Book Read Free

That Second Chance

Page 23

by Quinn, Meghan

  “Pants off. Forget the bedroom. I want you now.” She reaches between us and goes to grab my shirt just as there is a strong knock on her door. Holy fuck.

  Ren grips me tightly and squeals.

  “Honey, is everything okay?”

  Ren’s head whips up to mine, eyes wide, pure fear in the dark of her pupils. “Holy shit, that’s my mom,” she whispers.

  “Your mom?” I whisper-shout. “Christ.” I set Ren down, quickly pick up her tank top, and hand it over to her. She puts it on and starts to smooth out her hair as she looks down at my crotch.

  “You have to do something about that. My mom can’t see how big your penis is.”

  I look down and try to adjust myself, but there is no hope; I’m a turned-on motherfucker. “Why is your mom here?” I ask frantically, wishing my state of arousal would calm down.

  “Ren, are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?”

  “Oh God, I have no . . .” And then realization hits her. “They must have driven out here with the rest of my stuff to surprise me. They weren’t supposed to come until next month.”


  “My mom and dad.”

  “Fuck, okay, I’m going to go out the back. I can’t meet your parents like this.” I glance down at my still-rock-hard crotch.

  “You’re going home?” She looks sad.

  Knock, knock. “Ren? Open up.”

  “Be right there,” Ren shouts and then turns her gaze back to my crotch.

  “I can’t stay here.”

  She bites her bottom lip, her expression completely devastated.

  I quickly pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head. “Text me later.”

  And with that, I head out the back of her house and wait a few minutes, trying to calm down, before painfully making my way to my house, my dick rubbing against the zipper of my jeans with every step I take.

  Ren’s parents couldn’t have had worse timing.

  No, scratch that—they could have had way worse timing. I guess I should be happy they showed up when they did; any later, and we would have been the ones knocking on the door.

  I drag my hand over my face. Hell, I need a shower, a fucking long shower.



  “Oh, this is just the cutest little place, Ren.” My mom sips the tea I made for her as my dad silently takes in the house, most likely assessing its framing and structure.

  “Thank you. I really like it. I open my window at night to hear the ocean waves crash into the rocks. It’s really soothing. I’ve had some of my best sleeps here.”

  “And everyone in town, they’re being nice?”

  I nod. “Yup. I’ve made a few friends. Actually, I went camping with some of them yesterday. Good thing you didn’t arrive earlier, huh?” I nervously laugh, thankful I put a bra on before I answered the door.

  “Oh, I wanted to, but your dad was such a sightseer the entire trip. He kept wanting to stop and take pictures in front of every state sign.”

  “It’s called making memories,” my dad grumbles, his mustache waggling.

  Funnily enough, though he might not look like it with his gruff exterior and dark cowboy hat, my dad is a real softy at heart.

  “Yes, making memories. We had a great time doing that, but the end goal was my girl, and I couldn’t wait to see her.” My mom leans over and squeezes my hand.

  Even though their timing was terrible, I’m still happy that they’re here.

  “So what have you been up to?” My mom leans closer. “Have you hung out with that guy you were talking about? What was his name? Griffiths?”

  “Griffin, Mom.”

  “Ah, yes, Griffin. Have you been hanging out with him some more?”

  If only she knew what she almost walked in on. Which reminds me: I should check on Griffin to make sure he got home okay.

  I hold up my finger and say, “Give me one second, Mom; you reminded me of something.”

  I send off a quick text to Griffin.

  Ren: Did you get home okay? Did anyone see what you were . . . carrying in your pants?

  Smiling, I turn back to my mom, who has a knowing look on her face.


  “Sorry about that.”

  “Mm-hmm.” She nods and folds her arms across her chest. “Now, about this Griffin guy.”

  “Yes, tell us about him,” my dad chimes in, not prodding like my mom, just genuinely interested.

  “Well, he’s a volunteer firefighter, he works at his family’s tourist shop, and he heads up all of these different committees around town. He’s a really good guy, with a kind heart, and handsome.” I blush at the last words.

  “Oh, handsome, did you hear that, Harry? Griffin is handsome.”

  “He’s also a volunteer fireman. That’s a kind of skill that comes in handy,” I point out quickly.

  “So are you guys seeing each other?”

  Good question. I think we are. I mean, we didn’t officially label our relationship, but after everything that’s transpired over the last forty-eight hours, I’m going to say yes? At least that’s what I would like when it comes to us.

  My phone buzzes in my hand, and I casually read his text, keeping my mom waiting with bated breath for my answer.

  Griffin: It was a painful walk, but I made it. Please tell me your parents are gone already. If they’re staying with you tonight, I might lose my damn mind.

  I inwardly cringe, knowing full well my parents won’t be staying in a hotel or bed-and-breakfast.

  I type back quickly.

  Ren: Don’t hate me . . .

  “Is that him?” my mom asks, trying to catch a look at my phone screen.

  I nod. “It is. We had plans tonight, and I’m just letting him know you guys are in town, so we’re going to have to schedule for another day.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, honey. He can still come over; maybe we can meet him.”

  “No,” I answer all too quickly. “I mean. I don’t think he’s ready for that, you know.”

