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Page 6

by Pepper North

  “Good girl, Cecily. Daddy knew your tummy needed some help after your bottle. Now, it’s time for your tummy to get cleaned out, so your temperature goes down again.” He started toward her nursery and placed her on the changing table to take off her wet diaper.

  “No, Daddy, please. I don’t want an enema. You gave me one before. My tummy is fine,” Cecily begged as he lifted her hips and slid the wet diaper off. She continued to try to reason with Jon as he cleaned her bottom of urine but he just repeated over and over, “I’m the Daddy. You have to trust me. I know what you need.”

  Finally, when Cecily was wiped clean, Jon placed her on the floor by the toy chest to play. Cecily watched with anxiety as Jon pulled a large enema bag from the cabinet and filled it up with water before adding some liquid from two different bottles in the cabinet. He hung it up on the wall in an empty space in the nursery and walked out of the room carrying something that looked like a big slanted bench. He set it up in front of the bulging enema bag and unbuckled several straps near platforms. Jon walked to pick up Cecily, and she leaped to her feet.

  “No, Daddy. I don’t want to get on that...thing.” She screamed as she ran for the door of the nursery.

  Catching her before she could take her third step, Jon held her against him, “Shhhhh! Daddy’s not going to hurt his Little girl. Everything is okay. You need this enema, Cecily. Your temperature is too high, and you’re going tomorrow to see Dr. Richards. He’s a very nice doctor, and you want to be clean inside and out, so you’re not embarrassed when he examines you.” He continued to rub her back as she cried.

  “I don’t want an enema. They’re not fun. They’re embarrassing, and they hurt,” Cecily sobbed.

  “Little girl, I don’t think you’re telling the truth. Your first enema didn’t hurt you, did it?” Watching Cecily start to nod her head “yes,” Jon reminded her, “Little girls that lie get their naughty bottoms spanked until they learn to tell the truth. Your enema didn’t hurt, did it? I can remember a little girl screaming from pleasure as her Daddy touched her private areas. Don’t you?”

  Cecily’s face turned red, and she looked at the floor. Several seconds later, she admitted, “It didn’t hurt but... I didn’t like it. I don’t want another one.”

  “I know, honey. But Little girls often don’t like taking their medicine,” he lifted her in his arms and carried her over to the structure in front of the enema bag. He carefully placed her on the slanted bench so that her legs straddled it widely and her weight was supported on her forearms and shins. Jon quickly strapped her down firmly. “This is your new enema horsie. You can ride it like a horse whenever you want to play cowboy and Daddy will use it to make you more comfortable during your enemas.”

  Jon ran his hand down her parted bottom and picked up the lubricant. At the sound of the jar opening, Cecily began to wail. Jon pressed his lubricated finger deep into her rectum as he rubbed her bottom. “It’s okay, Cecily. Just relax.” He stood there for a few minutes until Cecily finally relaxed her bottom. Jon quickly removed his finger and pressed the lubricated enema nozzle deep into her rectum. It was designed to be narrow at the bottom and top with a thick section in the middle. Cecily bucked as the thickest section invaded her tight anus, but within seconds Jon had succeeded in pressing it inside. The nozzle narrowed, and her bottom allowed it to enter fully without difficulty. Jon knew that she would be unable to push it out to stop her enema. He released the valve with a click and heard the medicated water flowing into her bottom.

  Jon stood beside her and rubbed her tummy softly to spread the medicine throughout her intestines. Hearing Cecily moan softly, Jon murmured, “It’s tough being a Little girl, isn’t it? You’re doing so well getting acclimated to being a Little. Letting someone take care of you inside and out is hard. Dr. Richards is a great doctor, and I’m glad he’s going to give you a physical tomorrow afternoon. He’ll have a regimen for us to follow that will keep you feeling your best. Daddy wants you to be healthy for your beautiful self, outside and inside.” He was quiet just standing by her to watch over her until three-quarters of the bag had streamed inside Cecily.

  Cecily began to move restlessly from side to side on the enema horsie. Jon moved his hand from her tummy to her pretty, pink folds. Jon heard her breath catch as he started to move his fingers around her sensitive spots. His Little girl was dripping with slick fluid betraying her arousal. As he slid his fingers to the entrance of her vagina, Jon began to tap the nozzle protruding slightly from her rectum.

