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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 31

by Kacey Hamford

  “You sold us out, Prez!” Riz yelled.

  “We don’t want to be involved with Satan shit!” Itch roared.

  “Enough!” Prez screamed. “He dies, now!” I was preparing to have my life taken from me. I was saying a prayer that Heather and the kids would cope without me. I was praying that they would always be safe and happy.

  “It was me!” CG yelled. Everyone fell silent. “It wasn’t Blade, it was me. I have been working with the police. I hated the way this club was run, I hate being a member. I wanted it to stop, all of it.”

  “My own son sold me out.” Prez said, lowering his gun and falling into his chair.

  “You always favoured Ripped over me. You didn’t play football with me, you taught me how to shoot a gun. I lost my virginity to a club whore. I hate this world, I don’t want to be part of it. You needed to be stopped. You had my mum tied up to a chair in that warehouse doing God knows what to her.” We were all stunned, yeah CG was quieter than the rest of us, but I never expected to find out that he was working with the police. If they had him why did they need me?

  “So, Dad, I’m the rat, you going to shoot me?” he asked, placing his gun on the table, stretching his arms out to show he was no longer armed with a weapon.

  “Get out,” he said slowly and quietly. “While you still can.”

  “What’s in the box?” I asked.

  Prez looked at me, smirking. “The captain always goes down with his ship.”

  “Fuck, BOMB!” I yelled, yanking the door open in an attempt escape. As I scrambled out of the room I saw the club whores sitting around drinking. “EVERYBODY OUT!” We were all flying towards the exit, when I was lifted off the ground and my ear drums burst with the loud bang, glass was shattered everywhere, covering us. I turned my body over to see the clubhouse up in flames and bodies lying all over the ground. Some were moving and others weren’t. I tried to get up to help, but my body objected, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out.


  1 year later

  I WAS VOTED as the new Prez for the Devon Destroyers MC. I had chosen CG as my VP but he didn’t want it. He left the club and took Tiffany with him.

  I decided to break the rules and patched in Wayne and Dwayne straight away, they had both been prospects for under a year, but I trusted them completely. I also gave Wayne the VP spot, he had spent hours protecting Heather and Liam and this was the one guy I wanted at my side.

  Around the church table now, we had myself, Buzz (Wayne – due to the fact his hair was always clipped off short. After the bomb explosion he had to have surgery to remove some shrapnel from his head, he loves telling the story along with showing them the scar) Riz, Itch, Ice, (Dwayne – He was always ice cold, even in the heat of summer he would always be wrapped up in jumpers and jeans) Bear, (my old man, who was covered head to toe in thick brown hair) he had betrayed his club and was kicked out, we found him one evening dumped outside our gates with his club tattoo burnt from his skin, he was in bad shape. To this day, he still hasn’t told me why he was kicked out, he said it was best that I didn’t know. We voted and the majority favoured for him to join us so here he was sat around the table and also two new prospects, Dan and Fred.

  The old clubhouse was blown up and there was no saving it so we now lived in the same area but in an old run down hotel. We spent the past year improving the state of it and I had the top floor converted into a place for me, Heather and the kids to live.

  “Agenda one, our one year party of owning this shit hole is tonight, let’s have fun. Agenda two I need some guys to escort the skins girls here for their show. It’s going to be a good one. Agenda three, don’t disrespect the girls and stop bringing in new club whores. There are plenty around here to keep you guys happy.” I slammed the gavel down and the guys got up and left the room. I ran my hand over my face, I looked between my fingers when I heard the door open. I smiled when I saw my sexy Old Lady standing there with Liam on her hip.

  “Hey, sugar.”

  “Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad.” Liam called out, arms stretched out in front of him.

  “Someone has been calling out for you all morning.” She passed him over to me. Once he was in my lap, I pulled Heather close for a kiss. We only broke away when we heard a shrill scream.

  “Tegan?” I asked. She nodded. “How was Kelsey at play group this morning?”

