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Caught Looking

Page 11

by Tara Wyatt

  When she approached his room, the door was ajar, the inside of the room dark. As soundlessly as possible, she slipped into the room and moved toward the bed, where she could see Jake’s large frame silhouetted in the semi-darkness.

  “Ma’am?” whispered a nurse from the doorway. “You’re not supposed to be in here.”

  “I’m with the team,” she whispered back, not wanting to wake Jake up. But she’d put up a fight if she needed to. She wasn’t leaving. The nurse hesitated and then nodded, clearly not sure if Abby was supposed to be there or not but not wanting to cause a fuss over it. As quietly as possible, she moved a chair close to the bed and sat down. Reaching out, she took one of Jake’s massive hands in hers, weaving her fingers between his. The solid warmth of him was reassuring, and she felt some of her worry ease away. She squinted at him, trying to make him out in the dim lighting. She could see the neatly stitched cut under his eye and the shiner he’d be sporting for the next little while. Other than that, he looked the same as always. He just looked like Jake. Her Jake. She’d never stopped thinking of him that way, and she knew that she never would. How could she? She loved him in a way that she’d never loved anyone before. As far as men went, he was it for her. There was no one else. There wouldn’t be anyone else.

  Leaving her hand in his, she got as comfortable as possible in the chair and closed her eyes, letting the sound of Jake’s slow, steady breathing lull her into a light sleep.

  The next morning, she woke up with a crick in her neck and the sun streaming into Jake’s room. Her hand was still in his, and as she yawned and stretched, his fingers tightened around hers. She turned her head to look at him, her stiff neck protesting, and found him already awake, lying in bed and staring at her with an almost dreamy smile on his face.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice a little rusty. He gave her fingers another squeeze, and this time she squeezed back.

  “Hey.” She traced over his knuckles with her other hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. Just a little headache, that’s all. It’s a mild concussion, nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” He sat up a little, and her heart gave a tug at the sight of this big man in a flimsy hospital gown. It was both endearing and sobering, reminding her of just how lucky he was and how seriously he could’ve been injured. “Were you here all night?”

  She rolled her neck and shot him a grin. “Mostly. You were sleeping when I got here and I didn’t want to wake you. I wanted to come sooner, but I couldn’t get away.”

  He practically beamed at her. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.”

  He lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of hers. But then the door opened and she hastily pulled her hand back. The doctor came in to talk to Jake, so she slipped out to give him a little privacy. As she did, she caught sight of Javi walking toward her. His eyebrows lifted in surprise when he spotted her. It probably didn’t help that she was wearing the same Longhorns T-shirt and black leggings she’d had on when she’d left the park yesterday. She even had the same denim shirt tied around her waist.

  “Hey, I see you had the same idea,” he said, slowing his footsteps as he got closer. He tipped his chin in the direction of Jake’s room. “How is he?”

  “He’s okay. Mild concussion, some stitches. Doctor’s in with him now.” As she spoke, the doctor exited the room, holding the door open for them.

  Jake smiled at Abby, but then his expression darkened, just for a second, at the sight of Javi. Javi jerked his thumb in the doctor’s direction.

  “What’d he say?”

  “I’m a free man as soon as they get the discharge paperwork done up. Few days of rest and I should be fine.” He shifted in the bed, meeting Javi’s eyes. “Don’t put me on the IL. Not when we’re so close to the postseason. I just need a few days and then I’ll be back.”

  Javi bit the inside of his cheek, frowning, the indecision written all over his face. After a moment, he tipped his head to the side. “If you’re sure, and Joe and the team’s doc give you the all clear, then okay.”

  “I’ll give you guys a few minutes,” said Abby. “Jake, do you want some breakfast? There’s a McDonald’s nearby.” She winked at him, Javi’s back safely turned.

  He smiled at her, his gorgeous brown eyes lighting up. “Sounds good. Thanks, Gossman.”

  “Do you need a ride home?” Javi asked Jake as Abby started to leave the room.

