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Page 11

by Eve Black

  “That is her,” David confirmed. “Can you tell what she was going there?” Dr. Green. He wasn’t one he’d heard of before, not that he spent time looking for Manhattan doctors. But why was she visiting another doctor so soon after the one she’d seen two weeks before? Was she sick?

  Astor cleared his throat, and David immediately tensed, the sliver of concern he’d had a moment before obliterated in an instant.

  “Hell, Greg,” David growled. “Out with it.”

  “Dr. Barry Green… He is a specialist in obstetrics.”

  Stunned, David stumbled into the counter top, his hands barely gripping the edge to keep himself up right.

  “Obstetrics…” he said the word aloud, the meaning plowing through him like a tornado.

  Well, now he knew what Diana had been hiding, and fuck if he wasn’t intrigued. The anger he’d expected to feel at that knowledge was not nearly as dark as it should be.

  What are you playing at, Diana?

  Chapter 14

  The night of their date came in like a lion, and Diana was unprepared for the anxiety wrapped in excitement with a dash of fear.

  David couldn’t seem to do what Diana expected. She expected him to send a car for her—that damned Escalade—but he didn’t. He brought himself, in a lean and mean Bugatti. Matte black with silver striping down the side, Diana couldn’t take her eyes off the car long enough to notice that David wasn’t wearing what she expected him to, either.

  When she finally dragged her gaze from the car, she noticed the man, and she lost her ability to breathe.

  David in a suit coat and tie was delicious, but David in a long-sleeved black cashmere sweater that clung to his muscles, form-fitting black designer jeans that hugged his muscular legs, and black boots that gave him that edge of “bad boy” made all her inner and outer lady parts clamor for a piece of him.

  Hell, she wasn’t going to make it through dinner without getting caught staring.

  “Diana, you look lovely,” David remarked, his deep timbre making her blush. Knowing she’d have to dress for work and dinner, Diana had chosen a black pencil skirt that hugged her curves, a scoop-necked deep violet sweater that showed off just enough of her shoulders to be sexy without being revealing, and bright red pumps. Certainly, she could have brought clothes to change into, but she patently refused to allow her plans with David to make her change her daily routine. Besides, if she had allowed herself to cave, there were clothes at Margie’s apartment, which was only fifteen minutes away.

  Remembering that David had given her a compliment, she offered him a smile. “You look lovely as well,” she teased, hoping she sounded confident rather than scared witless.

  David chuckled, the sound making her nipples tighten.

  “I’ve never been called lovely before, but I’ll take it.” David offered her his arm. “Shall we?” Swallowing, Diana looped her arm through his and allowed him to escort her to the waiting car. It was low-slung, an aerodynamic beast in the streets. David opened the passenger door for her and because the car was so low to the ground, she had to step off the curb before she could begin to get low enough to slip inside. As she attempted to get in, the hem of her skirt rode up (short and tight—as requested, though she didn’t know why she’d done as David wanted), revealing the one piece of her attire that she’d donned just for her. A pair of red garters.

  Swinging her legs into the car, she held her breath, hoping that David hadn’t noticed, but the growl and then curse told her he’d noticed alright.

  “Fuck, Diana. You’re going to drive me crazy all night knowing what you’re hiding under that skirt.”

  Before she could tell him to keep his mind off what was under her skirts, David closed the door. He was around the car and opening the driver’s side door in seconds. As he slipped into the driver’s seat, Diana couldn’t pull her gaze from the tight, hard globes of his ass. Once he sat down, though, he caught her, a grin spreading his lips.

  “And now you can go crazy thinking about what I’m hiding under my pants,” he teased, winking.

  She huffed. “That’s not going to happen.”

  David laughed. “We’ll see.” He started the engine, the perfectly tuned machine purring to life. As he pulled out into traffic, Diana kept her eyes straight ahead. If she couldn’t see him, she couldn’t drool over him—at least that’s the lie she told herself.

  Once they’d gone a few blocks, David opened his mouth, and what came out wasn’t what Diana expected—again.

  “That night we met at the Incantata…what were you doing there?” His question seemed innocent enough, and it wasn’t as though she had any reason to lie. So why did it feel as though it was the beginning of a cross-examination?

  “I was at the Bella Notte because I wanted a drink. I was staying at the Incantata because Mr. Ayers required that I stay late in the office that night to finish up some paperwork. I usually spend the weekend nights with Margie so I can drive home in the afternoons on Saturdays, but that night she had a…guest. I agreed to work late but I dreaded having to drive the hour plus home when I would be exhausted.”

  David didn’t turn to look at her, but she could see him stealing glances at her from the corner of his eye. What was he expecting to see?

  “Does Rick often put you up in fancy hotels?” David drawled, that tick back in his jaw.

  Was David…jealous?

  “No. That was the first time,” she replied, a warmth spreading through her at the relief in David’s eyes. “I’d earned it after months of staying late for his cases. It was a one off, I doubt it will happen again.”

  David seemed to like that answer because he nodded, his shoulders losing some of the tension her previous answer had elicited.

