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Dating: For the Block

Page 12

by Stephanie Street

  Mia inhaled an unsteady breath that had my gaze snapping to meet hers. If she was feeling a fraction of what I was, then I had to kiss her. Not for show. Not for anyone but us.

  “Mia,” I breathed her name, pausing a millimeter from her lips.

  I didn’t have to worry because she closed the distance.



  What was he doing? Why did he stop? Grayson’s lips were so close I could almost taste them. And I wanted to taste them. Not because of our plan, our agreement to keep our parents apart, but because he was fun. And kind. And hot. And he called to me on every level like no one ever had before.

  I couldn’t wait anymore.

  Our lips touched. We’d kissed before. Small kisses since that first time. Gentle presses of his lips to mine. Sweet kisses much like the ones he’d bestowed on that silly girl the first day of school. I didn’t want to think about that…or her. But I didn’t want kisses like those from Grayson. I wanted real kisses. Gripping his waist, I pulled myself into his body and let my lips part.

  Grayson gasped, a small puff of his breath filling the space between my teeth making me smile, which broke the connection of our mouths. I did not want that.

  I kissed him again. He must have gotten over his surprise because the next thing I knew, he had one hand curled in my hair and the other splayed across my back, pressing my body closer to his. I wasn’t complaining.

  Grayson’s kisses were perfect. Soft. Passionate. Hungry. But not demanding. He gave more than he took and I realized I enjoyed the opportunity to offer more, it was as though we were created for kissing each other. I never wanted it to end. The longer we kissed, the more frantic we became. I basked in the hunger Grayson showed as he pulled my upper lip between his teeth and gently ran his tongue along its edge.


  I didn’t know my body knew how to produce the kind of tingles racing through my limbs, to the tips of my fingers, and curling my toes.

  A loud bang on the hood of my truck broke us apart. A group of sophomores from the Junior Varsity team grinned at us through the windshield.

  “Ohmigosh,” I whispered, lifting my fingers to my lips.

  Grayson gave them a look that promised retribution as he sheltered me in his arms. The guys wandered off, laughing and pushing each other like stupid boys did when they were congratulating each other for being idiots.

  “I’m sorry. What a bunch of jerks.” Grayson’s worried eyes roved over my face. “You okay?” His gentle touch on my cheek sent shivers down my spine.

  This guy was affecting me entirely too much. I sat back a little in my seat, breaking the bubble that had formed around us while we kissed.

  Oh, man.

  Breaking completely free from Grayson’s arms, I touched my hands to my cheeks. What were we doing? This wasn’t part of the plan. Falling for Grayson was not part of the plan!

  “We should go. You’re going to be late and we don’t want to make Dad angry.” I scrambled for the door handle, his freaking jersey clutched against my chest.

  “Wait. Mia-” Grayson tried to stop me, but it was too late. I was already out of the car. Seconds later he’d caught up to me. I felt him at my side, but he didn’t reach for my hand like he usually did and I was glad. I couldn’t forget what this was, what we were doing. I couldn’t forget Jonathan and what he’d done to me. Grayson was just like him. Wasn’t he? I shook my head. I was so confused. I’d been so determined not to like him. Not to like anyone. I was so stupid! It hadn’t even been two months since Jonathan broke my heart and already I was falling for Grayson? No! I wasn’t falling for Grayson. I wasn’t. I couldn’t.

  “Mia, can we just talk about this,” Grayson asked as we walked through the double doors that led to the field house where the games were being played. The outer hall was empty. The freshman team had already started and I knew Grayson was supposed to be in there watching. I was, too.

  Ignoring his plea, I kept walking like my life depended on it and maybe it did. What had I been thinking? Kissing Grayson like that?

  “I have to go and so do you,” I told him firmly.

  Indecision marred his handsome face, pulling his lips into a grimace. His lips!

  It was time to push him away, both physically and emotionally.

