Alien Barbarians' Hope

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Alien Barbarians' Hope Page 12

by Zara Starr

  Ella chuckled and shook her head, opening her mouth widely to speak.

  “Clothes.” She chuckled at him with a nod as she pulled on her mantle.

  Bahl glanced back at me. “I think that may be her word for attire. For what she wears,” Bahl explained.

  I nodded.

  “Clo-thes,” I repeated as I fingered my own trousers.

  “That’s right, clothes,” Ella said as she smiled back at the both of us.

  Hmm, maybe learning her tongue won’t be so very hard, after all.



  I sniffed the air as I strode through the underbrush of the jungle. The stench of leeches permeated it and I sucked in a breath as I smirked knowingly.

  Karr seemed to think he could keep a new female from my tracking senses—his first foolish thought but one that didn’t take long for me to extinguish.

  To think he had tried to lie to the elders about how he had procured the creature still infuriated me, but I knew that his father’s legacy was not one I could so easily challenge. Not to the elders, especially not Otoro.

  Funi, I knew, was more likely to sway toward my side but learning that he was staunchly against us providing sanctuary to the female had sent my blood near-boiling.

  First, Karr finds this creature and hides her out and then Funi dares to consider exiling her?

  I had been hoping to find some sort of female in time, but I knew that unless a daughter was born to one of the few existing females in the tribe, that desire would never be fulfilled. I was intent on finding the best meat from the jungle, just to bring it to her.

  Certainly, courting was something I had very little experience with but I knew that bringing her gifts and food would prove fruitful in my endeavors—at least I hoped so.

  She was odd to look at and I was not sure if she had the strength to handle a night of lovemaking beneath my hand. I was strong, virile and dominant. I knew that a female of her size would be dwarfed by the heaviness of my body and height.

  Snap! Crack!

  I lunged forward, tossing my spear directly toward the heart of the beast before me—an Eilahasan stag with a rack that towered nearly as high as the tree before it!

  The blade quickly buried itself into the animal’s hide, piercing the heart as I hopped over a fallen log.

  I watched as the stag’s breathing grew more laborious and knelt down at the beast’s side as I pulled my spear from its body.

  “Thank you for the sacrifice you have given, beast. I shall ensure that your rack is placed in the holiest of sites,” I muttered as I slipped my dagger from my belt.

  I quickly jabbed the blade into the stag’s throat allowing the blood to pool from its neck as it ceased to breathe. I heard the sound of twigs breaking behind me and snapped my head back to make eye contact with my younger cousin, Maun.

  “You ought to be more cautious,” I said as he stepped up toward the beast. “I nearly tossed my blade directly for your eyes. A scar won’t help you.”

  Maun groaned. “I thought you did not want to kill this one until later in the season. What brings the change, Arh?”

  I scoffed as I continued to cut away the stag’s pelt.

  “That was before the female in Karr’s home cave showed up,” I muttered.

  There was so much Maun could do, but there was an abundance of times that I was certain his mother must have dropped him atop the cave floor as an infant.

  “Ah, so you are going to court her?” Maun asked.

  “Aye, as should any capable male in the tribe, but I will be so much more than that,” I said, of this I was confident. Of this I was certain.

  “You know yourself to be the strongest, most capable and handsomest of all of us. It would not surprise me if she did select you for her triad, but she was the ugliest thing I have ever seen,” Maun said. “The pallidity of her skin was revolting to me. I am not even certain my bulb would even engorge if she were to show me any interest.”

  “Are you insinuating that I would have an ugly mate, cousin? Caution, as I told you, would be most wise. I would hate to deform you in any way, but your tongue seems to offend beyond your brain’s senses.”

  Maun chuckled. “Never could I imagine you having an ugly mate. I simply said I could not get an erection from her form. Perhaps you will have more luck?” Maun joked.

  “As I thought. Wisdom comes in time, doesn’t it?” I asked with a chuckle as I pointed the tip of my blade back toward him. “Don’t just stand with your mouth flapping. —Get down here and help me cut up this meat,” I ordered.

  Maun nodded and knelt down, pulling his own blade from his waist strap as he began to cut into the pelt.

  I pursed my lips and moved on to cutting the front leg quarter. I wanted to get the best of the back strap for the female in Karr’s home cave.

  I still did not know what her name was but figured I would learn it soon enough—as soon as I brought her the decadent and delicious meat I was now working on.

  “You must really think that she will enjoy this meat. She seemed wholly against everything offered to her at the tribal cave,” Maun shot back at me.

  I pursed my lips, then rolled my lower lip and bit into it slightly.

  “Are you here solely to infuriate me before I begin the courtship of this new female or are you going to hurry it up and finish your cuts?” I fired back.

  Maun chuckled lightly as he drew his blade further across the stag’s flesh.

  By now, I had begun quartering the legs closest to me and I knew there was no doubt the female would adore the succulent meat I intended on presenting to her, outspread at her very feet. How anyone could deny this glorious animal I had been allowing to grow gargantuan size was unimaginable.

  “Do not tell me you did not notice the way she stuck her nose up at what was offered,” Maun said.

