Alien Barbarians' Hope

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Alien Barbarians' Hope Page 13

by Zara Starr

  “I already told you,” Maun retorted, “She is as ugly as the leeches of the jungle with her pasty flesh and oddly shaped hands. My bulb cannot even pulsate from the look of her pathetic form. It surprises me that yours can.

  I scoffed. I was finished with the conversation and wanted nothing more than to go about my business, and so, that was precisely what I did.

  “Bring the pelt to Bahl—for clothes for Ella,” I added as I disappeared from Maun’s gaze.

  Soon enough, Ella, I will show you why I am the best for a triad.



  There was something altogether discomforting about constantly staying inside the darkness that was Karr’s home—the cave. I truly hated it. It was musty and depressing.

  The one female who came to visit me every day had begun to behave as if it were a chore she did not at all enjoy, and I picked up on this quickly just from the variations that her expressions gave.

  It didn’t surprise me when the one called Bahl seemed to stay behind. I watched as he and the younger purple male continued to converse after the scary, large and bellowing male had disappeared from sight.

  A swell of relief washed over me as I looked back at Bahl and the other male. Feeling a sudden strangeness from not knowing his name, I pursed my lips in thought.

  I didn’t like the one who had dumped meat on me. But what I didn’t like even more was the way he seemed to yell directly in the face of the younger male who had been so considerate of my needs.

  I wanted to know his name and bit into my lip as I looked back at him. I pointed to myself as my eyes met with his and said:


  He smiled and nodded toward me, lifting the larger of his three fingers and pointing directly at himself.

  “DOO,” he said.

  I perked a brow and tilted my head curiously. I had to make an effort or there was no way I would ever find my way back home and I knew it.

  “Dew?” I repeated.

  His lips spread out as he smiled and nodded back at me.

  “Yes?” I asked as I looked back at him.

  He pursed his lips and perked a brow. “Yes?” he asked.

  I smiled and pointed at Bahl.

  “Dew?” I asked.

  He frowned and shook his head. I quirked a brow and said:

  “No?” Turning to look back at Bahl and pointing again. “Bahl?” I asked him.

  The younger male smiled and pointed toward Bahl.

  “Bahl,” he muttered.

  I smiled and nodded. “Yes!” I said loudly. “He is Bahl.” I clapped my hands ecstatically as I came to learn his name and pointed back at him. “Dew!” I said.

  To my surprise, he exclaimed. “Yes!” He began to nod and repeated his name again. “Dew.”

  I turned to look back at Bahl who appeared wholly confused by our exchange and smiled as I pointed at him.

  “Dew?” I asked. He shook his head and I said, “No!” Pointing back to him again I muttered, “Bahl.”

  I hoped my insistence would pay off and that the two of them would at least come to understand the terms ‘yes’ and ‘no’.

  It seemed they were the simplest terms for anything in any language from my understanding anyway. I wanted to learn more about their own language but it seemed teaching them my basic words was a lot easier.

  What I did know, was I wanted them to understand that I could not and would not eat meat—no matter how it was presented. I walked back toward the large, fan-shaped leaf on the ground and picked up the strange looking citrus fruit I had enjoyed so much.

  “Fruit!” I exclaimed.

  Bahl grunted toward Dew and they both sort of chuckled simultaneously. I perked a brow as Dew walked over and took it from my hand.

  “Fruit?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes! Fruit—yes,” I said. I walked back over to the pile of bloodied meat and pointed at it as I held my nose plugged with my opposite hand. “Meat! Meat—no,” I said as I frowned.

  I looked back at Dew who still held the fruit as he smiled and pointed.

  “Meat,” he said and then began shaking his head. “No. No meat,” he muttered as he walked closer to me and held out the fruit in his palm. “Fruit, yes. Yes?” he said in a questioning tone.

  I nodded.

  “Yes.” I bit into the fruit and savored the taste of the juice as it ran over my tongue.

  Dew moved over toward Bahl with the biggest smile I had ever seen grace his face since having met him and I realized he seemed delighted by what he had learned.

  I sighed as Bahl began speaking to him. I lowered myself to my knees and continued eating the remnants of fruits that he had brought me, feeling so grateful I had at least learned his name.

  Maybe a few of them aren’t so bad, after all?


  It didn’t take me long to realize that Ella had a strong aversion to Arh, which I found somewhat amusing but also did not know how to approach. I knew that Arh would never give up on his pursuit without first putting in a long and diligent effort.

  It was that very nature that made him a great hunter being put to the challenge, and I recognized there was no way he would live that down without ensuring he had done everything he could think of to win his prized prey.

  Unfortunately, in this case, it was the petite female whom I was beginning to love spending time with, Ella.

  I felt a sense of pride swell within my chest as I approached her after Arh left the cave. I could tell she did not like him at all, but I wondered what it was about him that made him so oblivious to that fact.

  He had brought the female to the point of throwing up and even I knew that was not the desired result for any male in courtship.

  The fact that she had retched nearly in his face was enough to settle any doubts I had about whether or not the hunters would or could make her happy, which meant that I had a very strong chance of meeting a triad with her as my mate.

