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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 2

Page 16

by Prenisha Aja

  Trey glanced briefly at her through the rearview mirror and nodded his reply. He parked curbside, and Star didn’t waste a second before letting herself out. With her purse in her hand, she reached inside and fingered the stack of money. She intended to give it to her grandmother to pay her rent after hearing that Roxy’s thieving ass was back to her old tricks.

  “I’ll be back,” she said and ran up the stairs leading up to the building.

  Kevia dipped her head slightly and took a seat on the front stoop to wait, her eyes watching the arrival of Disciples and Gangstress across the street. Blue and white colors flashed all around. It was like a family reunion as gang members linked up, smacking hands and bumping fists in greeting.

  When Star walked back outside, the sight of Kevia standing up, fists balled, with her narrowed eyes focused on something across the street put her on alert. She traced her stare and her neck stiffened when she saw Polo’s old flame.

  Tonya was standing right outside The Spot talking with Brenda and a few other Gangstress like she was still queen instead of the bitch who Star had dethroned. With her long mohawk freshly done and dyed a deeper hue of blue, she was radiant in her blue glitter sequined body suit glistening in the sunlight. Her stellar, superstar appearance made her the focus of all attention, just how she’d most likely planned it.

  She had been violated, but she was still a gangstress, meaning that she would continue to be a big ass thorn in Star’s side. The only way out was by death or once you were old enough to retire. Tonya was nowhere near retirement age, and, unfortunately, her ass was still breathing.

  “Well, look who it is,” Tonya enthused with a sly smirk, but her eyes were black as coals, smoldering with resentment as Star and Kevia approached her. “The queen…” The word was dripping in sarcasm as it rolled off her tongue. “… and her hood rat. How cute.”

  Star stepped up with her eyes pulled tight. She frowned deeply, her chin jutted high in the air.

  Star stutter stepped and turned in the direction of Tonya, giving her her full attention. Then she took off straight for her, calm but cool, the only hint of urgency was the sound of Star’s shoes scraping the concrete as she approached and stood directly in front of Tonya, face to face and pointed a manicured fingernail just inches from her nose.

  “Listen, bitch! You lucky to be alive. You could have been somewhere pushing up daisies, so you need to learn some respect, ’cause it still ain’t too late. I run the show now, and Polo wanted yo’ ass dead. You got a pass on the strength of me, but if you still got a fuckin’ problem with me, let it be known!”

  “I… I ain’t got no problem with you,” Tonya said and tried to smile, but her lips fidgeted the response.

  “Okay, then watch yo’ fuckin’ mouth or I’ll finish the job Polo started. Don’t forget that if it wasn’t for me, your bum ass would be dead.”

  Tonya’s fury was so unmistakable it seemed to circle around her in waves. She was livid, but she kept quiet, knowing that Star had all the power now. Briefly, she wondered if death would have been better than to live in a world where Star reigned supreme.

  “Also, don’t forget that this hood rat will beat your ass!” Kevia shot back through her teeth. “Now, play with it.”

  Tonya narrowed her eyes then submissively hung her head. Her deep, seething anger was about to get her killed. She needed to hold her tongue and play her role until the timing was right.

  She was a fellow Gangstress with no rank to speak of, which made her fair game.

  The sparkle of sunlight glistening across the windshield of a dark blue four door Porsche struck Star in the eyes, forcing a squint. Her lids shot open when she saw Polo’s car turn onto the street. He had made it clear that he didn’t tolerate drama unfolding around The Spot. Any activity on their block was sure to alert the cops.

  “Kee, let’s go. We ain’t got time for this.” Star observed her surroundings. Just that fast, they were starting to draw attention.

  “Star, you right, and I got to learn to respect things now,” Tonya evenly replied.

  For some reason, she could no longer look Star in the eye. Instead, she too glanced at Polo’s car then back at Star. The entire time, her mind was scheming and plotting.

  Revenge was a dish best served cold. She had read that somewhere, and her intention was to put it in full use, so she had to keep it together and not let her emotions get the best of her.