  My mom pauses and grows more serious. “Not ready to meet your parents? So how serious are you with this man? Is he just stringing you along, or is he truly interested in you?”

  “He’s not stringing me along, Mom. He’s a very good man.” He’s so good that he’s tried to make sure he’s in the right headspace before pursuing anything with me. Knowing my mom is going to need some reassurance—may I remind you of her helicopter tendencies?—I continue, “He lost his wife two years ago to a sudden, unforeseen heart attack. It rocked him, and I think he’s just taking his time. He said I’m the first woman he’s been interested in pursuing since her passing.”

  “Oh dear.” My mom clutches her teacup tightly. “That is so terrible. I can’t imagine the type of pain he must have gone through.”

  “Yeah. I’ve heard from people around town that he’s been very closed off.”

  “And you’ve been able to get through that wall of his? I hope you’ve been gentle.”

  “I have.” I sink down in the couch and look up toward the ceiling. “I really like him, like, more than I’ve ever liked anyone. When I found out about his wife, I told myself I would be patient, and I have been. I’ll keep being patient—he’s worth the wait.”

  My mom shakes my dad’s arm, excitement pouring out of her. “Did you hear that, dear? He’s worth the wait. Oh, what a sweet thing to say. Do you think we can meet him while we’re here?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to bombard him. We just officially started to, you know, date.” Not sure that’s accurate, but we’ll go with it. “How long are you here?”

  “We leave early Wednesday morning. We would have had more time, but like I said, your dad was busy creating new memories on the way here.”

  “Wednesday morning? Well, I have half days at work Monday and Tuesday, and then we start full time on Wednesday with the kids. I guess we will have to do some quick sightseeing, huh?”

  “Yes, and maybe
we can sightsee your Griffin from afar.”

  Your Griffin.

  I don’t think my mom meant for it to sound as intimate as it did, but I can’t help but get giddy over the thought of Griffin being mine. He’s been lukewarm with me for so long, and now that he’s finally giving himself over, I just hope I can keep him. This man has consumed me more than I thought possible.

  I don’t just like him.

  I think I might be falling for him.

  Once my parents are finally tucked away in the guest bedroom, exhausted from their road trip, I lie in my bed and turn to my side to find a few unanswered texts from Griffin. I can’t think of a better way to end my night than talking to Griffin.

  I pull up our text thread and read through it.

  Griffin: Hate you? Why would I hate you?

  Griffin: How long are your parents going to be here?

  Griffin: Fuck, I seriously might not make it if I don’t get to take you out on a date soon, only to take advantage of you afterward.

  Griffin: I’m serious about the date, though.

  Griffin: Call me when your parents go to sleep. I at least want to hear your voice before I go to bed.

  God, this man.

  I check to make sure I closed my door and then call him, snuggling into my pillow to get comfortable.

  He answers on the first ring. “Hey, you.”

  “Hi,” I sigh like a lovestruck teenager. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You had no idea your parents were about to knock on your door when I was seconds from fucking you against the aforementioned door.”

  I laugh into the phone, trying to keep my voice down. “Is that where we were headed?”

  “Yeah, it was headed right for door sex, and I have no shame admitting it.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “When you got home, did you take care of yourself?”

  He doesn’t even skip a beat. “Hell yeah. There was no way I could function without taking care of myself.”

  “Did you think of me?” I chew on my fingernail, feeling more risqué than normal. I’ve never talked like this with a man, but when I hear a low groan come from Griffin, I know he likes it.

  “The entire fucking time. Hell, Ren, I still can’t get the feel of you in my arms out of my head.”

  “I can’t seem to shake you either. Talk about awkward. I was still turned on while giving my parents a tour of my house. My mom kept asking if I was okay.”

  He chuckles. “No she didn’t.”

  “Yes, my face was all flushed, and I kept stumbling over my words. Pretty sure she thought I was having some kind of episode.”

  “Did you tell her it was because you were minutes from orgasming?”

  “Kind of skipped that minor detail. I told her I’d been working out.”

  “That’s another way to put it.” I can hear the cockiness in his voice, sexy and smooth. “So you never answered me—how long are they here? And from the sound of it, they’re staying with you?”

  “Yeah, they’re staying with me. They’re sleeping down the hall right now.”

  “So no climbing through your window for a midnight make-out session, huh?”

  “Probably not the best idea.” I sigh. “They’re here until Wednesday morning.”

  “Wednesday morning, huh? So three days. Okay, I think I can wait that long to take you out on a date. How about Wednesday we go out? We can celebrate our privacy and the new school year.”

  “You really want to take me out? Aren’t you nervous about what the town might say?”



  “Really, Ren,” he reassures me. “I’m ready for this, and I’m not going to hide you. Hell, I want to show you off, let everyone know you’re off limits.”

  I smile at that, wishing he were here, arms wrapped around me from behind, so I could lean back and place a soft kiss against his lips.

  “So does that mean we’re dating?”

  “Yeah, it does. And I date exclusively.” His voice grows serious, and I laugh. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s just—you’re such a kindhearted guy, always helping out everyone around you. It’s so different to hear you act all alpha male. I never would have guessed you have that kind of attitude when it comes to women.”