  Instantly, Cecily’s head popped up from where she had laid it down on the support. “Daddy?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Daddy’s here, Cecily,” he reassured her. “I’m just adjusting you on the new enema horsie. You just relax and take your enema. All that medicine is almost inside of you to make you healthy.” He continued to stimulate Cecily vaginally and rectally until he saw her lay her head back down on the horsie a few minutes later as her hips rose toward his touch.

  A few minutes later, the enema bag gurgled as the last of the water streamed out into Cecily’s bottom. Jon closed the valve and disconnected the tubing connected to the bag leaving the blocked nozzle in her bottom. Jon unzipped his pants. The sound was very loud in the nursery. Cecily’s head lifted to try to turn enough to see him immediately. Jon pushed his boxers and pants to his knees and rolled on a condom,

  “Daddy?” Cecily asked.

  “Yes, Daddy’s here. He’s going to take your temperature just to check that there’s enough medicine in your system.” Without delay, Jon began to push his penis into her tight vagina. The pressure of the water in her wet channel made them both moan. As Jon began to move slowly but steadily in and out of her, Cecily began to chant, “No, no, no, no!” over and over as he caused the soapy mixture inside her to slosh around to assist the enema in cleaning her intestines.

  “Daddy, it’s too much!” she cried. “Please stop!”

  “Cecily, just feel. Daddy is taking the best care of you. Let the medicine work its magic inside you. Daddy is trying to make you feel good as well,” Jon comforted her as he swirled his penis around her sensitive vaginal opening. Hearing her breath begin to shorten to pants, Jon reached one hand around to pinch her clitoris, and Cecily screamed, “Aaaahhhhhhh, Daddy!”

  “I know it feels so good, doesn’t it, honey? Daddy wants you to come again. Can you do that for Daddy?” Jon asked as she shuddered from her strong contractions.

  “No, Daddy, no,” Cecily protested but her Daddy knew her body well, and soon she was arching up to meet her Daddy’s large penis.

  “Good girl, Cecily. Daddy loves his good girl. She’s all filled up with good medicine and her Daddy’s penis. What a lucky girl, you are!” Jon murmured to her as she began to speed up his thrusts into the furthest depths of her saturated vagina. “Let Daddy help you feel better, Cecily.” Jon began to pull the enema nozzle in and out of her rectum stretching her tight muscles with the thickest part of the nozzle before letting it slide back into her rectum.

  The feel of two large items sliding in and out of her body caused Cecily to have another explosive orgasm. “Yes, Daddy, yes, yes, yes!” Cecily screamed as all her muscles tightened on the enema nozzle and Jon’s deeply inserted penis. Jon couldn’t hold back any longer, and he roared his release into the quiet nursery. Jon dropped his head down on Cecily’s shoulders to recover. His Little girl didn’t move except to inhale and exhale deeply. Jon realized that she had passed out from the massive orgasm. He rubbed her rosy bottom that was still pink from her earlier spankings as he slowly withdrew his penis. Dealing with the filled condom, Jon looked at Cecily. If the enema stayed inside her for a little longer that would be the best. He decided to go shower quickly and return to help his Little girl when she woke up naturally.

  Ten minutes later, Jon walked into the nursery bare-chested rubbing the water from his hair. Cecily was still sleeping on the enema horsie, so he quietly removed the bag from the wall and cleaned the bag and the hose
before hanging it up to dry. Then, he walked to Cecily and began to unbuckle her forearms and shins to free her from the horsie.

  Cecily began to blink her eyes and murmured “Daddy?”

  “Yes, honey. Daddy’s here. Do you think you’re awake enough to sit on the potty?” Jon asked gently.

  Cecily immediately felt the urgency of the water trapped inside her. “Please, Daddy! I need to go potty!”

  Jon lifted her from the horsie and carried her to the potty. Setting Cecily on her feet, Jon leaned her over his knee and firmly pulled the enema nozzle out of her tight anus as Cecily protested that it was too big. Finally, it popped out of her bottom, and she collapsed on the potty with the medicine bursting out of her bottom.

  “I didn’t like that enema,” Cecily said sulkily.

