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Real Vampires: A Highland Christmas (The Real Vampires series Book 14)

Page 11

by Gerry Bartlett

  “I doubt Lady Campbell knew what she was unleashing.” Valdez waved a man over. “Fred, is there a local witch here? One who is strong and loyal to the Campbells?”

  “Aye. You think this one is here to cause trouble?” Fred glanced at me and tipped his cap. “Madame Gloriana. I’m cousin to Fergus. He says you have been very kind to his lady Maggie. I was that happy to see him bring home a woman he will marry and them with a bairn on the way.”

  “Yes, Maggie is a good woman. He’s made her very happy.” I found a smile for the big man. Another shapeshifter. “We realized this witch was working a spell on Master Jeremiah. We don’t know what to do to break it. This is very important.”

  “I’ll run get the witch Gertrude. She’ll know what to do.” He took off fast.

  “My hand is growing hot like it’s on fire. I think this witch is managing to do a spell anyway.” Valdez turned to me. “Do you know how to do the vampire trick where you freeze a person in place, Gloriana? We could really use it now.”

  “I haven’t tried it. It’s something I hate so much when it’s done to me, that I never wanted to learn it.” I realized how foolish I sounded. How was I going to take blood from someone once we left here if I couldn’t freeze them in place? I’d certainly watched Jeremiah use it on mortals when he’d taught me how to hunt. Of course I could do it. But to a witch? One look into those strange, evil eyes and I wondered if she could hurt me instead.

  “If ever there was a time to try it, this is it.” Valdez turned Alyse to face me and lifted her chin. When she closed her eyes, he even forced her eyelids open with blunt fingers, even though whatever she was mumbling behind the rag in her mouth made him hiss with pain. “She is still making my fingers burn. Hurry!”

  “Just try to keep her eyes open. Since she is resisting, that must mean she thinks I can make her stay in place with my power.” I stared into her eyes. Freeze. You cannot move or speak until I release you from my control. I said it over and over until I realized it had worked. She was unmoving, stuck and unable to murmur a spell behind the rag or wiggle a finger or toe. I’d done it!

  “Good job, Gloriana.” Valdez looked over his shoulder. “Here comes Fred and the other witch now. We can only hope she knows how to take the spell off of Jeremiah. Or force this one to remove it.”

  I admit I was startled at the look of the witch who hurried next to Fred. She could have been a twin to Goodwife McLean. She was a sturdy woman with neat gray hair covered with a lacy cap. Her brown dress was ordinary with a dark wool shawl around her shoulders. She would certainly blend into the crowd cheering as the men danced and pranced with grace around their swords, the bagpipes wailing.

  I took a moment to watch Jeremiah, clearly the most expert at the game, if you could call it that. He held his hands above his head, his face intent as he leaped over the sword at his feet. I’d never thought of him as graceful, but he surely was as he turned and leapt again to match the man across from him. Gods, but he was handsome. I had to get this red-haired witch away from here and make him only mine once more.

  “Madame, Fred tells me you are in distress.” The witch curtsied, as if I was part of the clan ruling class.

  “Thank you for coming, Goodwife Gertrude.” I gave her my own curtsy. I had no pretense of being any more than a lucky woman who had fallen in with one of the leaders of this clan. “This female has somehow used a potion or spell on Master Jeremiah. He was staring at her like she was the love of his life not moments ago. She is also doing something while we hold her, burning my guard Valdez’s hand. We think she must be a witch. She threatened to turn me into something else, even bragged about it.” I took a shaky breath and saw Gertrude give the other woman a searching look and sniff the air.

  “I admit I am desperate, Goodwife. Can you tell us what you think she’s done? Is she truly a witch? Or has she just bought something to trap my lover in her spell?”

  Gertrude marched up to Alyse, her nostrils quivering. “Witch? Hah! She carries the taint of the dark arts but is a mere acolyte. Been visiting where you shouldn’t, haven’t you, girl?” She jerked the cloth out of Alyse’s mouth. “I see Madame Gloriana has a talent of her own. Would serve you right if we left you frozen like this until next Yuletide. We’d find your bones in yon forest, gnawed on by woodland creatures. How would you like that for your fate?”

