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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 16

by Kacey Hamford

  “Shit, that was hot.” He panted as he crawled up my body and kissed me, I could taste my arousal on him and it made me wetter. I grabbed his cock and pumped him a couple of times as he moaned into my mouth. He moved his hips so my hand fell away from him, he positioned himself at my entrance and pushed into me slowly, one inch at a time. I hooked one leg over his hip and tried to encourage him to move faster.

  “Faster.” I moaned.

  “No, sugar. Just like this.” He told me as he pulled out and pushed back in slowly. He entwined his fingers with mine and held them above my head. We were chest to chest and my nipples were hard and I could feel them aching as his chest hair tickled them.

  “Mmm, yes… Yes.” I panted. He didn’t speed up, he didn’t fuck me hard. He was making love to me and it felt amazingly hot.

  “Kade!” I cried out as my orgasm exploded through me.

  “Heather!” He groaned as I felt his release hitting my walls and seeping down my leg. That was the first time I had heard him use my name and it sounded strange but nice. He pulled out of me, rolled over and pulled me on top of him.

  “Sleep, sugar. I love you.”

  “Love you.” I nodded, kissed him once more and started falling asleep as I heard his phone chime. I felt him move and heard him swear. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but I was worn out and my eyes started to close.


  I WOKE up to find myself alone in bed, I sat up looking around for Liam and then remembered that he was at home with Cammie. I relaxed back into the mattress wondering where Blade was. Maybe he had an early church meeting and didn’t want to wake me. I decided I would get up and find someone to give me a lift home as I was missing my little boy. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my jeans, slipped them on and pulled open Blade’s chest of drawers looking for a t-shirt. I was surprised to find them empty. Had he moved all of his stuff to the house? I don’t remember him doing that unless the prospects had when they bought my stuff over. I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed my shirt I was wearing last night, pulled it over my head and slipped my leather vest on too. I pulled open Blade’s door and was surprised to hear that it was so busy in the clubhouse. When they had church it was normally deadly quiet. Maybe Blade was just out having breakfast with his brothers. I walked towards the noise in search of my sexy man; that had done some glorious things to my body last night. As I walked in, the room went quiet and I looked around and couldn’t see Blade.

  “Um… Has anyone seen Blade?” I asked. They all looked away and pretended to be busy. Neil got up and walked towards me, Tiffany following behind him. “Morning.” I smiled. Neil grabbed hold of my elbow and led me away from everyone. “What’s wrong? Is it Liam?”

  “Liam’s fine. I’ve spoken to Cammie.” Tiffany told me. I relaxed and looked at Neil.

  “It’s about Blade.” Neil started saying. I nodded, wondering where he was. “He’s gone.”

  “What do you mean he’s gone?” I chuckled. “Where’s he gone? When’s he coming to get me?”

  Neil shook his head. “He’s gone. He’s left. He went about five this morning. He packed a bag. I’m so sorry, Heather.” I shook my head, no they were lying; he wouldn’t leave me. He wouldn’t walk out on me or Liam.

  “Maybe he’s at home. Waiting for me there.” I said.

  “He’s not there, I spoke to Cammie.” Tiffany said as she put her arm around me. I pushed her away.

  “He wouldn’t just leave me.” I shouted at them.

  “Believe it, sweetheart. He’s left. Gone enforcer again.” Uno said behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder. I wouldn’t cry, not in front of them. “I’m gonna need that back.” He said pointing at my leather vest. “He told me to tell you, you can stay at his house. For a charge and you pay me.” He smirked. Did I want to stay in that house without him? How would I afford it? “You can stay here, but you’ll be a sweet bun.” He chuckled.

  “No, thank you.” I sneered, taking off my leather cut and throwing it at him.

  “Suit yourself, sweetheart.” He walked off and I turned towards Tiffany.

  “Please can you take me home… To the house, so I can get Liam?”

  “Of course.” She said.

  “Are you ok?” Neil asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Inside I was falling to pieces. My heart was breaking, I didn’t understand why he had left, without saying anything to me. What was I going to do now?