  “Only the women I plan on keeping to myself.”

  “Well . . . it’s hot.”

  “Yeah? You like it when I go all alpha on you?”

  “I do. Is that weird?” I bite my bottom lip, surprised at myself. I never thought I would be a woman who enjoyed an overprotective man to watch over her, but with Griffin, it feels so right, like he was meant to protect me.

  “Not weird to me.”

  “Good.” I smile into the phone. “So I might have mentioned you to my mom a few weeks ago.”

  “You did?” He sounds genuinely shocked. “What did you tell her?”

  I can feel my face flame. I shouldn’t be embarrassed about this. Griffin knows I like him—that’s obvious—but it’s still revealing, still intimate.

  “I told her there was this guy in Port Snow that I liked. I told her what a good guy you are and how I was nervous you just saw me as a friend and nothing more.”

  “That couldn’t have been further from the truth, Ren. I befriended you because I wanted so much more but was nervous to take that step forward with you.”

  “What made you take it?”

  “The inability to hold back any longer. You got to me, Ren. You got past my defenses, and I couldn’t get you out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.”

  My throat closes up on me, his voice soft and sincere, sending my emotions into a tailspin. I can’t stand not seeing him right now, not being able to hold him, kiss him, thank him for his beautiful words.

  “Griffin. I . . . I . . .”

  “You need me?”

  “Yes,” I breathe out. “Meet me at the beach, please?”

  “Five minutes. I’ll bring a blanket. See you in a few, beautiful.”

  I hang up and hop out of my bed, trying to be as quiet as possible. The last thing I need is for my parents to wake up and Helicopter Mom to follow me outside to the beach.

  Loose gravel crunches, and I turn to find Griffin walking down the moonlit beach toward me, a huge smile on his face, a flashlight and a blanket in hand. When he reaches me, he wraps one arm around my waist and brings me in close to his body. He presses a deep kiss against my lips, lifting me onto my toes. I grip the back of his neck for support and arch my back to get a better angle on our kiss.

  Slowly he pulls away and presses a kiss against my forehead before spreading the blanket on the sand.

  Because of the cooler air rolling in at night, I changed into a pair of gray yoga pants and a light-green thermal shirt. I’m glad I did—the wind whipping off the ocean is colder than I expected.

  Griffin sits down and pulls me with him. “Your parents have terrible timing.”

  “The worst ever.”

  Not satisfied with sitting side by side, Griffin guides me between his legs so my back is against his chest, his long legs on either side of me. I’m not the only one who made an outfit change. Griffin is in a pair of black athletic pants and a long-sleeved henley.

  He snakes his arms around my shoulders and presses the side of his head against mine as we look out toward the ocean, an electric energy igniting once again between us.

  “Thank you for meeting me down here,” I finally say after a few minutes of comfortable silence. “I needed to see you, kiss you, after what you said.”

  His lips find my cheek. “It was all true,” he murmurs. “You’ve done something to me, Ren, something I can’t quite explain, but what I do know is I was meant to find you stuck between those two trees and drag you out of your car.”

  “I think so too.” I kiss his forearm and then lean my head back against his shoulder. “My mom wants to meet you.”

h yeah? You spoke that highly of me, did ya?”

  I playfully elbow him. “Don’t get cocky. She’s really involved in my life, too involved, really, and when I started talking about you—”

  “Which is really fucking cute, by the way. What did you tell her?”

  I blush. “That I thought you were handsome.”

  “You did?” His five-o’clock shadow dances across my cheek, a sensual whisper over my skin, sending goose bumps down my body.

  “Mm-hmm.” He kisses my neck, and I lean to the side to give him better access.

  “What else did you say?”

  “That you’re a gentleman and so kind. That you were my first friend in Port Snow.”

  He pauses and turns my head so I’m looking him in the eyes. “Is that true? I was your first friend?” I nod. “Huh. I like that. I actually really like that.”

  “Who knew weeks later I would be the one who got through that wall of yours?”

  “Ren, you went through it the first day I met you, when you started talking about a suicidal moose.”

  I chuckle. “I just don’t understand why it wanted to die . . .”

  “It was a daredevil; all moose are.” He squeezes me tighter. “So your mom wants to meet me. Are you going to let her?”

  “I don’t know.” I chew on the inside of my cheek.

  “Ashamed?” His voice is playful.

  “Yup, you got me. Totally ashamed of dating a sexy volunteer firefighter who rescued me from a smoking car and carried me up a hill without even working up a sweat.”

  “The car wasn’t smoking,” he deadpans.

  “Felt like an inferno.”

  The rumble of his chest behind me is another turn-on.

  “Why don’t you bring your parents by the Lobster Landing tomorrow? You can introduce me, and maybe we can catch dinner over at Snowmageddon.”

  I pull away, getting a good look at him. “You want to have dinner with my parents?”

  “Why not?”

  “Uh, because my mom is going to berate you and ask you a million questions.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll answer them.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I want this relationship to last longer than two days. Believe me, you’re going to want to stay away. Just lay low, and I will see you on Wednesday for our date.”


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