  Alyse couldn’t move, but I looked into her mind and saw stark fear. Good for Gertrude that she’d thought of that threat. It was even better than the idea of being sent to Edinburgh and a tribunal. Accused witches had been known to escape from the dungeons there. But to be stuck like she was now? Frozen in place and helpless to move? I knew how that felt and it was the worst feeling in the world. I probed more, trying to find out if she’d been sent by someone. It was as if she’d been bewitched herself and I had no luck getting past her terror.

  “Where did you get the potion you used on Master Jeremiah, girl?” Gertrude was in her face. “How did you apply it?” She suddenly grabbed Alyse’s hand and tore off her glove. Gertrude showed us a slit in the fabric. “Very clever. A prick with her fingernail.” She brought it to her nose and smelled it. “I recognize this potion. You’ve been to see Red Mary, haven’t you?”

  If Alyse could have moved, she would have run away screaming from the look on Gertrude’s face. Even I was recoiling from the hatred in the witch’s eyes.

  “Do you have any idea about the true nature of the woman you chose to conspire with?” Gertrude gripped Alyse’s shoulders and shook her. “She is straight from hell, girl. She would love nothing more than to send you there to wait for her. You may have given her coin but she is not done with you. Some night she will appear next to your cot and demand another payment. Believe me, it won’t be a simple favor. It might be your first child, your own life, or the life of your best friend or loved one.” Gertrude threw Alyse away from her and the girl landed in the snow, still unable to move. “Pah, this is hopeless.”

  “Hopeless? What do you mean? Surely you can save Jeremiah from whatever she did.” I didn’t want to get close to Gertrude when she seemed beside herself with fury, but I stepped up to her anyway. “Tell me, what can we do?”

  “Read her mind. I need to know if she told Red Mary Jeremiah’s name. That’s the first step.” Gertrude walked over to the food table and picked up a mug of ale. She drank thirstily.

  “I already tried and got nothing.” I hated to admit that.

  “Try again. We need to know. I will pick her up.” Valdez had watched all of this with a hand on his dagger. His animosity toward witches was easy to read on his face. He’d sent Fred on his way, though the shifter had been curious. Now Valdez bent over Alyse and stood her on her feet.

  “Gertrude, will it help if we clean off that fingernail with snow? Will that remove the potion so she cannot infect anyone else with it?” Valdez was being very careful not to touch Alyse’s hands.

  “I must remove it. You are wise not to touch her finger.” Gertrude brought over the mug of ale. She muttered words and waved her hands over it.

  To my shock, the ale bubbled and spilled over the edges of the mug as if it was boiling. When Gertrude decided it was ready, she plunged Alyse’s hand into it. It must have been hot because we could see a shock wave go through the girl’s body when her fingers hit the liquid. Gertrude said a few more words then pulled out Alyse’s hand. Her fingers were bright red and her nails were black. I turned away, my stomach rebelling.

  “There. The potion is gone from her fingers. I will have to look at Master Jeremiah to see if there is any left inside him.” Gertrude ran her hands over Alyse, starting at the top of her head then moving down her body. “This child has a lot to learn. I will try to save her, but she may be too far gone.”

  “You mean that evil witch may have her in her power?” I had no idea such things existed. But why should I be surprised? Certainly I knew vampires made other vampires and then expected them to become slaves to them. Jeremiah had told me that. I had be
en lucky in my sire, that he loved me. If I wanted to leave, I was sure he would let me go, but I couldn’t imagine that happening. I wasn’t a slave, but tied to him by my own love. Was that any different? Had I become a slave to my feelings? I shook my head. This was foolish thinking. Witches were different with their potions and spells.

  “Still under Red Mary’s control?” Gertrude kept her eyes on Alyse. “It is possible. Let her free from your spell, Madame Gloriana, and I will see how this goes.”

  “Very well. But Valdez is watching her closely. If she attacks either of us, be prepared for the consequences.” I was sure Valdez wouldn’t hesitate to use his dagger. He’d obviously been itching to during this confrontation.

  Now all I had to do was figure out how to let the mortal free. I looked into her eyes again, touched her arm, the one with those horrible fingernails, then told her she could move again. To my relief, Alyse finally blinked and shook out her hands. Then she bent her head and wept, deep sobs that would have made me feel sorry for her if she hadn’t gone after my man.