  “I don’t know if the neighbors would believe that based on your screams as you orgasmed twice,” Jon teased the pouting Little girl.

  Cecily looked at him shocked! “They didn’t hear, did they?”

  “No, Cecily. I put extra layers of soundproofing all over the apartment. The only person who heard you enjoying your Daddy’s attention was me,” Jon smiled at her relieved expression.

  It was an early night for Cecily. Her Daddy bathed his wilting Little girl and tucked her yawning into her crib early. Jon left several night lights on and turned the baby monitor on so that he would hear her if she needed anything. He was confident that she'd sleep through the night. An enema and two orgasms were enough of a sedative to lull any Little girl to sleep.

  Chapter 19

  The next day, Jon and Cecily drove to work as they normally did. Today, however, Cecily was very quiet. Jon knew that she was worried about her appointment with Dr. Richards that afternoon. He laid a warm hand on her knee and patted it.

  “Honey, you’ll like Dr. Richards. He is a very nice man and a great orthopedic surgeon. He is well respected for his knowledge and skills by everyone I’ve talked with. I don’t know a lot of age play couples, but everyone recommends Dr. Richards. He has been looking for his own Little girl for many years. He is going to take very good care of you. You’re not worrying that he will make fun of you or judge you, are you?” Jon asked, looking quickly at him.

  “I’m worried about going to any doctor. You know I hate shots. It’s embarrassing to wear one of those paper gowns that don’t fit and fall off at the worst time. Being your Little is so new. I’m not used to it. I can’t imagine him knowing everything about us! You’re not going to tell him that I pee in the diapers you put on me, are you? Or that I sleep in a crib? Those things can’t get out. Imagine what they would print in the paper. Our business would evaporate,” Cecily said getting increasingly upset. She was breathing too fast.

  Jon immediately pulled over into a rest area to calm her down before she started to hyperventilate. “Slow your breathing, Cecily. Breathe with me. In... one, two, three… Out… one, two, three. Good girl. Let’s do it again. In... one, two, three… Out… one, two, three. That’s my girl.” Soon, Cecily was breathing normally. Jon had seen Cecily hyperventilate once at an amusement park when she got too nervous on a roller coaster. Thank goodness, a doctor had been in the area with his son. He’d put an empty popcorn bag over Cecily’s nose and mouth and talked her into breathing slowly. Jon would never forget the panicked look in Cecily’s eyes.

  “Do I have to go?” Cecily asked quietly.

  “Yes, Cecily. You have to go. This man is very nice and a good doctor. He understands our lifestyle and will not judge either of us for it. He will keep you healthy, and that’s the most important thing. You’ve been in my life, forever. I want to keep you in my life for another hundred years. Will you trust me that you’ll be okay?” Jon asked taking her hand.

  “Will he give me a shot?” Cecily whispered.

  “He may. Its flu shot time and you need to be protected.” He held up his hand to stop her protests. “I know you don’t like shots. Sometimes, shots are necessary.”

  “I don’t like them,” Cecily repeated stubbornly.

  “But you’ll go?” Jon asked.

  “I’ll go, but I’m not happy about it. He better not give me a shot,” Cecily said frowning.

  “Whatever the doctor says goes, Cecily. You will follow his directions and behave like a good Little girl or I will paddle your bottom at the office in front of him, and I will paddle your bottom again when we get home. Are you listening to me, Cecily?” Jon asked as she turned with a hrumpf to look at the window.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she answered dismally.

  Chapter 20

  The day flew past for both Jon and Cecily. They both ate an early working lunch at their desks and planned to leave at 2 o’clock. At 2:05, Jon was standing at Cecily’s desk as she tried to convince him that she was too busy to leave. Finally, at 2:07, Jon shut her computer for her and informed his Little girl that unless she wanted to be carried out of the building in his arms, she needed to gather her purse and follow him.

  Cecily could tell by the look in his eyes that he was not joking. She pulled her purse out of her drawer and stood to follow him. “I still don’t see why I have to go.”

  “I know Cecily. You’re just going to have to trust your Daddy on this. We’re going to see Dr. Richards.” He clasped her hand in his and pulled her through the office and to the elevator down to the parking garage. Buckling her into his car, Jon drove safely through the traffic to an estate on the edge of town. He pressed the intercom button in front of the big, iron gates and announced who they were, stating that they had an appointment with Dr. Richards.

