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Alpha Temptation: Sanmere Shifters Romance Collection

Page 90

by Lola Gabriel

  Finally, the feeling started to recede and Brianne found that she could breathe again. She sucked in a big breath that seared her throat and she let it out in a scream as Callin pressed down on her clit, bringing on another orgasm. Her body bucked and writhed beneath Callin, as the pleasure overwhelmed her senses. For a second, she couldn’t see, couldn’t hear. She was a whirling swirl of carnal pleasure, a single-minded entity intent only on experiencing the pulsing decadence that lit up her whole body.

  Somewhere in the midst of the assault of her orgasm, she felt Callin’s fingers leave her clit, and his mouth leave her breast, exposing her dampened nipple to the cool air. She fought to breathe, a fight she lost. She felt her face twisting into an almost agonized expression as her heart thumped in her chest. Finally, the feeling began to recede once more and she was able to breathe again. She panted for air as her body went floppy, her muscles spent.

  She let out an ahh sound, a mixture of surprise and delight, when she felt Callin’s erection slam into her dripping wet pussy. He lowered himself onto her, kissing her as he began to pump inside of her. She kissed him back, coming back to her senses like he was anchoring her to her body. She found she could move again, and she wrapped her legs around Callin’s waist, pushing him deeper inside of her.

  He kissed her throat as she tilted her head back, and she ran her hands over his back and shoulders, clinging to him like she would drown if she let go. Brianne felt a scream building in her throat as she felt her orgasm building in her stomach once more. She let the scream come, an animalistic sound unlike any sound she had ever made before. It was a primal sound, and the very rawness of it spurred her on to let go and take whatever pleasure Callin was giving her.

  He kept pumping inside of her, hard and fast, making her gasp with each thrust as he filled her completely, reminding her that she was his. She climaxed hard. He moaned her name as her juices doused him and he pushed one hand into her hair, making a fist and tugging on it as his own climax raced toward him.

  The tugging sensation sent a stinging shock through Brianne. The stinging collided with the orgasm that was bursting out of her and she screamed Callin’s name again as pleasure assaulted her. Her eyes slipped closed and for a second, everything went black. She came back to herself, still in the throes of her climax, and she opened her eyes, looking into Callin’s eyes as she whimpered with the intensity of her orgasm.

  Callin smiled down at her and then his lips covered hers. He moaned into her mouth as his cock twitched inside of her and she felt the spurt of heat that meant he was coming. He pulled his mouth away from hers and pressed his face into her neck. With one final thrust, he came again and then Brianne felt his body relax on hers. For a moment, she was pinned in place beneath him and then he rolled to the side, lying pressed against her on the couch.

  He didn’t speak; he just lifted his arm. Brianne moved closer to him, rolling onto her side with great effort, and he wrapped his arm around her. She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t find her voice, and she gave up trying. They lay together, wrapped up in each other, a tangle of sweaty limbs, getting their breaths back.

  Brianne’s whole body felt like warm, delicious jelly, and lying in Callin’s arms, listening to his heartbeat pounding in his chest, she felt safer than she had ever felt in her life.

  When Brianne finally felt she had come back to herself and that she could move again, maybe even speak again, she pulled her head back and looked up at Callin. She could see he was almost asleep. His blinks were long and slow. He smiled down at her, a sleepy smile, and then he leaned forward and rubbed his lips across hers before settling back down with his head on the arm of the couch, pulling her more tightly against him.

  She realized then that she had no words to describe what had just happened between them, but she also realized that it didn’t matter. She didn’t need words. They had connected on another level entirely during their lovemaking session, and their bodies had done all of their talking for them.

  She let herself relax again, snuggling closer to Callin, and when she felt his arm getting heavy on her and heard his breathing becoming slower and deeper, she told herself she was just going to lie here for another five minutes and then she would go.

  The five minutes passed, and she told herself just another five minutes and then she would definitely go. She knew she should go. Arriving on the set tomorrow with Callin would just be rubbing Valerie’s nose in their relationship, and while Callin was confident he could handle Valerie, Brianne didn’t want her work life to become too unbearable—she had to spend a lot of hours there every day and she would prefer them to run smoothly. The trouble was, though, putting all logic aside, Brianne didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay here in Callin’s arms for the night. Maybe forever.

  When her own eyes started to close, she lost all of her resolve and she let them close, slipping into sleep beside Callin.


  Callin woke up slowly, his head instantly engulfed with the memory of Brianne and the amazing sex they had had. She had come so many times he had lost count and he was almost certain that at one point, she had actually blacked out from the pleasure, something he had previously thought was a myth. He could understand how it had happened, though. His senses had been so overwhelmed with pleasure at several points last night that his vision had become blurry and he had been sure he was going to black out himself.

  He smiled at the memory of Brianne’s hot, tight little pussy wrapped around him, of her clit, wet and slippery and pulsing beneath his touch. He remembered how her mouth had felt on his lips, on his cock. And he couldn’t help but think of how her hands had roamed over his whole body. He could feel his cock getting hard again now just thinking about last night. He already craved her touch once more.

