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Bullet Proof (Love Undercover Book 4)

Page 12

by LK Shaw

  "They look like they belong together, don't they?" He asked softly.

  "Very much so."

  Pablo didn't say anything else, only nodded. He brushed a kiss across my forehead and then gently shook his father's shoulder. "Papá. Michele and Maisie are heading home."

  Ernesto mumbled and blinked his eyes before drowsily opening them fully and looking down at the little girl still asleep on his lap. "Goodness that didn't take her long."

  "You either, apparently," Pablo joked before reaching down and scooping Maisie up in his arms. Her lids didn't even flutter. Her head merely settled on his shoulder, still fast asleep.

  Together we walked out to my car where he gently laid her in her car seat before turning to me and pulling me against his chest. "Call me when you get home so I know you made it safely."

  My hands splayed across his chest, and I nodded. “I will. I'll check my calendar about Thursday too."

  "Good." He paused a moment, his gaze flittering over my face. "We should also talk later about what happened earlier tonight."

  I sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right.”

  With a finger below my chin, he tipped my head up so we were looking at each other. "Everything's good. We're good. Better than good, in fact."

  Pablo lowered his head and sealed our mouths together, flicking his tongue along the seam, coaxing me to open for him. He dipped inside and teased me for several minutes before pulling back. His arms tightened around me, warming me, and then he released his hold. "Don't forget to call."

  “I won't," I said, getting in the driver's seat. He closed the door behind me, and then I was on my way home, reliving that kiss, as well as dreading the conversation we definitely needed to have soon.

  Chapter 21

  I knocked on Michele's door with a sweaty-palmed fist. Before long the chain jingled and the deadbolt clicked. This was it. I drank in the sight of her. No matter how many times we were together, each time I saw her she pulled me further under her spell. The funny thing was, she didn't even try. She had no idea the effect she had on me.

  "Hi." No doubt a silly grin spread across my face.

  "Hi," she greeted me. "Come on in. We're just about ready."

  She closed us inside and then moved past. "We had a minor accident, so if you want to have a seat, we'll be right out."

  "Take your time."

  I settled on the couch while Michele disappeared down the hallway. I took her comment about a minor accident to mean something with Maisie. Which could be anything from bathroom accident to spilling something on her clothes and having to change. I wasn't in any hurry to leave. In fact, sitting here gave me a chance to calm my nerves. In no time at all, the two of them came from down the hall.

  "Mister Pablo," Maisie yelled at seeing me. She raced around to my side of the couch and jumped on me, nearly kneeing me in the balls in the process. I barely managed to shift so I got nailed in my hip. It didn't help that it was my left leg. I bit back a groan as her bony knee dug into my thigh. Still, the feel of her arms squeezing me in a tight hug more than made up for it.

  "Hey, baby girl," I managed to say. "Are you ready for the festival? I hope you're bringing an empty tummy, because there's going to be lots of food to eat."

  She pulled away and worried her lip, her gaze not meeting mine. “I already emptied my tummy on accident."

  I wasn't sure how to take that. "That's okay. Accidents happen. I hope you're feeling better."

  Maisie's eyes met mine and she nodded emphatically. "Oh, yes, all better now."

  "Good. Are you ready to go then? I think there might even be some fun rides we can try."

  That put a sparkle of excitement in her baby blues. "Yay, I love rides."

  Michele, standing at the end of the sofa, laughed at that, finally adding to our conversation. "How do you know you love rides? We've never been on any."

  Maisie slid off my lap, stood as tall as her short body would go, and put her hands on her hips. “I just know."

  I couldn't stop the burst of laughter. "Well, I guess we'll just have to take your word for it."

  Pushing up from the couch, I rose to my feet and then held out my hand. Michele laid her fingers in my palm and I pulled her in for a hug. She felt too good in my arms not to. I loved how she molded against me and fit perfectly under my chin.

  “I should have done this when I walked through the door," I said against her hair.

  Next to us, Maisie giggled.

