Alien Barbarians' Hope

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Alien Barbarians' Hope Page 14

by Zara Starr



  I had never been the sort who enjoyed social interactions and so I spent most of my time engrossed in my own handiwork. It gave me purpose and the routine was a comfort that I had long ago grown to appreciate.

  Despite what so many considered a horrendous and disgusting job, tanning hides was what brought me peace and it never had a wagging tongue challenge to offer as the engagement with other Eilahasans always seemed to bring.

  Even so, the idea of being alone forever was not something I fancied.

  Any creature would desire companionship after years of solitary existence, which is where I had found myself in my middle age. I had seen over thirty summer solstices in my life and in that time never once had I ever been allowed the chance at a triad.

  And now, suddenly the opportunity had practically landed right in my lap. Yet, I did not know what I could do to show this female my worthiness.

  She seemed both intrigued and unsure of me and when it finally came time to measure her for her clothing I was still not sure how I could find common ground with her. It seemed I was not only awkward to my own kind but possibly even frightening to hers.

  It was clear to me that she was of a similar genetic persuasion—most certainly similar in nature; possessing an intricate form of language and communication—which meant she had to come from a place of intelligence but I doubted she hailed from Eilahas.

  With all my experience in tanning, I had never seen anything remotely similar to her and I felt I was a strong source when it came to the knowledge of the planet’s flora and fauna, at least I hoped I was.

  I had come to stay close to her, but I never really did much to build communication as it seemed she was more interested in speaking at length with Dew. I did observe her staunch refusal of the meat enough times to realize that Dew was right when he had assessed that she was a herbivore.

  It was obvious that she thoroughly enjoyed everything Dew brought her, which made me feel like remaining silent in the shadows was my best mode of action until I learned more about her.

  I was happy, however, when Arh showed what an ass he really was by insisting that she eat meat, which made it very clear to me that Ella was not interested in him whatsoever.

  Arh, however, was a persistent beast and I knew that he would not cease nor desist until he was certain he had exhausted all resources in his pursuit.

  A quest that made me both anxious and curious, because the more he continued to push at Ella the less she seemed to care—her actions becoming louder despite her inability to speak our tongue.

  When she finally threw the meat Arh had brought her away from herself it took everything in me not to laugh aloud, but my purpose was to get the pelt skin and create the perfect dress for Ella—which, though Arh may have thought differently, would still be my creation.

  All he had done was provide the skin, which he would have done regardless of Ella’s need. That he thought it would be some great and wonderful dowry was insane to me, but that wouldn’t matter when I was the person to present her with the said gift.

  She would know it came from my hands and I somehow doubted she would care at all which beast had sacrificed his life in order for her to be clothed—especially since she did not at all care for meat.

  I also did not feel entirely safe about courting Ella in the place that belonged to Karr. It almost seemed strange to me, as most females would have been courted from their parents’ home caves with their fathers watching the courtship until the female was ready for her triad announcement ceremony.

  In the case of Ella, I was not sure how this would work since I recognized that Karr’s argument in Ella’s favor was not entirely without his own agenda.

  He too needed a mate and had been waiting just as patiently as the rest of us, but he did have one advantage that neither I nor Dew possessed—the constant availability of the female who now lived within his home cave.

  Even Julene was not there as often as Karr could be and the amount of time he had alone with Ella made it seem almost illogical to presume she would not select him in her triad.

  I, however, knew only that my dealings with Arh needed to continue to run smoothly—at least until I had completed Ella’s clothes.

  As I stood in my meadow clearing, just outside of my home cave, I waited in silence for Arh’s towering shadow to loom from the trees.

  Sure enough, a dark hovering shadow soon appeared as the trees began to rustle on the edge of my meadow.

  “Who goes?” I called out, though inwardly I already knew.

  “Stifle yourself, Bahl. It is merely I, Arh,” he said as he emerged from the tree line. Over his shoulder, the massive stag pelt dangled, nearly touching the ground as it brushed against the back of Arh’s ankles.

  My eyes widened. I had not realized such a large creature had been killed for this skin and suddenly understood why Arh had been so massively offended by Ella’s behavior.

  This was no ordinary Eilahasan Stag. This creature was one that Arh had allowed to grow to such enormity because of its elusiveness and strength—something he greatly respected in the beast.

  But, I also realized that Ella could not be faulted for this. She had no knowledge of our culture nor planet, and her teeth did not warrant the consumption of meat as so many of our people did.

  Even I was a sort of aberration, but my ability to work the hides provided me a bit of immunity from the scathing judgments of my people due to my undeniable talent.

  “Ah, indeed this shall make the loveliest of gowns, Arh,” I said as I nodded. “As I am certain the abundance of meat will do well for our people. A fair kill.”

  Arh’s eyes flickered over my workspace as he walked over to an outspread easel.

  “Will this work for you?” he asked, not even waiting to hear my reply as he lowered the pelt over it.

  I nodded, what more could I say? And getting Arh out of my area as promptly as possible seemed to be his mission, as equally as it was mine.