  “She ran straight in, no backward glance at me, our little girl has grown up, I can’t believe today is her first day at play group,” she smiled. “I best see what Tegan has gotten herself into now. Love you.”

  “I love you, sugar.”

  I looked down at Liam, he had picked up the gavel and started hitting the table with it, giggling after every time he done it.

  “One day, Son. This will all be yours, but let’s keep that a secret between us for now. Mummy wouldn’t be happy.”

  Trusting Love

  (South Coast Brothers #3)

  Kacey Hamford


  I WAS ALWAYS A WILD CHILD, even from a young age. I remember never having rules, a set bed time, a curfew. I was always allowed to do as I pleased. I felt, as an only child, my parents never took on the role seriously; I was never disciplined and could quite easily bunk off school whenever I wanted to. I put that down to the fact that my mum and dad were only young when they had me. My dad was nineteen and my mum only eighteen, they were crazy in love and when both of their families told them to get rid of me, they argued that they wanted me. Both of their families disowned them and that’s how I grew up in Devon.

  I remember being as young as ten and my parents leaving me home alone while they went partying, I learnt to feed and look after myself quickly. Naturally, I followed in their footsteps. I hung out with the wrong crowd, never done any school work, started drinking and smoking by the time I was fourteen.

  “Mum, dad? I have something to tell you.” I looked at them as they sat on the sofa together, holding hands, watching TV. My sixteen year old self may as well have been invisible for all they cared.

  “Well? Spit it out?” Mum snapped.

  “Um, well… I’m pregnant.”

  “What!” My dad bellowed as he climbed to his feet and looked at me. This was the most attention he had showed me in the last few months.

  “Who done this to you? Was it rape? Were you forced? Was it that Jeremy guy?” Mum rattled off question after question, not giving me a chance to speak as she looked in my direction but not directly at me.

  “No, Mum, I…”

  “I’m calling the police. If it was that Jeremy, he’s nearly twice your age and he’ll go down for rape,” my dad said as he paced the floor. I was surprised by their reaction, I didn’t actually think they would care. I had got used to them not caring about me in the last six years.

  “It wasn’t Jeremy and there was no forcing. I want this baby.” I looked at them, hoping to reason with them. If anyone should understand it would be them, they knew what it was like not to have the support of your family.

  “We’ll talk about this tomorrow, honey, our programme is starting,” mum said. I turned away from them and walked out of the front door, straight into the arms of Jack.

  Jack had been my boyfriend for about six months. We met one evening when I was sitting in the empty playground that was at the end of our street. I was swinging gently on the swings, drinking cider. He was older than me by three years, his square jaw, dark hair and brown eyes drew me in. He once told me that I was beautiful, that my long, blonde hair was like sunshine and my bright blue eyes were like the sea. He looked after me and I craved that attention after feeling non-existent in my home.

  “They didn’t take it well?” he asked as he steered me towards his black, rusted old car.

  “No. Dad thinks I was raped and mum was too concerned with missing her TV programme.” I was about to climb in the car when he stopped me by the tight grip he had on my arm.

  “What? I hope you told them I didn’t rape
you, that you wanted it as much as I did.”

  “Of course I told them that it wasn’t rape. I want this baby. We’ll be fine.” I stretched up on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss. “We will be fine, right?”

  “Yeah,” he replied on a sigh. “You coming to mine?” I nodded quickly, biting my lip. I loved all the attention he showed me and the ways he made my body burn up from the inside.

  I WAS JUST over eight months pregnant and living with Jack and his two roommates in a small three bedroom flat. None of them worked, all they did all day was sit around watching TV, drinking and smoking. I had a job at a restaurant in town for a little while, but as I was so big now I was finding it difficult to manoeuvre easily around the tables so I had to quit. My ankles were constantly swollen and standing up for long periods of time was becoming painful.

