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Capone's Chaos: Royal Bastards MC Los Angeles Chapter book #2

Page 11

by J. Lynn Lombard

  Derek rises from admiring his fixed bike, his jaw ticking. “What the fuck are you talking about? What did Layla do?”

  “It’s all at the safe house. That’s all I can say out loud. All I can do is apologize in advance for it.” The man, now knowns as the bitch's brother disappears before anyone can say anything.

  “Load up and roll out,” Derek commands before straddling his bike. He puts on a new helmet and motions for me to climb on the back. I hesitate, my insecurities are ramping up inside my head at the mention of Layla and Derek sees it. He climbs off his bike and pulls me into his chest. “I didn’t ask to know anything about her. I swear I don’t want to know.” Derek tries to soothe the mess of my emotions.

  “I believe you, but now what do we do? What if she is there and you find out you want her and not me anymore? What if I’m just a passerby and you’re really in love with her? What if all this is my fault because I pushed you away so many times when we were younger?” Word vomit comes flowing out of my mouth before I can stop it.

  “Hey,” Derek lifts my face to meet his eyes. There’s love and tenderness in them even after my outburst. “There is nothing she can give or ever gave me that you didn’t. Honestly, even when we did things, you’re all I could think about. Anytime I touched her, I imagined it was you. Which might sound weird, but she is in the past. Everything I ever did with her is in the past where it needs to stay buried. She wasn’t you. She will never be you. You are the one I’ve always wanted and craved. Not a barmaid. Not anyone else. Just you. You are mine, just as I am yours.”

  Derek leans in and kisses me like no other to seal his words. Everything he just said he pours out into our heated kiss. He’s mine. Derek, aka Capone, Combs belongs to me, just like I belong to him.

  My ride or die. My other half. We’re in this together and whatever surprise this bitch has done, we will face it head on together.

  Chapter 12


  The look of insecurities that crossed my Belle’s face broke my heart. I had to reassure her there is nothing I want from Layla. Danyella doesn’t understand how long or far my infatuation with her went so I had to prove it. Not only with my words but with my actions too. So, after I confessed to her the truth of my time with Layla, I gave her the most passionate kiss we’ve ever shared. Where our souls connect on another level. Danyella is mine and I am hers. I’ve always belonged to her, I was just an idiot who needed to scratch an itch to pass the time. Now I hope that decision doesn’t bite me in the ass.

  After releasing Danyella from my grasp, I gaze into her green eyes. She’s speechless and breathless. The heaving of her chest does things to my heart.

  “What was that for?” Danyella whispers.

  “To show you no matter what, you’re mine,” I growl.

  “You mean, you’re mine.” She giggles. The tension in the air dissipates with her laughter.

  “Yeah, that too,” I smirk and brush a strand of hair out of her face.

  “If you two are about done sucking face, I’d like to get out of this heat soon.” Bear’s boisterous voice echoes around us. Blayze grumbles something about keeping my tongue out of his sister’s mouth and Monica smacks him with a grin on her face.

  I release Danyella from my grasp and straddle my bike. She slides on behind me and settles against my back. It’s thrilling having her on my bike this way, her tits and thighs plastered against me. Last time she was on it, she didn’t want to be and kept far away as possible. Which was hard, but she barely managed to hang onto me. This time though, this time her hands are around my waist, dangerously low and her warmth is against my back.

  I pull the paper Ricardo gave me from my cut and study the address. I know of the area and it’ll be tricky getting there, but we can do it. It’s about a forty-minute ride to the middle of nowhere Mexico. A safe house nestled in the middle of a small-town full of shanties. The best place to stay, in plain sight.

  The rumble of our bikes sets my soul free. The vibration of my Harley underneath me and my Belle tucked behind me makes me feel like everything is set right in the world. Belle is where she’s always destined to be, on the seat of my bike, her legs spread wide with me between them. During the whole ride, her hands keep brushing my stomach and dick, making me hard riding down the dirt roads. At one point, I leaned back and her fingers dove inside my jeans, stroking my cock. I almost crashed again her hands felt so good wrapped around my shaft. She stops just before I explode in my jeans and a growl rips from my throat, warning her she better be ready for me when we get there.