  “It was my fault, Grayson. We discussed this from the start. About not blurring lines. I shouldn’t have kissed you. We shouldn’t have kissed each other.” I took a step away from him, but he followed me.

  “No-” Grayson shook his head.

  “It was a mistake!” I all but shouted in his face, pulling him up short. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm down. Looking anywhere but at the beautiful boy in front of me, I began again. “We had a deal, Grayson.”

  Neither of us moved. I felt his gaze but refused to meet it. I knew if I did, my resolve would weaken. Then and there, I vowed to strengthen my defenses. I couldn’t allow Grayson to charm me. I wouldn’t be played by him or anyone. Not this time.

  Grayson sighed. I felt more than saw his head droop, his chin resting almost on his chest. “Fine. I’ll see you after the game.”

  I shook my head. “Maybe you can get a ride from one of the guys?” There was no way I’d be ready to face him that quickly.

  He didn’t respond for a long moment. “Sure.”

  And then he was gone.

  I wore his jersey and tried not to cry. I sat with Dannika during the girls games and Piper joined us once her game was over.

  “Are you okay?” she asked during a timeout. We were right behind the bench. Grayson was in the game and not on the bench so during the timeout his back was to me while he and the other guys sat and the ones on the bench stood behind my dad and his assistant coaches.

  I forced a smile. “Sure. Why?”

  Piper gave me a weird look. “Did something happen? With you and Grayson?”

  “No. Why would you think that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, because you’re being weird and you won’t look me in the eye.” Piper placed her hand on my forearm.

  The timeout was almost over. The five guys on the bench leaned forward with their elbows on their knees as they listened to Dad explain what he wanted from them. This was the second time they’d played this team this season and the first time was the closest they’d come to a loss. Eastridge Heights was having the season of a lifetime. Dad attributed it mostly to Drew and he was good, but they all were playing at higher levels, rising up to meet the challenge of keeping up with him. There was even some buzz about Noah getting offers from Division 2 schools and chances were if EH won the State Championship, there could be offers from smaller schools for some of the other guys.

  As I studied Grayson’s profile, I realized I had no idea what his plan was after school. Did he want to play basketball somewhere? Was he even planning to go to school? Would he stay in Indiana or move somewhere else?

  Suddenly, the thought of not seeing him next year or ever again made my heart ache. I’d dated Jonathan for several months and had known him for years, but even his betrayal didn’t hurt as much as the mere thought of never seeing Grayson again. How was that possible? I’d only known him for six weeks and I’ve hated him for most of that time. Or have I?

  It was difficult to muster up all of those negative feelings anymore. Was it possible I’d been wrong about him?

  I turned my attention back to Piper. I wasn’t ready to deal with Grayson and all of the crazy thoughts I was having about him.

  “I am not being weird.”

  Piper lifted her brows. “If you say so.”

  “I do say so.”

  Piper let it go, but I could tell she was still stewing over it, wondering if something was going on with me and Grayson while she chatted with Dannika.

  She waited until halftime to broach the subject again. Dannika had gone to the restroom, leaving the two of us sitting in the bleachers behind the bench.

  “You know, it’s crazy. I’ve never seen Grayson so into anybo
dy before.” She shook her head, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye while I focused on a spot across the gym in front of me and pretended what she was saying didn’t hurt. Grayson and I were not together. We were just trying to keep our parents from abandoning us for each other.

  I snorted because that was easier than telling her I didn’t believe her.

  “No, I’m serious. Gray’s always been popular with the ladies, but he’s never had a girlfriend before, not even close.”

  “It’s okay, Piper. I know he’s a player.” I didn’t know how she would respond to that since I was supposed to be Grayson’s girlfriend.