  The gates smoothly parted and allowed Jon to drive down the long, paved entrance to the big mansion. Jon parked and turned to look at the very quiet Cecily. “I will be with you at all time, honey. Dr. Richards will not hurt you if he can avoid it, okay?”

  Cecily sniffed and nodded her head, “I’m trying to be brave, Daddy.”

  “I know you are, Cecily,” Jon said as he opened his door. He walked around the car and opened Cecily’s door helping her out. Jon pulled her into his chest and kissed her forehead before leading her by the hand to the big wooden door.

  It opened just before they could knock and a grey-haired, fit man greeted them. “Welcome to Dr. Richard’s home office. Please come in. I’m Paul. I think this is the first time you’ve been here?” he asked smiling at them. He could tell the Little girl was scared by the way she was clinging to her Daddy’s hand. “Dr. Richards is finishing with a patient. Let me give you a short tour of the office.” He led them to an area with several groups of chairs and couches. “This is the waiting area. Daddies and Mommies often sit here but Littles enjoy the play area over here.” He walked with them a short distance to an area with a large toy chest and all sorts of storybooks. There were tables for coloring and lots of coloring books. Cecily immediately sat down and flipped through the coloring book to find the best page to color.

  “Thank you, Paul.” He winked at the older man who nodded thoughtfully.

  “Many of Dr. Richards’ patients like to distract themselves as they wait. Let me get you the new patient forms to fill out.” Paul walked a short distance to pick up a clipboard with forms and a pen attached. “Dr. Richards is a great doctor and a very nice man. He has a soft spot for Little girls. You’ve come to the right place,” he said quietly to Jon as he watched Cecily with concern.

  Jon looked at him and smiled. “Thank you again, Paul. It’s nice to meet you. I better get these forms filled out,” he moved to a chair at the coloring table next to Cecily and started filling in the spaces.

  Paul walked to the archway to the private section of the mansion. He looked back at Jon and Cecily sitting quietly together. He watched the Daddy touch his Little girl frequently to give her love and remind her that she was not alone. “These are good people,” he thought as he moved to finish the job he had been working on in the hallway.

  Chapter 21

  Dr. Matt Richards helped a Little boy off the exam table. He’d come
in with a severe reaction to an insect bite but was now feeling much better after a series of shots. He was still crying a bit but was trying to stop his tears as his Daddy kissed him before moving to redress him.

  Dr. Richards opened the door and gave his last piece of advice. “A bath in a tub filled with cool–not cold–water with a cup of baking soda will soothe Skippy’s bite. Just throw some toys in and let him play for an hour. Give me a call if the bite mark seems to swell again. We may have to drain it and give Skippy another shot. I don’t think that will be necessary but keep implanting the antibiotic suppositories twice a day for seven days just to make sure. You were a brave Little boy, Skippy. Tell Paul that I’ve told you to get a toy from the treasure chest before you leave. Okay?”

  “Ooookkay,” came the shaky answer from the Little boy. His deep voice still rumbled with tears.

  Dr. Richards came into the waiting room and introduced himself. He shook hands with Jon before squatting down at Cecily’s level as she colored studiously avoiding looking at the doctor. “Hi, Cecily. I’m Dr. Richards. I get the impression that you’re not happy to be here in my office. How can I reassure you?” he asked kindly.

  “I don’t like shots,” Cecily blurted out quickly and then added peeking at her Daddy, “or enemas.”

  “I’d like to tell you that you won’t get a shot today or an enema but I haven’t examined you. I can promise you that I’ll never lie to you and I’ll tell you what I’m doing throughout your exam. How’s that for a start?” Dr. Richards asked with a smile.

  Cecily looked up at her Daddy, and he nodded. “Okay.” She stood up and grabbed her Daddy’s hand. “But Daddy gets to come with me,” she blurted out.

  “Daddies always should be with their Little girls, Cecily. Come on back to Exam Room 2.” Dr. Richards ushered them into the room and closed the door. He took the clipboard from Jon and looked through the answers. “Okay, I see that Cecily has just become your Little girl, Jon. How long have you known each other?”


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