Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 2

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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 2 Page 12

by Prenisha Aja

  “My name Bjay, by the way. What’s yours?” I opened my eyes and he was standing right in front of me.

  I blinked a few times as I looked at him. “My name is Chyna.”

  “Chyna, huh?” He rubbed his chin. “Well look. I’m going to give you my number and I want you to call me as soon as yo’ ass hit your front door, and don’t try to play me because trust, I’ll be seeing you around here again.” He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

  I looked down at his phone then back up at him. I gave him a faint smile then keyed my number and my name into his phone.

  “Thank you.” He grabbed his phone back and called my number.

  My phone began to ring inside of my car.

  “Save me as daddy because you’ll be calling me that soon.” He winked at me and walked off.

  Wow, I thought with my mouth wide open. I turned and watched as he walked to his car. I was still in disbelief at what he had just said to me.

  Getting in my car, I grabbed my phone and looked over his number. Sighing, I placed my phone down and headed home. I wasn’t really worried about a nigga right now because truth be told, I had enough shit on my plate.

  When I arrived home, I sat in my car and ate my cold ass food as I scrolled through Facebook and read over the messages that Whoodie had been sending me. He was pissed at me and I didn’t even care. I was so over him and the games he wanted to play.

  After eating, I got out of the car and went to the front door. Not being surprised by the fact that my mom wasn’t home, I unlocked the door and headed straight for my room. I wanted a long, hot shower, and to lay in my bed with the hopes that I could get some peace of mind because right now, I was going through so much.

  While I searched for me some clothes, I heard my phone go off. Knowing that it was most likely Whoodie saying even more disrespectful stuff, I sighed before I walked over to pick up my phone.

  I sat down on my bed and when I saw that it wasn’t Whoodie, I quickly opened the message.

  713-879-5484: I know I told yo’ ass to text me when you got home. I know it doesn’t take that long to get home.

  Rolling my eyes but laughing at the same time, I texted him back. Like who did he think he was?

  Me: I didn’t know I was on a time schedule. Maybe you didn’t give me enough time to text you back.

  713-879-5484: I gave you all the time you needed. That’s strike one. Text me when you wake up in the morning beautiful.

  I read over his text, shook my head and simply texted back ok. I could already tell that he was trying to run some shit, and I wasn’t having that. Tossing my phone back on my bed, I went and got in the shower.

  After I was done with my shower, I was now tucked in my bed, watching TV. I was trying my hardest not to think of Whoodie, but it was so hard. It was like I was hooked on his ass and I hated that shit. I just wanted to forget him. I wanted to go back to my life before I met his ass.

  Sighing, I shut my TV off, turned over on my stomach and called Melo. I knew that him lying beside me was the only way I was going to get some good sleep. I hated that I used him for my own personal reasons, but he let me and he never seemed to have a problem with it.

  Closing my eyes tightly as his phone rang and rang, I huffed once I reached his voicemail.

  Fuck it. I placed my phone under my pillow, closed my eyes tightly and forced myself to go to sleep.

  Somehow I found myself back in the same situation that I swore was going to only happen once. I was currently sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at my phone as Chyna called me. I had to ignore her call because what did it look like me answering and I was in a hotel with her mother.

  I thought that I was getting myself out of the situation by fucking her the last time but nope, that only made her have more shit to hold over my head. It was like I was steady giving her ammunition, for her loaded gun.

  “Who was that, my daughter?” She looked back at me as she stood in front of the mirror in the hotel room.

  Ignoring her, I shook my head because Chyna’s mother wasn’t right in the head. Yeah, she had some good pussy, but now she was on some me and her type of shit. She was saying how she never had dick so good before and she couldn’t picture herself leaving me alone, and that I had no choice but to leave Chyna alone or just deal with the both of us.

  That shit had disturbed me and I was on the verge of just going ahead and telling Chyna just so I wouldn’t have to keep fucking her.

