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Beg For Mercy (Fate's Vultures, #2)

Page 23

by Jami Gray

  Light and shadows danced over the water revealing the wavering image of cracked tiles set in broken cement. Not natural flooring then, man-made. Doing her best not to move her head too much because she had enough aches going on she didn’t need to set off more, she cocked her head for a better angle. It helped enough she could make out the fact that the cement floor curved up into the walls. There were markings on it, but it was too far away and no matter how much she squinted, she couldn’t make them out. A shadow cut through the light right before her chin was yanked up, fingers biting cruelly into her jaw and forcing her to meet Felix’s gaze. Her stomach hollowed when instead of the expected contempt and arrogance, she found a calculated consideration. It didn’t help when he said, ‘Seems I may have overestimated your value.’

  ‘Oh goody.’ Since she only had herself to blame for her current circumstances, she might not be able to bitch about it, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t act the role.

  At her smart assed remark, his fingers tightened, no doubt adding more bruises to her newly acquired collection. He leaned in close, but not close enough, which proved that there was a brain in that thick skull. ‘Advice, puta, watch your mouth. I don’t need it working to get what I want.’

  She ignored the sliver of dread his very real threat sent curling through her. Instead, she tried to jerk her chin free. ‘What the hell do you want?’

  With a cold smile, he made her fight for it, before letting her go. ‘First, payback.’

  Well, that didn’t sound promising.

  He moved behind her, grabbed the edge of the chair, tipped it back, and began dragging her out of the water. With her weight forced against the chair’s back, she let her head fall back and kept her eye on Felix. ‘For what?’

  Ignoring her, he continued to drag her until he had her between the two lights, then he shoved the chair forward, the two front legs hitting with a sharp crack. The impact rang through her battered skull and left her gritting her teeth.

  He came around and crouched in front of her. ‘Knew when you showed up shaking your tits in Tavi’s face you were going to be a pain in my ass.’

  While pissing him off wasn’t the brightest move, she couldn’t afford to back down or he’d be all over it. ‘Hate to break it to you, but that wasn’t my goal, just a happy coincidence.’

  ‘That may be—’ his eyes glittered and he rested his hands on his knees, ‘—but I’m thinking your coincidence just shifted shit decidedly in my favour.’

  There was something in his voice that made her worry, but since there was no safe response, she kept her mouth shut.

  ‘Probably not what you expected, eh?’ He chuckled. ‘See, at first I tried to figure out your game. Why target Tavi?’ He didn’t wait for an answer and kept going. ‘I’m guessing it’s because he was the weak link. Now Xavier is the better target, being the oldest and all. But he would’ve seen through your shit, fucked you, then tossed your ass back on the street. No way would he allow you to get in as deep as you did. But Tavi—’ he shook a finger in her face, ‘—he likes pretty and that boy was fucking weak. You come in, fuck him, and he’s done.’ He made an inarticulate sound holding a wealth of meaning, none of it good. ‘Now, he’s really done.’

  At his smug tone, she snapped, ‘That’s on you.’

  He leaned in, his voice going hard. ‘No, that’s on you, bitch. You used him, stuck your nose where it didn’t belong, and he got in the way.’

  ‘Is that how you plan on explaining it to Suárez?’ She forced her split lips to curve. ‘I’m thinking he won’t take kindly to you telling him you killed his son because he was in the way.’

  ‘As if that’s a conversation that will ever happen.’ He cocked his head, his dark gaze reminding her of a crow’s beady, glassy eyes. ‘He knows who his son’s real killer is—you.’

  Now it was her turn to go smug. ‘You really think he’s going to believe that?’

  Felix barely batted an eyelash. ‘Why wouldn’t he? He sent me after you, and once I have everything in place, I’ll send him back your corpse and that will be that.’

  Deciding it was time to shake Felix’s delusional world, she pulled against the bonds, leaning forward as far as the ropes would let her and bared her teeth. ‘Hate to burst your crazy ass bubble, but you might want to reconsider reaching out to your boss. Unless you like wearing your tongue as a necktie.’ She didn’t pause, laying it out. ‘See, I had a little chat with Suárez. He knows exactly who killed his son, since I told him, and he doesn’t give a fuck about me, but he sure as hell has a hard-on for you, amigo.’

