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Plague of the Dead | Book 3 | Plague of the Island

Page 6

by Rayfield, Alli

  When I woke up again, I was screaming. The pain had returned worse than before. I felt like I was being ripped open. The pain felt like a dull knife cutting into me. I was blinded by the intense pain washing itself over me.

  I imagined there was a zombie inside me, trying to claw its way out of me. The pain was too much. I knew I must be dying.

  Chapter 14

  “That’s not what I’m saying at all,” I heard a woman say.

  It sounded like it was coming from above me.

  “I think the stress of the last few days was a little much on her,” she continued.

  My eyes were heavy and refused to open. It was like they were being weighted down. It reminded me of the pain killers I took when they removed my wisdom teeth and I figured I must have been sedated.

  I kept telling myself to open my eyes. I kept willing them to open but they would not. I wanted to scream.

  “But the baby?” I heard Daniel ask.

  His voice making me smile to myself. I didn’t hear the answer to his question. And that made me want to scream even more.

  “Open damn it,” I thought. Willing myself to wake up.

  Finally, my eyes cooperated, and a light overhead blinded me. I moved my hand to shield my eyes. I looked around to take in my surroundings. It looked like I was waking up on a cold hospital bed, but it didn’t look like a hospital room.

  “Oh, thank God,” Daniel said as he walked in through a curtain and saw me.

  A woman with half pulled back black hair and a nice smile walked in.

  “Hi Shelly, I’m Dr. Rebecca Diggers. I’m the OBGYN in here. You gave this man here quiet a fright. How are you feeling?” She asked.

  I sighed, “Tired.”

  She nodded, “Well, you and the baby have been through a lot.”

  “Where am I?” I asked.

  I was avoiding the real question I wanted to ask. The one that was filling me with dread.

  “It’s a warehouse,” the doctor answered. “It’s now our medical unit since the hospital was closed and bordered up.”

  A strange chill ran through my body. The thought of the hospital where Jackie had been. Where she ate her father. It had been shut down and boarded up. It was deemed unsafe. Something about that made me extremely sad.

  “How did you know to get me?” I asked. I was so confused.

  I felt a light touch on my hand and looked to see Daniel running his fingers over the back of my hand.

  “They came to get Phoebe and took you right away,” he said.

  I swallowed and took a deep breath, “What about the baby?”

  “Heartbeat is still strong, but now that you’re awake we’ll have a proper look,” Rebecca stated.

  Rebecca wheeled in an ultrasound and sat down next to me. She put the cold cream on my belly, and I winced. She put the wand on my belly and a loud whooshing sound filled our little corner.

  “Like I said that heartbeat is strong,” she said and looked at the monitor.

  Daniel fully took my hand in his and squeezed it tight. I looked at him. His eyes glinting in the light. I smiled. I knew at that moment he was going to be a great dad. I had known it for a while but at that moment it truly hit me how good he was going to be. I then leaned my head into his arm.

  “The baby really seems to be doing fine,” she said. “You, on the other hand, need to rest. The stress did you in.”

  “Well, zombies popping up out of the ocean will do that to you,” I stated. It sounded ruder than I meant it.

  The doctor just laughed. “Yes, I heard about that. And you’re absolutely right.” She then stated, “The cramps were probably brought on by a bad case of Braxton hicks. What did it feel like?”

  “Like a zombie was ripping out of my stomach,” I stated, thinking of when I woke up screaming.

  “Wow, a zombie/alien crossover. Surprised Hollywood didn’t do that before the world went to shit,” she joked.

  I laughed. I liked this woman.

  “Is this your first pregnancy?” She asked.

  “No,” I said.

  “Have you had complications in the past?”

  I nodded, “I’ve been told that I would most likely never have another baby.”

  “This is why no one should ever say the word never. Though your body is taking it hard, but your baby is a fighter. Which we need more of those these days,” she said and smiled. “And, like I said, the stress you’re under isn’t helping. Sorry, there’s not much I can do about that unfortunately.”

  I knew what she meant and nodded. As much as I liked her, I couldn’t help but feel she was sugar coating it. Or leaving something out. Though I could have just been paranoid. I was going to ask her about it, but she then asked me something I wasn’t expecting.

  “Do you want to know what it is?”

  I looked at Daniel.

  “Your call,” he said and smiled.

  “Please,” I stated.

  She smiled, “It’s a girl.”

  I smiled as Daniel squeezed my hand again.

  “Now, bed rest. Tons of it. I want you to stay here for a while so I can monitor and make sure everything is alright. I’ll get you some vitamins.”

  As she stood up, another doctor rushed in. He was panting but was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Rebecca, you’re going to want to see this.”

  Chapter 15

  We followed Rebecca and the young man. She didn’t protest, though she didn’t seem too thrilled. We both thought it had to do with Phoebe, so we tagged along.

  When we got to the location, I was a bit surprised to see a zombie in a giant glass case. It was walking around its cage in a daze. It was equally strange and fascinating.

  I wanted to know how they got it in there. Also, why it was in there. Before I could say anything the young man that had led us there spoke.