  “Why are you so upset? You don’t like the way I suck your dick and fuck you?” She walked in front of me and stepped in between my legs.

  She allowed her hands to run up and down my back as she flaunted her nice sized breasts in my face.

  “Man, move.” I shoved her back. Not in a way that would hurt her. I just needed her to get up out of my face.

  “Melo, you act like I made you fuck me. You wanted to.” She seductively walked back over to me, unlatched her bra and let it fall the floor.

  Now with nothing but a lace thong on, she stood in front of me, grabbing on her breasts and twirling her hips in a seductive manner.

  “Melo, I just want to be here for you,” she moaned out. She reached for my hand and I pulled back.

  “Come on,” she began to whine as she climbed in the bed and straddled me.

  “I know you don’t want me to tell my poor little daughter that you are fucking the shit out of her mom, now do you?” She was now pushing me back onto my back and grinding her hips on top of my dick as if it was inside of her.

  Man, this is fucked up, I thought as she grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast. “How long are you going to keep this up?” I asked her, and she paused, bit down on her lip and pondered.

  “As long as I want.” She laughed, eased off the top of me and fiddled with the string inside of my shorts until she untied it. Once they were loose, she pulled my dick out and stroked it to life.

  I hated that my dick would betray my mind. It would do its own thing and come to life for her every time.

  “See, he knows what you really want.” She beamed.

  Mrs. Jade then slid my dick into her mouth, causing me to hiss and close my eyes. I was just going to enjoy this ride because there was no telling her no. Especially if I didn’t want her to expose me.

  The light snores of Jade and the numbness of my arm had woken me up. Easing my arm from underneath her, I looked at the time and saw that it was only six twenty in the morning.

  Slowly, making my way out of the bed, the feeling of her body moving caused me to pause and be still. Once I saw that she wasn’t waking up, I got out of bed and searched for my clothes that were scattered all over the place. Last night, well this morning was such a blur to me. The things that Jade had me doing to her body was one out of this world. The shit she liked was an all new experience for me. From sticking shit in her ass, while I fucked her from the back to her having me place these metal clamps on her nipples. She was into some weird, kinky shit and it was all new to me.

  Yes, I had fucked bitches in every position you could imagine but sticking shit in their asses and clamping shit on their nipples was all new to me and strange. But the way that she exploded on my dick had amazed me. It was like Jade’s kinky pleasure turned her on in ways that my dick alone could never do. I had to give it to her, her pussy was wet, tight and everything a nigga who wanted her would want. I didn’t want her and I had to figure out how in the fuck was I going to get myself out of this situation.

  I had finally found my clothes and managed to slip them on without waking her. Now, I was looking around the room in search of my phone. I needed to see if my mom had called me and also to see if Chyna may have hit me up.

  What the hell, I thought as I squinted my eyes. My phone was on her side of the bed, underneath her pillow. This bitch was making sure that I couldn’t go anywhere unless I wanted to wake her.

  Fuck, I exhaled as I paced back and forth with my hands on top of my head. I was trying to get
the fuck up out of here.

  Sighing, I went back around to my side. I laid back down and wrapped my arm around her. Doing exactly what I thought she would, Jade cuddled up underneath me, giving me access to grab my phone from underneath the pillow. With my phone now in my hand, I now had to figure out what I was going to do in order to get up out of here.

  As I laid there, I counted down the seconds, hoping that she would just turn over or get the fuck up and go to the bathroom

  God, please help me with this. I promise I’ll confess everything. I said a silent prayer to myself and just like that, it was like God answered it. Jade scooted off of my arm, flopped around until she got comfortable again then began to fill the room with her snores.

  Excited as fuck, I eased back out of the bed, slipped my feet into my slides, grabbed my keys off of the table and jetted out of the door. I left the door slightly cracked because I didn’t want her to hear it shut, then her crazy ass would wake up.

  I was damn near sprinting to the elevator. When I reached it, I quickly pressed the number one multiple times hoping that it would speed up the process.