  “I still don’t understand why this chick is calling me a hood rat, ’cause bitch, I can fight,” Kevia snapped. She was in her feelings.

  “Kevia! Fall back!” a male voice called out.

  The voice belonged to Sloan. Star turned and watched as he stepped out of the passenger side of the Porsche while Polo rose from the driver’s seat.

  With his lip curled, he glared at Kevia as if disgusted by her. Then his eyes narrowed into slits when they finally settled on Star. For some reason that she couldn’t explain, she felt guilty in that moment—embarrassed even. She wished that she had stopped Kevia before she’d even gotten started.

  “You can’t even control these bitches?” he spat. The words burned like venom.

  “Everybody inside,” Polo ordered. “Now!”

  Silence hung in the air as everyone obeyed. The vibe transformed as tension set in. It was everything Star could do to try to hide her shame.

  “I’m sorry,” Kevia whispered.

  Star shook off her apology. “It’s not your fault.”

  Tonya stood back on the balls of her feet, almost glowing in satisfaction. Everything had unfolded according to her plan. Years of being with Polo meant that she knew what Star was now dealing with better than Star did herself. She was making moves to make her life just as hard as she knew it would be—preferably harder.

  In her mind, Star had no backbone. She was just a fat, weak bitch with a pretty face who Polo was wasting time with. It wouldn’t take long before he realized that Star could never be her replacement and gave Tonya back her throne.

  Chapter Three

  Chatter ensued as Disciples and Gangstress filed into the old, run-down duplex apartment building, the old trap house affectionately called The Spot. Many years before, Jimmy Johnson and other O.G. Disciples made millions within those same four walls, cooking up dope like master chefs. With the city’s top officials on their payroll, their only concern was how to clean all the money they were making; a good problem to have.

  These days, the trap was no longer part of that arm of business. Outside of being used as the G.D. hangout spot, The Spot was their official meeting place.

  “Everybody quiet down!” Sloan shouted above the noise.

  Standing in the center, Polo brushed his hand over his face in anguish, finding it difficult to mask his frustration. He wasn’t stupid; he knew that what had occurred outside was most likely started by Tonya. One look at her get up and smug expression told him that, but he couldn’t help but be livid at Star’s inability to handle something so simple.

  Polo vigilantly watched as she sauntered in, his eyes momentarily dropping to her voluptuous thighs. When he saw Kevia right behind her, his stare tightened and followed them both as they took their seats. He didn’t care that she was Sloan’s girl, there was just something about Kevia that he didn’t like. The fact that she had a cousin who was a Blood and other family members on enemy lines didn’t sit well with him. He didn’t trust her, and he didn’t like how close she was to Star.

  “Let’s get this shit started,” he said to Sloan, who nodded and strode over to the door. He glanced outside before closing it after making sure that everyone who needed to be inside had made it in.

  The space was filled to max capacity with Gangsters and Gangstress all sitting silently with their eyes trained on their leader. Outside, more than a dozen hittas surrounded the building and were also strategically placed on the block, ensuring their safety. To be caught up by the wrong crew when all the top leaders of the Gangsters organization were in one place would be the most
tragic mistake.

  Sitting in front of the group of Gangstress, Star tried to keep her composure, knowing every woman in the building was watching her closely. This was the first group meeting since the day she’d been made their leader, and many of them didn’t know much about her outside of witnessing the ass beating she’d handed to Tonya. They’d rode with Tonya for a long time, and, although they were sworn to back Star, many of them still held loyalty for Tonya in their hearts. She’d proven over time to be the boss bitch that the Gangstress needed for a leader. Whether Star could fulfill the role was a question that hadn’t yet been answered.

  “It’s gon’ be some changes ’round here,” Polo began, looking over the room as he focused in on the eyes scattered around him, making sure he was commanding everyone’s full attention. “As you all know, Star is the new queen. She’s replaced Tonya, and the past couple months, she’s been learning everything necessary to take on the challenge that her new position will provide.”