  TIFFANY DROPPED me off outside and I walked quickly into the house, Blade had removed the pictures of him and Willow a few weeks ago. I thought he had done that to make me feel better, to show his commitment to me. Maybe it was so he could take them with him, wherever he was. Cammie rushed towards me.

  “Where’s Liam?” I asked.

  “He’s asleep.” She motioned towards the living room and I rushed towards him. He was fast asleep, lips pouted and eyelids fluttering. He was having a good dream. He made me smile. “Are you ok? What’s happened?”

  “He’s gone.” I whispered, not looking at her. She placed her hand on my back and I turned to look at her, tears running down my face. “I fell in love with him and he left me, he left us.” I motioned towards Liam. “Why would he do that? Why?” I sobbed. Cammie threw her arms around me and we both slid to the floor.

  After a few minutes, my sobbing wasn’t as bad. I explained to Cammie everything that Neil and Uno had told me.

  “I can’t afford to stay here. I wouldn’t want to live here, knowing that he didn’t want us anymore.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “There’s only one place that we can go, all three of us…”

  “Where?” She asked looking confused.

  “Cornish Crusaders MC…”

  To Be Continued….

  Cornish Crusaders

  (South Coast Brothers)

  * * *

  Kacey Hamford


  CAMMIE, Liam and I pulled up in front of the main gates to the Cornish Crusaders MC. The car was loaded with as much stuff as we could possibly fit in. I wound down my window as the prospect stood by the side of my car with his arms folded across his large chest. He was tall and built, like a brick house, with no tattoos in sight.

  “Hi, I’m here to see Daisy. She’s my sister,” I told him.

  “Moving in?” he chuckles, eyebrows raised high up on his head. I smiled nervously at him and prayed that he let us in. “Name?”

  “Heather,” I told him, just as Liam started to cry. His head snapped to the backseat of the car.

  “You bringing that in?” he asked, screwing up his face.

  “He’s my son, so yes,” I snapped. “If Daisy isn’t around, call Mason… Um, Holes, please.”

  “You know the VP?” he asked, leaning his arm on the roof of the car above my door.

  “VP?” I asked. “I thought Ryan was VP?”

  “Na, he was shot and killed a few weeks ago. Holes got promoted.” He shrugged his shoulders and walked back towards the gate where there was a small shed. He talked into what looked like a walkie talkie. I was surprised to hear about Ryan, why hadn’t Daisy told me about that when I saw her at the party. Why was she at a party if she was grieving for her husband? Blade hadn’t died, he left me and my world felt like it was falling apart. I didn’t know how I was going to cope without him.

  “Ok, go on in,” he said as he slammed his hand down on the roof of the car, making me jump and Liam cry louder. I glared at him and he raised his hands in front of him as an apology. I drove up the steep driveway that led to the clubhouse and was surprised to see Mason standing there waiting for us. As soon as I turned the ignition off, he had my door open and was pulling me out of the car. He held me tight against him.

  “I knew you’d come back,” he whispered into my hair. I pulled away from him as Liam let out a small scream. I opened the back door and pulled him out of his car seat and held him close to my chest, rubbing his back. “Where’s your husband?” I didn’t feel like ta
lking about it, I knew as soon as I did that I would be a mess again.

  “Where’s Daisy? What happened to Ryan?” I asked, avoiding his question.

  “She’s in there,” he pointed over his shoulder. I went to walk by and he grabbed hold of my arm. “I wouldn’t, she’s busy.”

  “What?” I asked, not sure if what I was hearing was right. “She’s got a new man already?”

  “Not one, several,” he laughed.

  “You’ve got her being a club whore?” I snapped, looking up at him as he was taller than me. My head only came to his chest.

  “It was her choice, sweetheart.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Heather?” Cammie said. I spun around and she was standing by the boot of the car.

  “Well, well. Who’s this?” Mason asked as he strolled towards Cammie. She shrunk back against the car as if she was scared. I pulled at the back of his leather cut until he stopped walking and looked around at me. I shook my head slightly, telling him not to bother her.

  “What’s your name, babe?” he asked her, completely ignoring me.