  “Come on man,” I said out loud as I looked down the hallway, praying that Jade didn’t walk out of the room.

  Finally, the door opened, and I rushed inside as a black couple got off. I felt like I was running from the fucking cops the way that I was trying to get out of this hotel. As soon as the door dinged, I got off, darted out of the front doors and never looked over my shoulders.

  I was now in my car and I felt so relieved, but I knew that it wouldn’t last long because as soon as Jade woke up, she would be on her shit. She would be texting me, making threats about telling Chyna. I knew she would also follow through with setting up our next encounter.

  Starting my car up, I left out of the parking lot and headed home. While driving, I scanned through my phone, looking for Chyna’s thread, only to see that it was deleted.

  The fuck? I thought as I continued to scroll, because I knew that Chyna’s text messages should have been at the top. I clicked out of my messages, went to my contacts and Chyna’s name wasn’t even saved.

  The fuck did this bitch do? I questioned. She had deleted Chyna’s name out of my phone which left me to wonder what else had she done. Had she said something to her?

  Frustrated, I squeeze my phone tightly. I squeezed it so tightly that the screen cracked. Tossing the phone onto the floor, I sped home. When I reached my yard, I saw that my mom’s car was parked in its usual spot but there was another car beside hers which was my usual spot.

  Huffing, due to the fact that I was already aggravated, I just parked my car on the side of the road by our house and got out. Tired and wondering who was in my house, I walked inside of the house and there in the kitchen was my mom, singing, dancing and cooking breakfast.

  “Mom, whose car is that?” I asked her, and she stopped dancing. She froze as a blank expression was now on her face.

  She looked at me then she looked around, I guess waiting for whoever she had over to appear from around the corner.

  “Uhm Melo, let me talk to you,” she stuttered.

  “About...” I asked her.

  “Hey baby, is the breakfast almost done?” a deep voice asked from behind me.

  I turned slowly around and the person that was walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around my mother threw me for a whole loop. Like, was my mom seriously losing her fucking mind?

  She had to be, and there was no way I was going to stand for this shit. This man was a fucking murderer.

  “Why are you so beautiful?” Jaxsyn asked as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my lower waist.

  “My mama and my daddy.” I giggled, but Jaxsyn’s face went complete stale.

  “What is it?” I turned to face him. I placed my hands on his face and looked into his deep brown eyes.

  “Nothing.” He shook his head then walked away from me.

  The blissful feeling that I was feeling after the morning we had, was now turned into me being in my feelings. Like damn, how could somebody just switch like that, for no reason?

  “Seriously Jaxsyn, whatever.” I rolled my eyes and continued getting ready for work. I didn’t have time for his fucked up ass attitude right now. Especially since I didn’t do anything to him.

  Jaxsyn didn’t even respond to what I said; instead, he sat on the edge of the bed. Shaking my head, I finished brushing my hair out then picked up the Plan B box. I was supposed to take this pill last night but I was too scared to. In the back of my mind, I kept asking myself all of these what if questions. I had never taken one of these pills before and I didn’t know what it was going to do to my body. I didn’t even know if it was going to work.

  Spinning the box around in my hand, I opened the box and popped out the tiny pea-size pill and sat it on the tip of my tongue. I bent down towards the sink, cut the water on, and drank it. I swallowed the pill then rinsed my mouth out again to get the nasty taste out of my mouth from the coating of the pill.

  As I looked in the mirror, I turned to the side and began to picture myself pregnant. I even poked out my stomach as far as it could go, and I couldn’t do anything but laugh.

  Hell no. I shook my head at those crazy ass pregnancy thoughts and walked into the bedroom.

  “Jaxsyn, I’m ready,” I told him.

  I then grabbed my purse, my new phone that he had gotten me and walked out of the room. I didn’t need him saying anything to me. If that was how he wanted to act then cool. I wasn’t about to kiss his ass.