  “Indeed,” I muttered.

  Arh gave a nod and began moving out of the clearing toward the footpath.

  “Until we meet again, Arh,” I muttered as I approached the skin, admiring it for its softness and beauty.

  The markings were different—almost brindle as they swirled three different colors into one beautiful and velvety pelt. It was the unique marbling that added to my recognition of the stag and I knew it was well over fifty solstices.

  I wondered if Arh had taken the rack for a prize. Had it been my own kill that trophy would have hung over the opening of my home cave for the rest of my life and that of any future generations.

  It was truly a piece unlike any other and I realized that, too, must have stung when Ella tossed it aside like common rotting carrion that none could make use of.

  But none of that mattered now, as I ran my fingers over the pelt and began my work. Soon enough, the skin would be cut and sewn to fit the tiny physique of the new female I wished to court—Ella.


  Four hours had passed since I had set out on my trek and as I approached the beach, I leaped from my boat and began pulling it ashore with a wide smile gracing my face.

  I had more than enough water to last Ella for the rest of the week, and then some. I was certain it would make her delighted since she wouldn’t have to tolerate the horrible brine she seemed so against.

  She drank it, I had noticed, more when Julene did something to it to change the flavoring. But she still seemed to abhor it nonetheless.

  My gift would accentuate all of Julene’s teas and elixirs, the same way it did for all the females who had tasted both water supplies.

  I was grateful to be back on the shore though, as my stomach had begun to growl from hunger after spending the entire day out on the lake. Thankfully, I had not seen any of the lake worms since heading out, which was slightly surprising but welcomed nonetheless.

  I preferred it when I could venture out on the water without having
to concern myself with being hunted while I fished. It also made the trip go faster when I was able to quickly collect from the spring without any uninvited interruptions.

  As I tied off my boat on the shore, I moved around to gather my nets of monlas and the large skin of water I’d gotten especially for her. I lugged my loot for the day across my shoulders and began to make way toward the footpath that led back to my clearing.

  Long ago, my forefathers had chosen our home cave precisely because of its close proximity to the boat beach and the lake.

  In the hottest of months, a cool breeze slid through the jungle underbrush and made my clearing cooler than most, which I relished and had hoped a future mate would also.

  I wondered how Ella would react when I returned to the home cave and hoped she would smile at my offering.

  I quickened my pace, my excitement coursing through my veins at the possibility and laughed at myself when I realized how much I had been looking forward to seeing her after being gone for so long.

  As I crossed out into the meadow, I sucked in a breath and moved to put away the nets—carrying the water forward as I walked into the cave. My eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly as my ears twitched from the sounds within.

  “Haha, yes!” Ella’s voice floated past my ears as I looked back at her and Dew, who was also laughing. He smiled and nodded with a wave as soon as he spotted me.

  “Oh, Karr! I was wondering when you would come back. I didn’t want to leave her alone. She has had quite an active day,” Dew said as he leaped to his feet.

  Ella glanced between us and her expression instantly turned confused as she looked up at me.

  “What do you mean by an active day?” I asked as I put the water skin down beside Ella. I pointed at it and then her with a nod.

  “Well, Arh came to court her today. His gift was a large portion of that meat over there,” Dew pointed. “Unfortunately, I believe that Ella is a herbivore and Arh had to discover that the hard way,” Dew explained.

  “The hard way?” I inquired curiously.

  “Yes, she vomited outside of the cave because he dropped the fresh cuts practically atop her. I really don’t think she likes him. She seems afraid whenever he is near and he came to visit twice. He insists that my providing her fruit and vegetables is what is making her stay sick, but I do not think she is as ill as we may have first presumed,” Dew said.

  “Did she? And yet he still came back?” I pursed my lips in thought. “Did Bahl get her measurements? I do not think she should continue to dress this way,” I said.

  “He did get her measurements, but I do not think he will be back with her new dress until the morning,” Dew replied.

  “A dress? Ceremonial?” I asked.

  “Yes, after Arh brought the meat he spoke with Bahl about tanning the flesh for her triad ceremony dress. Though, I do not think she is at all ready for that commitment. I have only just begun learning a little of her language,” Dew said.

  “What words?” I asked.

  “Yes and no,” Dew murmured. “And fruit and meat.”

  “What is fruit and meat?” I asked.

  Dew lifted an Estrela and looked at Ella as he held it out before her, then glancing back at me he said, “Fruit.” Then, he nodded and said our word for yes followed by, “Yes.”

  Ella smiled brightly back at him and leaped to her feet as she reached for the Estrela.

  “Yes, fruit,” I repeated.

  Ella looked back at me and began nodding profusely.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she exclaimed.

  I chuckled as she ran toward me, wrapping her arms around my waist and leaning her head into my chest, her arms squeezing slightly before I realized she was trying to embrace me. I lifted my arms and wrapped one around her as my eyes flickered to meet with Dew’s.

  “Has she been so receptive to you also?” I asked him curiously.

