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Dance With Darkness

Page 1

by Sheri-Lynn Marean

  Dance with Darkness

  Enforcement for Preternatural Protection

  Sheri-Lynn Marean

  Copyright © 2020

  This book is for your enjoyment only. You may not sell, give away, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit in any form, (whole or part) by any means, electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, including photocopying, recording, printing, information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. All rights reserved. ISBN:978-1-988636-59-7



  Free Bundle of Books


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31



  Reading Order

  Also by Sheri-Lynn Marean

  About the Author


  I wish to thank my amazing Editor Laura LaTulipe, and my Rockin’ Beta Readers: Sharon Richmond, Christine Works, and Justine Beltrame, along with my wonderful ARC team. Thanks also goes to my fantastic PA Barbara Shuler, and my VA Mindy Seal.

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  Amit = A mitt

  Deidra = Dee dra.

  Denale = Den ale.

  Elianna = Ell ee ana

  Elsary = Els air ee

  EfPP= Enforcement for Preternatural Protection.

  Enyowas = En yo was

  Ferno = Fern oh.

  Garret = Gare et

  Garner = Garn er

  Genevevia = Gen eh ve ve ah

  Gaia = Gi ah

  Ginni = Gin ee

  Hellfire = Hell fire

  Ilyium = Ill ee um

  Jager = Jay ger.

  Jaxsaron = Jacks sair on (Jax)

  Kayta = Kay ta

  Kells = Kells.

  Ky = K eye.

  Okami = Oak a mee

  Samarias = Sam a rye as (Sami)

  Shabina = She been ah

  Sima = Sim ah

  Sin = S in

  Supe = Soup

  Tierney = Teer knee

  Tito = Tie toe

  Thaniel = Than yell

  Veldi = Ver dee

  Chapter 1

  South Texas

  Sixteen Years Ago

  The past is death, clouds of gold—salvation.

  He should have taken the shot when he had the chance. Now it was too late, and if they didn’t leave their pride soon, they’d die.

  Enyowas sucked in a breath of scorching air that felt like sandpaper against his tender throat. His skin itched from dried sweat, and he fought the brutal urge to move. But he knew better. The box he was locked in was too tight.

  Not for the first time, he wished he were fully grown rather than a twelve-year-old kid.

  But wishing didn’t change things, and being bigger wouldn’t help at the moment.

  His cat rose to the surface, demanding he shift forms. He pushed the beast back, or he’d really be screwed. His cat would panic in such a tight space.

  Enyowas closed his eyes and drew more air into his lungs. Slow and steady. He repeated the actions. Deep breath in, and slow, easy one out. His cat retreated, yet a sense of foreboding lingered.

  Something wasn’t right.

  His eyes opened. Enyowas listened.

  He peered through the thin cracks of the wood. The deadly Texas sun was slowly sinking, but not fast enough. Fear made his heart speed up.

  From the box beside Enyowas, only thundering silence.

  “Veldi?” He tried to connect via their mind link and got nothing. He switched to speaking aloud; though, it wasn’t easy getting the words past his parched throat. “Veldi, talk to me.”

  His brother still didn’t answer.

  “Veldi. Come on, please!” As cramped as he was in the sweat boxes where their father—regis of their pride—liked to punish them, he couldn’t imagine how hard it was for his brother.

  Born of a different mother, Veldi was a burly, full-blooded lion shifter the size of an eighteen-year-old human male.

  As a mixed breed, Enyowas didn’t have that problem. His mother’s black panther-and-jaguar genes meant that he was smaller and thinner, at least for now anyway. One day, the genes from his father’s lion side would catch up.

  Just like they had recently for his other fourteen-year-old, full-brother. In the last six months, Amit had started to fill out, and at six feet tall, he’d likely never gain the bulk that Veldi had.

  “Veldi, please, say something. Anything!” Damn it, why hadn’t he taken the shot when he had the chance? They wouldn’t be here if he’d just followed through with the plan. “I’m sorry I messed up.”

  “N-no.” A raspy groan came from the box beside him.

  “Veldi?” Enyowas’s eyes burned at the thought of losing yet another brother.

  “Not your fault.” The words were barely audible. “Mine.”

  “What? No. No way.” Enyowas growled.


  “No,” Enyowas repeated adamantly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I should have killed Father when I had him in my sights.” But he hadn’t been able to pull the trigger. A trained assassin, and he’d failed to take out the most dangerous monster around. Well, one of two anyway. “It should be me in here alone, not you.” But Veldi just happened to be there when Father looked up and saw what Enyowas was about to do.