  “She was not offered meat. She was offered the putrid flesh of those lake fish that Karr’s family has always raved about. She must be intelligent. I too would turn up my nose at the stench that is monlas,” I said.

  “Are you going to bring it to her raw?” Maun asked as I stood up suddenly.

  I shook my head as I began to walk back toward the open meadow.

  “Don’t you worry about the state of her meat. I will ensure it is perfect. Continue making the cuts off the stag and feel free to take your share, but do not let even the pelt go to waste. When you have finished, take the pelt to Bahl for tanning,” I ordered.

  “Very well, cousin. Have fun courting that awfully strange-looking thing,” Maun murmured.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. Annoyance with Maun was something I had learned to curb over the years. When the two of us had been younger males, I often gave him a good run when he angered me as I had no problem pummeling him with my bare hands when he needed it.

  Maun and I were raised closely—our fathers had been brothers and Maun and I had spent a great deal of time under the instruction of our grandmother’s care.

  I stepped through the clearing, my lips widening as I carried the huge cuts of the best parts of the massive stag.

  Ugly female? At least she is a female—that is far more than Maun can say for himself, I thought as I traveled down the foot trail toward Karr’s home cave.

  The horrid stench of fish immediately filled my nostrils as I walked into Karr’s meadow.

  Various carcasses and rotting fish skin had been cast to one side, at the edge of the jungle, and I wondered how Karr had not attracted leeches—or even dragons—with such readily available carrion lying around to soak up the sun’s radiating rays.

  I shook my head. With all that putrid meat about it is no wonder the female didn’t want anything to do with any of it.

  I felt a sense of duty swell within me. I had to provide her better sustenance and I was sure she would be delighted with what I brought. I approached Karr’s home cave and peeked my head within, my eyes darting over the interior as I strode in.

  “Bahl!” I said a
s I walked straight toward the female. “I have an enormous new pelt for you to tan—courtesy of the stag beast!” I said as I dropped the leg quarters and back strap right in front of the female.

  The bloodied meat nearly landed atop her toes as it fell.

  “Eat! This is the best kill I’ve made in ages,” I commanded her.

  “Ah! Oh, my God, that’s disgusting!” The female bellowed back as she lifted her face to look back at me. She kicked away the meat and stepped back, lifting her arms to cover her mouth as she began to retch slightly.

  Bahl’s gaze snapped back toward me and Dew perked his eyebrow and turned to walk over to her side.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing as I looked at the stag meat that was cast aside, now covered in rocks and dirt. “Why did she do that?” I asked, appalled by her actions.

  “Blech!” The female made a strange sound as she pushed Dew away and began running toward the cave entrance. I watched as she doubled over and began vomiting all over the ground.

  “I think you’ve made Ella sick,” Dew said as he moved to follow after the female.

  “Ella?” I asked as I walked behind him.

  Bahl moved in closer as he too followed after her.

  “That is her name,” Bahl said from behind me. “And Dew believes she cannot eat meat,” he finished.

  “What? What do you mean she cannot eat meat? Look at how thin she is? She is in dire need of protein!” I said.

  Dew turned to look at me as he placed a hand at the back of the female’s spine. I could feel my anger exploding through my veins as I roared.

  “This cannot be! I am the strongest of the hunters and now you say she cannot eat meat? What does she eat then?” I asked.

  Dew scoffed and shook his head. “She is an herbivore, Arh. She only eats fruits and vegetables,” he said.

  I glowered at him and shook my head.

  “What? That is not possible. She must not understand that she needs to eat meat to become healthy and plump. You do not know what you are talking about. She needs better food and I will make sure she gets it!”

  As I approached the female her eyes filled with terror as she looked back at me and she began shaking her head as she moved to stand behind Dew.

  “I do not think you should be here now, Arh,” Dew said.

  I perked a brow and tilted my head as I glanced back at the female.

  “She is sick and for that reason, I shall go. But do not think a mere gatherer like you is going to dictate to me what I should or should not be doing. The same goes for telling me where I belong.”

  I seethed as I strode past him and the female. I could not believe what they had told me. There was no possible way that a female could bear children and be as thin as this one was.

  She needed meat and gristle, and I was going to find the best of the best for her. Eventually, she would eat it.

  “You are making her uncomfortable, Arh. Do not be stubborn and upset her,” Bahl said calmly.

  “Aye, well I will show her I am a good provider by bringing all the meat I can until she finally eats what she needs. Nourishment cannot come solely from plants,” I reaffirmed. “Soon enough, she will come to understand that I have her best interest in my mind.”

  “I do not think that is wise,” Dew said.

  I scoffed as I made my way toward the foot trail.

  “Imagine that, I do not think your brain possess the capacity to think. So, cease to do so for me,” I muttered as I disappeared into the thicket.


  Purple males, it seemed, began to flock toward me more and more frequently and I was not at all sure what to think of it. I had noticed that Karr seemed to be keeping his distance more often and that the purple woman, Julene, seemed to be the one person charged with my care.

  There were times when I could tell that she was not very pleased with having to do so, but she still came daily to fix something for me to drink or eat. Usually, the tonics she gave me tasted absolutely horrible and I wondered why she kept giving them to me.

