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Inescapable : The Hexborn Series Book 2

Page 14

by Cara E Holt

  “Thank you, I am rather fond of it,” I grin back at him.

  “I say we go with the new girls plan,” Nero says, his expression remaining deadpan. I had the feeling that Nero was a man of few words and emotions.

  “Well done newbie. You just planned your first rescue mission,” Renna congratulates me as she blows out a big bubble of pink gum and it pops with a bang.

  I try not to look too pleased with myself, but it was an excellent plan. Now if only I could work on Merrick and convince him to let me join the team on this rescue mission.

  At lunch time I am sitting in my own little world, playing around with the food on my plate when Merrick joins me. He sits himself opposite me and tucks into his lunch.

  “How are you settling in Elara?” He looks over at me with a smile as he winds the spaghetti around his fork.

  “I’m doing good,” I pause, thinking on the best way to approach the topic I wished to discuss. “I am feeling a little bored though. I know you wanted to give me a few days to settle in but honestly, I did nothing but sit around and contemplate life in the chamber prison. I need a purpose.”

  Merrick nods as he chews his food, not looking at all surprised by my words. “I understand, Elara. I can see you’re the type of person who needs to keep busy.”

  I lean over, my hopes building. “I am. I need adventure and challenge in my life. I’m very much a doer.” I chew my lip as I move on to the next step in my plan of attack. “Did Cort tell you I helped them plan a rescue mission?”

  He doesn’t look up from his food, but he nods. “He did.”

  “See, I think I should be out there, on missions. I think it would be good for my image as your poster girl. Make me more real. It will let the hybrids see that I am committed to helping the cause.”

  His face remains closed off, not giving anything away to what he is thinking. His poker face was first class. I have no idea how he is about to respond.

  “Elara, your name is all over the many supernatural news channels. There are wanted posters in shop windows. They have placed a fifty-thousand bounty for your capture. You can do good work here, from within the safety of this base.” He must see my disappointment on my face as he smiles sympathetically. “You could help in the hospital wing?”

  I grimace. “No offence, but my bedside manner is sadly lacking. I’m not a tending to the wounded type.”

  Merrick grins, placing his fork down and giving me his full attention. “I think I’m beginning to understand. I guess helping in the schoolroom would also be a no then?”

  I snort and shake my head. “Mother goddess, no! I am not patient enough to deal with kids.”

  He leans back in his seat, observing me, and I can see the cogs in his mind turning. “You want to find your father, right?”

  I nod eagerly in response.

  “Then why don’t you work on that? There are several vampire hybrids here that may have heard of your father and his whereabouts. There is also an extensive library which may provide some clues.”

  I bob my head, considering his suggestion. “And if I find him, you will help me with rescuing my friend and containing my father and the threat he poses?”

  Merrick nods once. “In exchange for you being our poster girl, yes.”

  I want to punch the air and shout a huge whoopee, but I contain my happiness and instead give him a big grin. “I’ll need a list of all pure vamps and half’s living here. Is there someone who can show me around the library here and point me in the right direction?”

  “There is. I’ll ask Rafe to support you with your research. My son seems to have grown fond of you, he sees you as a good friend.”’

  “He is a good friend to me too,” I tell him earnestly. “I have one more request,” I say hesitantly, hoping I am not pushing my luck.

  Merrick grins. “Spit it out Elara.”

  I chew on my lip and avert my eyes from him. “I want to try to find out what happened to Drayce.”

  His eyes narrow. “The fiancé? The council member’s son?”

  I nod, trying to gauge his thoughts. “He is a good person. He knew I was a hybrid, and he helped to keep my identity concealed.” I pick at my fingernails, fighting to keep my emotions in check. “I need to know he is okay.”

  Merrick surprises me by reaching over and placing his hand over mine. “There is no judgement here, Elara. We have many pure bloods living here with their hybrids mates. I will see what information I can find.” He stands to his feet. “I’ll have my son meet you in the library later today. Think you can find your own way there?”