  “C-Cammie,” she stuttered. He reached out to touch her and she yelped and jumped back, fear was in her eyes when she realised she couldn’t get any further away.

  “I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said softly.

  “Mason!” I shouted out. He looked at me. “Can we stay? For a little while?”

  “Absolutely.” He smiled, leaving Cammie and coming back to me. I heard the roar of bikes and looked over my shoulder to see three bikes riding into the compound. Cammie quickly rushed over to me and I passed her Liam. I knew he would keep her calm and pre-occupied.

  “What’s going on, brother?” One of them asked. He was tall, muscly, but not broad, and had tattoos visible on his neck and hands.

  “Toes, Solar, Tat. This is Heather and Cammie. They’re going to be staying with us for a little while.” He introduced us and I smiled at them.

  “Great, fresh meat.” Solar grinned.

  “No…” I began to say when Mason put his hand up to stop me.

  “They are not fresh meat, they are not club whores. They are off limits.” Mason warned them.

  “You spoil all our fun.” Toes complained.

  “Really? So you won’t want to attend the party this evening then?” he asked them.

  “Fresh meat?” Solar asked. Mason nodded and they high fived as they walked past us and into the clubhouse.

  “What a bunch of jerks,” I mumbled to myself.

  “Hey, they’re good guys. Better than that Devon lot you were hanging out with. Speaking of which, why are you here?”

  “Uh, Heather. He needs changing.” Cammie told me, I smiled at her in appreciation; she knew I wouldn’t want to talk about it yet.

  “Where are we sleeping?” I asked Mason.

  “Open the boot, I’ll grab some of your shit and show you.”

  Once we all had something in our hands to carry, we entered the clubhouse and I was thankful to see that the bar area was empty. It looked a lot nicer than the Devon MC, this place had a long bar at one side, tables scattered around the room, two large sofas that faced a large flat screen TV and a corner that looked like it was full of children’s toys and books.

  “Are there other kids that live here?” I asked as we followed Mason down a long corridor, doors on both sides of the walls.

  “Yeah, Prez and his Old Lady have three kids, Olivia, she is four. Danny, he is two and Caitlyn, she’s ten months, I think.” He shrugged his shoulders and pushed open a door. “This is the only one that is left, hope you don’t mind sharing?” Cammie and I both shook our heads, we would prefer to be close together. The room was quite big, it had two single beds, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and an en-suite bathroom.

  “I’ll leave you to settle in, we eat at six. We all eat together. I’ll let everyone know that you are here.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I reached up, gave Mason a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “No worries. Bye.” He smiled at Cammie and she smiled back at him, shyly.


  I WALKED out of their bedroom, let out a deep exhale as I leant my back against the wall by the side of their door. I let my head drop back and I smiled to myself. I was really happy to see Heather pull up, I always thought we had some unfinished business, especially after the way we broke up years ago. But as soon as I laid my eyes on Cammie, I was like, Heather who? She was gorgeous with long blonde hair, blue eyes and she was petite. There was something behind those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, she seemed troubled, afraid and untrusting. I don’t recall ever seeing this girl before, how did Heather know her? And why would she be here with her?

  “VP?” I heard someone call out, I looked to my left and saw the Prez nod his head, telling me he wanted to talk.

  “What’s up, Prez?” I asked as we walked into his office. Carla, his Old Lady was in there breast feeding Caitlyn. She wasn’t bothered if any of us were around, if her baby girl needed food, she got it.

  “I hear we have some visitors?” He waved his hand in the air, waiting for me to explain.

  “Yeah, Daisy’s sister and friend. They have nowhere else to go, I told them they could stay.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Isn’t that something that I should decide on as this is my club?” he shouted, standing to his feet.

  “Mike, calm down, you’ll give yourself a heart attack.” Carla said to him. The Prez was in his early fifties, Carla was thirty three. They had met one night when the club brothers were out on the piss and she captured his heart from the start.

  “Ok, fine. But if I find them causing trouble…”

  “You won’t.” I cut him off, standing up.