  “Doesn’t matter … he’d have found a reason to send me here.” Veldi’s voice grew a little stronger. “I refused my mission. I know the Ilyium are our enemy, but I just couldn’t … there was a child.” He paused for a long moment. “Besides … I know you. You’d make sure you were sent to hell with me.”

  “Don’t worry about the mission,” Enyowas said, though he knew Veldi was right in one respect. It was forbidden to try and help any of his brothers when they were being punished. A lesson—a severe beating—Enyowas learned long ago. Not that it stopped him from trying to be there for his family.

  If he were smart, he’d look out for number one, but Enyowas just couldn’t do it. When Veldi went to the sweat boxes, Enyowas somehow made sure to be sent along as well. It wasn’t hard. All he had to do was make a smart remark or give his father a hate-filled look.

  It wasn’t that he enjoyed the punishment. In fact, he often wished for death, but it wasn’t a real wish because Veldi wouldn’t survive alone. “Just hang in there. The sun will be down in a bit and you’ll be able to breathe a little easier, then someone will come get us out.”

  Veldi didn’t respond.

y will, we’ll be out of here soon.” Enyowas prayed for his brother’s sake they wouldn’t be forgotten, because the reality was, there was no guarantee that anyone in their pride would remember they were even out here. He changed the subject. “What do you want to do when we escape?”

  Veldi took a long time to answer, but when he finally did, his response broke Enyowas’s heart. “I don’t think … going to make it. S-sorry.”

  “No. Don’t say that. You will. I refuse to believe differently.” Enyowas blinked, then closed his eyes. It couldn’t end this way. It couldn’t, not after losing his oldest brother—Amit’s twin—on a mission two years ago. That had nearly destroyed them all. “Veldi, just, tell me something. What do you want to do?”

  “Don’t know.”

  Enyowas knew Veldi was scared to hope, to believe, but they all needed something to get them through the days of rigorous training and the sickening missions they were sent on. “There has to be something you’d like to see or do.”

  “I-I’d like to see the ocean,” Veldi said hesitantly.

  “Good. That’s good. We’ll go see the ocean then,” Enyowas said.

  Their father and his beta—his second-in-command—who also happened to be their sadistic uncle, were incessantly hard on all of the boys. They claimed they were training them to protect the pride. But they were actually doing their best to drive every last ounce of humanity from each boy child, training them all to be heartless, cold, calculating, and deadly killers. All for money.

  The pride worked with the US government, and with most of the boys, their training surpassed expectations.

  But not with all, and their father knew that. Which was why he pushed his own sons harder than the rest.

  Most of them managed to don a mask of indifference, enabling them to get through the training and then later, go out on their missions. But no matter how hard he tried, Veldi sucked at pretending to be hard and cold. He just didn’t have a mean bone in his body.

  “That … that would be … n-nice,” Veldi said.

  “We are going to get out of here, I promise.”

  “Then … what?” Veldi coughed, then coughed again. “Where will we g-go? H-how will we live?”

  “We’ll figure all that out.” They’d been working on an escape for a long time.

  They had even been squirreling away money taken from those they were sent to kill, when they could safely do so. If their handler was close by, then they couldn’t.

  They had planned to escape their father and pride over a year ago, but put it off when his mother ended up pregnant again. But now that the baby was born, they could finally leave. “Amit has a plan.” In fact, he’d told Enyowas right before he left on his last mission that he was working on something that would help them.

  “W-what?” Veldi asked.

  “Shh.” The sun had finally set, and the sound of insects could be heard, but over that, was the sound of someone approaching. Enyowas let out his breath and relaxed as the familiar scent of his brother drifted to him. “Amit, is that you?”

  “Yeah it’s me, little brother.”

  “I didn’t expect you back for a few more hours. What happened to your mission?” Enyowas asked.

  “I didn’t go. I made a deal with someone who can help us instead,” Amit said.

  “Get Veldi out first,” Enyowas instructed, fearing the consequences of whatever the hell their brother had done.

  Though Veldi and Amit were both fourteen, Amit was supersmart, and held them all together.

  Amit unlocked Veldi’s box, swearing under his breath as he pulled their brother out onto the baked dirt. “I got you, bro.”

  Enyowas caught a very faint, yet familiar scent on the air as Amit unlocked his box next.

  The door swung open and Enyowas crawled out to lie on the ground beside his brother. Unlike Enyowas and Amit, Veldi had sandy-brown hair and his curls were plastered to his head. Veldi grimaced from the muscle cramps Enyowas knew he always got from being hunched over in a ball for so long.

  Enyowas let his own pain consume him, and drew in deep steadying breaths, concentrating instead on Amit. Though both his brothers were the same age, Veldi was large, burly, and had brown eyes; whereas, Amit was tall and lean, with the same emerald eyes Enyowas had inherited from their half-Irish mother.