  “Watch this,” he said and opened a small window in the glass. He rubbed a dark gooey lotion substance onto the inside of the glass. It wasn’t a lot of the substance just a thin layer.

  He then banged on the glass after closing the window. The zombie came charging towards where we stood. About three feet from us he stopped and started shaking his head. He turned away from us as if in disgust.

  “What just happened?” Rebecca asked.

  “It’s a zombie repellant. I’ve been working on it for a while. It’s mixed with zombie blood and aloe plus a few more plants. But the final ingredient is Phoebe’s blood. I added it and this is the reaction the zombie now has.”

  “Is it just her blood that can do this?” Rebecca asked.

  The guy shrugged, “I need to run some more tests. I don’t know if it’s her type of blood or something else but mixed with the zombie blood, it makes this amazing repellant.”

  “Do you think there any link to a cure from that?” I asked.

  The guy looked at me, seeming to realize at that moment there was more to his audience than just Rebecca.

  “That I’m not sure of. I’m sure there is a way to a cure. A link that I can’t see right now. It could take a long time to find though,” he sighed.

  “We need to go to Japan,” Rebecca said.

  The man nodded in agreement but said, “You know that’s not possible.”

  Rebecca turned to us, “They can’t send anyone out to get us and we don’t have means to get there ourselves.”

  “They have means to get to us?” Daniel asked.

  Rebecca nodded, “They’re doing really well there. They had advance warning of the outbreak. They haven’t fully lost power or anything. The communication we’ve had with them, they think they’re close to a cure. Charlie here would help them, he’s a genius but they can’t risk sending a plane to get him.”

  “Tell them about Phoebe,” I suggested.

  “I’m not sure they’ll think it means anything,” Rebecca stated.

  “It does mean something,” Charlie said, “I think they’d be extremely interested. You could reach out. It couldn’t hurt

  Rebecca nodded, “Okay, I’ll try.” She then turned to walk away but stopped, “Go lay down,” she added to me strictly.

  Daniel walked me back to my hospital bed and helped me get back up into it. I laid down and he kissed my forehead.

  “I’m going to go find Phoebe,” He said.

  I was suddenly overcome with exhaustion and fell asleep.

  I woke up from a restless sleep hearing whispering. At first, I couldn’t make out what was being said as I was groggy from sleep.

  As I focused, I could make out Daniel’s voice.

  “I thought you said everything is fine.”

  “I think it is. I’m just worried about the possibility of a need for an emergency delivery. It’s contingency. The baby is doing great. But Shelly, I’m not so sure. She’s having some bad complications. It’s only going to get worse I’m afraid. Hopefully, bed rest will be enough but…”

  There was a pause.

  “But what?” Daniel asked.

  “She’s going to need a C-Section and I’m afraid to save them both the baby will have to come early. I was hoping that Japan would be willing to take her with Phoebe but since they can’t approve a plane at this time. Plus, a three-hour flight isn’t the most logical thing.”

  “Would you get to the point, you’re rambling.”

  “I need an incubator. Which means I’m going to need someone to go to the hospital.”

  “The deserted hospital that’s been boarded up?” Daniel asked.

  I got up then. I was kind of pissed Rebecca hadn’t told me that. I knew she had been leaving something out, but I had a right to know what I was dealing with.

  I found them standing just beyond the curtains surrounding my bed.

  “Were you going to tell me?” I asked.

  Rebecca looked at me and sighed, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure if it was the right choice to tell you.”

  “How could it not be the right choice?”

  “You were tired and in pain. The stress you’re under isn’t helping, I didn’t want to make it worse.”

  I looked at her, her expression was genuine. I was still annoyed, but I let it go.

  “So, Japan is a no go?” I asked.

  “For now. Plus putting you on a flight I know isn’t the best option.”

  “Then we send a group to the hospital. I’ll put together a group,” Daniel said.

  It didn’t surprise me he would immediately volunteer but the fear pierced through me at the thought of him risking himself.

  “Shelly,” Rebecca said. “The baby will survive if you can make it a few more weeks as long as we have the incubator. And maybe it’s not necessary. But I want to have everything ready in case it comes to the worst-case scenario. I’m worried too, as to what may happen to you if you go full term.”

  “I don’t care what happens to me,” I said.

  Daniel looked at me, “I do. If this is the way to keep you and the baby safe, it’s worth it.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I’ve done pretty good so far, and for you, I can do this.”

  I was about to protest but he wrapped me in an embrace and whispered in my ear, “We’re going to be alright.”

  Chapter 16

  Daniel walked me back to the bed and helped me into it. I looked at him and noticed the lines on his face. He looked extremely stressed. I wondered then how much he’d been sleeping.

  “You doing alright?” I asked him.

  He smiled and kissed my hand. “Never better.”

  I had my doubts he was being completely honest. His eyes seemed sad. I decided not to press the subject further.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked him about going to the hospital.

  “It has to be done; I can’t ask someone else to do it.”

  “Because you’re the one who knocked me up?” I asked.

  He laughed, “That does factor into my feelings of responsibility yes.”

  “I should help.”