  "Better late than never," she replied, her arms tightening the slightest bit. Reluctantly I pulled back. Michele's cheeks were a pale pink.

  "Alright, are you two lovely ladies ready to go have some fun?"

  Maisie whooped and jumped around. After we locked up the apartment, the three of us headed outside. We stopped at Michele's car, remembering to get the car seat this time, and transferred it into mine. Once Maisie was settled in, we were off.

  "Tell me more about this festival we're going to. It sounds interesting. I'm all about discovering new foods."

  "It's the Fiesta del Sol. They hold it every summer and have for the last forty-some years, I think. It's in Pilsen, and just so happens to be the largest Latino festival in the Midwest. It's probably been twenty-five years since I've ventured down there. My parents used to bring us all the time when we were kids, and we always had a good time. I'm sure it's changed a lot since I was last here though."

  "Maisie has been talking about it nearly non-stop since I told her you were taking us. We've never been to anything like it before. Not unless you count a small 4-H fair we went to up in Waukegan. But that was for the animals. She was going through the phase where she was learning about farm animals and loved every single one of them. One weekend we drove up there so she could see the cow, pigs, chickens, and goats. I think there were some horses as well. She lasted all of an hour before she became exhausted from the excitement, which then made her cranky. So we left. Hopefully she'll last longer than that today."

  "If she doesn't, then it's okay. We'll have fun for however long we're there. Isn't that right, Maisie?"

  “I'm gonna ride all the rides. Mama said I can eat as much food as I want because it won't spoil my supper cause I'm gonna eat everything."

  Michele's laughter followed mine. "Well, don't eat so much you get a tummy ache."

  Traffic thickened the closer to the festival we got, but I eventually found a lot that had a couple open spaces left. I paid the attendant and we started the short trek to where the first street had been closed off and a row of food carts began.

  With Maisie between us, we each held her hands. She started swinging her arms forward and backward, so Michele and I ramped up the momentum and soon Maisie was swinging between us, landing with a stomp and a giggle.

  The scent of cooking wafted all around us. We stopped at a couple of the food trucks for some samples before continuing to wander around. There were tents lining both sides of the street full of tables covered with various craft items representing a vast array of Latinx and Hispanic culture. Bright colors popped everywhere we turned. It was a beautiful sight.

  "Oh, Mama, look at this pretty dolly." Maisie tugged us over to a tent with a display of dolls wearing what looked like hand sewn dresses. She turned her bright blue eyes up to her mother. "Can I get her? Pretty please?"

  "Sweetie, we just got here. Maybe there will be something else you'll find that you'll like better," Michele said.

  Before I could blink, those same eyes were peering up at me, pleading with a wet shimmer. "Mister Pablo. Please can I have the dolly? I promise I'll be a good girl."


  "Maisie Danielle," Michele scolded.

  I was so out of my element here. Ines would be laughing at me, because no doubt there was a panicked expression on my face while I tried to navigate the current situation. "Munchkin, I'm sorry, but your mama said you need to wait. See if you find something you like better. You never know, you might find this super cool puzzle or maybe some books. I know yo
u like those. Why don't we keep looking. If you can't find anything else, maybe we can come back here."

  God, not the crying. Maisie's bright blue eyes sparkled with wetness as tears spilled over and raced down her cheeks. Next came the lower lip trembling. "Pretty, pretty please?"

  The tears kept coming, streaming. I frantically looked at Michele for some help. Thankfully she took over, because I had no idea how to handle this situation. She bent down and gently clasped Maisie's hand in one of hers while wiping the tears away with the other.

  "You know we've talked about asking for things and when I say no or let's wait and think about it. Do you remember that?" she asked softly.

  Tears still flowed, but they were slowing. Maisie nodded. "Yes, Mama."

  “I didn't tell you you couldn't have it, but we have to make sure that the thing we pick is what we really want. It's something big girls have to learn. And I know you're a big girl."