  Their drive took them to a low traffic area, one she’d never seen before, and she was even more shocked to see where David parked the car; right in front of a dinky building with a ragged red and white striped awning, and hand painted sign for ‘cannoli: 2 for $5’ in the window.

  “What is this place,” she asked as David helped her from the car.

  He looked at the building then back at her. He grinned. “This is a place I discovered one evening, ten years ago, when I had driven myself mad working on contracts and needed a breather. I walked for blocks, and then his heavenly smell hit my nose. I followed my nose here and had the most delicious plate of chicken parmigiana I have ever eaten—then or ever.”

  She smiled back. “I must try it, then.”

  “You should. Gino and Francesca are the most amazing people, and their food is to die for,” he replied emphatically as he opened the door for her and let her walk inside before him. The inside of the restaurant was another surprise for the evening. The lighting was low, but it was romantic, not shady, and the tables were evenly spaced with white tablecloths on each one. A single rose in a long white vase adorned the middle of each table.

  “David, mio figlio. It has been an age since I have seen you,” a short, round man called as he hurried toward them from the back of the room. David grinned again (she definitely liked his smile, especially when it wasn’t aimed at her and dripping with wickedness). The man threw his arms around David and David reciprocated, they both slapped each other on the back before separating to smile at one another brightly.

  “Gio, my old friend. How are you?” David asked, sincerity making his words lilt like a song.

  Gio scoffed. “I am old but I am still here, yes? And who is this bella signorina?” he asked, raising his hands for Diana to take. Without hesitating, she slipped her hands into Gio’s. He flipped them over and kissed the top of each one.

  “This is Diana, and I have brought her to enjoy your chicken parmigiana,” David answered, a strange tightness in his tone.

  Again with the jealousy? This is preposterous.

  “Ah. Come, come! I will give you the best table in the house. Perfect for una notte d'amore,” Gio effused, leading them to a corner of the room which was hidden by a folding screen pri
nted with garden flowers. Seated behind it, they would be in near complete privacy. Her body struggled with not being elated by that idea.

  Pulling out her chair for her, David waited for her to be seated before seating himself in a chair so close to her, their knees rubbed against each other.

  “Wine, yes?” Gio inquired.

  “Yes, you know which one,” David answered with a knowing look.

  Gio disappeared to the other side of the screen, leaving David and Diana alone.

  She swallowed and reached for the menu on the table, just wanting to do something with her nervous hands.

  “I thought you wanted to try the parmigiana,” David drawled, his eyes missing nothing.

  “I do, but I want to see what they have for dessert,” she defended, opening the menu and making a production of lifting it up to hide her face from David’s probing gaze. Since the start of their date, he’d been more intense than she’d ever seen him, as if there was something coming and she hadn’t been warned about it.

  His finger appeared over the top of the menu, pulling it down until their gazes met over the lip of it.

  “Diana…there’s no use in hiding from me. I will always find you.”

  She sniffed dismissively. “I’m not hiding. I am reading—oh, look! Tiramisu,” she exclaimed falsely. She didn’t care about the dessert, her attention was drawn to David’s other hand, which was making its way from her knee to her thigh. She tensed, her skin catching fire where he’d touched her.

  “David!” she hissed. “What are you doing?”

  She caught the wicked, cock-eyed smile and nearly melted in her chair. “I am perusing my menu for what I would like for dessert,” he said, his voice a low, deep murmur that snatched at her senses. His gaze dropped to where his hand was under the table. “I think I’ll have the cream covered peaches.” His gray eyes turned to liquid steel. “Let’s hurry with dinner, I find myself ravenous for dessert.”

  She snapped the menu closed and pushed his hand from her thigh.

  “I thought you wanted to talk? If I had known this would be a poorly disguised attempt at a repeat, I would have declined,” she intoned dryly, her heart pounding loud enough she was sure he could tell she wasn’t as composed as she tried to appear.

  David chuckled. “We will talk—before dinner or after dessert…” His eyes dropped to her thigh again, where the hidden garter bit into her skin as if he were tugging on it. “And, of course, dessert will be in my bed.” He licked his bottom lip and she almost flew out of her chair, tugged him behind her to the bathroom, and begged him to use that tongue on her.

  He must’ve sensed the direction of her thoughts because David seemed supernaturally pleased when Gio returned with their wine.

  “Two chicken parmigiana, and make sure you bring the take-out containers with you. This will be a short meal,” David ordered, sending the man scurrying away with a knowing look on his weathered face.

  Diana couldn’t believe David’s gall! He honestly just assumed that he was getting her into his bed.

  Be honest with yourself, Di. That is exactly where you want to be.

  Shaking her head, she snapped, “You seem full of yourself this evening.”

  His eyes narrowed suggestively. “Not as full of me as you will be.” The bastard winked at her, making her splutter nonsensically. What was she supposed to say to him when she couldn’t rub two thoughts together whenever he was around?

  Settling on silence until he decided to get his head out of the gutter, Diana ignored his heated looks and took in the section of the restaurant she could see. It really was a lovely restaurant, the decorations understated and tasteful, and the smells… She almost moaned. The smells were heavenly, her mouth watered.

  She could feel David’s gaze on her, watching her, probably undressing her and fucking her right at the table, but she refused to give him the attention he wanted.