  Before Jake could answer, she said “It’s okay, I’ve got it.” Javi shot her a questioning look and she quickly added, “We live in the same area.” She had no idea if that was true or not, but it was the best she could do. All she knew was that he was no longer living in the hotel, and she’d deliberately shied away from finding out where he’d moved. She hadn’t trusted herself with that information. She backed out of the room before she could say anything else and dig herself an even deeper hole.


  Even though Jake knew Abby had been bullshitting Javi about knowing that they lived in the same area, it actually turned out to be true. The furnished apartment he’d rented and moved into a couple of weeks ago was less than two miles from her place. He learned this as she navigated her blue BMW X5 through the morning traffic, pointing out the street she’d turn down to get to her house.

  Less than two miles, and yet he’d been closer to her, more connected to her when they’d lived 900 miles apart.

  He directed her to the parking garage below his building, his hands flexing around the McDonald’s takeout bag as she parked. “Do you want to come up? I don’t usually share my Egg McMuffins, but I’m willing to make an exception for you.”

  She licked her lips and nodded, then shut off the SUV’s ignition. “Yeah, sure. Okay.”

  Once they got out of the car, he took her hand and led her to the elevator. They held hands in silence, and Jake’s stomach gave a little heave as the elevator coasted to a stop. He wasn’t sure if his stomach was unsettled from the concussion, the fact that he was starving, or maybe it was something else altogether. He glanced over at Abby and his head started to pound, a dull throb in time with his pulse.

  The elevator doors opened and he led them into his fourth floor apartment. She let out a low whistle as she looked around.

  “Nice digs, Landon.”

  He set the McDonald’s bag down onto the marble-topped island and stood back, letting her explore. It felt good to have her in his space, to have her to himself with no possibility of anyone interrupting them or seeing them. “Thanks. It came furnished. All my stuff’s in storage still, until I find a permanent place.” Large windows let in lots of natural light, and all of the finishes were modern and updated: marble counter tops, gleaming hardwood floors, luxe bathroom with a massive glassed in shower. The living room even had one of those TVs that looked like a painting when it wasn’t on.

  Standing in the living area, she turned back toward him. He still stood by the island, and he leaned forward, splaying his palms on the cool marble, anchoring himself on it. He took a second just to look at her, to drink her in. She looked tired, her hair was a little messy, and she was wearing the same clothes she’d had on before the game yesterday. She had the rumpled look of someone who’d spent the night sleeping in an uncomfortable hospital chair beside his bed.

  Fuck, he loved this woman. Unable to stop himself, he crossed the distance to where she stood, took her face in his hands, and kissed her. She let out a tiny gasp and then melted into him, her body swaying against him as her lips moved beneath his. After a moment, he forced himself to pull away, resting his forehead against hers.

  “I’m sorry. I just really, really needed to do that.”

  She pulled back slightly and shook her head, her eyes bright. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “Don’t be sorry. Please don’t be sorry. I…” His hands roamed over her body, down her arms, her back, her hips, her ass, tracing her contours. “Seeing you get hurt yesterday scared the shit out of me.” She took a deep breath and
then met his eyes. “I don’t know how to stay away from you, and I’m done trying.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, a soft, sweet kiss so full of promise.

  He pulled back, sliding his hands into her hair. “Are you sure? What about your career, or people finding out?”

  She kissed him again, slower and deeper this time, her arms winding around his neck. “I can’t stay away from you. I’ve tried, and I can’t. We’ll just…figure this out as we go, okay? That’s the only answer I have right now. I don’t know what the long-term solution is. All I know is that right now, I need to be with you.”

  “Tell me one last time that you’re sure,” he said, tugging on her earlobe with his teeth. She let out a shivery little moan that made his blood heat.

  “I’m sure. I can’t be around you and not be with you, Jake. It’s too hard. I want you too much.”

  He kissed her neck and gave her hair a gentle tug. “Fuck, Abby, do you know how much I’ve wanted to hear you say that? God.” His teeth scraped over her skin and she swayed into him, their bodies pressing together. It had been weeks since their night together in Toronto, and he had a feeling she was just as primed as he was.