  “What have I done?” Alyse looked up at Gertrude. “I admit I was afraid when I went to Red Mary. She is terrifying. She lives in a hut in the forest. There are animals everywhere. She calls them her babies. Babies!” Alyse shuddered. “She told me what to do to make a man mine. I decided on Jeremiah Campbell as soon as I saw him.” She glanced at me. “He is so handsome, rich and heir to the clan.”

  “But he is taken, Alyse. Why can’t you get a man without this trick? You are beautiful. Surely witchcraft wasn’t necessary.” I hated to admit that, but it was the truth.

  “I am three and twenty and my family has no money. My father has gambled away everything and I am forced to live with cousins. No man wants to tie himself to a woman with a father like mine. I was desperate. Yes, men have wanted me.” She looked down at her ruined fingernails. “I, I even fell in love once. I gave myself away then he left me for a woman with a handsome dowry and virtue.” She hid her hand behind her back. “You see why I had to resort to sorcery?”

  “Not with someone like Red Mary.” Gertrude took her arm. “Come with me. I will hide you with a cloaking spell while we figure out what to do next. You are not safe until we deal with this.”

  “Wait!” I looked into Alyse’s eyes one more time. She’d told the truth as she knew it but there was a fog, a dark cloud that made me wonder what else she hadn’t said or remembered. Finally I dug in my pocket and pulled out a gold piece. Jeremiah had given me a heavy purse for my own use and I knew this was a good time to use it.

  “Thank you, Goodwife Gertrude. When will you come back to help me with Jeremiah?” I pressed the coin into Gertrude’s hand.

  “Right away.” Gertrude frowned at Alyse. “If I could trust this one…” She shook her head. “I must see to her first, and then I will be back. The men are going to dance once more. Go, watch the dancing. We must hope he doesn’t ask for Alyse. It could be the spell has worn off.”

  She frowned down at the gold. “Thank you. I owe the Campbells a good deal and shouldn’t take payment, but I need the coin. I am afraid anything Red Mary makes is not a simple spell. Something brought this girl to Castle Campbell and I doubt it was mere chance.” She took Alyse’s arm and led her away from the clearing then stopped and looked back.

  “I will return, Gloriana.” She nodded at Valdez. “I know you don’t trust me, shifter. I understand. You are wise to be cautious. Know this: I am in the Campbells’ debt. They allow me to live here without fear in a time when witches are hunted and put down like rabid dogs. I will always be grateful for this safe haven.” She squeezed Alyse’s arm until the younger woman yelped.

  “You have endangered me with your actions, girl. If it comes to a choice here, the Campbells have my loyalty. I will always protect them with my magic and mean them no harm. Madame Gloriana, you are now one of them so you can be at ease with me.” Gertrude looked toward where the men had started the new dance. “Red Mary? She might have had a dark reason for allowing this chit to buy a potion intended for Jeremiah. That’s a worry. In fact, it’s possible Red Mary may have been hired by someone to set all of this in motion. Does Master Jeremiah have an enemy who might have used the witch for his own reasons?”

  I dragged my gaze from Gertrude to where Jeremiah shouted then picked up his sword to raise it to the sky before he danced in a circle again. Did he have an enemy? A handsome man with only one eye came to mind. It would be just like Devlin to turn to the dark arts for help in his quest for revenge.

  “Yes, Jeremiah has enemies. Bold ones. Please hurry back, Gertrude.” I sighed. “I will be waiting for you.” I moved toward the clearing. Would my lover be glad to see me? Or would he be eagerly looking for a red haired vixen? I would soon know.


  The sword dance ended with wild applause. The men slapped each other on the back then picked up their swords. The shapeshifters and mortals headed for the refreshment tables and the goblets of strong drink there. Jeremiah and his brother Brian looked around for a willing blood donor. Obviously the exercise and approval from the crowd had made them thirsty as well.

  “Jeremiah!” I waved to him, hoping he’d had a chance to come to his senses. If he had, his eyes would light up and he’d drag me back to the castle or into the bushes for a taste of my life source. Instead, he searched the crowd. For that red-headed vixen, no doubt.

