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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 25

by Kacey Hamford

  “Shit. Bump get that shipment out of here. Everyone, leave your weapons behind.”

  “You got it, boss.” Prez slammed down the gavel and Bump ran out of the door and into the next room. We all removed our weapons before stepping out of the room.

  “EVERYBODY FREEZE.” I looked towards the door and four policemen were standing there, one of which was Brett. Was he checking up on me? If he blew my cover I was as good as dead. “HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM.” We all knew the protocol by now, we placed our hands on our heads including the club whores and Old Ladies that were around. No one dared to move, these guys meant business, and if they had a reason to shoot they would.

  “What can we do for you gentlemen?” Prez asked.

  “Just a friendly drop in call.” Brett said as he walked further into the room.

  “Then why are we standing like this then?” I asked. Brett looked at me surprised that I spoke to him that way.

  “Let’s do a pat down.” Brett instructed the other officers. “Hands on the wall.” We all moved until we had our hands on the wall and legs spread. The officers began patting us down, I was at the end of the line and Brett had started with me.

  “Anything yet?” he whispered. I subtly shook my head. “Times ticking.”

  “Get the fuck away or they’ll suspect something,” I growled.

  “Clean!” Brett called out as he stepped away from me and I walked towards the bar. I leant over and grabbed a bottle of beer, I needed it.

  “All clear.” One of the officers said.

  “Keep out of trouble boys.” Brett said as they walked away.

  “What the fuck was that?” Prez yelled. “Get me a whiskey,” he demanded and Roxy rushed around the bar and poured him a rather large shot. “Everyone watch your backs, they may be keeping an eye on us for some reason.”

  Everyone agreed and nodded their heads.

  “Now get to work!” he shouted and everyone hurried away. “Chantelle, come with me.” The tall, leggy blonde didn’t hesitate and she followed him out of the room. Roxy, Vicky, CG and me were the only ones left in the room and I sat in the chair opposite CG.

  “Find anything out yet? What exactly is he looking for?”

  “Yep and no idea,” he said abruptly to me.

  “What’s crawled up your ass?”

  “You,” he started but paused to take a deep breath. “You slept with my woman when you have Heather and a family at home.”

  “No, no I didn’t.” I leaned back in my chair and took a swig of my beer.


  “I didn’t sleep with her. I made it look like we did. You know how much I love Heather, I’d never do that to her. Besides, I only picked Tiffany as I knew she’d keep her mouth shut. Can’t trust the other sweet buns.”

  “Ok, good.” He carried on tapping away at his laptop and I kept quiet for a few minutes. I needed to find out if he knew anything about what his dad was up to.

  “How’s your dad been?” I casually asked.

  “Drinking loads, fucking loads and…” I leant forward to hear what he was about to say.

  “What you girls whispering about?” Ripped said as he sat next to CG.

  “I was just telling him how sweet his girl tasted last night,” I smirked as I finished my beer.

  “Nice. I might have to get me some of that,” he held his hand up for a high five and I slapped it as I stood up.

  “It’s official, she’s my Old Lady. Got her leather and everything.” CG pointed out.

  “Ahh, so you don’t mind used goods then for an Old Lady?” Ripped chuckled.

  “Shut the fuck up.” CG slammed his laptop closed and stormed away.

  “Roxy, two more,” he held his hand up and pointed towards me. “You staying for another, right?”

  “Sure.” This was my chance to get any info out of him. I had to think smart about this, all he loved to talk about was pussy. I sat back down. “The best thing I did was coming back here, hell, I got to pick any girl I wanted last night and let me tell you…” I stopped talking when Roxy walked over.

  “Hi, Blade.” She ran her hand over my head and I wanted to push her away but I knew I had to play the part.

  “Hey, we’re talking for a min, you know. Club business, I’ll come find you in a minute.” I winked at her and she giggled as she walked away, stopping to pick a bottle off the floor and showing me that she had no underwear on. There was her pussy, bare and pink staring at me.