  I wave the watch gadget around my wrist at him. “I would be lost without the map on this thing.”

  As I wait for Rafe outside the library, my mind drifts to my biological parents. I wonder what traits I had inherited from both of them. Did I share my mother’s smile or my father’s frown? Despite the fact that my dad is clearly an unhinged vampire, I still had this yearning inside me to want to know him. I wish I still had my mother’s diary with me. That diary was the only link to my mother, to learning about who she was and how she fell in love with my father. It may have also held some clues to where my father’s lair might be. Time was ticking, and I needed to find them. Merrick had assured me he would do what he could to help locate my father, and I had to trust that he meant that.

  “Someone looks a million miles away,” Rafe’s says as he appears from round the corner. He’s dressed more casually than usual in navy joggers and a plain grey t-shirt.

  “Just lost in my thoughts,” I reply, standing straight and reaching for the door to the library.

  “Wow!” I exclaim when we walk inside. “I didn’t expect this.” The library was much bigger than I had expected. I am not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a room as big as this, or with as many books as this. The room is round, and the walls hold shelves that run floor to ceiling and are packed with books.

  “So I need anything on the Mortensen blood line,” I tell him, and he nods and strides off over to our left.

  “All vampire related books and scrolls are in this section.”

  We spend the next two hours skimming through book after book. I learn that the original Mortensen coven still has its base in a small village on the outskirts of Cheshire. Vampire covens stick to the inner cities these days as it is easier to hunt and feed. I sigh in defeat, my shoulders slumping as I close the last book.

  “This is hopeless. My mother’s diary maybe held the answers I need, but they took it from me when they arrested me.”

  “That is unfortunate.” He agrees with a sad smile. “There must be someone in the vampire community who has heard of an ancient vampire awakening and forming a coven?”

  I nod, chewing on my lip, trying to convince myself that the situation was not hopeless.

  “What we need is a vampire that has eyes and ears everywhere,” Rafe suggests, rubbing at his eyes and placing his glasses back on.

  I bang the table, making him jump. “Of course,” I shout. “I am such an idiot.”

  With hope and excitement flaring in my heart, I grab his hands in mine. “Is there a way to portal out of here without being detected by the Wiccan guards?”

  Rafe scoffs, looking insulted. “Elara, this is the HDS, there is nothing we can’t do.”


  At dead on two in the morning, I meet Rafe back at the library. Sneaking out without waking Vellity and Laina was difficult, but I used a silence spell to aide me and somehow I make it with no one seeing me. Rafe looks around us one last time and then he leads me up a stairway to the side of the library. We climb the steps for what feels like an age until we eventually come out onto a long narrow corridor that looks like it goes on forever. Rafe stops outside a door and he holds out a key fob. With a high pitch beep, the locking mechanism clicks open. Inside is a large, high-ceilinged room that houses a pentagram chalked into the floor. Rafe guides us to the centre and pulls out a small potion bottle.

  “Okay, you
need to visualise where you want to go. We need to hold on to each other to make sure we both get there.”

  I nod my head and place both my hands around his left wrist. Rafe uncorks the potion bottle with his teeth and throws the bottle into the air. The glittering dust falls out, sprinkling all over us.

  “Goddess of the night, keeper of the shadows, by the light of the moon we travel afar.”

  A powerful gust of wind hits us, and the room around us disappears. Rafe reaches out and places his other hand over mine, so we are holding each other tightly.

  When the winds settle, I smile in triumph as I find us in a toilet cubicle in the ladies at Dagen’s club.

  Rafe looks around us and shakes his head. “You visualised a toilet cubicle?”

  “Well, we couldn’t just portal into the middle of the dance floor.” I step forward and flick the latch back on the door. “Let’s go.”

  We step into the main room of the club and I look around, trying to see if I can spot Dagen anywhere. I was in disguise tonight, wearing a light pink bobbed wig and a fake nose ring. I was pretty sure I would be safe here, but I didn’t want to take any chances. I take Rafe’s hand in mine and we weave through the crowd. I recognise a few regular faces and I keep my head down, not wanting them to recognise me.