  He finally opened his eyes. It was still dark and he started to close his eyes again, but then he reached out for Brianne and realized she was no longer beside him. Her movement must have been what woke him up.

  He sat up, his eyes adjusting to the dark. He realized he wasn’t in bed; he was on the couch. That explained why he was chilly and why his neck felt a little stiff. He massaged his neck with one hand as he looked around for Brianne. She was nowhere in sight and his heart sank when he saw her clothes were gone from the ground in front of the couch. Defeated, he lay back down, but he thought sleep would evade him now.

  Brianne must be having second thoughts about us, he thought to himself. Why else would she have sneaked away in the middle of the night like this?

  His heart swelled, relief flooding him when he heard the toilet flushing. She hadn’t left. She was just using the bathroom. She’d put her clothes on, though. Maybe it was later than he thought. He checked his watch. It was almost four—another hour or so until they had to be up to get ready for work.

  Callin heard Brianne’s footsteps heading toward the living room and he sat up again. He reached out and flicked on the lamp beside the couch, blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the light. Brianne came into the room and he was assaulted once more by how good she looked. Her make-up was all but gone—a black smudge beneath each eye was pretty much all that was left of it. Her hair was still a tad mussed up from last night and she looked tired. But to Callin, Brianne had never looked more beautiful. He smiled at her as she walked toward him and she returned his smile. That was a good sign.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” she said.

  “So you were going to slip out without even telling me?” Callin said.

  He kept his tone light although the thought of her flitting away without so much as a “see you later” bothered him on so many levels.

  “I was going to leave you a note,” Brianne said.

  “Oh, a note. That’s a nice way to break my heart,” Callin said with a soft laugh that he hoped didn’t sound too forced.

  Brianne shook her head quickly.

  “Not that kind of note,” she said. “Just one explaining that I don’t think it’s a
good idea for us to turn up to work together and make it obvious we spent the night together. Look, I know you’re not worried about Valerie, and I know you can stop her from firing me, but I don’t want each day at work to be awkward. I would just prefer not to rub Valerie’s nose in it, that’s all.”

  “Are you sure that’s all it is?” Callin asked.

  Brianne sat down on the couch beside him, facing him. She reached up and stroked his cheek.

  “Yes,” she said. “I promise you that’s all it is.”

  Callin pulled her down for a kiss. She came willingly, but she broke the kiss off a lot quicker than Callin wanted it to end.

  “Stay,” he said. “Fuck Valerie. She’s going to have to get used to us being together.”

  “I know, but not yet, okay? She likes you, Callin, and I feel a little bad for her.”

  “I get it,” Callin said. “And if she were a nice person, for the record, I would be a hell of a lot more subtle about us. But let’s face it, she’s done nothing to deserve us going easy on her, has she?”

  “No. But I still have to work for her,” Brianne said.

  Callin nodded.

  “I’m not going to pretend I want you to leave, because I don’t. But I do understand. At least let me drive you home,” he said, starting to get up.

  Brianne shook her head and gently pushed him back down. She smiled at him as she stood up.

  “It’s okay. There’s an Uber waiting for me outside. You should get some sleep.” She paused and winked at him. “You’re going to need it if we’re going to be doing that every night after work.”

  “Oh, we are,” Callin laughed.

  He got to his feet and pulled Brianne into his arms, kissing her full on the mouth.

  “Just a little something for you to think about until tonight,” he smiled when he finally pulled away, leaving Brianne a little breathless.

  Callin drove through the security checkpoint on the set, made his way to his assigned parking space, and pulled in. He cut the engine and got out of the car. He was whistling to himself as he locked it and headed toward the trailers. Life was good right now, and even though he hadn’t wanted Brianne to leave his place when she did this morning, in some ways, he was glad she had now, because the thought of seeing her after a couple of hours away from her had his heart racing and his stomach swirling.

  As he left the parking lot and began to walk across the open section of the set between the main building and the trailers, he spotted Brianne leaving Valerie’s trailer and heading toward the main building. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She was back in her usual work style clothes—jeans and a t-shirt—and her hair was loose around her face. It shone in the early morning sun, and Callin wanted nothing more than to go and run his fingers through it and kiss Brianne. He wanted to do a hell of a lot more to her than just kiss her, but he would make do with a kiss for now.

  He knew she wouldn’t want that, though. She didn’t want Valerie to have to be constantly confronted with their relationship, and Callin suspected that she also didn’t want to continue to be the talking point of everyone on the set. That didn’t mean he couldn’t follow her to her office, though, and have a few minutes alone with her. Maybe they could even sneak a kiss before the set got really busy. He had promised Valerie that he wouldn’t have sex with Brianne on the set again—he hadn’t said anything about stealing kisses where he could.

  He had only taken a few steps, changing course from heading to his trailer to instead heading toward the main building, when Shauna came hurrying into his path.

  “Valerie wants to see you,” Shauna said.

  Callin rolled his eyes and Shauna laughed softly. She turned serious again quickly.

  “She did say it was urgent,” Shauna added. “And that you need to go talk to her before filming begins for the day. She said it’s about the first scene you’re due to film.”