  “She has been very communicable with me. At least, to the best of her ability,” Dew said. “Though, I must admit I do need to get back to my own cave. I hate leaving her, but I’ve spent the entire day at her side. She seemed to need the reassurance,” he added.

  “Indeed, thank you for staying with her.”

  Ella looked down at the water skin and pursed her lips as if she was not sure what to think of it. I chuckled as Dew waved toward her.

  “Goodnight, Ella,” he muttered.

  Clearly, Ella understood only her name and tilted her head. I walked past her to collect her cup and moved back to the water skin, squeezing a healthy amount into the cup before I held it up to her.

  “Goodnight, Karr,” Dew muttered as he turned to exit the cave.

  I regarded him with a nod as I murmured, “Indeed, goodnight, Dew.”

  Ella reluctantly took the cup from me and sniffed at it.

  “What is this?” she asked as she peered into the glass.

  I pursed my lips and nodded toward her, still understanding nothing she said.

  “Try the water and be pleased,” I muttered to her.

  She sighed and shook her head. “God, I really wish we could build some conversation aside from the grunts.” She sipped at the water and brought the cup down from her lips as she smiled. “Wow, that’s some sweet and refreshing water! Where did you get it?” she exclaimed.

  I glanced around the cave, feeling like an idiot because I did not know what to say. To me, it seemed now was the best time to start drawing pictograms again, so I moved to retrieve my father’s stick as I glanced down at her and began tracing out shapes in the dirt.

  It was going to be a long evening, but at least I could use it as a learning experience and, hopefully, gain some traction on the ground that Ella inhabited.

  At least I hoped, even for as foreign as it seemed to be right within my very home.


  I had spent the better part of four days and nights working my processes and readying the dress for Ella’s usage. This meant I had very little time to learn how she was doing, let alone to call upon her for courting.

  But, the day finally arrived when I could bring Ella the dress in all of its glory. I ran my hand out across the fur as I looked over my handiwork. It was indeed a very beautiful piece of craftsmanship, though it was strange that it was so small in comparison to my usual pieces.

  I had collected green and yellow agates and fashioned them to decorate the dress at the collar and hem, my beadwork having been threaded together with various feathers that had come from the speckled herd of birds that resided at the edge of my meadow.

  I did not eat them, but other Eilahasans were known to do so from time to time.

  I was quite pleased with what I had created from my collection. Combined with the illustrious natural brindle of the hide, I knew that the dress would be perfect for Ella. I just hoped she appreciated it as much as I did.

  I gently collected the dress and immediately started down the foot trail, toward Karr’s home cave, my steps direct as I made haste.

  Soon enough, Ella. You’ll have a fine gown made by my very hands.


  After many days of having not seen Bahl, I assumed he no longer had any need to visit, which disappointed me, to be honest. But he had taken my measurements and I presumed I would be receiving better clothes.

  I certainly hoped so because I had grown tired of continuously staying in the cave. Waking to find Karr already gone and nobody else present had damn near scared me—beyond what I wanted to admit.

  So, when Bahl came striding through the cave mouth as I sat idly by the fire, I was beyond happy to see him—running to his side as I smiled and waved.

  “Bahl!” I said happily.

  He nodded toward me and stepped back, holding up a soft skin dress that had the most amazing beadwork I had ever seen! It even rivaled the Navajo’s—and that was saying something.

  I ran my hand over the gown and took it from him. Bahl instantly turned away from me and I realized he wanted me to put it on.

  I slid th
e gown over my head and spun around, darting past him as I made way toward the meadow. I had to get some sun. It was far beyond being a necessity.

  Bahl rushed past me, his arm latching onto mine as he shook his head—his eyes locking with my own.

  Why wouldn’t they let me go outside?

  I scoffed and pulled my arm away, turning to walk toward the cave as I pouted. This crap was getting old and I was really starting to get sick of it.

  From having nasty meat tossed on me, to random purple men clamping their hands on me whenever they so chose—I didn’t know how much more I could take.

  I melted to my knees and crossed my arms over my chest. Everything seemed hopeless— and I didn’t know how to get myself out of this mess.

  Bahl approached me, tilting his head as he frowned and I could tell he didn’t like telling me ‘no’ any more than I had liked hearing it. I just wished he could find some way to tell me why?


  Much to my contentment, Ella did find the dress pleasing—at least her actions showed that. But when she went flying past me to head out into the clearing I had to stop her.

  I realized then, it was a good thing I had arrived when I had as she had been left completely to her lonesome—which was quite surprising.

  I wondered why Julene had not yet come to care for her but realized the elder female was probably growing weary of watching a female when obviously nothing was really wrong with her—save the way she looked, spoke and acted.

  I knelt down beside her and reached out to stroke away a stray strand of her hair as my eyes met with hers.

  How I wished I could take away the pain and fear I saw in them, but not knowing what to say I just followed my natural instincts—leaning in as I gently placed a tender kiss to Ella’s lips.

  Not knowing what had come over me, my heart leaped in my chest as—surprisingly— Ella did not push me away, but instead parted her lips and kissed me back.


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