  Star’s cheeks burned as she felt eyes shift in her direction. Although she didn’t see her, she knew that Tonya was one of the people looking at her as well, and she could almost feel her hatred nipping at the back of her neck. Her ill emotions were just that palpable, but Star lifted her nose in the air, telling herself that it didn’t mean shit. Tonya was her subordinate now, and if she knew better, she’d keep her head low and be grateful to Star for convincing Polo to allow her to keep her life.

  “Brenda.” Polo called her name out forcefully but maintained his level volume. He wasn’t the type to raise his voice because he didn’t have to. There was just something about the way he spoke that caused everyone to jump to attention, and that’s exactly what Brenda did once she heard her name fall from his lips.

  “Yes?” she said and stood.

  Polo turned to her and spoke in an even tone with his hands clasped behind his back.

  “You’ll continue in your position as second in command under Star.”

  Swiveling in her seat, Star frowned and looked at Brenda who seemed just as confused and shocked as she was. She was Tonya’s best friend, which made perfect sense why she had been her second in command. But why in the world would he choose her for Star?

  Beside her, Kevia shifted uneasily, feeling slighted that the position hadn’t gone to her. Though she’d never mentioned it, she felt like Polo had something against her, and this oversight seemed to prove her suspicions to be true. It hadn’t been said, but it was understood that Kevia would be Star’s right hand because, as her best friend, that was just how things went.

  “Ki-Ki, you’ll be her Enforcer,” Polo continued, speaking to another girl who stood at the sound of her name being called.

  Star looked over at her, recognizing her as someone she’d seen around but not really knowing anything about her outside of that. Ki-Ki was cute with a doll face, but there was a wild, disheveled look about her that took away from any bit of attractiveness that may have made her a little easier on the eyes. A murderous chill that lived in her eyes. She was the type who lived and died by the gun. If a female version of Kato had ever been made, she was it.

  Although Star didn’t like the idea of another person she didn’t know being part of her most trusted companions, she couldn’t say that she thought Polo was making a bad choice.

  “And Kevia,” Polo began, leveling his attention on her.

  She stood with her chin up, forcing herself not to show how slighted she felt at being overlooked when it came to who Polo had chosen to be positioned at Star’s side. Her heart skipped a beat when he moved to stand directly in front of her, looking her over with a scowl on his face.

  “Yes,” she answered, standing tall and firm despite the uncertainty she felt inside.

  “Move to the back,” Polo spoke, his tone much more chill than before. “The first row is reserved for the Star, her enforcer, and her second in command. Neither of those are you. Now, move.”

  Kevia’s devastation could be felt by everyone in the room but none more than Star.

  “But, she—”

  “Somethin’ you wanna say?” Polo snapped, bearing down on her with malice in his eyes. It was a question but not the type that he meant to be answered.

  Taking the hint, Star ducked her head, recognizing that in this moment, he wasn’t in the mood to be questioned. The sound of an ill-suppressed chuckle could be heard from behind her, and it didn’t take a genius to know that it was Tonya. She was delighted by the sudden turn of events. Nothing else could have provided her more joy than to be able to witness Polo as he cut Star and her bitch of a friend down to size.

  As Kevia moved to take a vacant seat on the back row where Polo had ordered her to sit, he continued speaking, but Star couldn’t bring herself to listen. She became angry in the midst of her helplessness. Brenda and Ki-Ki took their position, one at each of Star’s sides, but she didn’t say a word. What could she say? Polo had made a decision and it was law; there wasn’t a thing she could do about it.

  Sloan watched the entire exchange with narrowed eyes, livid about the way that Polo was making an example out of Kevia. She was a live wire and never was one to back down from a fight, but her loyalty couldn’t be questioned; she would die before she allowed someone to harm Star. This wasn’t anything but a power play that Polo was making, and he didn’t completely understand why Polo was choosing to treat her in that way. He didn’t like it and would definitely address it later.

  “I’ll talk to him,” Star whispered to Kevia once the meeting was over. Glancing over at Polo, she made sure that he was still busy speaking to Sloan before she continued. “I don’t like how he did that, and I don’t want Brenda doin’ shit for me. I’ll talk to him tonight.”

