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The Fire Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic Book 7)

Page 14

by Chandelle LaVaun

  Amelia grinned and swirled her ballgown around. “It’s okay. Emersyn got me a lady to do my hair and makeup.”

  My mother recoiled like she’d been slapped. “Emersyn?” She looked at me with daggers in her eyes.

  I chuckled. “Yes, mother. Isn’t she the absolute worst?” I grinned.

  She narrowed her eyes. “And just where is she?”

  “I wanted to escort Amelia in, since you know, you weren’t there to do it.” I leaned in and whispered, “Guess I’m just used to that so I was prepared.”

  Her face paled. “Come on, Amelia, let’s go to our seats.” With that, she took Amelia and left me alone at the bottom of the stairs.

  “She hasn’t run off on you, has she?”

  I jumped at the sound of my father’s voice. I’d thought he’d gone to the table already. I cleared my throat. “No, somehow she hasn’t. She’ll be here in a moment, I’m going back up to walk her in.”

  “Good, that’s good.” He looked up the staircase and fidgeted with his golden cuff links. “I’m glad to hear it. Your mother will come around, son. We all have our own demons to slay, she’s working on it.”

  “Yeah, well I wish Emersyn didn’t suffer for it.”

  He sighed. “Me too. But she’s a firecracker, that one. She can handle it, even if she shouldn’t have to. I like her.”

  My face warmed and I had the awful suspicion I was blushing. “Um, thanks, Dad.”

  He nodded then started to walk away, but he paused at the last moment and squeezed my shoulder. “I’m proud of you son. I’m happy you’ve finally found the path that’s right for you, and the right girl.”

  I opened my mouth then shut it again. Well…shit. Heat rushed to my cheeks then spread down through my body. My dad just smiled then walked away. I stared at the ground trying to figure out where the hell that came from when a fire lit up my chest. I hissed through the pain and rubbed over the spot.


  My stomach filled with butterflies and my pulse skipped around. I moved to the center of the staircase to go up and meet her when there was a loud gasp behind me. I glanced over my shoulder only to find every single person in the gala was staring at something behind me. Their jaws hung low and their eyes were wide. No one moved or made another sound.

  I frowned and turned to see what they were looking at and my breath left me in a rush. My body froze in place. My heart thundered in my veins, drowning out the soft music in the background. My chest tightened and I knew I wasn’t breathing, but I suddenly seemed to forget how.

  Emersyn stood at the top of the grand staircase looking like an absolute angel. The light from the foyer created a golden halo effect so she looked like she was dropping in right from the heavens. The room filled with warmth from the presence of her magic. The magic orbs dropped a little lower and my pulse skyrocketed.

  Her platinum blonde hair was tied up in a low knot, just like Amelia’s and I had a feeling that wasn’t a coincidence. Her lips were ruby red and her eyes lined with a perfect black that made her golden eyes look like pure sunshine. Her dress made her look like she was floating on air. It was the same color as her skin and made of tulle. It cinched at the waist then flowed out around her. There were crystals covering the top then faded away below the waist and over her shoulders, like someone had poured diamonds over her head and they clung to the gown. The neckline cut low all the way down to her waistline, revealing the bare curves of her chest.

  All of that I noticed in the back of my mind in little snapshots I’d remember forever. But my attention was glued to the little heart-shaped crystal right in the center of her chest, on perfect display by the deep cut of the gown. Her soulmate glyph. I’d known it was there, I’d seen mine every day. Yet I’d only seen hers once or twice, and never like this…like she was proud to be showing it. Ever since that crystal mark had appeared it was a bright sky blue, but tonight as she descended those stairs like the goddess she was, it was a shimmering lavender. I had no idea what that color meant, but the sparkle in her eyes as she looked at me took my breath away.

  She took a step and her dress parted on the side. A brown cowgirl boot popped out and the crystals twinkled like stars in a black sky. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. She was strength. She was beauty. She was everything the Empress was supposed to be and more.