  She dropped her hands, giving his ass a squeeze before moving to stroke him through his sweatpants. He let out a hiss as arousal spiked through him.

  Yeah, no way they were making it to the bedroom. Concussion or not, he was going to take her right here. As if he had a choice. Then again, he’d never had much of a choice where Abby was concerned, and that was perfectly fine with him. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her, he’d known there was something special about her. Distance hadn’t wrecked them. Him getting traded to her team hadn’t wrecked them.

  In that moment, he was pretty damn sure they were unwreckable. Yeah, they still had some shit—some pretty big shit—to figure out, but they’d get there. He had to believe that.

  He lifted her onto one of the barstools lined up in front of the island, and she kissed him again, her knees falling open. He stepped between her thighs, just the slightest bit dizzy, from the rush of happiness at having Abby back in his life or his concussion, he wasn’t sure.

  Abby’s fingers skated up under his shirt, tracing over his stomach, his ribs, his pecs, taking his T-shirt with her. He broke their kiss only long enough to pull his shirt off over his head. His mouth was on hers again before his shirt even hit the floor. He felt her smile against his mouth, her hands still roaming, exploring. Relearning.

  “Is this okay?” she asked, rubbing her nose against his neck. “I mean, you need to rest…”

  “I need to be inside you more.”

  She let out a husky moan and then trailed her lips over his neck and down his shoulder. “God, I need that too.” She pulled her T-shirt off and tossed it down beside his, and then her bra. As her nipples skimmed over his chest, they both let out a sigh. Every time he was skin to skin with her, it was as though something inside him settled back into place. Like a ship coming home.

  “Just so we’re on the same page,” she said, her arms around his neck, “we’re still on the DL. No one can find out about this.”

  “I’m not going to tell a fucking soul, Gossman.” Now that he had her back in his life, he wasn’t stupid enough to risk what they had.

  He palmed her breasts, teasing her nipples with gentle tugs, just the way she liked, and he could feel the heat coming from between her legs. She squirmed on the stool, inching closer to him and wrapping her legs around his hips, rubbing against him. He dipped his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth, biting gently before soothing the sting with his tongue. She gasped and arched her back.

  “More,” she whimpered, her voice high and needy. A thrill charged through him. He loved watching this strong, capable woman come completely undone. Loved that he was the one undoing her.

  “These need to go,” he said, his voice a little rough, as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her leggings. He tugged and she lifted her perfect ass just long enough that he could pull them down over her gorgeous legs. “It’s been too long. I need to taste you.” He wanted to make her come, wanted to make her feel as good as he felt right now. Wanted to hear her scream his name and beg him for more. Wanted to hear her lose her mind for him. It didn’t matter that his entire body ached or that he felt like he’d been hit by a train. This was what he needed right now, bodily discomfort be damned. So, he dropped to his knees, wrapped his hands around her thighs and kissed her pussy, deeply and thoroughly. Like a drowning man gulping down air. She cried out and shifted, one foot on the island, the other on the barstool behind him. Open and splayed for him. His.

  He forced himself to slow down, wanting to draw this out for her—hell, for himself too—and he backed off, teasing her with slow, gentle licks and kisses. His name fell from her lips over and over again, her voice becoming raspier with need as he edged her closer and closer to oblivion. Her taste flooded him and he sucked her swollen clit into his mouth, pushing her over the edge. Her fingers tugged at his hair as she practically screamed his name, her legs shaking under his hands. He stood, shoved his pants down, and with her still splayed out on the barstool, sank his cock into her in one thrust. Claiming her. A possessive thrill shot through him as he met her eyes, soft with pleasure. He leaned forward and kissed her, needing more connection, as he established a slow, deep rhythm, losing himself in her. All too soon, his own orgasm barreled down on him and he buried his face in her neck as he came, his cock pulsing inside her.