  “You see him anywhere?” Rafe shouts into my ear. I shake my head and then gesture with my eyes to the VIP area which is heavily guarded by Rickon and Lars, two big and scary looking vampires who I knew well.

  “He’ll be up there or in his office.” I tug us along the edges of the dance floor until we reach where the bouncers stand.

  “Hey. I need to see Dagen,” I state, doing my best to disguise my voice. Rickon and Lars were loyal to Dagen, but that didn’t mean I could trust them. A fifty thousand bounty on my head would be enough to tempt anyone.

  Lars looks me over and smirks. “You and most of the girls here. Move along.”

  I take a brave step closer and standing on my tip-toes, shout into his ear. “Trust me, he will want to see me. Tell him the iron hearted princess is here to see him.”

  Lars rolls his eyes, his forehead furrowing in an annoyance, but with a gruff nod, he disappears up the stairs, leaving us standing with Rickon. I can feel Rickon’s eyes studying me closely and I chew on my lip anxiously, worried that any second he will recognise me.

  A minute or so later, Lars returns and with a swift nod at Rickon, he lifts the barrier and allows us to pass through.

  “Follow me,” he barks, as he strides ahead of us and we rush to catch up. We walk through the VIP section and towards the back of the room where I know Dagen’s office is. Lars knocks once and a firm voice tells him to enter.

  Two familiar eyes latch on to mine as I walk through the door. Dagen clears his throat and returns his attention to Lars. “I am not to be disturbed.”

  Lars leaves the room and as soon as the door clicks shut, Dagen releases a grin. “It’s been a while princess.” He winks. “I like the pink wig.”

  Grinning, I let go of Rafe’s hand; I dive around the desk and throw myself in Dagen's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging the shit out of him.

  I hear Dagen inhale, his nose at my neck. He pulls back so he can look me in the eye and his gaze sweeps over my face, searching for something.

  “Are you okay princess? You’ve been causing quite a stir.” His gaze falls on my mouth. “Is it true?”

  I nod and I lift my top lip and show him my fangs.

  This earns me a big smile from him. “Darn princess, you with fangs is the things wet dreams are made of.”

  I roll my eyes and chuckle. Dagen’s eyes fall on Rafe behind me.

  “He’s a friend. This is Rafe.”

  Dagen bobs his head in greeting at Rafe and then returns his attention back to me. “I hope you were careful coming here sweetness? Your name and the price on your head is everywhere.”

  “We were careful.” I straighten out his collar on his shirt with my hands. “I need your help Dagen.”

  Dagen smirks wolfishly. “Kiss first.”

  I sigh and shake my head. “I’m engaged.”

  Dagen sniggers and dismisses my comment with a wave of his hand. “I hope you are not talking about that Black boy?”

  Chewing on my lip, I look up at him hesitantly. “He’s a good person. He has kept me safe.”

  “I could have kept you safe, princess. I still can, if you’ll let me?” Dagen says.

  I smile softly and cup his right cheek. “I know you would, and I love you for it. Have you heard anything about my parents?”

  Dagen swallows, shaking his head. “The house is empty. They must have fled before the guards had time to get to them, but where they are now, I have no clue sweetness.”

  I nod, releasing the breath I had been holding in. “Good. Hopefully, they are somewhere safe.”

  Dagen brushes the hair back off my face and studies me. “You have lost weight, sugar.” He squeezes my hips under his fingers. “There are less of those curves to hold on to.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, being thrown in prison and left without regular food can do that.” I play with the button on his shirt. “Dagen, I need information on an ancient vampire. One that was staked centuries ago, but has risen again. Do you know much about the Mortensen coven?”

  His right brow shoots up. “The Mortensen’s? Why do you ask princess?”

  I meet his questioning gaze. If there was one person I could trust with this information, it was Dagen. “Because Adron Mortensen is my biological father.”

  Dagen pales and swallows. “You really are full of surprises. The Mortensen coven is one of the oldest. Their lair is in Cheshire.”