  Michele pulled her daughter in for a hug and the two tightly wrapped their arms around each other. They separated and the rest of the tears were wiped away and Michele kissed Maisie's nose. “I love you."

  “I love you too, Mama."

  Thank god that crisis had been averted. It only emphasized how unprepared I was for this.

  "Are we ready to keep looking around?" I asked tentatively.

  "We're ready."

  Maisie was much more subdued once we began walking again, but finally she returned to her laughing pleasant self. She continued admiring things, but she still didn't pick anything else that she liked. We rode a few rides including the Ferris wheel and the tea cups, which made me nauseated from the spinning. By the time we got off the short ride, I worried I might toss up the food we'd sampled earlier.

  Soon Maisie grew tired, her steps slowing. I picked her up and carried her on my hip. She laid her head on my shoulder in the most trusting manner. It hit me straight in my heart. We made our way back through the festival and the craft section. There, on the table, was the doll that Maisie had desperately wanted. I glanced at Michele and then my gaze shifted over to the tent nearest us. She gave a short nod, and I walked with Maisie over there.

  Within moments, we were heading back to the car with a new doll as part of our entourage. I opened the door for Michele and placed a drowsy little girl in the car seat before getting behind the wheel. A glance in the rearview mirror showed Maisie's eyes falling closed, her arms clutching the dolly tightly to her chest. My fingers found Michele's as I carefully made my way down the busy streets.

  “I didn't fuc—fudge things up too bad back there, did I?" I asked softly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping girl in the back.

  Michele's lips tipped up on one side. "You did fine. We're still learning that we can't have the first thing we see every single time. Most of the time she gets it, but I think you were treated to a special show today. There are times she tests boundaries, and I guess she figured the tears would cajole you into letting her have what she wanted. I don't know how many guys would have handled it as well as you did."

  "Really? Because I was floundering.”

  She squeezed my fingers. "You didn't yell at her for crying and you didn't let her manipulate you with her tears. I think you did more than fine."

  "Thank god."

  We drove in silence for a few blocks.

  “I hope you enjoyed the festival,” I said.

  “It was wonderful. The food was out of this world. I swear if I keep hanging out with you, I’m going to be spoiled with all the delicious meals I keep getting."

  "You deserve to be spoiled. You both do. And I'm more than happy being the one doing the spoiling." There was nothing I wanted more, in fact. I was falling head over heels for this woman and her daughter. Hearing Maisie call me papa had been the best thing I'd ever heard. I wanted to hear it again and again. Every day. No matter how fucking scary it was.

  Perhaps because of the late hour, I had trouble finding a place to park that wasn't too far from Michele's building. I drove around for over five minutes before finally a spot two blocks away opened up. We exited the car, and I scooped the sleeping girl up. With her in one arm, I reached down and laced my fingers through Michele's, connecting the three of us together.

  The closer we got to the apartment building, the louder the raucous laughter and music got. A group of people loitered out front. From this distance I couldn't discern if any of them were Oliver or not. The bright lights of an approaching vehicle momentarily blinded me. I squinted and jerked my head to the side. Then a sound I still heard in my dreams on occasion blasted through the night.

  Rapid-fire gunshots exploded from the passing SUV. Screams pierced the night air.

  "Get down! Get down!" I yelled, pushing Michele to the ground on the passenger side of a car parked along the curb. I dove next to her, as bullets continued to fly, trying to be careful with the delicate package in my arms whose screams joined everyone else's. I tugged both Maisie and Michele tightly to my chest, draping as much of my body over theirs as I could, trying to protect them. Both were crying and wails of pain, fear, and sorrow echoed around us as the last sounds of gunfire faded. Tires squealed and the SUV took off down the street.

  "Are you guys okay? Are you hit? Michele, talk to me." I ran my hands and gaze over them, trying to make sure that I didn't find any blood. Both of my girls continued sobbing.

  "Michele," I said, sharply, and she jerked.

  “I'm fine. We're fine, I think," she said on a shuddering breath.