  The female didn’t need a hunter and even though I had not yet become a hunter, this meant I could provide enough sustenance for her as things were, without ever having to endanger scarring my own hide.

  When she began to try instructing me on how to say simple words in her own tongue I found it very fulfilling to successfully learn at least four of them; yes, no, meat and fruit. I also quickly learned that meat was a strong no for her and fruits the clear yes.

  It seemed simple enough to appease her now that I knew this and I was incredibly pleased with myself at my recent successes.

  But, the challenge that Arh felt was a strong one and I realized this quickly as I turned to converse with Bahl and found myself swiftly interrupted by the one I thought I had already left.

  “Just when you think things are going well,” I murmured to Bahl as Arh walked toward the cave entrance.

  “I have just come from speaking with my cousin who seems to think that this female will only continuously reject me, but I’ve watched how she responds to you, Dew,” he growled.

  “What I do not understand is how a pathetic mongrel with half the size of a knob, who has yet to even capture his first dragon or even make hunter, could possibly entice the female’s response as you have? Even my cousin, Maun, has more merit than you; a mere gatherer who seems to think you are more valued than I. Explain yourself, Dew. How did you do it?” he demanded.

  Bahl perked a brow and tilted his head. “The female is inside eating her fruit and Dew has formed a bridge of language with her. We should not be fighting out here where we could all scare her, Arh,” Bahl murmured.

  Arh perked a brow and snorted as he shot a glance directly at him. His gaze was steely as he spoke.

  “For as long as I have hunted I have respected you and your kin for your tanning skills, Bahl, but it is not wise for you to think interrupting my conversations will be allowed. I have no tolerance for disrespect,” Arh murmured.

  Bahl tilted his head, his gaze never leaving Arh. I felt a sense of urgency overcome me as I
stepped forward between the two males.

  “Then you understand that to fight out here when we all seek to mate with this female would be a sore disrespect of the courtesy Karr has provided by allowing us to court here,” I said matter-of-factly, hoping my calmer tone would speak wisdom to Arh.

  From the expression that took over Bahl’s face, he did not find my action smart—in the least.

  Arh grunted and sniffed the air as he shook his head.

  “The meat she refused to take; tell Karr it is his now. I will bring you the hide to tan shortly, Bahl. Will you spend the rest of your days here at the mouth of this cave or can I be assured that you will tan it?” Arh asked, the condescension easily detectable in his voice.

  Bahl scoffed and folded his arms over his chest. “As I have always tanned your kills I will continue to do, Arh. What do you want to be done with the skins?” he asked.

  Arh nodded toward the cave.

  “The clothes she wears do not fit her. See to it the stag’s skin is made into a proper female presentation dress. If she should choose to take on mates for her triad she will need the gown for her celebration,” Arh said.

  I perked a brow curiously, knowing that had Ella been Eilahasan this would have been an offer no female could reject. The stag’s skin was known for its velvety softness and the fine way it hugged one’s body as they moved.

  I recognized instantly the value of the gift Arh intended on presenting her. Though in the usual case I would have been terrified of rejection, knowing how Ella adored the foods I had brought her gave me a much higher chance of acceptance than the loud and obnoxious arrogance that seemed to exude Arh everywhere he went.

  “I will make her clothing tonight if you can bring me the skins now. I will meet you at my home cave,” Bahl said matter-of-factly.

  I pursed my lips as Arh looked back at me.

  “You are lucky I have other means to win her favor,” he seethed. “But should she select you for her triad I promise you that I will be the dominant of the three of us. If she so happens to choose you.”

  “Are you leaving now?” Bahl asked with some insistence.

  “No, you go ahead. I have something else to give her. I refuse to allow this gatherer to continue making her sick by denying her what she needs most,” Arh spat out as he brushed past me and moved into the cave.

  I exchanged a passing glance with Bahl, hoping he would not leave as Arh made his way toward Ella. Bahl sighed and shook his head, following after Arh as I waited for his passage.

  The best solution, it seemed, was to allow Arh’s scathing rejection by Ella, as was her right. My warnings seemed to continuously fall on Arh’s deaf ears and I knew this was due to my sub-par station in his eyes.

  Ella’s eyes lifted as she watched Arh approach her and she instantly jumped to her feet, backing away from him as he dug his hand into his satchel. I wondered what he was going to attempt next as Bahl and I stood behind him.

  “Here, you need this!” he said as he held out a piece of dehydrated meat before Ella’s face. She quirked her brow and began shaking her head as she looked back at me.

  “No! No meat!” she yelled at him, ripping the piece of meat from his hand and tossing it away from him.

  Arh’s eyes widened as they followed the thrown meat and he stormed over to it and lifted it from the ground.

  I widened my eyes as Ella came charging toward me and held out her hand, “Fruit! Fruit! Yes!” she said.

  Hearing her words, I immediately dug into my satchel and extracted a few loose moon berries, holding them out to her.

  Ella spun around and walked up to Arh as she held the berries before her mouth and exclaimed, “No meat!” She shoved the berries into her mouth, practically in his face.