  ‘Mentirosa.’ It came out on a hiss. ‘As if he’d believe you.’

  ‘Since we struck a deal, I’m thinking he does.’

  ‘Lo que sea!’ Normally the imminent threat of Suárez’s displeasure would be enough to make any Cartel member flinch. Considering his dismissive ‘whatever’, that was obviously not the case with Felix. He rose to his feet, clamped his thick hands on her wrists and squeezed, keeping the pressure on as he got in her face. ‘You think that scares me?’

  The answer was, yeah, it should scare the shit out of him. That wasn’t what she gave him though. Since she had plans that required the use of her hands later, something that wouldn’t happen if he broke her damn wrists, she gritted her teeth and let a flinch escape.

  Malicious pleasure flared deep in his eyes and his lips curled with satisfaction. He doubled down on the pressure at her wrists. Before her bones could give, she let a soft whimper escape. Only then did he slowly release her. ‘Suárez isn’t going to be around long enough to do shit to me.’

  She didn’t hesitate to shove her nose in the opening he gave her. ‘I don’t get it.’

  When she didn’t give him anything more, he picked up the verbal bait. ‘What?’

  She took aim at his ego. ‘Even if you take out Suárez, what’s going to guarantee the other families don’t strike out in retaliation? Seems to me, between killing Tavi, trying to frame the Cartel by blowing up the dam, and now some hair brained plot to take out Suárez, you’re asking for them to gut you. No way the families will stand for this type of shit.’

  When his face went dark with temper, she knew she landed a direct hit. ‘Las otras familias respect those who can use their power to get what they want. And I’m well on my way to getting exactly what I want.’

  As much as it hurt her aching ribs and bruised stomach, she managed a dry chuckle. ‘Yeah, that’s where you lost me. See, I don’t get how turning me over to some asshole is going to get you a shot at taking over the Suárez family.’

  ‘Well, then, let me put your curiosity out of its misery. Try to pay attention.’ He closed in and gave her abused cheek two deliberate sharp slaps.

  She jerked her head away and he chuckled.

  ‘I’m not turning you over. Told you, your role has changed.’ He caught her chin, forcing her to hold his gaze. ‘See, since you fucked over my plans for the dam, plans that my partner and I spent months putting together, it’s only fair that you help me trade up. Consider it penance for being a nosy ass bitch.’

  Her head might hurt like hell, but it still worked. She just didn’t like the picture it was putting together. To be certain she wasn’t giving Felix too much credit where it wasn’t due, she ground out, ‘Penance?’

  ‘Penance,’ he repeated in a silky voice. ‘You’re going to bag me the bastard pulling your strings, avecita. The same bastard that’s been a thorn in my partner’s side.’

  Shit, shit, shit. Nausea bloomed and she swallowed hard, forcing it back, desperately trying to keep her face blank. How the hell had Felix found out about Math? It might be a useless endeavour, but she had to play this fucking game all the way through. ‘There’s no-one pulling my strings.’

  He sneered and nailed her cheek again, this time hard enough to jerk her head to the side and slam the inside of her cheek against her teeth, causing it to split. ‘Don’t lie to me. You think I didn’t recognise that pinche pendejo in Page?’r />
  Page? Her mind scrambled and she realised he was talking about Havoc. That distinction didn’t make it better, in fact, it made it much, much worse. She managed to spit a mouthful of blood on the ground before Felix got right in her face. ‘You would have never got a meet with that damn Indian if it hadn’t been for that fucking Vulture. Since both of you fucked with me, I’m going to enjoy fucking you both. I hang your ass out there, he comes swooping in. I bag two birds with one stone and my friend will be fucking thrilled.’

  She forced her lips to curve and dug deep to nail a mocking laugh. ‘That might work, if he gave a damn. Trust me, no way will he come around for me.’

  He straightened and moved back. ‘I don’t believe you.’