  "Maisie, baby, it's okay," I tried soothing the still bawling toddler curled up in our laps. She had a death grip around me, her entire body shaking. The sudden scent of urine hit my nose, and I glanced down to see the wet spot on my jeans. Aw, Jesus, my poor little girl. We remained huddled on the sidewalk. Pounding footsteps grew louder.

  "Shit, Pablo. Are you guys alright?" The harshly whispered question came from my right. My eyes jerked over to meet Oliver's gaze, who was squatting next to Michele.

  "We're okay." I glanced down at her. Her eyes were glazed with shock. I focused back on the man on her other side. "What the fuck just happened?"

  "Drive-by. Spanish Serpents based on the glimpse of the red bandana wrapped around the passenger's forehead I caught sight of before I dove for cover."

  Goddamn it. "Anyone hit?" My chin tipped in the crowd's direction thirty yards away.

  "Yeah, we got one dead and two flesh wounds. Cops and ambulance are on their way."

  "Help me up."

  I shifted my grip on Maisie and tightened my hold on her. I grasped Oliver's palm, and he heaved me to my feet, causing her to whimper and tighten her hold around my neck to nearly choking. A sharp pain raced up my thigh, and my breath caught. I grit my teeth. Once I was steady and trusted my legs to hold me and her, I reached down for Michele. "Come on, love."

  She finally blinked and focused. Her hand settled in mine and I gently tugged her up to standing. Her eyes met Oliver's.

  "River?" She whispered.

  He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, glancing around to make sure we weren't within earshot of anyone. "It's Oliver, actually," he said in a low voice.

  "Can we please save the introductions for later? " I bit out.

  "Of course, yeah, sorry. I need to go back and check on the two that were shot, but when I saw you guys, I had to make sure you hadn't been hit."

  "Thanks, I appreciate it. Now, go, before people start paying too much attention to us." Hopefully the people all gathered near the front of the building were more focused on taking care of the injured than they were on why Oliver was making sure we were alright.

  Michele remained rigid next to me, her gaze following my undercover agent as he jogged back to the growing crowd. She turned her eyes to me, and I flinched at the accusation and hurt shining back at me. Fuck. I could see the wheels spinning in her head and she wasn't liking whatever conclusion she was coming to. "You two know each other."

  It wasn't a question. "It's not a good idea f
or us to talk about this out here. Can we please wait until we go inside? We need to take care of Maisie."

  It was her turn to flinch, as though I was berating her for not thinking of her daughter, which was not my intention. What a clusterfuck this whole night was turning into. We walked together down the sidewalk, the sound of sirens quiet in the distance, but growing louder. We reached the front door at the same time the first police car, light flashing and illuminating the whole area, arrived. More sirens were coming.

  Maisie finally stopped shaking, but she still hadn't released her hold on me. I hated her being quiet. She was going to have nightmares for god knew how long. We trudged up the stairs. Michele let us inside the apartment and locked the door.

  “I'll take her," she said, reaching for Maisie, who began to whine again, her fingers tightening further.

  "Shhh, everything's okay now." I rubbed her back and then smoothed her hair off the side of her face. "Hey, look at me, munchkin."

  After a few more seconds of coaxing, she finally pulled her head back and met my eyes with her red, tear-stained ones. I gave her my best, most comforting smile. "That's my girl. Go with your mama and get all cleaned up. I promise I'll be right here if you need me."

  She took in a shuddering breath, wetness clinging to her lashes. "You promise?"

  "Cross my heart."

  I transferred her into Michele's arms and the two of them disappeared down the hallway taking my heart with them. I remained standing there, doing everything I could to not punch a hole in the fucking wall. I jerked my phone out of my back pocket and hit the speed dial.

  Chapter 22

  My hands trembled carrying Maisie into the bathroom. Although I wasn't sure if it was her or me that was shaking more. My chest was so tight, and I could barely breathe, but I had to hold it together for my daughter. She was already traumatized enough. No need to add her mother having a massive panic attack to the mix.


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