  “Come, we will go to him. I don’t think he will like our explanation, so do what you can to entice him to your side.” Valdez plucked my shawl from my shoulders. “Use your womanly wiles.”

  I raised my eyebrows but did as he said. Of course a handsome man like Valdez would be very familiar with such tactics. So I adjusted my bodice until I was about to fall out of it and sauntered up to my man. I laid my hand on his arm.

  “You were wonderful dancing with your sword, Jeremiah. I swear I held my breath for fear you would cut off your foot.” I leaned in and gave him a good look down my dress.

  “Where’s your shawl? You see it is beginning to snow again, don’t you?” He sounded gruff as he scanned the crowd. “Have you seen Alyse? She was supposed to wait for me.”

  “It must be too cold for her.” I pressed closer. “Come, Jeremiah. I can see you thirst after all that vigorous dancing. Let me serve you.” I took his hand and pulled it to my throat. “That woman is probably huddled in a hut somewhere in front of a fire. She is not a hardy vampire, you know.”

  He suddenly met my gaze. “What did you do to her, Gloriana? You think I didn’t notice your jealousy when she and I were dancing?” He gripped one of his knives.

  Valdez wedged himself between us. It wasn’t easy since I hung on Jeremiah like one of his plaids. “Sir! Gloriana is merely offering to ease your thirst. Surely you weren’t reaching for your knife to harm her.” He glanced down at the dagger. “I am sworn to protect her. I never thought it would be from you, Master Jeremiah.”

  Jeremiah shook his head. “I don’t know…” He sketched a bow, putting me away from him as easily as if I weighed nothing. “Leave me, Gloriana. I am not myself. I would never…”

  “I know, Jeremiah. Listen to me.” I held onto his sleeve. “Alyse Tremaine is a witch and has poisoned you. That is why you have been acting strangely. We must do something to cleanse the poison from your body.” I turned when I sensed someone at my back. Yes, it was the witch Gertrude, back as she’d promised. “Gertrude is here to help us.”

  Jeremiah backed away. “Witches? And now you have brought another one here, to my parents’ celebration? It is not seemly.” He did take my hand. “Nothing is making sense. Come. I have a raging thirst. You offered so let’s move into the trees and I will drink from you.” He tugged me toward the edge of the crowd.

  “Go with him, Gloriana. I will make sure he doesn’t harm you.” Valdez stayed close to us. “Gertrude, come along. Is there something we need to do to make sure he is free from the spell he is under? I don’t like the way Jeremiah is acting—clear-eyed one mom
ent and confused the next.”

  “If he weren’t vampire, I would give him a cleansing potion. It sometimes works, but Red Mary is strong and her spells difficult to break.” Gertrude stayed right on my heels. “Gloriana, your blood is untainted. Allow him to have as much as you can stand without it making you too weak.”

  I couldn’t believe Jeremiah ignored our chatter. It was as if he could think of nothing but getting us alone so he could take my vein. He finally came to a halt behind a stand of trees far enough away to assure us no one would walk past.

  “Be gone. Allow me privacy!” He scowled at Valdez as if noticing he had followed us for the first time. “And you as well, witch! If Alyse has poisoned me, I will be looking into where she got her potion. Should I ask my parents to send you away from here? I thought we could trust you.”

  “You can, Master Jeremiah, I am here to help.” Gertrude bowed her head. “I would never harm a Campbell, I swear it on my mother’s life.”

  “Pah! Your mother has been dead since before Jamie was made king. Turn away, both of you.” Jeremiah pushed me against a tree trunk and ran his hand around my neck. “Valdez, earn your pay and watch for anyone who might mean us harm. If Alyse did poison me, I know who is behind it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t lurking about, waiting for his chance to finish me and take Gloriana again.”

  Jeremiah pressed me against the cold tree bark, making me wish for my shawl again. I thought to protest, but could see blood lust had taken Jeremiah’s senses again. He was rough when he bent to take my vein. Barely slowing long enough to dull the pain with his tongue, he inhaled then leaned in.

  “God, but you make me hunger for you, Gloriana. Lift your skirt,” he said before he sank his fangs into my jugular and fumbled with his kilt.

  “No, Jeremiah! We are not alone.” I was mortified. He thought to take me against this tree in the cold and snow with Valdez and Gertrude mere steps away?


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