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Call of the Siren (Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy Book 1)

Page 12

by Jarica James

  "Alright, let’s go see the chimps, and then the otters. Then we should probably get back before dinner. I don't want to drive in the dark and not be able to see our shadow," Calev said, and nobody bothered to argue.

  "You had me at otter," I joked, happily walking ahead. We spent the next thirty minutes laughing as the zookeepers showed us the tricks they’d taught the chimps to perform, rewarding them with fruit. Then, I finally managed to drag the guys away to the otters. They had their own little river that they lazily floated around in. Surprisingly, the viewing window was empty, giving us the perfect spot to see them. I sat on the edge and watched them swim, squealing as the otters came to play with me. If I tilted my head, they'd mimic me, even swimming up and studying me or showing off for me.

  "Why is she so adorable?" Evander groaned, smiling down at me as I twirled for the otters and watched them swim in little circles to mimic me.

  "Don't be jealous I'm a badass sea witch, and you aren't," I said with a peal of laughter.

  I finally let them drag me away with the promise of a stuffed animal from the gift shop. By the time we walked out of there, I had a big stuffed otter, a new t-shirt that said 'Otterly Amazing', and a cute water bottle. Despite my protests that I could pay for it myself, Evander insisted, handing over his card before I could.

  Just as we passed the zoo gates, my guys a few steps ahead while I adjusted my hold on my souvenirs, a hand clamped around my wrist and yanked me away. My new gifts dropped to the ground, the bottle clattering loudly and causing the guys to turn as I was pulled around the corner. I tried to pull away, but the cold grip on my wrist felt like stone.

  "Don't fight me, I'm saving you from them," the man grunted, pulling me into a nearby set of trees, obscuring us from view. My panic surged through my body as flashes of Alistair flooded my mind.

  "Let me go, now," I said, trying to use my siren song, but my panicked mind was not letting me. I took a breath, knowing he wouldn't get far with me. I had a vampire and a tracking bear on my side. With that thought, a sense of calm washed over me. I wished I had powers like Calev, then I could escape, since my siren powers weren’t working for me. At that thought, a thin cloud of shadow surrounded me, leaving the guy sputtering awkwardly, but still not letting go. Using his surprise to my advantage, I brought my fist to his wrist, forcing him to drop my hand. Once I was free, I started to sprint back in the guys’ direction, running straight into Aeson’s arms.

  "Lennox?" he asked, confused. Realizing the issue, I mentally let go of the shadows I was apparently still using to cloak me.They dissipated as easily as they manifested, and I looked up to find Aeson's relieved eyes meeting mine.

  "Did you just control shadows?" Calev asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "And what the fuck just happened?"

  "A man dragged me away, saying he was trying to save me from you guys. My song wasn’t working, so I wished I had powers like Calev, and then I did. They weren't very strong, though," I explained as I tried to calm my breathing.

  "Let's go, but someone stay behind for Evander. He ran after you, but the crowd got in the way," Aeson explained, leading me to the car. The others joined us a few minutes later, Evander's fangs in full view as the silver danced in his eyes.

  "Who was he?" I wondered aloud, not really expecting an answer. "And what am I?"

  Nobody had an answer for me, all of us still shaken from the attack. The fact that they did it in a crowded place, and in broad daylight, baffled me. The reality of the situation hit me then, that I was no longer safe without the guys. I know they’ll argue if I say it out loud, but I really hate the idea of being a burden on them.

  "Can we just talk about why she has fucking shadow power now?" Evander said, looking pointedly at Calev, who refused to take his eyes off of the road.

  "We connected, that's probably why. It's not like I could have done it before. Plus, I tried to use speed and nothing happened, so it's not like it’s a latent power of mine. I've wanted to disappear plenty of times, trust me," I rambled on, taking the heat from Calev.

  "So, eventually you'll be able to control all of our powers?" Lachlan asked, looking from me to Calev.

  "I didn't feel a drain of power or anything, so it has to be something she's capable of on her end," Calev said quickly, pressing down on the accelerator and making a quick turn.

