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Tom Fairfield at Sea; or, The Wreck of the Silver Star

Page 6

by Norman Duncan



  Instantly there was a commotion all through the _Silver Star_. Thecaptain's alarming words had frightened the sailors as well as thepassengers. As for Tom, he stood in fascinated wonder on the bridge,watching the approaching waterspout.

  And that it was approaching, and rapidly too, could not be doubted. Itwas sweeping onward with a whirling motion, straight for the ship, andthere was a low, moaning and humming sound to the wind that had createdit, which did not add to the pleasure of the spectacle.

  "Is there any danger?" asked Tom.

  "There is if it hits us," was the captain's grim answer. "But I'm notgoing to let that happen, if I can help it. I'll go ahead full speedand try to get out of the way. It's only in a sailing ship, where it'shard to change the course against a perverse wind, that there is reallyany great danger, though I have heard of steamers being hit."

  "Oh, Captain Steerit!" cried a woman passenger from the deck below."Will we be wrecked?"

  "Not if I can help it," was his answer. "There is comparatively nodanger. I'll pass the spout to one side."

  "Then I'm going to try for a picture!" exclaimed Tom. "Will it lastlong enough for me to get my camera?" he asked, pausing on his way down.

  "It will if you hurry," answered the commander. "And I may be able togive you a chance to get a rare view."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean I'm going to try to break that spout with a cannon shot. I'veread of such things being done, but I never tried it. I've got a gun onboard, for saluting some of the owners at the islands where I trade,and I'll have my gunner try a shot at it."

  "Great!" cried Tom. "If I can get a view of the spout, as the cannonball hits it, that will be a rare one."

  He hurried below for his camera, while the captain gave his order aboutthe cannon, and the crew ran the gun out on the bow.

  When Tom came up from his stateroom he saw that the spout was muchnearer. But the course of the _Silver Star_ had been so changed thatshe was in comparatively no danger of being struck, unless thewaterspout suddenly shifted.

  "All ready now with that gun!" cried the captain.

  "All ready! Aye, aye, sir!" came the answer.

  Tom was taking several views of the waterspout as it was whirlingalong, and some of the other passengers, grown bolder as they saw thatthere was no danger, were doing the same.

  "Ready to snap her, Tom?" asked the commander.

  "Yes, sir," answered our hero.

  "Then here she goes! Fire!"

  There was a puff of white smoke, a dull flame, and a report that seemedto jar the whole ship. Tom had a glimpse of something black boundingover the waves. It was the round shot from the old-fashioned cannon,and had no great speed, as cannon balls go.

  "Get ready, Tom!" called the captain.

  Tom focused his camera on the whirling waterspout, and waited the rightmoment to push the shutter lever.

  It came.

  Surely aimed had been the cannon, for the ball cut right through thecenter of the twin-joined funnel-shaped masses of water. The one thathad risen from the sea slumped down into the waves again, carrying withit the mass of water that had been drawn from the heavily chargedcloud, and Tom got a wonderful picture of the destruction of the spout.

  "There, I guess that won't trouble us any more, even if it had beenheaded directly for us!" called the captain, while he signalled forfull speed ahead, since he had slowed down the vessel to enable Tom totake the snapshot.

  "It was great!" exclaimed our hero, as he went up on the bridge tothank his friend the commander. "Do waterspouts do much damage?"

  "They do when they're big enough, and when they hit a small vessel.Even a big steamer might suffer from having thousands of tons of waterdropped on her decks at once. I don't want to encounter a waterspout.They are quite rare I believe. At least I've seen very few, and thefarther off they are the better I like 'em. Did you get a good picture?"

  "I hope so. But I can't develop it here."

  "Oh, yes you can. I used to be quite an amateur photographer myself,and I had a dark room fitted up on board. I guess there are all thechemicals and other things you need, including the ruby light. Go aheadand develop your film, and see what sort of a view you have."

  "That's great!" exclaimed Tom. "If they're any good I'll make some foryou."

  "All right. I'll be glad to have 'em."

  Tom went below, noting as he did so that the sea was still foamingand agitated where the waterspout had subsided into the waves.The passengers were crowded about the gun that had been fired,congratulating the gunner, and talking about the waterspout and itssudden destruction.

  To get to the dark room, fitted up in a small stateroom, Tom had to gopast the room of the "mysterious" passenger.

  "Queer he wouldn't even come up on deck to see the waterspout," musedour hero. "He must have some strange object in remaining below. Well,I'm not going to think anything more about him."

  As Tom got in front of the stateroom he noticed that the door waspartly opened, and, almost instinctively, and with no intention ofprying, he looked in as he passed.

  What he saw startled him. There was an electric light aglow in theapartment, for the clouds had made the day gloomy, and Tom caught thereflection in a looking glass on the wall. And what he saw in the glasswas the face of a man with a beard and moustache. It was a face thatTom knew well, but it was not the face of the passenger who had sohurriedly boarded the ship, and who had kept to his berth ever since.

  "A beard and moustache!" gasped Tom. "I wonder if they're false? Andyet they might have grown naturally. But no, they couldn't have, inthis short time. They're false. And I know who that man is now! Ididn't know him smooth shaven, but I do with his beard."

  He had a good glimpse, by means of the mirror, of the face of themysterious man. The passenger appeared to be contemplating hiscountenance in the glass.

  "He here!" gasped Tom, as he hurried on to the dark room. "That man onboard! I must tell Captain Steerit!"


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