  Enyowas grinned at Veldi. “Told you someone would get us out.” Then he looked back at Amit, who was still garbed in mission gear. “Father will be pissed you freed us.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Tonight we leave. Now get up, we have to get going.” Amit helped them both to their feet, frowning at the cuts and dried blood on Enyowas. “What the fuck happened to you?” Amit shook his head. “Forget it, I can guess.”

  Their father loved to make them bleed, the more the better.

  Amit pressed a set of keys and a slip of paper into Enyowas’s hand. “Take this. There’s a black van parked just beyond the front gate. Get your go bag and the money, then get our sisters to the van. I’ll get Mother.” Amit looked at Veldi. “Think you can grab our go bags?”

  Veldi nodded.

  “Whose van is this, and where’s your handler?” Enyowas asked and glanced around the dry, rocky terrain of south Texas where he’d lived all his life.

  “Don’t worry about my handler, he won’t be bothering anyone after tonight. The van belongs to the guy helping us.”

  “Who?” Enyowas asked.

  “He’s from an organization called EfPP, Enforcement for Preternatural Protection. It’s for supes. He’s in talking with Father right now—distracting him, really—as we get everyone out. We need to be in his van when he leaves.”

  “Are they affiliated with the human government?” Enyowas asked, narrowing his gaze on an outcropping of boulders fifty feet away.


  Enyowas held his hand up, halting his brothers, then slid free one of the blades sheathed on Amit’s arm. “Come out, now,” he demanded, staring at the shadows surrounding the outcropping. “Or I’ll skin you alive.”

  They waited as a smaller cat emerged from behind the rocks. A mix of bobcat and lion, with a stubby tail and spots, he only had a few wispy tufts of mane on his neck.

  “Ky.” The ten-year-old, who their father had brought home two years ago, slowly crept toward them. He stopped a few feet away and shifted into a skinny boy with shaggy sandy-blond hair, and strange brownish-blue eyes.

  “What are you doing? Spying on us again?” Veldi asked.

  “No,” Ky said, drawing close. “Can I go with you?”

  Veldi shook his head.

  Amit studied the small boy. Though quick on his feet in both forms, and very good at hiding in small places, Ky had yet to gain any strength. “Go with us where?”

  “Away from here.”

  “We don’t trust you,” Amit said. “Why should we take you with us?”

  Ky didn’t answer but hurt flashed in his eyes for a moment. Enough to make Enyowas feel sorry for him. He’d often caught Ky watching him and his brothers with a wistful look. However, anytime they tried to include the boy, they ended up deeply regretting it. Ky was their pride leader’s—their father’s—snitch.

  “Will you tell your regis?” Enyowas asked.


  Enyowas looked at Amit. “Well?”

  Amit mind-linked with him and Veldi. “I know what you’re thinking, and you have a good heart, brother. I know you don’t like the idea of leaving anyone behind.”

  “I don’t. Ky and our cousins didn’t ask to be here any more than we did,” Enyowas responded. They had numerous cousins, and other boys who weren’t cousins but also in the pride’s training program.

  “Ky’s proven himself untrustworthy time and again,” Veldi pointed out.

  “He has, but he’s ten, and on his own. You know what Father’s like, what Uncle’s like. What do you expect him to do? He’s trying to survive. We all are.”

  “You’re right, of course. I’m just worried we might end up regr
etting this,” Amit said.

  Veldi looked at Ky. “You going to betray us?”

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “You better not be lying,” Veldi said.

  “Go pack one change of clothes and then wait outside for us. Don’t tell anyone. In fact, do not even so much as talk to anyone,” Amit instructed. “Think you can do that?”

  Ky nodded and ran ahead of them.

  “What if someone sees him carrying his stuff?” Enyowas asked, sliding the knife back into its sheath on Amit’s arm.

  Amit shrugged. “No one pays him any attention.”

  “You really think it’s wise bringing him?” Veldi asked.

  “No idea,” Amit said.

  Enyowas went back to their earlier conversation. “So, this EfPP guy who’s meeting with Father, you trust him?”

  “Honestly, I don’t trust anyone but my brothers. Still, we don’t have much choice. Father’s getting crazier by the day, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t go on these soul-sucking missions anymore.”

  Chapter 2

  Enyowas found his thirteen-year-old sister in the kitchen putting together sandwiches. “It’s time. We either leave, or we’ll end up dying here very soon.”

  Kayta trembled but pulled her dark hair back into a ponytail and nodded. “Our sisters are upstairs in their bedroom, I’ll get them.”

  Enyowas went to his own room and opened his closet. He removed a few slats from the floor and pulled out the bag of money they’d managed to squirrel away. Then he grabbed his backpack and met his sisters in the hallway.


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