  “So, that Tiffany chick, any good?” He was eager for information and I didn’t want to disappoint him but I didn’t want to fuel any desires he had for her either. If CG said she was his Old Lady then Ripped wouldn’t be able to touch her now. I went for it to gain his trust. I felt like we were two twelve year olds gossiping about our first kiss.

  “Hell yeah, she’s a wild cat. Likes it in every orifice.”

  “No way!” he shouted as he slammed his hand down on the table.

  “She was like the energizer bunny, I had trouble keeping up. Best ride of my life,” I told him, picturing Heather riding me when she was pregnant with Liam and coming all over my cock. That was the best ride of my life. Shit, I was getting hard, not the best moment for that.

  “You going there in a minute?” he asked, nodding towards Roxy who was wiping down the bar watching us, she was waiting for me to call her over so I could fuck her.

  “Yeah, man, unless you want her?” I offered.

  “Na, she’s ok. I want some new pussy. We need some new whores around here. Especially now there’s no Cammie.”

  “Had a soft spot for her did ya?” I asked as I tipped my head back and downed my drink.

  “She’d let me do anything to her and I mean anything.” I hated hearing him talk about Cammie that way, she was like a sister to me and it made me protective of her, but I couldn’t let it show. “So what about your Old Lady? Not giving it to you anymore?”

  “Here and there…”

  “I bet that baby ruined her pussy, I can’t imagine fucking a woman who’s had a child.”

  “You fucked Cammie,” I stated.

  “She’s not a mum,” he chuckled.

  “She had a baby, he was still born,” I informed him, peeling at the label on the beer bottle.

  “Shit. You could never tell, brilliant I can add chicks who have had kids back onto my fuck list,” he smiled like he was proud of himself.

  “I’m bored, I don’t wanna go home to a house full of screaming kids. You got anything on?”

  “Well…” he started saying when the Prez interrupted us.

  “VP, let’s go.”

  “Sorry, man. I’ll leave you to have some fun of your own.” He meant Roxy and I couldn’t think of anything worse.

  “Thanks, man. Catch ya later.” I walked away from him and up to the bar, I tried to listen to what the Prez was saying to him but couldn’t hear from Roxy talking my ear off. This bitch was annoying the crap out of me.

  “So?” she asked.

  “Huh? What?” I couldn’t recall a single thing she had said.

  “Where to and how do you want me?” She started undoing the buttons on her shirt and I took a step back.

  “Sorry, I gotta get back to my Old Lady.” I winked at her and walked away, I was hoping to see where the Prez and Ripped went but I couldn’t make it obvious and follow them out.

  I got to my bike and noticed that all the other bikes were gone, which meant I missed out on an opportunity to follow them.

  “FUCK!” I shouted and slammed my fist into the wooden fence that was beside me.

  I PULLED up to my house and was surprised to see a bike sitting in the driveway. I couldn’t think whose bike it was, I panicked that they were all in danger and rushed into the house.

  “Sugar?” I called out.

  “In here,” she called back, I followed her voice and she was in the living room, Liam and Tegan were laying on an activity mat and Kelsey was laying on her front colouring in. I looked into the ey
es of a man I hadn’t seen for over ten years.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I shouted.

  “Daddy, you said a bad word.” Kelsey sung, not looking up from her colouring book.

  “Kade!” Heather hissed at me. I was clenching and unclenching my fists and could feel the pain in my right hand where I had punched the fence, but it wouldn’t stop me punching this guy in the face. I didn’t want him here, around my woman and kids.

  “Now, is that anyway to greet your father? I wanted to come and see my grandchildren.”

  “Kitchen, now!” I growled at him. I turned around and walked away from him. I heard him following me, what was he doing here?

  “Now, Kade, listen before…”

  “Blade,” I told him, cutting him off.

  “Sorry, Blade…”

  “Did you even visit her?” I asked, cutting him off again. He looked confused. “Kayleigh, did you see her before she died?”

  “I wanted to…”

  “She was your fucking daughter and you couldn’t spare a day to go and see her. She almost died alone!” I shouted.