  We found out that we were having a boy and I was extremely excited. Jack? Not so much. I had tried to get him to help me pick a name for him but he wasn’t interested so I decided on the name Noah.

  I struggled up the three flights of stairs with bags of shopping so we had some food in the flat. We were on limited funds so I had to buy the basic food we needed to survive. Once I reached the top step, I had to stop for a breather. I could hear loud music and shouting coming from the down the hall and I hoped whoever was having a party that it wouldn’t be a late one, I was tired and needed some sleep. As I got closer to our flat, I saw that the front door was open and it was filled with loud music and people drinking and smoking. I pushed my way in and headed to the kitchen where I saw Jack all over another woman. She was older than me with bleached blonde hair with hardly any clothing on. I dropped the bags to the floor, causing the milk to split open and pour all over the stained flooring.

  “Shit!” I heard Jack say before he pushed the woman away and took a step closer to me. “I didn’t think you would be home yet,” he slurred. How much had he had to drink? It was only seven in the evening.

  “Clearly. How long has this been going on?” I waved my hand between him and the bleached blonde tart standing near us.

  “I’m only having a bit of fun,” he said, laughing. “Now that you can’t move around as easily.”

  “I’m carrying your son.” I poked him hard in the chest.

  “Yeah and I didn’t ask for that!” he shouted. I coward back from him, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He had been distant with me lately, I was starting to feel ignored and invisible again but I knew it would all be ok once our son arrived. Jack would see how special he was and realise that we all needed each other. We would be a proper family.

  His words hurt me, I wanted to cry but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing them. I turned around and headed for the front door, I would come back once the party was over and hopefully Jack would be ready to apologise.

  I made it down two flights of stairs but I needed a moment to catch my breath. I leant against the cold stone wall, closed my eyes and concentrated on breathing. Noah was kicking me and I placed my hand on my tummy to feel it more, there was nothing stronger than a bond between a mum and her baby.

  “What the hell are you doing?” My eyes snapped open as I heard Jack’s fierce voice.

  “Trying to breathe.” I stood up straight and started making my way down the last set of steps when he grabbed hold of the top of my arm, halting me.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he snapped.

  “Away from here, from this party, go and have your fun. I’ll be back later.” I tried to pull my arm free and his grip tightened.

  “You’re not leaving me,” he growled.

  “I’ll be back later.” I pulled my arm and he let me go, I stumbled, lost my footing and fell down the rest of the stairs. I pulled my arms around my tummy trying to protect my son. I felt the bump of each step, it felt like I was moving in slow motion until I felt the solid ground under me and a sharp pain shoot up through my back. I cried out and laid still, waiting for Jack to come and help me. I didn’t know how long I waited but he never came.


  MY LIFE HASN’T ALWAYS BEEN easy. I experienced a pain no one should ever have to go through. A part of me would always be broken, a piece of my heart shattered the day I had to give birth to my stillborn son.

  “Cammie, bedroom! Now!” Mason, the VP of the Cornish Crusaders called out to me as he stormed into the clubhouse. His dark hair was messy from wearing his helmet, the sun shone off his lip ring and his hands were fisted tightly together. We had been together for several weeks and I was seriously falling in love with him but I had never planned to. I had sworn off love for so long I didn’t even think I was capable of loving someone, but he tried to show me every day that I was worthy of his love. I loved his no nonsense attitude and after being a club whore for over two years at the Devon Destroyers MC, I knew the rules I had to follow. Do as you’re told, no answering back and no asking questions about club business.

  I never planned to be a club whore; who wakes up one day and thinks, I know what I’ll do for the rest of my life, I’ll spread my legs to earn money. Nope, not me. I didn’t really have any other choice.