  I bob my head in agreement. “Did they have connections to anywhere else? Somewhere they could go undetected by the vampire council?”

  Dagen rubs his chin. “I can’t think of anywhere off the top of my head, but I have lots of contacts. I can ask around.” He pauses, “What’s this about princess?”

  “Have you heard about the witches being drained of their power?”

  Dagen nods. “Yeah, they say it’s the HDS.”

  Rafe scoffs from behind me and Dagen glares at him for a second. “It’s not the HDS Dagen, it’s my father. He is draining witches in a plan to raise my mother from the dead.”

  Dagen blanches and blinks. “That is dark magic princess. He must be being aided by dark witches.”

  “Which is why I am hoping noise of an ancient vampire working with dark witches will be circulating.”

  Dagen nods, looking deep in thought. “I’ll ask around, princess. Where are you staying?”

  I look back at Rafe, and he shakes his head, knowing what I am thinking. “I can’t say, but I’m with the HDS and I’m safe.”

  “With Merrick?” Dagen asks and my jaw falls open.

  “You know Merrick?” Surprise colours my voice.

  Dagen grins and winks at me. “Like I said princess, I have contacts everywhere and as you know my favourite species is witches, so why would I not support an organisation that champions the rights of mixed breeds?”

  It made sense, really. If anyone was open-minded, it was Dagen. “I know how to reach you when I have information.”

  “Ah, about that.” I hesitate and nibble on my bottom lip, “Merrick doesn’t exactly know we left the compound tonight.”

  Dagen chuckles. “Ah princess, ever the rebel. It’s no wonder your blood tastes so sinful.” He runs his thumb over my lips. “Do you have a feeder?”

  I nod with a huff, and Dagen give me a questioning look. “Who do I need to kill for you?”

  This brings a laugh from Rafe, who has remained silent this entire time.

  I shake my head. “Just some annoying arsehole from the HDS who thinks he knows everything when in fact he knows shit all.”

  Dagen winks at me. “You can always take from me before you go sweetness?”

  I eye the vein in his neck, half tempted. “I’m not sure that’s a good
idea.” I glance back at Rafe. “You know, with our history.”

  Dagen waggles his brows. “Worried you won’t be able to resist me princess?”

  I look heavenward and offer him an easy smile. “Yeah, you got me,” I mock.

  “Give me a few days and I’ll find out what I can. How can I reach you?”

  Rafe steps forward. “We’ll come back in three night’s time.”

  Dagen frowns, looking like he is not sure that is a good idea. “Just be careful and next time portal directly into my office.”

  Why hadn’t I thought of that in the first place? “Excellent idea.”

  “We should go,” Rafe suggests.

  I nod in agreement. I was reluctant to leave. Dagen always made me feel safe. He was also a reminder of how simple my past had been. I lean in and wrap myself tightly around him.

  “I miss you blood sucker.”

  I feel his smile against my cheek. “I miss you, my little witch. It’s not as fun without you here.”

  I lean up and meet his eyes. “Thank you, for always having my back.”

  Dagen leans in and drops a quick kiss on my lips. “Anything for you sweetness, you know that.”

  Dagen stands up, and he places me down on the desk. He turns and lifts a book from the bookcase behind him. I jump slightly when the wall moves and it reveals a portal. “Off you go. I’ll see you in three nights.”

  With one last smile to my old lover, I take hold of Rafe’s hand and let him lead me through. A part of me longed for the time in my life when I used to sneak out at night and come and party with my blonde vampire. Life was so simple back then. Now it was just a colossal mess.

  We arrive back at the compound, and I am buzzing with hope. I stumble into Rafe as he stops still in front of me.

  “What the hell Rafe?”

  He doesn’t answer me, so I peer round him to see what was holding us up. I swear when I see Cort, wearing nothing but joggers hanging low on his hips, leaning against the door with a very pissed off expression on his face.

  He glares at Rafe. “You know the sanction for unauthorised portal use?”


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