  ‘Do or don’t, I really don’t care. Just don’t be surprised when you end up looking like a dumbass in front of your partner.’

  He turned back and what she caught in his face chilled her blood. ‘You better hope he shows, puta.’ He shook his head, his smile evil. ‘Because pissing off Michael never ends well.’

  The name of the monster who wiped out her world in one brutal betrayal echoed through blood and bone sending a curious mix of elation and fear washing through her. Once the initial wave broke, it left behind a numbing clarity. She didn’t need Felix’s low laugh to know she was doing a piss poor job of hiding her reaction. Not that she cared. Fear wasn’t a weakness, it was strength honed by relentless determination.

  She took the unexpected gift Felix offered and tucked it close. Felix was right, when Michael realised who he had in his grasp, hell didn’t even scratch the surface of what she would endure. A chill of sobering certainty settled over her as she watched Felix stalk away. Her time was marked, but there was one small flicker of hope in this whole shitty situation. Havoc wouldn’t come. Not after what happened this afternoon. She didn’t think she’d ever be grateful for him turning away, but, right now, knowing what was coming, her gratitude went soul deep. If she was lucky (and God, she could really use some luck right now) he was long gone, just like Math. Which meant she needed to get her shit together and be ready, because she would have one shot, and only one shot, to put an end to this.

  One way or another.

  Chapter 23

  Havoc spent the night crawling through the flooded ruins of the Warren, too wired to feel the bite of the late spring chill. He and Math worked their way out from one side of the Park, while Dog’s posse took the other side. The Warren earned its name because way back when whoever the idiot was who designed the neighbourhoods lived, they chose to pack in a shit ton of homes on top of each other. Just to mix it up, there were larger buildings scattered throughout with no rhyme or reason. This meant between the ravages of time and Mother Nature, Felix had a mixed bag of options to hole up in. Moving through the water-logged structures in the dark was the height of stupidity, but neither he nor Math thought twice.

  When they first arrived they had a brief argument on where to start. When Havoc snapped that Felix wouldn’t waste his time torturing Mercy in a fucking bungalow, Math finally agreed to clear the largest structures first. Even armed with flashlights and working in tandem, it took time. Time Havoc wasn’t sure Mercy had, but with no other option to follow, they kept at it. With each passing hour, his worry began to outpace his frustration. His mind conjured images that fucked with his head.

  Dawn was cracking the sky when Havoc met Math back on the mangled mess of what once was a street next to a faded green metal sign wearing a heavy veil of evergreen. ‘Anything?’

  Math shook his head, grimaced, and wiped a hand against a shallow cut on his forehead. ‘How sure are you about Dog’s intel?’

  Havoc didn’t bother answering since it was the fourth time Math had asked. Dog had no reason to fuck him over. Besides, it wasn’t like they had an alternative to explore. What they had was a sighting by Dog’s man in this godforsaken pit of crumbling structures. A pit he would fucking crawl through until he found where that bastard had buried Mercy. So instead of ramming his fist into Math’s face he turned towards their next target, a two-storey building surrounded by rundown homes partially hidden by the heavy cover of trees. ‘We clear that, we move to the next neighbourhood.’ He ignored Math’s bitten off curse and beat feet to the building.

  They skirted around the decaying cement walls and finally found the gaping holes that once held glass. Inside, he and Math split up. Havoc worked his way through the bottom floor, leaving the questionable second storey to Math. He found the first positive signs of Mercy’s presence when his light danced over a pair of familiar boots. Unfortunately, they were empty and lying at the edge of what used to be a huge ass pool. He aimed his flashlight into the cement-lined pit and the narrow beam hit the dull shine of standing water and the upended legs of a rickety ass chair. But it was the corroded car battery and two solar lamps that had him cursing.

  He put the light between his teeth, crouched down, and gripped the broken edge, ignoring the sting in his palms. He dropped inside, his feet hitting with a soft splash. He didn’t waste time and went straight to the fallen chair being careful to skirt the metal tipped cables snaking through puddles. Sweeping his light around, the picture he put together left his gut cramped and his jaw locked tight.