  Danyella breathes on the side of my neck, staying as close to me as possible, sending want and lust roaring through my body. She’s going to get a good fucking as soon as we get there. Thirty minutes later, I pull into a little village with shanties nestled so close to each other, there’s no breathing room. I follow the directions to a small warehouse hidden inside the village. Which is good because we can pull our bikes in and not have them spotted from the street.

  I stop my bike and put the kickstand down.

  “Stay here,” I tell Danyella and Monica and motion for Blayze and Torch to follow me. The three of us walk up to the barn style doors and push them open. We enter the warehouse and check each and every room before allowing the girls in. I’m in the kitchen searching when an envelope with my name scrawled across the front catches my attention on the counter. I pick it up and stuff it into the inside pocket of my cut. Not sure if I want to read it or leave it be. That’s something I’ll talk with Danyella about. If I do, I want to do it with her.

  “All clear,” Blayze’s voice echoes in the empty room. I hurry from the kitchen, go outside and pull my bike inside with the rest of the Royal Bastards following me. Our bikes fill the warehouse floor, cutting the echoing down substantially. I tap Danyella on the leg and she climbs off from behind me. I put my kickstand down and get off too.

  “We have some shit to go over and a plan to put into place. Everyone meet in the kitchen in ten.” I order before taking Danyella’s hand and explore the safe house with her. We climb up a set of metal stairs and when we reach the top, I turn. The mezzanine overlooks the entire warehouse from up here. There isn’t a place I can’t see from this vantage point. Danyella opens one bedroom door and steps inside. I follow close behind and shut the door behind me. Pulling her against me, I kiss her with pent up passion from the ride over. By the time I release her lips, Danyella is panting heavily, her eyes are half lidded and full of desire.

  “You’re a fucking tease. You know that right,” I growl into the side of her neck, nibbling and kissing her succulent skin. Danyella moans from my touch.

  “Just giving you a taste of what you do to me daily,” she whispers. I pick her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist. I can feel the heat from her pussy rubbing against my aching cock. Wanting to sink deep inside of her but knowing we can’t right now. I kiss the curve of Danyella’s neck again and release her, letting her body slide down mine until her feet touch the floor. Her cheeks are rosy and she looks at me through hooded eyes.

  “We have to head back downstairs. I think this room will do.” Danyella taps me on the chest, kisses me and saunters out of the bedroom. She sways her hips back and forth teasing the ever loving fuck out of me.

  “Woman, if you don’t put that pop away, I’m going to say fuck heading back downstairs and tie you up to that bed post,” I growl low in my throat. Danyella turns around. Her eyes start at my toes and trail up my entire body all while she’s biting her bottom lip.

  “Promises, promises, Capone. You won’t do that because even I know the rules. Club comes first. So let’s get this meeting over with so you can deliver on that promise.” With that Danyella disappears down the iron stairs and heads into the kitchen. I rub my hand over my chest to slow my racing heart. This woman will be the death of me if I can’t get myself under control. All she has to do is be on my mind and I’m ready to sink balls deep into her.

  Danyella sticks her head out
the kitchen door and shouts up at me, “Capone, are you coming?” Then My Belle has the fucking nerve to laugh. She fucking cackles when she heads back into the kitchen.

  Shaking my head, I stomp down the stairs and across the concrete floor. I’m going to blister her ass red for pulling that stunt. But I can’t be too mad because even though she called me out, my dick is rock hard behind the zipper of my jeans. I slam my hand against the swinging door leading into the kitchen and glare at Danyella. She’s staring right back at me, daring me to say something. The fire in her eyes and the teasing smile on her face is my undoing. I walk over to her and lean over her sitting in the chair. My arms are caging her in.

  “Do that again and see what happens, My Belle,” I whisper low, my mouth right next to her ear.

  Danyella shivers against my threat. She turns her head so we’re nose to nose. “I’m counting on it, Capone.” A rumble starts low in my throat when someone clears theirs behind me.