  "That's interesting. I wonder if you'll be able to shift?" Lachlan's voice was full of excitement now, but I just felt relieved they didn't call me a freak, or too much trouble to deal with, before kicking me out of the group.

  "We. Aren't. Going. Anywhere," Tristan said slowly, giving me an exasperated look. "Evander was just trying to figure it out."

  "I was. Sorry, Doll. It's just so odd, you're like a puzzle we can't figure out. A piece is missing or something," he said distractedly, running a hand through his messy black hair.

  "I don't know if that man was with the Citrine Knights, or not. What if he was sent by her parents or something?" Aeson asked as he bounced his leg up and down. Clearly, they were all freaking out a bit, but so was I.

  "There are just so many damn questions surrounding me. This is crazy," I mumbled, staring out at the town passing by as we made our way back to campus. "Is that car still following?"

  "No, I lost him at the traffic light with a well-timed turn. Don't leave campus without us, though, please," Calev said. He sounded more shaken up than I’d expected, which only made my nerves worse. "But now more than ever, we need to stay here and figure out your powers."

  "Agreed," we all said in unison. A shudder shook through me at the thought of strangers running tests on their newest mystery. Fuck that, I'd rather stay here and figure it out... and we will figure it out.

  "My otter!" I cried out, shuffling through the coats and bags around me. "Tell me someone grabbed him!"

  "We did, on our way back to the car," Evander said, grabbing the bundle of items off of the floor and tossing it back to me.

  "It was still an awesome day," I said, giving my otter a hug as I followed them out of the car. "We can just push the rest of it away for now. That's the healthy way to handle it," I joked as we walked back to the building. I spotted someone in the second floor foyer window staring at us, catching a hint of blonde hair before she backed away. Not wanting to freak out the others, I made myself think about something else, so they didn't pick up on it or hear it from Tristan. I didn’t want them to worry, and she couldn’t hurt me here.

  At least I hope she can't.

  May 1st



  Dhara had kept her distance so far, though being in the same classes made it difficult. She didn't try to approach me or anything, but that was probably because I hadn’t been alone since the attempted kidnapping. The guys updated their dean about it, sticking to their story about my powers not showing yet. Security floated around every time we went out now, but nothing had come to a head. It was like a huge storm was building, the clouds rolling in and rain starting to fall, and you're just waiting for everything to ramp up in intensity. That's how it felt around here, but everyone seemed content to ignore the tension.

  "Eat," Aeson said softly, pushing my plate closer to me. I frowned down at the eggs and bacon on my plate, no longer hungry as my mind kept reminding me of all the impending changes.

  "Do you want something else?" Van asked, looking down at my plate with a grimace. "They have french toast today."

  "No, I'm not hungry. I just need a minute," I said, pushing it away and walking out of the cafeteria. Nobody followed me this time, apparently picking up on the fact that I wanted to be alone. Plus, Evander could hear me yell and run out at lightning speed if he needed to. Vampire senses are handy.

  I stepped out onto the second floor balcony, needing to feel the morning breeze. The salty air tickled my nose as I inhaled, the spring warmth finally starting to come around. Yes! I am so sick of ice and snow. The Obsidian Sea stretched out below me, the islands in the distance so small, I could barely m
ake them out.

  "Nice view," Dhara's voice called out as the door clicked behind her. "I've been trying to get a moment alone with you, but clearly they're possessive. Supernaturals, am I right?" I snorted at her cheeky humor, hating that I liked her despite knowing why she was here.

  "What do you want?" I asked bluntly, not willing to play this whole small talk game with her.

  "I just wanted you to know that you have options. I was sent here to find a supernatural, but it seems they found you first. Which is not surprising. I know this is their area, but I don't think you belong here. I can't tell what you are though, so maybe that's why they haven't taken you off to their school already," she said thoughtfully, half reasoning it out with herself.

  "And what options are those? To go live in your oppressive territory that values purity?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as I turned to face her, bracing my back on the high railing.