  Finally, he broke the silence. “Are you pregnant?”

  As if struck by lightning, Diana’s body stiffened to the point of pain, her heart thundering like a stampede in her chest, and her lungs seized up. Her thoughts dragging when they should be marching, she simply started at David, her mouth agape.

  “It isn’t such a difficult question, Diana,” he drawled, an edge to his tone. “Are you pregnant?”

  Dragging in a calming, centering breath, she considered her words. Yes, she’d planned to tell him before she’d learned about his sterility but then changed her mind. But now she had to tell him. She couldn’t lie to his face.

  “Yes. I am.”

  His expression grew hard, his cheekbones sharpening his features.

  “And you believe it is mine?”

  “Yes,” she answered then held her breath. What would he say?

  He stared at her for long moments, emotions flashing in his eyes.

  Gio bringing their food cut the tension for a second before it returned when he left.

  Deciding the ball was in David’s court, she dug into her meal.

  The first mouthful of perfectly breaded chicken melted on her tongue.

  “Oh my God, this is delicious,” she moaned.

  “I never lie about delicious things, Diana,” David finally said before taking a bite of his own meal.

  They ate in silence, her gaze unable to stop flicking over to David who hadn’t taken his eyes from her—only to look at his plate to cut his chicken. Once their plates were empty (she’d eaten the whole meal, including three scrumptious garlic butter breadsticks), David leaned back and sipped on his wine. She forewent the wine and drank from the glass of water that had magically appeared.

  Long, tense, silent moments ticked by, and instead of the tension being the kind that petrified her, it was the kind that wound her up, her body vibrating with her need for the man across the table from her, exuding waves of predatory hunger.

  “Let me get the check,” David announced before standing then moving around the screen. Once he disappeared from view, she let out a pent-up breath, allowing her shoulders to droop, pulling at the muscles bunched in her back. The area between her legs needed relief too, but she doubted any type of stretching would help with that.

  Suddenly, David was behind her, his large hands on her shoulders. His warmth threaded through her, making her breath catch. She could feel his hot breath as it fanned over the back of her neck to that point just below her ear.

  “Time for dessert, Diana.”

  Chapter 15

  Tucked into bed beside David, Diana let bliss light the room around her with fireworks. Her body weightless, her heart finally slowing, her breathing still ragged but definitely not as ragged as it had been minutes before when David had given her yet another orgasm.

  Beside her, David was lying on his side, his right arm thrown up over his head as he caught his breath, his muscular chest rising and falling most hypnotically.

  There was silence in the room as they both regained their equilibrium.

  Finally, David broke the silence. “After…” His gaze shifted to her, watching her. “Why did you leave?” She didn’t have to ask to know he meant that first night. Was he really wondering why she’d left him? Wasn’t it obvious? Wasn’t it what he wanted?

  Was it what you wanted?

  Her heart thundering, she sighed. “God, David, it was just one night. We didn’t even exchange names. It was supposed to be fun and then done.” Scrambling to cover her naked breasts, she tugged on the sheet, but he held fast, leaning forward to secure it tighter to the bed.

  She glared at him.

  “It was supposed to be one night but…” He opened his mouth to continue but then shut it. His expression told her that there was more he wanted to say, his jaw muscles flexing as he held back his words. Finally, he said, “You had me at a disadvantage. You knew who I was the moment you saw me in Ayers’s building. It was I who was without the benefit of your name that night at the bar, and then later in my room. What I wouldn’t have done to know the name of the woman wh
o made my cock explode deep within her. I would have growled out your name as I came…just as you screamed mine.”

  “I did?” She couldn’t remember that, then again, she’d been a lot overwhelmed.

  He curled an eyebrow at her, his smirk in place. “I wouldn’t have done my job if I hadn’t made you scream my name at least once.”

  When she tried to slap his chest, he moved out of the way, chuckling. She used that opportunity to pull the sheet away from him and up over her chest. It was a thin and pathetic barrier, but it was one she needed if she was going to have this conversation.

  “Well, I didn’t even know it was you until Margie told me who you were. Sure, I’d heard about you, but I’d never seen your face.”

  “How is that possible? This gorgeous face is everywhere?” He grinned, his white teeth sparkling in the sunlight beaming in through the windows.

  She rolled her eyes and pinched her lips, determined not to let his charm break her.

  “On tabloid rags and financial magazines, no doubt. I don’t have time to read unless its legal documents or the nutrition information on the food in the grocery store.”

  He furrowed his brow, his gaze sharpening.

  “Why do you read the nutrition information?”

  She shrugged. “So I can count calories and make sure my hips and ass don’t triple in size just because I splurged on bad fats and processed sugars.” It was bad enough she floved (fucking loved) her chocolate croissants, but she made up for eating those by watching what she ate the rest of the week. Chicken salads, sushi, and flavored tuna packets were her go-to when Margie wasn’t forcing her to have lunch with her somewhere. But even that usually ended up being some health food place that sold rabbit food in the guise of vegetarian fare. She loved Margie and she didn’t mind that Margie didn’t eat animals, but Diana couldn’t picture life without carne asada and BBQ beef ribs.


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