  “They will have to help out around here, cleaning, cooking, shit like that. We don’t need any more club whores causing us trouble.” I nodded my head and he dismissed me. I walked into the bar area and Missy and Penny were cleaning down the bar and re-stocking it.

  “Getting ready for tonight, girls?” I asked as I sat on one of the bar stools. They both smiled and nodded at me, Missy and Penny were our newest club bunnies. They had only been around for a few weeks so they were new to the party experience.

  “Drink?” Missy purred. I nodded my head, she turned around and bent to the bottom fridge, digging out my favourite beer. I openly admired her ass, I was the first one to introduce her to club life, shortly followed by Penny and then we all had a little fun together. That was one night I’d never forget.


  “YOU OK?” I asked Cammie as I sat on my bed facing her, she was laying on hers with her eyes closed.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Open up.” I heard Daisy call out. Cammie yelped and sat up in bed, looking worried.

  “It’s just Daisy,” I told Cammie as I placed my hand on her shoulder in a soothing gesture. I walked to the door and swung it open.

  “Ohmygod, what are you doing here?” She squealed as she threw her arms around me. I held on tight to her as the tears began to flow down my cheeks. I sobbed and Daisy pulled away, looking at me. “What’s happened?” I shook my head as I cried in front of her. “Oh, come here.” She dragged me to my bed and we sat down, her arms still tight around me.

  “Blade left.” I heard Cammie tell her. “She woke up in the clubhouse, he had packed his stuff, told the Prez he was back to being an enforcer and left without saying anything.”

  “Oh, honey.” Daisy comforted me.

  “I thought he loved me,” I cried. “And Liam.”

  “Liam?” Daisy asked, pulling back from me. I nodded my head towards his moses basket and Daisy got to her feet. She walked over to him and the love she had for her nephew was all over her face. I felt bad that she would never get to experience that, having a baby growing inside of you. “He’s gorgeous, looks just like you.”

  “What happened to Ryan?” I asked.

  “Not really sure, they said he got sho
t when they were out on a mission. Club business and all that.” She waved her hand in the air like it didn’t mean anything.


  “A few weeks ago. I’m ok…” She paused. “You looking forward to the party tonight? It’s gonna be wild.” She smiled, brightly. Any trace of sadness erased from her face. I nodded, I didn’t want to tell her that we would probably be hiding, staying out of the way. The last thing we needed was to be mistaken for a club whore.


  THE PARTY WAS in full swing, we always opened our bar up to the locals in Portwrinkle so they had a place to drink and relax. Some of the locals weren’t brave enough as they thought we were a typical biker club. We weren’t. Yeah, we did get into some sticky situations, but we didn’t use women, disrespect them or keep them against their will. The club bunnies chose to be here and in exchange for pleasing some of the men, bikers or locals they had a place to stay and food to eat. We only had four bunnies, Missy, Penny, Shelley and Lottie. They were all longing for the life of an Old Lady, but our guys weren’t interested in settling down. Then there was Daisy, who was an Old Lady but her husband got killed. Carla, the Prez’s Old Lady, and Amy, who’s Bangers Old Lady; he is the oldest member of the club and an original Cornish Crusader.

  “Hey, Holes.” Missy winked at me as she passed me a beer. I nodded my head in thanks, keeping my eyes on the hallway entrance, I was waiting for a certain blonde. I was excited when Drake, the new prospect, called and said that Heather was here, I told him to let her straight in and I had convinced myself she had come back to me. That we were going to be together again after all these years, there was still something between us, I could feel it. Now I believe that something is a strong friendship, as soon as my eyes landed on Cammie, sensations flowed through my body so strong that I thought I was going to pass out. Was it love at first sight? Did I believe in that? I shook my head and chuckled to myself, I had seen this girl once over four hours ago and she had me all tied up in knots. I took my eyes away from the door and snapped them back quickly as if I was going to miss something. I was missing something, the kick ass party that was flowing all around me. There were girls, booze, music and poker, what more could a man want. ‘That little blonde’ the voice in my head said. I chuckled to myself once again, grabbed Penny on my way to the dance floor and started to enjoy my night.


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