  "Is purity so bad? Sure, the council says that it's a genetic toss up if the species are mixed, but with purity there's no guessing game. The Knights can help you find out what you are," she said, and I could tell easily that she believed every word she said.

  "And if I'm mixed?" I asked pointedly, realization finally dawning in her eyes.

  "Then you'll still be welcome. Once they pinpoint what you are, they would suggest you find someone of the same species for a partner," she said, like that took care of that matter.

  "And if I chose to love who I wanted?" I asked. Her eyes darkened for a moment as she fought with some kind of inner demon.

  "Then you'd be punished or exiled," she said quietly, shuffling her feet on the ground. "Maybe you shouldn't go there. Fuck."

  "I have my partners, and I don't intend to lose them anytime soon," I pointed out, relaxing now that she finally understood my hesitation.

  "Touché. They're definitely hotties, too," she said with a wistful smile. "My parents chose a nice guy for me, but I've been throwing myself into my work to avoid it."

  "So leave. You're eighteen, right?"

  "I am, but it's not that easy. I can't just give up my family," she whispered, not even surprised by my comment. She’s probably thought about it on her own before. I know I would’ve, if I was her.

  "Can I ask you something?" I finally had the courage to ask about the one thing that had been nagging at me since the guys explained the Citrine Island lifestyle.

  "Sure," she said, relief taking over her face.

  "If my parents chose to have me anyway, despite being mixed, and they were part of Citrine... where would they be now?"

  Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about my words, opening and closing her mouth several times as she tried to put it nicely. "Prison, most likely," she finally spit out, sighing in defeat. "Fuck, no wonder everyone hates Citrine."

  "For life?" I hedged, hoping to see if there was a deadline to their sentence. It was far fetched, but it gave me hope.

  "No, I think it's 25 years. They place any of the prisoners children with suitable families to help bring them back to the right way of thinking. Since most supes in Citrine marry at around 22, they’ll hold the biological parents long enough that they can’t influence their kids’ choices. By the time they get out, any kids they had are hopefully settled with a mate of the right species," she explained, sitting down with a huff.

  "How do you stand that? The oppression, and the lack of choice or free will?" I asked, sliding down to sit next to her.

  "It's home," she said simply, but those two words were dripping with a soft uncertainty that made her statement seem like more a question.

  "That's the thing about home. I've had one that lacked any sort of emotion. It's not really a home, it's just a place to live temporarily. Find your own happiness, Dhara," I said quietly, not wanting to be a bitch, but unable to empathize with this life that I'd never choose.

  “It’s not that easy,” she sighed in defeat, running her hands through her hair.

  “It’s not, but it might be worth it,” I offered, shrugging a little. I refused to give her a look of pity, I couldn’t fucking stand pity.

  "You're right. I've been so numb, just doing my duty and all that. I'll stick here until you guys move to the Island, then I can figure out what to do," she said, sighing again. Something in me wanted to believe her, but my cynical side warned me that it could be a trap.

  "Come on, we have class," I said as I stood up, reaching out a hand for her to take. She reached out and clasped my hand. After a few moments of our hands touching while she got up, I felt my powers slowly bubble to the surface, reacting to something within her. Why now? Why not when I ran into her before? Maybe the prolonged contact?

  "You're a siren?" she whispered in shock. Her eyes were wide, showing me her pale blue depths, full of confusion.

  "Why are you asking?" I said, dropping her hand and stepping back. She smiled before a flash of scales flared on her face in a mix of pink hues and silver. They disappeared as quickly as they came, her eyes lighting up in excitement as she jumped to her feet.

  "Do you have any idea how rare we are? My family was thought to be the last of our kind, but here you are!" she whisper-shouted, trying to stay quiet, but clearly too excited.

  "That's the issue, I know nothing about myself. And I'm not full siren, so don't get your hopes up," I said, trying to bring her excitement back down.

  "Doesn't matter. You're a siren at your core, your main power. This is so great!" She opened her mouth to continue, but her words were cut off by the door slamming open, and my five angry guys barging out.