  “If you’re done, we need to get down to business.” Blayze stomps into the kitchen and plops down in another chair. He pulls Monica onto his lap. The rest of the Royal Bastards walks into the kitchen. The room is intense as they all wait for me to begin. Danyella stands up and offers me her seat. I sit down and pull her onto my lap. These next few things require her presence so she stays.

  “I’ve come across some important information this morning and we need to move fast on it. Apparently, I’m not the only one Salazar has targeted. He tried hitting us where it hurts and that’s with Danyella.”

  Blayze’s body stiffens and his head turns slowly in our direction. “What?”

  “He tried contacting me a week after I was rescued. I’ve been ignoring his calls and texts this whole time, but the last one he sent me.” Danyella pauses and catches her breath. “This last one was a few hours before Capone’s accident. He said our time is up and if I don’t meet him, he’ll kill Capone.”

  “Danyella, you didn’t tell me that,” Monica hisses.

  “Capone was safe, so I didn’t feel I needed too.” Danyella defends herself.

  “Well, if you did, he wouldn’t be hurt. Are you fucking kidding me? We don’t hide secrets in this club. Not after what happened in Detroit.” Monica glares at Danyella, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “How the hell am I supposed to know what’s going on? I’ve been an outcast here since I came back!” Danyella’s tears are running down her face and her voice has an angry edge to it. “You all have been treating me like I’m some piece of fucking glass that’ll break if the wrong thing is said or done. And I’ll tell you all, that’s far from the truth. I’m not some scared little girl who can’t handle the truth so stop treating me like a child! Then maybe, just maybe I would have come to you sooner!” Danyella slams her fists on the table, shoving her point home.

  “Are we done now?” I ask. My jaw ticks with each passing second.

  “I am,” Danyella’s voice is soft in the large room.

  “So am I,” Monica grumbles.

  “Good. Now, here’s how we’re going to handle this. Danyella, you’re going to text Salazar and set up a meeting. Tell him how you know it was him who hit me. That you don’t know the condition I’m in because the rest of the Club doesn’t trust you. When he sets up the meeting place, we’ll be there and take him out once and for all.”

  “What if he doesn’t believe me?”

  “Make him believe you. This is our shot at taking back our control and ending this motherfucker.” I gently nudge Danyella, handing her phone to her. She sighs and sets her phone on the table. Taking a deep breath, My Belle finds the courage to do this. She picks up her phone and an image I’ve never seen before stares back at me. It’s a picture of me on my Harley wearing my leathers and my sunglasses on. The sun is setting in the background, making the sky light up red and pink. It’s a really good picture of me.

  “When did you take this?” I question, pulling the phone out of her hand.

  “Uh… the day we came back from Michigan. You were sitting outside on your bike, thinking about something and I loved the way you looked. So I snuck a picture.” Danyella’s cheeks turn fire engine red with embarrassment.

  Remembering that day, a smile graces my lips. “I was thinking about how I was going to win you over. That’s ironic.” I hand Danyella back her phone. “Go ahead and send the text.”

  She opens her text apps and begins typing. It takes a while for her to find the right words, but when she’s satisfied with it, she hits send. “There. Now we wait and see if he bites.”

  No sooner the words leave her lips, Danyella’s phone lights up with an incoming call. It’s an unavailable number. I nudge her to answer it on speakerphone and shush the rest of the guys.

  “Hello?” Danyella whispers into the phone.

  “Danyella, Danyella, Danyella. What a pleasant surprise. I didn’t think I’d hear from you after all this time.” Salazar’s gravely voice comes across the line. It takes every ounce of willpower I have not to reach through the phone and rip out his tongue and then beat him with it.

  “Well, I got your point loud and clear. Did you want to kill him?” Her voice shakes with fear. She’s playing the part very well.

  “My Belle. That’s what he calls you isn’t it?” The nickname I gave Danyella rolls past Salazar’s lips in a taunting tone. “You know better than that. Of course I didn’t want to kill Capone, I want you anyways and this way brought you out of hiding. Why don’t you tell me where you are and I’ll come and get you.”

