was staring straight ahead, looking lost again.

  “She died too.”

  “Oh, Kade. I’m so sorry.” I said as I pressed myself closer to him, nuzzling my face into his neck.

  “They were innocent, they did nothing wrong.” His voice choked and he cleared his throat. I went to ask something when he cut me off. “Club business, sugar.” I nodded and offered my lips to him for a kiss. He didn’t hesitate and slammed his lips down onto mine.


  “YEAH.” I answered my phone as it rang in my pocket, I didn’t look to see who it was.

  “Church meeting, brother.” Ripped said on the other end.

  “Any news?” I asked.

  “No, CG is trying to find out all the information that he can.”

  “I’ll be there in half hour.” I hung up the phone and went in search of Heather. She was sitting outside on a sun lounger with Liam curled up on her chest. As I walked out of the door she looked up at me and smiled. “I have to go to the club, Tiffany will be here to help you in a minute.” I sat down on the chair next to her and she sat up straighter.


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