  My eyes widened in shock as I bit into my lip. It took every ounce of control I had not to burst out laughing from her defiant actions and obvious disgust with Arh.

  “I tried to tell you she prefers fruit,” I smirked as Arh began shaking his head profusely.

  “Let’s go, Bahl. I will go fetch the skins for her clothing now,” he said.

  Bahl nodded as Arh walked past him, waiting to shoot a knowing grin my way as he began walking out of the cave.

  “I will see you both soon,” Bahl murmured as he turned to follow the more obnoxious of us Eilahasans out of Karr’s home cave.

  I approached Ella and smiled as I pointed back toward my satchel.

  “Fruit, yes?” Ella began chuckling suddenly as she nodded back at me, her eyes raising to meet with mine as she nodded,

  “Yes, please,” she said. I tilted my head wondering what the word ‘please’ denoted in her tongue but shook it off as I pulled another Estrela fruit from my bag.

  She reached forward as I held it out to her and placed her hand atop the fruit, allowing the tips of her strangely delicate fingertips to tenderly trail over my own.

  It was strange to me that her skin was just as velvety as that of the stag who was being made into her clothes and yet it was not at all furry or hairy, at least not visibly.

  I felt my heart leap slightly and wondered how such a small motion could cause such a thing, my eyes still entirely affixed upon the mysterious female before me.

  This strangely small creature who adored fruit and had the softest touch I had ever felt in my life; Ella.


  I had spent most of the day out on the lake, purposefully.

  There were two main reasons. One, I needed to allow myself space away from Ella so she could meet the other males I knew would be courting her. And two, because I needed to stock up on as many monlas as possible since the storms were at a calm.

  If I was being completely honest, though, I also did not want to be present when I knew certain males of the tribe would come to court her.

  I knew my place and I respected my culture and elders. But there were many other Eilahasans who had the same beliefs that Arh had. I could not see myself biting my tongue should I be faced with them as they entered my home cave repetitiously in an effort to win the female’s favor.

  If I caused too much of a ruckus, Funi would have my hide as payment for arguing in the female’s defense. And if I did not spend enough time on the lake, we would not have sufficient smoked monlas to last the coldest of the seasons.

  As the wind whipped across my face, I wondered if saving the female would even land in my favor. Even as she slept in my home cave, there was no guarantee she would stay there. If she did not select me for her triad, wouldn’t I feel like the foolish one?

  And yet, my commitment to the wellbeing of my people seemed to push me in the direction of realizing that did not at all matter.

  Ella being safe was what mattered. Our people being able to continue on into the future was what mattered. But I recognized the sadness the thought of not being chosen stirred within me and wondered what I should be doing in order to court her myself?

  I had the benefit of having her in my home at all times, which meant that I had access to her that the others did not have as often—being near her when they had to return to their own home caves for the night.

  Julene would also return to her home cave and I had noticed that Ella had a preference for the sweet water. Water that I had access to and could bring in abundance when sailing to the opposite side of the landmass.

  I wanted to do something special for Ella, but I knew that Dew had more access to fruits than I did and it seemed the water was the best answer to this.

  Even though I knew it would add another two hours to my trip for the day, I had to bring back the water. I also needed to continue our pictogram conversations—when nobody else was present to interrupt them.

  I summarized my evening in one mental image—Ella and I laughing as we drew ridiculous pictures on the ground and attempted to enunciate each other’s words for various things. The idea brought a smile to my face.

  I stood up suddenly, reaching for my ropes as I redirected my sail to aim the boat toward the backside
of the landmass and the aquamarine-colored water that sprouted from the ground’s spring off the edge of the cliff face.

  I wondered if Ella would enjoy visiting it, but knew better than to risk taking her so soon. Even a healthy Eilahasan female would have to be well protected in order to voyage there. The place was majestic—the perfect place for mating with a female on one’s own.

  I wondered suddenly about the extent of Ella’s triad and who she would choose to enter it. Would she be the sort who preferred the tryst of three in one setting or testing each male out on their own without any interference?

  I could not be sure, but I did know I wanted to be more than just physically intimate with the female who chose me as her mate.

  I only hoped that Arh and I would not find ourselves at odds should he also be a part of her triangle. Despite my best intentions, getting along with Arh was trying at the least and downright infuriating at the worst.

  How was I to handle him, or anyone like him, should she choose them?

  I chuckled as I imagined myself, Dew and Bahl being Ella’s mates and wondered how we would even get her to the point of choosing without knowing any of her words.

  With so many thoughts in my head, the wind shifted my boat toward the mountain spring and I closed my eyes as I inhaled the salty scent of the lake air, attempting to clear my head of all the noise that continuously resided within it.

  I hope in time you will come to understand me, Ella. I hope that you will realize that since the moment my eyes first fell upon you, your welfare has been my sole concern.

  As I considered my own feelings, I realized that I had to let her know this. It seemed critical that she understood her value, her importance—so that she would see that I wanted to belong to her, even if she did not yet recognize that about me.

  And so, I would bring back my beloved female’s cherished sweet water and hopefully Ella would understand how much I already cared for her.


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