  "Stop!" I yelled, but before the word even finished, Van had her pinned against the railing. To her credit, she didn’t look even remotely afraid.

  "We warned you," Calev said as he stalked closer, a layer of shadows surrounding us in a big bubble.

  "Listen, she's not what you think," I tried again, putting a hand on Van's arm.

  "You don't know how dangerous they can be, Doll," Van tried for a soft voice, but it didn't stop his tone from being harsh. Anger flared within me at their refusal to listen. I may be new to being a supernatural, but that hardly makes me an idiot.

  "I'm aware how little I know about this life, but I can still think for myself. You don't get to come out here and talk to me like I'm some stupid little girl. You weren't here this entire time I was talking to her, and I don't need bodyguards," I spat out, the familiar defensive hackles rising. His eyes widened as he registered my anger, hopefully realizing how pompous he’d sounded. This is Van, he doesn't think of you the same way your bullies did, I reminded myself, no need to push your anger on him.

  "Look, I'm sorry. I know you aren't a stupid little girl, I just know how these people are," he defended, letting her fall to the ground. Her face turned down in a scowl as she picked herself up and dusted off her uniform.

  "They'll never listen about me, it's fine," she said with a friendly smile, though her eyes were flaring in anger as she walked through the door, leaving us alone. When she was out of earshot with the door shut behind her, I turned to the guys, hands on my hips.

  "What the fuck?" I asked, eyeing each one of them in turn.

  "Fuck, why does she have to give us that look?" Aeson whined, clutching his chest like my expression wounded him.

  "The disappointed look hurts, babe," Tristan confirmed, wincing as he leaned against the railing.

  "Well, why did you come barreling out here like that?" I asked, throwing my hands up. "She was literally just giving her view on things. We had even come to an agreement. You guys even suggested I talk to her! You don't get to come barreling into my life and assume that I only get to see your side of things. For all I know, you could be the bad guys, not her. But either way, that's for me to decide."

  "She has a fucking point. Sorry, Little Psycho," Calev said with a groan, coming over and wrapping his arms around me. I deflated into his arms, not wanting to let my personal issues get in the way of my life with them.

  "So, what did she have to say?" Lachla
n asked, his tone now curious and lacking contempt.

  "She's a siren," I revealed first, and their eyes all widened at the unexpected announcement.

  "Impressive," Calev said, his warm breath tickling my cheek and sending a shiver down my spine. It's hard to think when they're this close.

  I did my best to summarize what Dhara had said, leaving nothing out. Maybe if I show them what she's like when she's on her own, they'll warm up to her a little. "Honestly," I finished, "by the time we finished talking, she pretty much said she thought I'd be better off here with you guys." Their eyes grew even bigger at the last bombshell. Well, surprise is much better than hostility. Baby steps...

  "She sounded more like someone fulfilling a duty and spouting what she’s been taught. She said they would take me in, mixed blood and all. They'd 'encourage' me to find someone of the same species and mate. Then, I pointedly asked about my parents, and she said they'd probably be in prison for a sentence of 25 years to avoid influencing their offspring before mating age. My questions got to her, she's never known anything else. I'm good at spotting liars, and she was telling me the truth. She said I'd be better off here with you," I explained, their faces looking even more shocked.

  "I'm still keeping an eye on her, just in case. But I trust your judgement, Doll," Evander said as he came over and kissed me on the forehead. "We have classes to get to, and graduation is in two weeks."

  "It all seems so pointless now. Staying for class and dealing with the mundane, when my parents are probably rotting away in a prison. I want to break them out." My voice was calm as I said it, finally voicing out loud what I intended to do. They don't get the choice to imprison people for love. Fuck that.

  "Break them out? What if they aren’t even there? You don’t want to get your hopes up, and you can’t say it so casually. You know prisons are guarded... right?" Aeson asked, laughing until he saw my face. "Fuck, she's serious."

  "Of course she is. Would you let someone you cared about rot for a few more years, just so you could avoid danger?" Evander questioned, looking far too excited about some bloodshed. "Does that mean we’re done with school?"


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