  “You ready?” he asked me once he got down the stairs.

  Annoyed, I rolled my eyes at him and left out of the front door, with him only a couple of steps behind me. Once we both got in the car, Jaxsyn took in a deep breath then looked at me.

  “I’m sorry Kaizlyn, it’s just some shit that I know but it’s not my place to tell you. I wish that I could because I don’t like not being straight up with you on some real shit.” He shook his head and now I was confused as fuck.

  “What are you talking about?” I turned and asked him.

  “You just need to talk to your grandma. That’s all,” he stated. He then started the car and pulled out of his yard.

  My brain was in overdrive. I wanted to know what he was talking about. I knew that me and my grandma were supposed to be having a talk about that guy but we never got around to do it. For one, I had been so far up Jaxsyn’s ass that I couldn’t even tell you what my grandma’s house looked like.

  I mean, I enjoyed spending my time with him. I didn’t have anyone else but I felt like it was now time for me to go home and chop it up with my grandma. We needed to get down to the bottom of all of the secrets and stuff that she was holding back from.

  “I’ll have my grandma pick me up tonight when I get off and plus, I have school in the morning anyway,” I told him as he pulled up to the front of my job.

  I didn’t even bother looking up at him as I reached for the door handle to get out. Jaxsyn grabbed me by the arm which caused me to turn and look at him.

  “Don’t be mad at me. This ain’t between us,” he stated.

  “You right, but the moment you decided to get an attitude about it, you made it about the two of us. I will call you when I go on my break Jaxsyn.” I then jerked away from him, threw my purse over my shoulder and walked into work.

  The first person to greet me was Mr. Thomas, smiling all hard and shit. I wasn’t in the mood to be extra friendly. I just wanted to do my job and pray that the customers didn’t get on my nerves.

  “Ten more minutes,” I whispered as I looked at the time on my register as I scanned the items for the little old lady.

  “You’re total is $50.42,” I told her as I began to bag her things for her.

  She smiled at me and pulled out her bank card. Her little old hands shook as she tried to put it inside of the chip e-reader, so I stopped bagging her things and helped her.

  “Let me help you.” I smiled and
walked around and stuck the card inside of the slot.

  “There you go.” I nodded, as I made my way back around to my area and followed the directions on the screen.

  “You can take your card out now,” I let her know as I continued to bag her stuff.

  Once done, I gave her, her receipt and placed her bags in her basket for her.

  “Thank you, sweetie. Have a nice day.” She smiled so widely that the wrinkles on her face scrunched up and caused her eyes to close.

  “You too.” I waved goodbye.

  Mr. Thomas was now making his way over to me and when I looked at the screen on the register, I saw that it was now time for me to go on break. I was thankful because my feet were barking and my head was spinning a little. I didn’t know if it was because I took that plan b pill or what, but I needed to have a seat as soon as possible.

  “You are doing really good,” Mr. Thomas stated. He then used his key that was connected to his belt loop and locked my register.

  “Thank God.” I placed my hand over my heart, relieved.

  I didn’t think that I was doing a horrible job, but I also knew that I was having a little trouble with the people that would come in with a million damn coupons wanting me to figure out what was free and what they had to pay for. My ass just wanted to throw all that shit in a bag and let them have everything for free. But thankfully, a chick by the name of Niecy helped me.

  “Well, you can go on break now. And make sure you come back on time.” He playfully nudged me and I laughed and nodded my head.

  I was now walking away from the register, excited to go in the break room and sit down and rest my feet until I heard my name being called.

  “Kaizlyn,” a familiar voice called out and even though a part of me said bitch don’t turn around, fuck him, I froze. I was stuck in my stance, scared to turn around and face him.

  It had been a while since I’d heard his voice or seen his face, and I didn’t know if I was even ready yet.

  Inhaling, I turned and there he stood. He hadn’t changed much. He still looked exactly how I remembered him too.


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