  “Kade?” Heather whispered behind me and I held out my hand for her, not looking at her. She grabbed it and we stood together as a united front.

  “It’s ok, sugar, he was just leaving.” I stared at my dad and waited for him to argue.

  “K… Blade, I need your help.”

  “Not now,” I growled at him, he had been an enforcer just like me for an MC in Somerset. He knew the rules, no talk about it in front of Old Ladies. I started walking him to the door, Heather hot on my heels.

  “They’re gonna kill me,” he said as he stepped outside. I heard Heather gasp and I looked at her to see her hand covering her mouth. I looked at the man standing in front of me, he was fifty seven, had grey strands covering his head and beard, his jeans were old and had holes in them, his leather jacket was worn, a Somerset Saints & Sinners patch covering it.

  “I don’t wanna hear it,” I told him.

  “Kade!” Heather snapped at me.

  “Get in the house!” Her mouth opened to speak and I shouted, “NOW!” She hurried off, shutting the door behind her and I stalked towards my dad, pushing his strong body up against the fence.

  “You do not come in here and talk in front of my Old Lady. I will not have her involved. I have a family to protect.” I stepped away from him and ran my hands over my face, I didn’t need this now. I had so much on my plate I didn’t need to fight his battles for him too.

  “It wasn’t my fault you know, her death.”

  “It was cancer,” I stated. Did he not even know how his own daughter died? He was never there for us when we were growing up, if I got into fights at school he never tried to help, he always said, ‘Fight back, what are you a pussy’.

  “Not Kayleigh, your mother.”

  “Not your fault!” I screamed at him, my face close to his. “A bomb was put in her car! A rival club sent you a message and used her to do it. How is that not your fault?”


  “Get the fuck away, you deserve what’s coming to you. As far as I’m concerned, they are my only family left,” I yelled, pointing at the house behind me.

  “I can help you, I can get the information you need.”

  “What? How did you…”

  “I have contacts in the police force, when I heard your name mentioned I needed to know what they had on you.”

  “Can you make the threat the police have over me go away?”

  “I’m afraid not, son. But I have information on the Destroyers warehouse in Cornwall. They…”

  “Not here.” I was always unsure of who could be around and listening. “I’ll meet you later, at the beach. Midnight.” He nodded in agreement, he straddled his bike and rode away from me. Was he finally going to be the dad I needed? Finally be someone I could trust to help me?

  “Daddy?” a little voice chirped behind me. I spun around to see Kelsey looking at me as she held out a piece of paper for me.

  “What’s that, sweetheart?” I asked, picking her up and looking at the drawing.

  “That’s you, mummy, Teg and Li. That’s me, in pink.” She smiled, proud of her drawing.

  “That’s really great. Have you shown mummy?” she nodded, kissed me on the cheek and wriggled to get down. She ran off back into the living room and I followed behind her quietly, stretching my hand out, it still hurt from where I had hit the fence earlier. I needed some ice on it. I walked into the kitchen and pulled open the freezer looking for ice cubes.

  “What you doing?” Heather asked.

  “Looking for some ice.” I held up my hand to show her.

  “Shit, Kade. Did you hit him?” She didn’t sound pleased, I couldn’t find any ice so I shut the door and turned around to face her.

  “No, I hit a fence at the clubhouse earlier.” She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand to look at it.

  “You’ve got splinters in the cuts. Sit down.” She pointed to a stool at the breakfast bar as she began digging around in a cupboard.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as she came closer.

  “Getting the splinters out and patching you up,” she smiled, showing me the first aid kit. My heart slammed against my chest, she wanted to take care of me. I loved that. I sat still while she pulled out little splinters of wood and cleaned out the wound and then wrapped my hand in a bandage.

  “I love you, sugar,” I smiled at her, pulling her close to me and claiming her lips.

  “And so you should,” she giggled, pulling away from me.

  “Where are you going?” I wanted more than just a kiss and she knew it. She nodded her head behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see Kelsey watching us. “You ok, sweetheart?” I asked her.