  And she was mine. I’d never thought I was good enough for her. I hadn’t done anything to deserve her. But right then and there I made a promise to myself to make sure I did every day going forward.

  With each step she took the flames on the candles burned bigger and brighter, like they were begging for her attention. I felt the crowd’s eyes on my back but I paid them no attention. I would’ve loved to see their faces as she made her grand entrance, but nothing beat the view in front of me.

  I held my hand out for her as she got to the bottom.

  She put her hand in mine and gave me a smile I’d never forget. Her cheeks flushed a soft pink and her eyes sparkled. “How do I look?”

  “Like a dream come true.”

  Chapter Thirty


  “Oh, Deacon…” She blushed bright red.

  “You’re perfect,” I whispered as I leaned down and kissed her cheek. When I pulled back there was a twinkle in her eyes that I never wanted to leave. I grinned and took her hand in mine. “You ready for this?”

  “I’d rather be fighting demons.” She chuckled and shook her head. “And there’s a line I never thought I’d say.”

  I laughed. “Won’t tell anyone how much you secretly enjoy slaying demons.”

  She smirked. “The question is, are you ready for what’s behind you? Because everyone is staring at us.”

  “No, love, they’re staring at you.”

  But even as I said this I braced myself before I turned around and found each and every witch of New York staring at us with their jaws hanging open. I kept my smile in place as I led Emersyn around the tables toward ours up at the front. As we passed, each group began to whisper and point. But as we got closer to our table at the front I spotted someone I’d completely forgotten existed for a moment.


  She sat sideways in her chair watching our every step with a nasty snarl on her face. Her ginger red hair was styled to the side in lose curls. Little white pearls were pinned on one side. She wasn’t looking at me. She was glaring at Emersyn. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the way she pursed her lips and one eyebrow arched. She crossed her arms and a little bit of panic rippled through my body. I knew her enough to know she was going to try something and I owed it to Emersyn to try and prepare her.

  “Hey, I know this isn’t the appropriate time to say this,” I whispered into her ear and slowed our pace just a tad. “But that first night, after we killed that demon and you went to your room, I went to Caroline’s place.”

  Emersyn stiffened a tad. “Keep talking.”

  “I only went over to confront her for her actions. I yelled at her. She may have taken off her robe and tried to seduce me with black lingerie, but I promise you nothing happened. I was there maybe two minutes, and only to yell at her.” I looked down just as she narrowed her eyes. “Regardless of what she may tell you, I have never touched her in any way. I’ve never been with her. I should’ve made this clear before now.”

  I held my breath as we walked, waiting for her to respond.

  To my surprise she smiled and looked up at me. Just when I was about to ask if she’d heard me, she kissed my cheek. “Thank you for telling me. I know you’re not the type to be unfaithful, but I still appreciate you letting me know.”

  “You’re incredible, Miss Bishop.” I smiled then frowned as something occurred to me. “Is it weird to be known as a Bishop now when you were a Howe your whole life?”

  She opened her mouth then frowned. “You’re the first person to ever ask me that, including myself.”

  I nodded as we approached out table. “So, I guess that’s a no.” />
  She shook her head and giggled. “Guess not.”

  Suddenly my mother was standing right in front of us. Her black velvet mermaid gown made her look sinister and mean. Which, despite her actions, weren’t words I would ever use to describe her. Her cheeks were flushed and her sapphire eyes sharp. “You didn’t tell me she was your soulmate,” she whisper-yelled at me.

  “I told you we were a package deal, mother.” I leaned forward. “That should’ve been enough. Come on, Em, let me introduce you to everyone.”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to the table with a big smile on my face. “Good evening, everyone. I’d like you to meet Emersyn. My soulmate.” I couldn’t lie, saying it out loud like that did weird things to my insides. I felt like I was flying.

  Emersyn smiled and bowed her head. “Hello.”