  She surprised me by shaking her head. “Yeah, I know that’s what people say about him. Goodness knows the guys tease him all the time, but mostly that’s because they’re jealous. But I’ve never seen Gray act like that. Sure, he’s charming and he’s a ladies man for sure, but he’s not a player. It’s not his fault girls like him. That’s just the way he is. He’s always been like that, too. Maybe it’s because he’s been raised by his mom. I don’t know. It’s like he just relates to girls really well, he knows how they think and doesn’t do a lot of the stuff that other guys do that get them in trouble with their sisters and girlfriends.”

  About halfway through her comments, I turned to face her. What she said made sense, but I wasn’t convinced. I still heard those girls on the first day. Why would they call him a player if he wasn’t, if he hadn’t treated any girls like that and hurt their feelings? But what if I was wrong about him and he wasn’t a player? What if he really was the nice guy he seemed to be?

  “I’ve heard girls at this school talk about him, saying he’s a jerk and a player, that he’s messed with their friends.”

  Piper rolled her eyes with a huff. “Girls at this school are so stupid. They probably do say that. But it’s more because Grayson doesn’t give them the time of day beyond a sweet smile and a kind word. He’s nice to everyone and they can’t handle it. They all think they’re special, because he makes them feel that way. It’s not his fault they misunderstand kindness for flirting or that they think he’s leading them on.” Piper turned to face me, grabbing my hands. “Grayson’s dad was a huge jerk. I won’t tell you his story, but I know Grayson doesn’t want to be like him. He tries really hard to be nice and there’s no denying he likes girls, but he doesn’t mess with them.” She gave me a look that told me she was talking about making out and hooking up. “He flirts a little, but he doesn’t, you know.”


  Did I know?

  Wasn’t he making out with some girl the very first time I saw him?

  Dannika returned from the bathroom with a handful of goodies from the concession stand and that was the end of my conversation with Piper about Grayson, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about it the whole rest of the game and later in my room as I tried, unsuccessfully, to fall asleep.

  Carefully, I picked apart everything I knew, or thought I knew, about Grayson Levitt, all while attempting to look at the bits and pieces without the ‘player’ glasses I’d been wearing around him since I heard those girls gossiping in the bathroom.

  Uncomfortable as it was, I remembered the first day, finding him kissing that girl in front of my locker. I took away my irritation, and envy, and analyzed the interaction. I remembered my first impression, that the kisses were sweet, not the kisses of a hormone ravaged teenager. I thought hard, remembering the way Grayson smiled at the girl and sent her on her way almost like he was relieved, but not unkind. I’ve never seen him with her again, although I had seen him smile, acknowledging her not dismissing her and definitely not encouraging her.

  Was I possible the interaction I’d seen that day had been all her? That Grayson had been nice and not cruel to kiss her a couple of times rather than push her away, perhaps embarrassing her and fueling insecurities? And what did I think about that?

  I had no idea.

  Abandoning that particular memory, I considered the other times I’d seen Grayson talking to girls. I tried to see them without my own jaded prejudices. I couldn’t remember a single time where he’d held any of their hands. I’d never seen him kissing another girl. I’ve never witnessed any of them angry at him like I might expect a jilted hook up to do.

  Add to all of that, Grayson was not stuck up. He was a friend to all. Shy girls. Nerdy girls. Pretty girls. Average girls. Girls who dressed in trendy clothes and were popular were treated the same as the ones who would benefit from an extreme makeover. He charmed them all and made them feel special just like Piper said, but he did it with such a peculiar blend of detachment and charm making it impossible for anyone to hate him.

  Maybe Grayson wasn’t a player.

  Maybe he wasn’t anything like Jonathan at all and I’d lumped him into the same category unfairly.

  The truth was Grayson had had so many opportunities to take advantage of our fake relationship status, kissing me or taking liberties in public where I would have had difficulty rejecting him without creating an even more uncomfortable scene, but he hadn’t. Instead, he’d been a perfect gentleman, kissing my forehead, or temple, or cheek rather than kissing me on the lips. His hands never strayed to inappropriate places and he never put me on the spot physically just because he could.