  Did they think I was ill or something?

  I was very happy, however, when I noted that the two purple men who seemed the kindest came to see me and Julene took her exit.

  The younger one seemed to be the one who understood my desire not to eat anything other than vegetarian-friendly foods, which made me feel all the more at ease with him.

  I still did not know his name but I did recognize the elder male who came and began taking my measurements with a piece of rope.

  I began to understand that he wanted to make me something to wear that would cover me properly and I had to admit that I found this to be a major blessing.

  I had just begun trying to bridge some communication gaps and, hopefully, learn the fruit gatherer’s name. There was a gentility to him that I found refreshing. It made me feel calmer by just being around him.

  As Bahl finished my measurements, I smiled back at him and he gave me a nod. I pointed toward the other male and was just about to speak when a large and looming purple male came sauntering into the cave with an assortment of what appeared to be meat slabs and legs dangling from his shoulder.

  My eyes filled with horror as he began grunting toward Bahl and the other male, loudly. There was a haughty sense of superiority that seemed to emanate from the large male and I nearly fainted when he walked straight toward me and dumped the limbs atop my feet.

  “Oh, my God!” I couldn’t believe I had raw, bloodied meat dumped on top of my feet. I quickly shifted myself backward, moving as far away from the flesh as I could.

  What was wrong with him? Why would he dump nasty meat at my feet?

  I was beyond appalled and could feel my stomach turning instantly. I brought my hand up to cover my mouth.

  Oh, shit, I’m going to spew all over the place! I thought as I began running toward the cave’s mouth. What the hell was he thinking? At least the fish Karr offered was cooked! Oh, my God! How disgusting!

  My thoughts were filled with the revolting image and I swore I could feel the sliminess of the bloodied meat congealing between the toes it had landed on. God, I need a shower! Oh, this is so nauseating!

  The purple male who had brought the meat began roaring instantly and my eyes flickered back to where he stood in the center of the cave. Bahl began speaking with him as the purple man continued to groan and grunt.

  I could instantly tell that he was not happy with my reaction, but seeing him grow more aggressive in the cave sent a jolt of paralyzing fear straight through my heart.

  “Blech!” I instantly vomited all over the ground in front of me and felt the overwhelming cramping of my stomach as I tried to push the foul images from my mind, but the feeling between my toes just wouldn’t go away!

  The kinder, younger, purple male who had brought me fruit and vegetables suddenly emerged from the cave and approached me, placing his hand slowly and gently at the swell of my back as he glanced away from the screaming man.

  He murmured at the rage-filled purple male as he proceeded to walk past me. He glanced back at us and said something in a hateful and scorn-filled tone. Even without understanding his words, I knew instantly that he had said something rude to the kinder male.

  Talk about your regular egotistical asshole! A perfect brute! I thought as I tried to settle my angry bowels.

  What the hell was that guy’s problem? And what the hell possessed him to bring chick raw, freshly slain meat and drop it on my toes?

  As the angry male walked away, I watched as his eyes slithered to meet with mine. The look sent a wave of apprehension through me, prompting me to walk around and hide behind the kinder purple male.

  The more aggressive male shook his head and continued forward, disappearing into the brush. Soon the sounds of his irritated grunting grew fainter.

  I sighed in relief and stepped out from behind the kinder male—my eyes affixing on Bahl as he shook his head and waved a hand at the tree line.

Vocatee,” he muttered.

  I perked a brow, wondering what the word meant and secretly hoping it meant something similar to what I had thought about the overconfident schmuck who had just dumped raw meat on my body.


  I was beyond furious by the time I returned to my meadow clearing to find Maun still working tediously on the stag’s cuts. He perked up as I walked into the clearing and smiled slightly.

  “How did courting go today, cousin?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes, my three fingers curling into massive fists across both my hands.

  “I delivered the meat and I saw Bahl there,” I muttered, avoiding his question entirely.

  “And, how did the female react to the meat?” Maun pressed on.

  I snorted. “Bahl is going to be ready for the pelt. I’m sure there are many others in the tribal cave who wouldn’t mind a share of the stag meat,” I said.

  “You seem bothered, Arh,” Maun said, his eyes narrowing slightly.

  “I am going back out to hunt. I have to find the right meat,” I said flatly. I did not want to end up punching my cousin in his snout, but I wasn’t above it.

  “She rejected you, didn’t she?” Maun asked, a high note of suspicion present in his voice.

  I smirked as I looked back at him. “Maybe. Right now this female does not know what is best for her, but it cannot stay that way. She simply needs some convincing, that is all.”

  Maun chuckled loudly as he shook his head.

  “You, cousin, are entirely too bullheaded. Your stubbornness may work well when pursuing the beasts of the jungle, but I am not so sure that is the case when it comes to courting females,” he said, snorting between words as if he were doing his best not to laugh continuously at my misfortune.

  “Careful, Maun, they may think you have lost your bulb and you might become the new laughingstock of the tribe,” I said, warning him that I was more than willing to transform him into a eunuch. “After all, why do you not wish to court the only available female for a triad?” I inquired, narrowing my teeth.


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