  One of the downsides to your parents being Majors and Minors were that we were always sat at the largest table. The rest of the ballroom were separated into groups of ten, but we sat at a massive square table for twenty. Lucky us.

  I pointed to the first person on my left. “Of course you’ve met the charming Fitzgerald children, next to them are their parents Oliver Sr and Ornella. Then we have one of New York’s Aces, Thomas Plant. You’ve met Scarlett, beside her is her mother Patricia. Then we’ve got the Kincaids, Kurt, Sandra, and Noah.”

  “Wow, so many,” Emersyn whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

  “The dashing Westwoods, Liam and Henry.” I took a deep breath to make sure my voice came out friendly. “Caroline Davenport you met, of course. These are her parents Major Marshall Davenport and Lead Page Claudia.”

  “Hello, everyone.” Emersyn smiled and waved. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Amelia grinned. “Emersyn you look amazing! Like a princess!”

  Caroline scoffed. “Like Princess Anna maybe.” That daft bimbo, she mumbled under her breath.

  Em pursed her lips then nodded. “I do love sandwiches and snowmen. Guess that makes you Kristoff?”

  “I have always wanted a pet moose.”

  Emersyn giggled. “We are not naming our future children Sven.”

  “Oh, come on!” I laughed and pulled both seats out.

  “Em, will you sit next to me?” Amelia patted the empty chair beside her.

  “I’d love to.”

  Perfect. We can box her in. I waited for Emersyn to take the one beside my cousin then I sat down. Once seated I reached under the table and took her hand in mine. She was handling this like a pro so far, even with Caroline’s outwardly aggressive demeanor. It shouldn’t have surprised me, I knew she was amazing.

  Marshall Davenport cleared his throat and leaned forward. He sat on the corner next to my father. He smiled. “Emersyn, we didn’t get a chance to meet the other night in Central Park. But I wanted to personally thank you for your assistance.”

  Claudia, the Lead Page and a remarkably talented witch, nodded. “Yes, same here. That was quite the job well done you two.”

  Emersyn blushed, always the humble one. “Thank you, I’m just glad we were able to get to Sofia before it was too late. How is she doing since? I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like for such a young girl.”

  Claudia shuddered. “She is lucky the two of you were here.”

  Marshall smiled. “She’s doing pretty well, considering. The healers have been checking on her almost hourly to make sure she is healing all around. They’re not here this evening, they want to keep her home a bit longer.”

  Emersyn nodded. “Would it be possible to see her before I leave town? If it’s not too much an imposition.”

  My father grinned. “Emersyn, that is a wonderful idea. I’m sure she would like that very much. Amelia would you like to come with?”

  Amelia sat up straight, like she was surprised to be spoken to. “Yes, please.”

  “Yes, I like that idea as well.” Marshall took a sip of his drink then licked his lips. “And on that note, Heather, I think we should get this gala rolling. Shall we?”

  My mother took a deep breath then nodded. “Very well.”

  Marshall stood and stepped away from the table with Claudia’s wand in his hand. He waited for my mother to catch up then let her lead the way to the middle of the dance floor. Conversations around the room stopped the moment they walked out. Everyone turned in their seats and watched with riveted expressions.

  Emersyn’s grip tightened on my hand. I rubbed my thumb in circles on the back of her hand, wishing I could do more. For me, this gala was nothing new. The witches of New York loved black tie affairs and jumped at every single occasion to have one of these. Thanks to my parents positions, I was used to being in the spotlight. Emersyn on the other hand was not. Even within The Coven, despite being the Empress, Em was overshadowed by Tegan and Tennessee. Which, I happened to know, Emersyn loved. She hated being the center of attention.

  And it was a breath of fresh air from the girls I grew up around.

  Marshall cleared his throat then held Claudia’s wand up like a microphone. “Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us this very special evening.” He turned to my mother and handed her the wand.