  Of course, he’d kissed me in my dad’s office the day after we’d confessed to our parents about our ‘relationship’, but I hadn’t felt violated or that I couldn’t have stopped him if I wanted. And earlier in my truck, he’d waited for me to cross the scant distance he’d left between our lips.

  And that kiss! Oh, that kiss. That kiss wasn’t detached. That kiss hadn’t been for show. It had been for him, for me. For us.

  Sitting up in my bed, I buried my face in my hands, pressing my eyes with the palms of them until I saw stars.

  What now?

  I could admit I had feelings for Grayson. If I was being completely honest, maybe I was even falling for him. Did it even matter? We weren’t really a couple. Our whole existence as a couple was to keep our parents apart. Dating for real would be so weird now. And what if our plan to keep our parents from dating didn’t work?

  Ohmigosh. That would suck so bad. There was no way I could fall for my step-brother. Was there?

  Groaning, I fell back onto my pillow. It was too much. I couldn’t think straight. What a freaking mess! And how was I going to face Grayson tomorrow? As far as everyone else was concerned we were a happy couple and we had to remain that way. At least, until we figured out what we were going to do about Dad and Michelle.


  One thing was for certain, even with our fake relationship, those two were still talking. I heard Dad almost every night talking in hushed tones after he thought I’d fallen asleep. And more than once I was sure I’d heard them arguing, Dad’s voice raised and plaintive, like he was trying to talk her around to something. Probably to not stop seeing him because of us, but apparently Michelle wasn’t having it. And good thing, too.

  But now, we needed to up the ante. Do something to get their minds off each other so they could move on. But how?

  It was too much.

  My brain was on overload. I needed to sleep.

  I’d worry about it all tomorrow.



  Dealing with Mia was last on my want-to-do list. How could she act like she didn’t even care after a kiss like the one we’d shared in her truck? It didn’t make any sense. I’d kissed a girl or two in my life, but nothing compared to kissing Mia. I was convinced we were meant for each other.

  But I had no idea how I was going to convince her of that.

  Instead of getting all up in her space, though, I decided to back off. I walked her to class with my pinkie finger linked with hers rather than holding her whole hand like I usually did. At lunch, I put my arm around her chair, but was careful not to actually touch her. I avoided any attempt to kiss her anywhere and only spoke to her when we were with friends and only if would look weird if I
didn’t. Otherwise, I ignored her.

  There were a couple of times when it seemed she wanted to say something to me, but she always changed her mind. That was fine with me. I’d gotten more than I bargained for with this girl. I wasn’t about to add ‘broken heart’ to the list.

  Besides, this whole fake relationship was taking up too much of my time. It was almost the end of the season. I needed to focus. We had a real shot at State this year. Stressing about Mia and my mom hooking up with my coach was not helping. Plus, graduation was just around the corner and I still had no idea what I was going to do. I mean, I’d sent out applications. I wasn’t a complete idiot. But I had no idea how I was going to pay for school or where I really wanted to go.

  And on top of everything, my dad wasn’t giving up. He’d even gotten ahold of my cell number and had called a couple of times. Mom said he’d even called her. That made me mad. I wanted to rip the phone from her fingers and tell him what he could go do to himself. But I didn’t. That would have made Mom angry and I was already on her shit list.

  Why did the people in my life have to make things so complicated.

  To make things worse, Piper wasn’t giving up on this whole group date idea. She’d even bypassed Mia and talked to Coach Tillman herself. Surprisingly, he’d agreed to let us in the gym for three hours while he took care of some stuff in his office. Mia made him promise not to spy on us and he swore we wouldn’t even know he was there.

  Piper was very organized about this and had given each of us an assignment. She and Drew would be in charge of games. Not surprising. Noah and Tierney were going to figure out snacks. Eh, could be worse. Mia and I were on DJ duty and everyone else was in charge of clean up once we were finished.

  “Okay, we’re going to eat first,” Piper announced once we were all assembled in the gym.


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