  “We should get back together more often,” she whispered, and he chuckled.

  “Don’t plan on letting you go again, sweetheart.” And then he kissed her, a long, gentle kiss without any of their usual urgency because for once—for the first time—they had all the time in the world.

  After the spectacular sex in Jake’s kitchen, they’d curled up together in his bed and Abby had fallen into a light sleep. It had been too long since she’d had the luxury of sleeping with Jake’s broad chest at her back, his big hand on her hip. Thankfully, she’d thought to set the alarm on her phone because she still had to head home, shower, change and get to the yard in time for that afternoon’s BP.

  Jake’s hand tightened on her hip. “Don’t go yet,” he said, his voice a little rusty with sleep. Because he was officially listed as day-to-day and not the IL, he’d be on the bench for tonight’s game, and she was glad because it meant she’d get to see him. That she wouldn’t have to be away from him. She’d spent enough time away from him already.

  “I need to get ready for BP,” she said, even as he rolled her under him and started kissing her neck. Completely unable to resist, she wrapped her legs around his hips. God, she’d never been able to resist Jake, had she? From the night they’d met, he’d owned a little piece of her. He’d made her break her iron clad rules as though they were made of cotton candy.

  “I need you,” he said, his voice rumbling against her skin. It was a heady rush of feminine power, hearing that Jake needed her. That this big, gorgeous, incredible man needed her. It was all almost too much, so she reached between them, wrapped her fingers around his cock and guided him to her entrance. He worked himself in with agonizingly slow thrusts until she felt as though every single one of her nerve endings was on fire for him.

  She would never get enough of this. Never get enough of Jake’s body inside hers, stretching her with his gorgeously thick cock. Never get enough of his laugh, or the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. Never get enough of his easy confidence and sense of humor. Never get enough of him, period. She’d tried walking away. They’d tried being friends. But here they were, lost in each other, giving and taking. Unable to stay away from each other. Starting up with him again was reckless and dangerous and possibly very stupid, but when he looked down at her, his big hand curled around the headboard, a lock of hair falling across his forehead, his brown eyes soft and melty, she couldn’t bring herself to feel anything but happy.

  With one hand wound aroun
d his neck, she reached the other between them, circling her fingers over her clit. A haze of pleasure coated her like sunshine and she gave herself over to it, not questioning or worrying or denying. Just letting it wash over her. Taking everything Jake was giving her.

  And it was so damn good.

  She moved her fingers faster, timing her strokes with his rhythm, letting each thrust of his body inside hers push her higher and higher. Heat suffused her skin and her vision narrowed until all she could see was Jake, moving above her, muscles taut and flexing, looking sexy as fuck as he rode her.

  And he was hers. Really, truly hers.

  With that thought echoing through her brain, she came in hot, heavy throbs, her body pulling his deeper inside her, deeper and deeper until she didn’t know where she ended and he began. He came, a strangled groan escaping from him, and she felt him pulse inside her, filling her again.

  He let go of the headboard and came down on top of her, his breathing heavy. “Fuck, Abby,” he breathed, kissing along her jaw. “Fuck, sweetheart.”

  She held him, stroking her hands up and down his back, savoring the warmth of his skin, the firmness of his muscles, the steadiness of his heart beating against her chest. She didn’t know what the future looked like for them, how it was all going to work out. Normally, that kind of uncertainly would’ve weighed on her, but with Jake’s arms around her, it didn’t scare her. It just made her want to stay here, right here, forever. But after a moment, she sighed.

  “Okay, now I really have to go.” He made a grumbling sound of complaint, but lifted himself off of her all the same. She slipped out of the bed and stretched, grinning at the way Jake’s eyes devoured her. He propped himself up on one elbow, the sex-tangled sheets falling around him and making him look like the rakish model on a sexy book cover. She grinned and then narrowed her eyes at him. “And you really need to rest.” She reached out and so, so gently touched the stitches beneath his black eye. He smiled that lopsided grin she loved and cocked an eyebrow at her.


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