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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 2

Page 7

by Prenisha Aja

  “Aite,” I hollered back.

  After drying my hands off, I went back into the bedroom and laid down while Londyn went into the bathroom to take a shower. I normally would make bitches leave, but I wanted to hit that pussy again when I woke up.

  The moment I heard Londyn cut the shower on, I checked my phone and saw that Chyna had been calling my ass.

  Sighing, I decided to call her to see what she wanted. Just maybe it was an emergency or some shit.

  “What’s good?” I asked her the moment she answered the phone.

  “Oh my god. Why haven’t you been answering my calls?” she whined into the phone, and I just knew that she was about to be on that extra shit.

  “I’ve been busy. Why you up at this time of night though?” I questioned.

  The day that shit happened to Sims, I had told myself that I was done with school. I had dropped the fuck out and I didn’t give a fuck. They were lucky I had made it this far. College was not in my plans and high school wasn’t doing anything but taking up my time when I could be out hustling in the streets. Making sure that I’m making the right moves and not getting caught slippin’.

  However, that was my decision. Yeah, I had told Chyna that I was through with school but when I said that shit, that didn’t mean her dumb ass was supposed to drop out right along with me.

  “I miss you and I don’t care about school. I just want to be under you baby,” she chimed and I exhaled.

  Shaking my head, I sat up in the bed and ran my hand down my face.

  “You trippin’ Chyna, baby. You don’t do what I do. You do better than me,” I let her know as I heard the shower cut off.

  “But I want to see you. I’m outside,” she blurted out.

  “Hey Daddy, you got another towel?” Londyn yelled from the bathroom, and I just knew Chyna heard her.

  “Who the fuck is that?” she shouted into the phone as I placed my hand over the speaker and cursed.

  “Fuck.” I placed the phone on mute then answered Londyn, “Yeah, hold up.”

  “Whoodie… Whoodie are you fucking serious? Let me fucking in your house,” she was shouting on the phone.

  I took the phone off of mute when I walked out of the room and into the other guest bedroom to get a towel.

  “Chill out. It’s not what you think,” I lied to her.

  “If it’s not what I think, then let me in,” she stated. “If you don’t let me in, I’ll just bang on your door until you do,” she said in a matter of fact tone.

  “Go home Chyna,” I said sternly but seconds later, I could hear banging on my front door. She was banging so hard that I was pretty sure it would wake the fucking neighbors.

  “Fuck,” I cursed as I went back into the room and made my way to the bathroom so I could give Londyn her towel.

  “Is everything ok?” she asked as she wrapped the towel around her body which caused my dick to wake up and want to fuck her ass again.

  “Yeah. I just gotta handle some shit real quick,” I let her know as I walked over to my dresser, slipped on a pair of basketball shorts, no underwear or t-shirt and headed out of the room.

  Once I reached the front door, I yanked it open then closed it back. I yanked Chyna up and pinned her up in the corner of the porch as I held my hands around her neck.

  “Didn’t I tell you to take your ass home?” I said lowly but sternly in her ear.

  “But Whoodie… I wanted to spend time with you. Why do you have another bitch in there? You smell like another bitch,” she shouted as tears began to escape her eyes.

  Chyna had me so heated with her theatrics, that I wasn’t even fazed by the cold night's air and I hoped she knew that no matter how hard she cried, she wasn’t coming into my house. She was about to get in her car and go home.

  “Chyna, I don’t want to have to do this with cha. Take ya ass home.” I stepped away from her and she looked at me like she hated my guts right now.

  Swinging, Chyna hit me in my chest and I snapped. Before I knew it, I had backhanded her, which caused her to hold her face and look at me in disbelief. Me hitting her had shocked her so much, that she wasn’t even crying no more.

  “Really Whoodie?” she mouthed.

  “Just go,” I told her.

  We both stood there staring at each other. Finally, Chyna broke eye contact, pushed past me and stormed off to her car. When she got in her car, she slammed her own car door and zoomed out of my yard.