  She took the wand and smiled. “This summer we were shaken up a bit to know that this was the year that Salem’s Prophecy returned to our doorstep. I know we’ve all been frightened and worried about our future, it seemed like the day would never come. Tonight, we are here to celebrate with each other the victory The Coven gave us.”

  The crowd cheered and clapped their hands. They looked to each other and nodded with big smiles.

  “Now I know that for our small society up here in New York, far from Eden, most of us have never had the opportunity of meeting any of these amazing witches in The Coven. We’ve never been able to look them in the eye and thank them for the job they do for us, to keep us safe. But tonight, that changes. Tonight, we can honor them in person, in our own way.” My mother looked over at me and smiled. “Somehow, by the grace of the Goddess, my son Deacon was chosen and given the great honor of becoming the Devil Card. Son, please stand.”

  Here goes nothing. I cleared my throat and stood. I smiled at the crowd, but I refused to move until my other half was called upon. Fortunately, my mother continued right away. She was an excellent actress after all, it was part of the job description.

  “Now, I know I wasn’t able to keep my mouth shut for the past few months about Deacon, and I told everyone.” She chuckled and the crowd laughed with her. “But what you don’t know is that the beautiful woman beside my son…is actually your Empress.”

  The entire crowd gasped in perfect synchronization. Some of the people in the back actually stood to try and see her. Scarlett choked on her champagne. Olivia’s face turned sheet white. Liam, Noah, and Oliver all exchanged terrified and shocked expressions – like they were instantly concerned about retaliation. The other adults at the table stared at her like she was a unicorn.

  “What?” Caroline spat. Her face turned red.

  “Enough, Caroline,” Claudia hissed.

  Emersyn stood up beside me, wearing a shit eating grin – like she’d been waiting for this moment.

  “Deacon, Emersyn,” my father leaned forward and hissed. “Go up there.”

  I took Em by the hand and led her out to the middle of the dance floor to where my mother and Marshall stood. Then, to make sure no one was confused, I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her close.

  “I’d like to formally introduce you all to our Empress, Miss Emersyn Howe Bishop.” Marshall gestured toward her with a big smile on his face. “Tonight, we’re blessed to have the two of you here with us so that we may thank you the only way we know how – a giant party in your honor. We can’t even begin to thank you, and your Coven-mates, for saving all of us.”

  The crowd went absolutely nuts. Everyone stood and clapped. They whistled and hollered the way only New Yorkers could. For a moment, I was stunned. I hadn’t prepared for this moment, my thoughts had bee
n on Emersyn’s experience, but now that it was here…it was overwhelming. Everything had happened so fast since I was Marked that I hadn’t really paused to think about it. Now that I did…it took my breath away.

  We really did do it, didn’t we?

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I wasn’t sure if everyone or anyone else noticed Deacon’s magic floated through the room. I saw it clear as day, his red mist really stood out. But not a single person looked alarmed. No one even glanced at it. Either he was making them not see it, or it was like those creatures in the Park that only we could see. It was only then that I realized all of my experience with Coven magic was with The Coven.

  Maybe no one else could see this colored mist. I made a mental note to ask Tennessee. Then I made a mental note to remember that Timothy was our Leader, not Tenn.

  I also wasn’t sure why I thought things would get easier once everyone knew I was the Empress. If anything…it was worse. Deacon’s six friends who were seated at our table only looked at me to glare. They kept typing on their phones then glancing to each other and giggling. I wasn’t foolish enough to think it wasn’t about me.

  After about an hour I’d gotten up to check out the caviar bar – because Royce told me if there was one I had to go to it. Deacon had been pulled away by someone and sitting there without him was unbearable. Except when I got there everyone dove out of my way like I was a great white shark swimming too close to shore. No one would even speak to me, let alone make eye contact. I didn’t want to be feared, I wasn’t my sister. To make matters worse, I didn’t even know what caviar was, let alone why there was a whole bar with all kinds of sides. And an ice sculpture in the shape of a pentacle. I’d managed to stand there for about two minutes before I couldn’t handle looking dumb any longer.


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