  “Why are you always kissing mummy?” she asked, tilting her head, making her dark curls bounce around. She walked towards me and I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

  “Because I love her,” I smiled, looking over the top of her head at Heather.

  “Do you love me?”

  “Of course I do.” I pecked kisses all over her face, I loved hearing the sounds of her giggling.


  I WAS LYING IN BED, wide awake, watching the sun start to filter through the cracks in the curtains. It was going to be a bright and sunny day. It was a shame that my mood wasn’t going to match it. My head had been non-stop all night, trying to digest all that my dad had told me.

  I would check in with the club, but if they didn’t need me I was going to head to Cornwall and check out this warehouse and see what it was being used for. I needed some information to feed back to the police so they knew I was taking this seriously.

  “Morning,” I heard Heather moan beside me. I looked over and saw her stretching, she thrust her tits up in the air and within seconds I was on top of her, sucking a nipple into my mouth through the thin material of her top. “Mmm,” she moaned, holding my head closer.

  My body was on edge, and I needed to feel all of her to calm myself down. I released her nipple and slammed my mouth down onto hers, she wound her hands around the back of my neck, kissing me back with just as much force. I nudged her legs apart with my knees and started rubbing my hard cock over her pussy, I could feel how warm and wet she was through her tiny bed shorts.

  “Kade,” she moaned as she arched her back. “I need to feel you.”

  “Oh, sugar. You’re going to feel me, don’t you worry,” I chuckled, barely pulling away from her delectable mouth. Her lips were soft and always tasted like strawberries. Anytime I smelt the scent, it always had me picturing her lips and kisses.

  We always wore clothes to bed now, which I hated. But we didn’t want to run the risk of Kelsey walking in and seeing us naked. I was glad that it had only just hit six in the morning and Kelsey and the babies wouldn’t start waking up for at least an hour yet.

  I pulled back from her and began stripping her of her clothes, kissing her skin as soon as it be
came visible. Her body was curvy and toned, she had a few small stretch marks on her tummy, but that only made her sexier to me. I ran my lips over her tummy and mound as I pulled her shorts down slowly. I looked up to see her eyes trained on me, they were closed slightly and she tried rubbing her thighs together but I held them apart as I kissed the insides of her thighs and down her legs, making sure I didn’t miss a spot.

  “Kade, please?” she panted. I could never resist her when she begged, saying my name. I settled myself in between her legs, pushed them open as far as they would go and attacked her with my mouth. At the first taste, I was hooked. I explored every part of her, bringing her to orgasm twice. She had coated my chin in her release and her legs were clenched firmly around my head. I had to tap her on the leg to get her to release me. I stripped out of my boxers and kissed my way up her body. Once I was looking into her eyes, she grabbed my head and devoured my mouth, moaning as she could taste her arousal on my tongue. As we kissed, I lined myself up to her entrance and moved in slowly. She arched her back which caused our lips to break apart, and I concentrated on not blowing my load in two seconds flat. Once I was stretching her, I couldn’t hold back and I reared back and slammed back into her causing her to shift up the bed.

  “Hold on, sugar,” I smirked as I kissed her again. She wound her arms and legs around me and held on as I set a punishing rhythm of slamming in and out of her small body. I knew when she was close to release when her grip with her thighs got stronger and he nails dug into my back. Once her body softened, she unwrapped herself from around me and I kissed her gently, pulling her nipples in between my thumb and finger. I moved in and out of her slowly, trailing kisses over her neck, making sure I hit that spot behind her ear that she loved so much, her body quivered and she arched into me, telling me that she was ready again. After this session, she would be feeling me all day and I loved that thought.

  I pulled her legs so that her thighs were flat against my chest, and I pushed forward so they were almost touching her chest. I loved how flexible she was, the yoga definitely helped with that. She moaned and fisted the sheets underneath us in her hands. Her eyes were closed, her lips were parted and her skin was growing flushed. I pushed in and out of her in short quick thrusts.


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