  ‘Got a body upstairs.’ Math’s voice echoed through the cavernous space and came closer. ‘Looks like Mercy’s work. Probably been there a few h—What the fuck?’ The question came as Math’s light hit the scene where Havoc stood. A scramble of movement, the dull thud of boots hitting the ground, then Math was at his side. His light went over the scene, then he muttered, ‘Goddammit.’

  Yeah, Math was seeing the same damn picture.

  Havoc unlocked his jaw through sheer force of will. ‘Dog said three men, one walking dead.’

  ‘The dead ain’t walking,’ Math muttered, using the toe of his boot to nudge one cable into a heavy puddle. Sparks lit and Math let loose with a flurry of curses.

  When he was finished, Havoc continued. ‘So two men, and Mercy’s not taking advantage of the new odds.’

  ‘She’s either hurting—’

  ‘Or waiting,’ Havoc cut him off, unable to take the additional weight of Math’s conclusion on his worse fears.

  Math turned, paced away, and came back, his voice as empty as Havoc’s. ‘She’s still alive.’

  Havoc’s gaze caught on Mercy’s discarded boots. Yeah, probably, but the question remained for how much longer?

  Unaware of the direction of Havoc’s thoughts, Math kept muttering. ‘Mercy said Felix was heading to New Seattle for a meet. I’m thinking that plan has changed since he’s moving her.’ He paused. ‘If he takes her to the meet and it’s who we think it will be, she’s going to make a play.’

  Yeah, she would. Fear slipped Havoc’s hold, wrapped a choking hand around his heart and squeezed. ‘Going to be tricky.’ Catching Math’s look, he explained. ‘She needs Felix sporting a pulse to get Suárez to call off his bounty. Limits her options for taking his ass out so she can focus on his partner.’ Because even Havoc knew, if Michael showed, Mercy would do whatever it took to take him out.

  A sharp whistle pierced the air, jerking their heads up. Havoc did one last sweep, praying there was something more here for them to use. Finding nothing, he followed Math as they jogged up the incline that would take them back up to street level. In an effort to keep his shit tight, Havoc tried not to think about what the scene at the pool meant, but it was proving to be a fruitless endeavour. Fury rode hot and thick under his thin control and it was only a matter of time before it cracked wide open.

  They exited the building and found Dog straddling his bike, his face lined with exhaustion but the predatory gleam in his eyes made Havoc still. He couldn’t tamp down his impatient, ‘You found her?’

  Dog jerked his chin. ‘Caught movement heading towards the old Railway building. Hauled ass to you.’

  Could be Mercy and Felix, could be whatever bastard Felix was meeting. Either way, it was time to join t
he party. With a solid lead to follow, the heavy fist clamped around his chest loosened. ‘Go, we’ll catch up.’ Dog didn’t need much more encouragement, yanking his bandana into place and gunning his bike.

  Havoc and Math ran down the street to where they stashed their bikes and didn’t waste time following.

  Chapter 24

  As Mercy stumbled behind Felix into another abandoned building, the sharp edges underfoot barely registered. Sheer stubbornness was the only thing keeping her moving. Her bare feet were long past pain’s reach and currently sliding into an alarming wooden numbness. The bastard gave another vicious tug on the rope leashed to her bound hands, challenging her ability to stay upright. Ignoring the snicker from the pissant behind her, she reconsidered her plan on keeping Felix alive. In fact, she was certain Suárez would find Felix’s confession etched into his dead body a perfectly acceptable form of proof.

  A hard shove between her shoulder blades jolted her out of her savage daydreams and sent her stumbling forward to her hands and knees. The impact left skin torn and her teeth clenched. It also meant she wasn’t ready for the kick that sent her sprawling on her back.

  Sucking in much needed air, she heard Felix’s short, ‘Watch her.’

  As she listened to him walk away, she lay there, eyes closed, cataloguing the aching reminders of communing with Felix’s fists and the stiffness of electrically abused bones and muscles. The list was daunting, enough so a little part of her was seriously concerned about her odds of success. The only thing keeping it in check was the driving need to see Michael bleeding out at her feet. She couldn’t do that if she didn’t get off her ass.


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