  Shaking my head, I went back into the house and made a mental note to apologize to her ass tomorrow.

  “Is everything good now or do I need to go?” Londyn was sitting on the bed wrapped in the towel that I had given her.

  “Oh no, you good. I handled it.” I climbed in the bed and pulled her up to where I was.

  We then cuddled up together like we had been fucking with each other for a minute. Moments later, I could hear her light snores and I closed my eyes and joined her.

  You’re such a dumb bitch. You are so fucking dumb. Just dumb. Dumb! I cried to myself as I drove back home.

  I couldn’t believe Whoodie. I mean, let me stop. How couldn’t I? Look at the shit that he had already done. I should have known better. I had watched him treat that other girl he was with like shit. So, what made me think I was any different?

  Hell, the moment he made me leave a party to be with her, I should have known better, but my extra dumb ass didn’t.

  Shaking my head, I sniffled as I wiped away the tears that I had been crying.

  I should just leave him alone, I told myself, but it was way easier said than done. Even after what had just happened between us, I was waiting for the moment he texted my phone to tell me that he was sorry for putting his hands on me.

  Ugh, I sighed as I picked up my phone. I wanted to let Whoodie know how I felt. I needed him to know that I hated his fucking guts.

  Me: I fucking hate you. I can’t believe you played me like that and the fact that you put your hands on me, let’s me know that you just a trash ass nigga. I should have known better and that’s why Jaxsyn’s boss ass is going to fucking merk you.

  I pressed send on the message and then locked my phone back. Yes, I was speaking from anger and a confused heart.

  Picking my phone back up, I unlocked my phone and reread the message that I had sent him.

  “Shit,” I pouted, wishing that I could take the message back because I knew that last part was going to piss him off, especially due to the circumstances.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” I began to bite down on my nails as I thought of another text that I could send him in order to possibly save my ass.

  Instead of texting him back apologizing for my choice of words, I locked my phone back and sat it in my lap and focused on the road.


  Hearing the sound of my phone going off caused my heart to drop. I felt like I was having a mini heart attack. I was damn near scared to open up my phone and read the message that Whoodie had sent back.

  Inhaling, I held my breath as I unlocked my phone and went to the message icon. Seeing that it was Melo, I exhaled and opened up his message.

  Melo: Thinking of you.

  Reading over his message made me smile. It also made me think and compare the two of them. I had left Melo alone for a nigga that didn’t even have the balls to respect me, but what did I think I was going to get from his thug ass?

  Me: Wanna come over or meet in our spot?

  I sent him a text back, then zoned out as I drove to my house. I needed to keep my mind off Whoodie, so why not have someone to do it?

  Melo: Is your mom home?

  Me: Now, you know she is out somewhere doing God knows what.

  I texted him back as I pulled into my yard. It was the truth though. There was no telling where my mom was. She had been at home a little too long anyways. I knew that it was way past due for her to hit the streets again.

  Melo: Bet. I’m on my way.

  Me: Ok. Just let yourself in.

  After tex
ting him back, I got out of the car and entered the house. I went upstairs to my room and went into the bathroom to see how bad my face looked from Whoodie slapping me.

  Damn, I sighed as I let my fingers glide over the bruise I had on my face.

  Pulling out my drawer, I put a little powder makeup on it so that Melo wouldn’t be asking me questions, then left out the bathroom and went and had a seat on my bed.

  About fifteen minutes later, I could hear Melo’s car pull up in my yard and then I heard the front door close. Moments later, he was walking through my room door, in a pair of grey sweats, a grey hoodie and some Nike slides on his feet.

  “Why are you even up?” I asked him.

  We were both up like it was the weekend and as if we didn’t have school in just a few hours.

  “Shit, I couldn’t sleep. I got a lot on my mind,” Melo chimed as he walked farther into my room and found a seat next to me on the bed.