  “That’s not how it works, Salazar. I’ll come to you. Obviously, you either take what you want or have them murdered and I’d rather take my chances finding my way to you than you come to me.” The hatred in Danyella’s voice is unmistakable and it’s turning me on.

  “Fine, I’ll be at the bar in six hours. Ask your brother where it is, he’s been there before and just recently too. You have until then to make it there. If you don’t you can kiss your precious Derek goodbye for good. I might even throw in a two-fer. Derek and Xander.” He hangs up on Danyella before she can rebut and she sets the phone down.

  “There, now we need to make a plan on how we keep everyone safe in the time limit we have.” Danyella stands up from my lap, “I need a minute.” With that, she’s out of the kitchen taking the time she needs. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions for her and I have one more the two of us need to discuss.

  “What’s the plan, Prez?” Red asks.

  “Pull up the details on the bar and the safehouse. Why does Salazar want to meet there and what’s so special about that shitty place? Monica will drive Danyella there. Red, Tiny, Trigger and Torch, you four will be there already watching the place. Blayze, Derange, Dagger and I will follow Danyella to the bar to make sure she gets there safely. Then when she finds out what he wants, we get Danyella out of there and set fireworks to the fucking place. Leaving no one inside to survive.” I slam my fists on the table, making it rattle with force. “Are we in agreement? Say, aye.” All my brothers say aye, every single one of them has mine and my girls back. “Anyone in disagreement, say nay.” Silence descends upon the room.

  “Good,” I slam my fist on the table again, ending the meeting. “Now get ready to load up and roll out. I want you four there like now, not later.”

  “Aye, Prez.” Torch nods his head. “We will protect Danyella and Monica with our lives.” He holds his pointer finger and middle finger on his left hand up in a peace sign and places it over his heart. I return the gesture and four of them leave the kitchen. Torch is a strange fucker and he has his quirks, but whatever helps him to get the job done, I’ll support.

  Monica, Blayze, Derange and Dagger all disperse into different areas of the safehouse. Each doing their own thing to be prepared for tonight. Which leaves me sitting in the kitchen alone. I pull the letter out of my cut and flip it over, trying to figure out if I want to open it or leave the past to rest.

  Chapter 13


The lost look on Derek’s face when I enter the room is my undoing. Something is bothering him and I don’t know what it is. He’s holding an envelope in his hands, a slight tick in his jaw. I approach him and he shoves the envelope back into his cut. His hands roam my legs, caressing my thighs. Whatever he was contemplating disappears the moment his lips fall upon mine.

  Derek’s hot breath on my chest sends a shot of desire through my body. I want this man more than words can express. More than actions can attest. He is my soul, my heart and a part of me. I pull his face back up to mine and kiss him hard. My tongue battles with his until we’re both breathing hard. I rise and yank my shirt over my head, exposing my chest to him. Derek licks his lips and watches me. He adjusts his cock and spreads his legs wide. With wild abandonment, knowing we could be caught at any time, I unhook my bra and toss it in his direction. Next, I shimmy my jeans down my hips and kick them off so I’m left in only my panties.

  Derek slides his cut off and places it on the table. Then he chucks his shirt off, making my mouth water. Now he’s in just his jeans, the zipper and button undone, revealing the sexy V most men work hard to achieve. He motions to me with one finger and I strut over to him, swaying my hips. He pulls me against him and kisses my neck. I arch my back to his touch and let our bodies speak to each other. I moan when his lips descend onto my nipple, sucking and nipping.

  “I need you, Derek.” He picks me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. He places me onto the table, the cold metal nipping at my skin. His hand descends down my body into my panties. Derek plays with my clit driving me wild with need.

  “You’re so wet for me, Belle. This is going to be fast. Then later I can cherish your body the way you deserve.” I hear the clink of his belt as he drops his jeans to his ankles. Derek pulls me to the edge of the table so my ass is hanging off it. He runs his cock up and down my wet folds, teasing me. Before words can leave my mouth, Derek drives into me and fills me with his cock. He pumps in and out, hard and fast. His strokes leave a fire stoked in my soul. We’re bare skin against bare skin. Our hearts pumping hard against each beat. “If anyone deserves to have my child, it should be you, Belle.”


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