  “Don’t bother,” Kevia said, shaking her head.

  Although Star may have thought she had some type of pull over Polo to make him double back on his decision, Kevia wasn’t convinced.

  “He doesn’t like me, never did, and we both know it. I’m just gonna play my position and keep my head down. I don’t need the drama,” she replied with a sigh. “Just keep your eyes on Brenda. I don’t trust her ass. I heard Tonya’s been staying at her crib. They still tight.”

  Nodding, Star cut her eyes over to Polo and saw that he was ending his conversation with Sloan. She pressed her lips together and gave Kevia a small, pitiful smile before watching her friend walk away alone. Star watched her leave, feeling like something had changed between them in that moment.

  “Brenda, I’ll see you at home, girl,” Tonya said from behind her. “We got a lot to talk about.”

  Switching her shapely hips from left-to-right, she waltzed by Star with a shit-eating grin on her face. She didn’t have to say a single word in order for her disrespect to be felt. Glaring, Star couldn’t help feeling like she wanted to reach out and snatch the blue weave right out of her head.

  Brenda wiped at her brow with the back of her hand and took a few steps forward until she was standing right beside Star. She didn’t need to acknowledge the slight glare in her eyes to know that Star had already marked her as someone who couldn’t be trusted. But Brenda took her vows as a Gangstress seriously and wanted to let it be known.

  “I know you don’t trust me, and to be real, I didn’t like you when you first came in, but I’m a Gangstress first and foremost, so I’ma do what I gotta do,” she said once Tonya had made her exit. “I take this shit seriously, and you can trust that, if nothing else.”

  Star didn’t say a word. She didn’t care what Brenda said, she wouldn’t give her shit that hadn’t yet been earned. With that said, Brenda walked away, and, after giving Star a respectful nod, Ki-Ki did the same.

  The once full room was now empty. Star fidgeted with her gold bangles as she anxiously waited for Polo to finish a conversation on the phone. Her gut twisted as she waited on edge.

  “Yeah, I’m leavin’ now, but thanks for that info, nigga. I’m happy to hear it,” Polo said and then stuffed his phone in his pocket. His eyes
found Star and narrowed as he focused in on her. A shiver crept up her spine as he headed her way.

  “When I make a fuckin’ decision, it’s done. There is nothin’ left for you to do but fall in line,” Polo snapped, speaking through his teeth. “Understand?”

  “I—I didn’t, I was only—”

  With an irritated wave of his hand, he cut her off, dismissing anything that she had to say.

  “I’ll see you at the house,” he said and walked out the door.

  Star frowned and rushed behind him. Outside of Polo’s, the only other car was Trey’s SUV, which was already full as they waited for him to leave.

  “I don’t have any way home,” she said. “I’m ridin’ with you.”

  “You gon’ have to figure somethin’ out because I ain’t in the mood right now.” He continued walking, talking to her from over his back. “All that I do for you, and you can’t even fall in line with the simple shit I ask. I don’t trust that chick Kevia—she ain’t right. Her cousin’s a Blood, and anyone can see that she’s jealous of you. You smart, but you’re young and naïve. You don’t see people like I see them. I’m tryin’ to protect your ass, and you stay yappin’ that bullshit ’bout it.”

  “What? That’s not true!” Star grabbed the car door, stopping him from closing it once he’d sat down in the driver’s seat. “I wasn’t tryin’ to make you mad, I just didn’t want Kevia to feel like—”

  “Oh, so now you’re more worried about her than me?” Polo’s nostrils flared.

  In front of him, Star batted her eyes, wondering how they had even gotten on this subject. She cared about them both… why was that so hard for him to understand?

  “You need to start cutting off communication with that chick. I don’t trust her, and it would fuck me up if anything happened to you,” he said, his tone softer than before. “You’re my world, Star. I only wanna see you happy and safe. Somethin’ ain’t right with that girl, and I know she’s your friend, but just trust me. A’ight?”


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