  Callin checked his watch. He only had ten minutes before he and Valerie would be due to go to hair and make-up and then get into their clothes for the scene. As much as he would prefer to follow Brianne, he was still a professional and if this was genuinely about the scene, then it could be important. And if it didn’t turn out to be important, he would at least know that he had been the bigger person. Besides, Brianne wasn’t going anywhere and he would get to see her soon enough. Maybe if he could avoid kissing her all day long, it would make kissing her as much as he wanted to tonight even more special. Even as he thought this, he dismissed it. There was no way he could go all day without coming up with some reason to be alone with Brianne, even if they only had a moment together.

  “I guess I should go see what she wants,” Callin said with a sigh.

  “Good luck,” Shauna laughed. “I’ll take your coffee over to make-up.”

  “Thanks,” Callin said.

  He turned and headed for Valerie’s trailer. When he reached it, he noticed the door was ajar and he could hear Valerie talking. Callin smiled to himself. Had Brianne returned to the trailer while he was talking to Shauna?

  He peered through the door, staying out of sight. His heart sank when he saw Valerie alone in the trailer, speaking on her cell phone rather than to Brianne.

  “Yes. Noon today,” Valerie said. “Just outside of the place I told you about. You have the address of the place, right?”

  She paused for a moment, listening to the answer from the other end of the phone.

  “Great. And no, trust me, the pleasure is all mine,” she said.

  She ended the call and smiled to herself. She looked pretty damned pleased with herself and Callin wondered absently if she had been arranging herself a lunch date. That would certainly make life on set a lot easier. If Valerie found a guy she actually loved rather than wanting to mate with him for the power it would give her, maybe she would chill out and they could all get along. It was probably too much to ask for, but it was a nice dream.

  Callin tapped on the door, stepping away from the wall of the trailer so that Valerie could see him.

  “Oh good. You got my message,” Valerie said. “Come on in. Have you been out there for long?”

  “No, why?” Callin asked.

  He resisted the urge to grin. It had to be a date Valerie was organizing. She was afraid he had heard her talking and would tease her about it.

  “No reason,” Valerie said. “I just wanted to talk to you about this first scene.”

  She pointed to her script where it lay open on the table. One of her lines was highlighted.

  “Here, where my character says that her father died when she was three, and then she goes on to share her favorite memory of him. I don’t think her memory would be so vivid. Not from when she was so young. I was thinking of asking the writers to change it to her being five or six instead. What do you think?” Valerie said.

  She looked at Callin expectantly and he nodded his head in agreement.

  “Yes, I think you’re likely right. And it doesn’t affect the plot so it’s a nice, easy fix. I can’t see the writers giving any pushback on it,” he said.

  “Will you speak to them? They’ll hear it better coming from you,” Valerie said.

  Yeah, Callin thought, because I wasn’t a douchebag to them for the first few days on set until someone had to step in and tell me to mind my manners. He didn’t say that, though. He figured Valerie knew it as well as he did, and he remembered some advice Lucian had given him when he was growing up: pick your battles. This was a pointless battle—one he was likely to win, but to what end? Instead, he nodded his head.

  “Yeah. I’ll speak to them before we start filming,” he said.

  “Thanks, Callin, you’re the best,” Valerie said with a smile.

  Callin returned her smile with a half-hearted smile of his own and made his way out of the trailer, heading for make-up. It was only as he sat down in the make-up artist’s chair and took a sip of his coffee that he realized what was really going on here.

  Valerie had asked to see him as soon
as he arrived on set, and then she wanted him to use the few minutes he would normally have spare once he was ready to start filming and she was still getting the finishing touches done to her hair. She was filling his time with tasks to ensure he didn’t have any spare moments to catch up with Brianne, and she was doing it in a clever way. She had stumbled across something that seemed like a normal, rational request, one that he couldn’t really refuse without looking like he didn’t see the flaw, but something that ultimately wouldn’t make a huge difference to the movie either way.

  Oh, she was good. He had always known Valerie was a damned good manipulator, but it was only now that he was seeing for sure just how good she was. It worried him slightly that he had never seen the lengths she would go to in order to get her own way before. It made him question again whether she was really the right alpha for the pack.

  He pushed his misgivings aside. If she wasn’t the right alpha for the pack, then who would be? Certainly not him—he still didn’t want that level of responsibility for other people’s lives. He appeased himself by reminding himself that Valerie prized her role as pack alpha above everything else, and that meant maybe her manipulation wasn’t so bad. It meant that she was manipulating the pack’s enemies and therefore, strengthening the pack. It was definitely better to have a woman like Valerie on your side rather than working against you.

  Callin didn’t fully believe his theory, but he let himself believe that he did, because the alternative—him challenging her for the pack—would likely end up with him dead, or at the very least, banished from the pack he had thought of as his family.


  The morning had gone much slower than Callin had wanted it to. After getting ready for filming, he had gone to the movie’s writers like he had said he would and explained to them what Valerie had pointed out. As he had suspected, the writers agreed with the change and he had gone back to the set where Valerie was waiting for him and told her that the line had been changed to what she had suggested. Valerie had thanked him, and her smile had seemed genuine enough. It probably was.


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