  “No! Shelly just no,” he replied.

  “I’m the one who’s pregnant, I shouldn’t be asking people to risk their lives in this situation.”

  “You know as well as I do, that is far too dangerous.”

  I sighed but stopped arguing. I knew he was right, but I really didn’t want him to go without me. But I’d be a liability. I couldn’t really help.

  “For now, we rest,” He said.

  He climbed in the small bed with me. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. The soothing rhythm of it calmed the nerves taking me over. With his arm wrapped around me, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

  Daniel got busy planning to check out the hospital. Luther and Gerald volunteered to go with him. He was able to get floor plans and Rebecca told him what he needed would be on the eighth floor.

  It took him three days to come up with a plan he was satisfied with. He wouldn’t tell me the details. I was sure it was because it was dangerous and reckless.

  By the time him, Luther and Gerald set out to go forth with the plan, I was back in the room where we were taken when we first got to the base. I was on bed rest, but Rebecca felt it was best for me to be somewhere I could relax.

  Lasa and Brian were in the room with me since Luther was assisting Daniel. Richard had brought us some board games and coloring books for them both. They were thrilled to get the items. I was also relieved since the board games would also help keep my mind off what was going on in the hospital.

  Daniel kissed me bye and told me he would be back soon. My heart went with him as he walked out the door.

  Phoebe was gone to do more tests. They didn’t need her at the hanger anymore, but it felt like she was there all the time anyway. I was worried about the tests they were running because she seemed tired and weak, but she insisted it was the most important thing she could be doing. She had offered to stay with me and the kids, but I told her we would be alright. I figured she would probably be back before Daniel as it was.

  There was no word on if and when she would be going to Japan. It wasn’t that Japan wasn’t interested; they were. It was just getting the means to pick her up was not easy. Everyone was on lock down. Several planes had gone down when the outbreak had begun. There was a real fear as to what would happen if they approved a flight. What the consequences would be if it went down.

  Though Rebecca had mentioned to Phoebe that it was going up the chain of command. They were accessing the risk because if it led to a cure, it would be worth it.

  “At this point, the cost is too high not to try if you ask me,” Phoebe said.

  Rebecca had told me she had asked that I be approved to go with Phoebe as well as Lasa and Daniel. In case the foolish plan of raiding the hospital didn’t work.

  My stomach sank to my feet like a ton of bricks were tied to it every time I thought of Daniel being in there. The seconds moved like minutes. Time was ridiculously slow.

  Every time I thought of him in that hospital, I could only see Jackie. Her black teeth biting into what was left of her father’s body that she had torn into pieces.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about how I lost my family there. The ones I loved most. Even though Adam had scarred me deeply with his infidelity, he was still my husband. He was still the man I had chosen at one time to spend the rest of my life with. He ripped out my heart, but I had given it to him. And now I was scared that the man who held the broken pieces was going to run into the same fate.

  I think the kids could sense I needed to keep my mind off things as they were both chattier than I had ever heard them be.

  “What are you going to name the baby?” Brian asked.

  “Haven’t decided yet,” I told him.

  “I think you should name her after your sister,” Lasa suggested.

  “Or name her after Wonder Woman,” Brian stated.

  “Diana?” I asked.

  “No, name her Wonder Woman.” He said like that was the most obvious thing.

/>   I laughed and told him I would think about it.

  We played Monopoly because it was the only thing the two of them would agree on. It helped some to keep my mind off things, but the time was moving so slowly. The longer Daniel was gone the more my mind went into a dark corner. Imaging the worst possible scenario.

  I think it was about four hours into waiting or two hundred and forty since time was moving so slow, Phoebe barged in the room.

  “We need to go,” she announced.

  My heart stopped in my chest as I just knew the worst had happened.

  Chapter 17

  She drove Lasa, Brian, and me to the hanger. She wouldn’t tell me what was going on. It infuriated me. Though I didn’t think she fully knew herself what was happening.

  When we got inside the hanger a wave of relief washed over me as I saw Daniel. He looked tired and there was blood on his arm.

  “Oh, thank God,” I cried as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I told you didn’t need to bring her here yet,” Daniel said to Phoebe even as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

  “She would kill me if I didn’t,” Phoebe said honestly.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, pulling away from Daniel. After all, all Phoebe had said was, we need to go. “Why is there blood on your arm?”

  He looked down as if he hadn’t noticed it. “It’s not mine.”

  Before I could ask more, Rebecca appeared.

  “It’s good she’s here, I just got confirmation a plane is on its way,” Rebecca said. “Not the safest thing but we really have no choice now.”

  Daniel looked at me then. He looked defeated.

  “What happened?” I asked. “Where’s Gerald and Luther?”

  Brian held on tightly to my leg as I mentioned his dad.

  “They’re okay,” Daniel began.

  “Mostly,” Rebecca said. “Luther is performing emergency surgery on Gerald right now.”

  “We barely got out of there,” Daniel said. “We never stood a chance of getting to the eighth floor. We fought them off, but Gerald fell over the railing and broke his arm. The bone came out of his skin. I guess that’s where the blood came from”


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