  “Yeah. I feel you. I have a lot on my mind too.” I sighed as a quick replay of tonight's events went through my head.

  Melo picked my head up and turned me to look at him. “You want to talk about it?”

  “Nah, I just want to lay down,” I told him truthfully.

  I didn’t want to talk to my ex about my new boy toy that was putting his hands on me, sleeping with other girls, and driving me wild. That was just a topic I would rather not discuss with him. All I needed from him, was for him to hold me tight in arms tonight as I fell asleep. For him to just give a sense of security.

  “I just want to lay next to you, if that is ok?” I looked him in his eyes and he tilted his head as he looked at me.

  Melo reached his hand out towards my face, and he let his hands caress the side of my face that held the bruise from being slapped by Whoodie.

  I didn’t want to but I flinched, which alerted Melo and he stood to his feet and grabbed me by my arm to yank me to my feet.

  “What happened to you?” He looked closely.

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.” I tried to walk away from him but he jerked me back causing me to fall into his chest.

  “Chyna, what the fuck. What is going on with you? You losing your damn mind right now. You out here letting someone put their hands on you?” he asked me in a heated tone, and what was I supposed to say?

  I mean, I could tell him the truth but lowkey, I was too embarrassed to. One being, that my feelings for Whoodie were what made me put Melo in the friend zone and I didn’t want him to know all of the shit I was having to put up with. Second, I was truthfully settling for less. I had downgraded.

  “Melo, it’s nothing. Now can we lay down, or you can go.” I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

  “I mean, it’s whatever. We can lay down but listen to me.” He cuffed my chin and raised my head to look at him.

  “Yeah, we just friends Chyna, but if you need me to beat a nigga’s ass for you, I got you,” he stated confidently, and I wanted to burst out laughing in his face.

  Yeah, Melo was that nigga at the school we went to but when it came to Whoodie, he was no match, because even though Melo would have thought they would box that shit out like normal people, Whoodie would just pull out a gun and shoot his ass. So yes, it was cute of Melo to say that shit, but it was all in vain because I knew that it wouldn’t be a fair fight.

  “I hear you Melo, but I’m tired.” I pulled away from him and got in my bed.

  Melo stood there shaking his head, then he slipped his shoes off and got in the bed behind me.

  “What do you two think you are doing? Why aren’t you at school?” My mother barged into my room and I popped up out of my sleep. Melo sat up too and he was looking like all the blood had drained out of his face.

  “Mom, why are you even trippin’? It’s Melo, not some random guy,” I told her.

  Any other time she wouldn’t even too much care. She loved Melo and me together.

  “Whatever, and that was before you felt like you could skip school every day. Get up and get dressed and go to school. The both of you,” she spat as she eyed me up and down, then looked over at Melo.

  The way she looked at him was weird as fuck and her whole attitude about him being here caught me off guard.

  When she slammed my door as if she was an angry teenager, I sighed as I picked up my phone and checked the time. Realizing that I had enough time to get dressed and make it to the first period, I locked my phone back so that I could get up.

  “What is her issue?” Melo asked as he got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  “I don’t know.” I rolled my eyes.

  I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth and Melo did the same. He had an extra toothbrush at my house from when he used to come over all the time.

  He had decided that he could wear what he already had on because he had slipped it on when he took a shower last night, and all I did was slip on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with a pair of black boots. I grabbed my backpack and jacket and we walked downstairs to where my mother was sitting in the living room.

  She had the ugliest look on her face. Like she was irritated about something.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?” I asked her as I held the doorknob, getting ready to open it. Melo was standing behind me, looking straight ahead as if he would get in trouble if he turned his head and looked at her.

  “Girl, get out of here.” She waved me off as if I had done something wrong.

  “And Melo, you can’t speak.” She looked at him and he stared blankly at her.

  “Hey Ms. Jade.” He quickly waved. He was acting really nervous around her like this was their first time meeting each other.