  After giving birth to Noah, who was perfect by the way; a head full of light hair, small button nose and pouty lips, I spiralled even more out of control, the hospital called my mum and dad as I was only sixteen. They came and got me, took me to arrange the funeral for Noah and took me back home to live with them. It was almost like they changed who they were overnight. When I left to live with Jack, my parents were glad for me to be gone. They had always ignored me and gone about their lives as if I didn’t exist, but they picked me up when I was broken. They were there for me when I needed them the most, but no amount of attention they gave me made up for how they had treated me for the last six years. Nothing helped to fill the gaping hole in my heart that bled for my son. I felt trapped, like I couldn’t breathe, I needed to get away from them, from the place that my son was conceived.

  As I walked quickly towards Mason, I looked into his eyes. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, was it love? Lust? Anger? I just couldn’t tell. When I was close enough to him, he grabbed my hand and began pulling me behind him towards his bedroom.

  “VP!” We stopped walking as Solar rushed towards us. He was wearing his usual scruffy jeans, black boots, a tight fitted t-shirt that sat underneath his leather cut. His hair was styled, his short beard was messy and his blue eyes looked worried.

  “Solar.” Mason nodded his head in greeting.

  “Prez called…” He stopped talking and looked at me over Mason’s shoulder. All the guys knew that they weren’t supposed to talk about club business in front of us. I didn’t know if that was a rule in all clubs but we were told it was for our own protection.

  I never knew any club business but that didn’t stop the Satan MC trying to torture it out of me. After a couple of hours with them, I learnt it was best not to cry and beg them to stop, it was what they liked to hear. After being with them for a day, I learnt to switch off and find a happy place to escape to. That place was with my son, Noah. We were in a park and I was pushing him on the swings, his laughter rang out each time I pushed him higher and higher. The sun would be shining and his blond hair would glisten, the slight breeze causing his fringe to move. Oh, what I would give for that memory to come alive.

  “You go ahead, babe. I’ll be there in a second.” Mason let go of my hand and kissed me briefly on the lips. I turned around and walked away from them slowly, they didn’t begin talking until I was almost around the corner. I pushed the door open and walked into the room I now shared with him. The bed was messy, clothes covered the floor on the side he slept and the room was dark and dull due to the sun setting. I didn’t know why Mason had demanded we go to his room, was he annoyed? Upset? Or did he want us to finally take the next step in our relationship. I had felt a connection with Mason as soon as Heather and I arrived at the Cornish Crusaders MC, but I hadn’t been away from the Satan MC for long and after the wa
y they captured, tortured and raped me I was hesitant about spending time with another man, especially a biker. I knew nothing about him.

  Mason looked rough and rugged with all his tattoos and piercings but on the inside he was soft and gentle, he showed me that he cared about me and once I came to the realisation that I had feelings for him too I took a huge leap out of my comfort zone and told him. I hadn’t told him about my past, about Noah or the Satan MC, all I said was I needed time and that if he needed a physical relationship straight away that I couldn’t be with him. It surprised me as hell when he held my hand and asked if he could hold me, I felt safe wrapped up in his arms.

  Now, I wasn’t sure what he wanted, he wouldn’t have been dragging me to his bedroom if it was only to talk. My heart rate increased, my tummy fluttered and I wasn’t sure if it was due to excitement or fear.

  I decided I wasn’t going to let fear rule my life anymore, I was falling in love with Mason and I knew that he would never hurt me. I pulled the zip down on my skirt and wiggled my way out of it, kicking off my flip flops too. I was glad that I decided to wear a matching set of underwear this morning. I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and examined my body in the full length mirror, my body ran cold when I saw the ugly scar on the side of my tummy. I didn’t want Mason seeing it, not yet. I turned to my bedside table and pulled out some lingerie, it was a bright blue babydoll. I slipped it on and loved the fact that it had a v neck so still showed off my breasts and the transparent lace covered my ugly scar but still showed enough skin to drive him wild. I pulled off my black underwear and replaced it with the blue g string that matched. I stood by the door trying to find the sexiest way to look, I tried sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning against the wall, perched on the edge of the dressing table but it all looked too staged. I stood up straight when I heard him yelling.


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