  “Hey Melo baby, and next time, speak.” She raised her eyebrow up at him and seductively spoke to him. Melo nodded his head slowly as he darted his eyes from her to me.

  “Uhm ok. Bye Mom. I’ll see you later.” I looked awkwardly at the two of them and left out the door with Melo damn near running me over me trying to get out of my house.

  “What the hell was that about?” I questioned him, and he shrugged his shoulders.

  He and she had never acted that awkwardly around each other and I wondered if it had to do with my dealings with a new man. I knew that my mother liked Melo for me. I just hoped that she wasn’t up to something or that she had him watching out for me.

  “Well, I guess I will see you at school.” I reached my car and rested against the driver's side door.

  “Ok. See you there.” He smiled at me and then headed for his car.

  As he looked back at me, he darted his eyes to the window then turned back around quickly. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and there peeping out of the window was my nosey ass mom, so I waved and she quickly closed the blinds.

  I shook my head and got in my car. I put my keys in the ignition and backed out of the driveway and began to follow behind Melo as he headed to school.

  I swear, I felt like my life couldn’t get any more complicated, but it had. The moment that I had let Chyna’s mom put my dick in her mouth, she had been sweating me ever since. She had been texting me letting me know how much she wanted my dick back down her throat.

  Her ass was an old freak and I couldn’t lie, she could suck the fuck out some dick, but I wasn’t trying to make it a habit. I wasn’t trying to go there with her again with the chances of me and Chyna maybe getting back together.

  When I texted Chyna last night, or should I say this morning, I wasn’t expecting her to text a nigga back. She was just on my mind and I wanted to let her know. But when she did text me back asking if I wanted to meet up with her, I jumped on that shit. Chyna was a cool ass female when she wasn’t on no dumb ass shit. And ever since we had started dating, I had only been around her moms a few times because her ass was always gone, and I had honestly expected for her to be gone when I came, but I got the surprise of my life when she walked up into Chyna’s room. I didn’t even know what to expect. I knew she wouldn’t say anything because then that would ruin her re
lationship with her daughter.

  But the shit was definitely fucking weird as fuck. I was sweating fucking bullets and my ass was nervous. If Chyna would have been close to me, she would have heard my damn heart beating as loud as a fucking drum.


  Hearing my phone go off caused me to look down and grab it out of my lap. Unlocking it, I read over the message and regret began to run through my whole body.

  Fuck. I shook my head as message after message began to come in on my phone. It was Chyna’s mom, expressing to me on how upset she was with me being there laid up with her daughter after what we had shared together. The shit was crazy as fuck to read because we didn’t even have a special moment. All she did was suck my dick and that was it.

  As I continued to read, the more and more my phone would go off. It was fucking blowing me. Like, what the fuck is wrong with her? I wondered.

  The last message that I received was the one that damn near made me run into a different lane.

  “What the fuck she meant by she’s going to tell Chyna?” I read over the message out loud.

  Looking from the road then back down at my phone, I tried to focus on both things. Quickly texting her back, I let her know that I would meet up with her later on.

  She had told me she wanted me to meet her after school at Vermont Hotel and that if I didn’t, she would text her daughter and let her know what me and her had done. That shit puzzled the fuck out of me because I didn’t think that she would do something so low like that, but I guess I was wrong.

  I mean, I had to remind myself that Chyna’s mother never really showed me that she cared about her daughter. She was always gone and Chyna basically did what the fuck she wanted to do. And honestly, her mother never really showed her motherly love. Well, at least I had never witnessed it, so I should have known that she wouldn’t care.

  The moment she stuck my dick in her mouth when she knew that I had and was fucking with her daughter, should have been my first sign that she didn’t give a fuck. I should have snatched my dick back and got the fuck out of there, but now the shit was already done. I couldn’t take it back and unless I wanted her to expose my ass to Chyna, I was going to have to follow her rules until I could figure this shit out.


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