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Page 9

by Pepper North

  Just at that moment, a knock sounded on the cabin door. “Come in,” called Jon.

  “Wait! Don’t let them come in!” gasp Cecily as the door opened and Tom Sanders walked into the cabin.

  “Good Morning, Jon. Good Morning, Cecily. I see you’re busy, Jon so I won’t offer to shake hands. I just wanted to check and see if you needed anything. Did everyone sleep well?” Tom asked. He acted as if the scene in front of him was just an everyday occurrence.

  “We both slept well. Cecily slept so well that she just got up to expel her enema. She’s complaining of burning, so I’m giving her a rinse enema,” Jon explained as he withdrew his finger and pressed a medium sized nozzle into Cecily’s bottom.

  “I’m glad you both slept well. It’s a little quieter up here. Sometimes, you city folks have a tough time adjusting. Hey, have you ever tried a little baking soda in the rinse enema? It helps Marcus feel better.” Tom walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a large box of baking soda. “I keep it stocked in each cabin.”

  “That’s great, Tom. You’ve thought of everything a Daddy or Mommy might need.” Jon shook a half cup of the powdery soda into the enema bag. Giving it a good shake, he opened the valve and started Cecily’s enema. Patting her on the bottom, he chuckled at her posture with her head turned away from the visitor as if that made her invisible. Jon walked over and washed his hands. “Would you like a cup of coffee, Tom?”

  “No, thanks. I’ve already had my morning cup. I just wanted to check on you and Cecily. There’s a horseback ride this afternoon. It’s a great way to see the resort. Can I count you and your Little girl in?” Tom asked with a smile.

  “I think we’d love to go. Right, Cecily?” he asked looking her way.

  Cecily nodded her head against the table. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Tom patted her on her exposed bottom. “Great! I’ll reserve a couple of horses for you. Come up to the lodge for breakfast when Cecily feels better. They make some delicious pancakes.

  Jon opened the valve to allow the water to flow in a little faster. The men heard Cecily gasp and lift her hips up as she tried to clench her muscles against the flow. Jon rubbed her bottom to reassure her. “We’ll be there soon. We’re eager to see the resort. Thanks, Tom for coming to check on us.” Jon walked him to the door and waved as he drove away.

  “Wasn’t that nice, Cecily. We’re really going to like this resort. We don’t have to hide anything here. Isn’t it great to be here?” Jon answered as he reached under Cecily to rub her tummy helping to spread the rinse throughout her system. He took her groan to be one of agreement.

  Chapter 27

  By the end of their vacation, Jon and Cecily weren’t looking forward to going back to their regular lives hiding their lifestyle choices and being part of the business world. Cecily had been embarrassed at first by the openness of how Littles were–Little. Their fellow guests had welcomed them, and both Jon and Cecily had made great friends.

  On the final morning, Jon was very nervous. He had planned and plotted with Tom to make this evening special for him and Cecily. It had been Tom’s idea to have a picnic in a secluded glen. Tom had decorated it with clear lights that seemed to dangle from the sky. Jon and Cecily rode horses to the clearing and Cecily had clapped her hands in delight to see the fairytale setting.

  Once Jon had gotten her off Bluebell, her horse, Cecily danced in circles flinging her arms out wide. “I love it here, Daddy. Could we just move here? I really want to stay,” Cecily smiled.

  “I love it here, too, honey.” Jon hugged her tightly and kissed her pursed lips before pulling her over to the checkered picnic cloth on the ground. “Let’s see what we have for dinner.” The two oohed and aahed, over the delicacies in the basket.

  “Could we have dessert first, Daddy? This is such a magical place surely we can eat chocolate first,” Cecily asked fluttering her eyelashes at her Daddy.

  “I think... We,,, have to eat our dessert first,” Jon said drawing out the suspense for his Little girl. He handed Cecily a fork and a container of the dessert with a very discrete red X written on the side. He opened his own and took a bite. “Wow! This might be the best dessert I’ve ever eaten.” Jon said truthfully.

  “Really? It does look awesome!” Cecily agreed putting a large bite in her mouth. A funny look came over her face. “Daddy, there’s something in my dessert,” Cecily said as she pulled a round item out of her mouth. “That’s weird. It’s shaped like a ring.” In true Little fashion, Cecily licked the object clean instead of using her napkin. Tears began to form in her eyes as she revealed a beautiful, diamond ring. “Daddy?” she asked frozen in place.

  “Cecily. I love you more than I ever dreamed possible, and that love keeps growing. Will you be my wife, my best friend and my Little girl for the rest of our lives?” Jon asked with tears of emotion shining in his eyes.

  Cecily launched herself into his arms. “Yes! Daddy, yes!” she yelled. Cecily began kissing him as she held herself close to his body.

  Jon’s arms closed around her, and he held her right where he wanted her–next to him.


  John looked in the nursery to see Cecily sleeping soundly. Since their marriage last month, Cecily had begun working from home full-time. She lived her life the way she was happiest–as a Little girl to the best Daddy ever. Her wardrobe of fancy business suits and painfully high heels had been left hanging in her old bedroom just in case she was needed in the office or if she wanted a big girl evening.

  Jon was amazed how avidly Cecily had adapted to being a Little girl full time. Her new wardrobe consisted of happily decorated tee shirts, skirts, and leggings. Jon enjoyed taking her out for meals, and one of their favorite places was an inexpensive diner a few blocks away. Jon suspected it was due to a special waitress who treated Cecily like a real person instead of looking at her as if she was a weirdo. Cecily really liked Zoey, and she’d been talking about what a great match Zoey would be with her doctor, Matt Richards. Jon had no doubt that Cecily was trying to play matchmaker so that everyone would be as happy as she was.

  Cecily began moving slowly in her crib. Jon walked into the nursery and picked up his sleepy Little girl. He laid her on the changing table and stripped off her wet diaper cleaning her free of any traces of urine. Cuddling his sleepy girl on his chest, Jon picked up the lubricant and sat down in the rocker slowly moving the chair to sooth Cecily. He reached below her hips and loosened the front of his loose pants pulling out his erect penis. Jon spread lubricant thickly over his penis and lifted Cecily to press his erection against her anus.

  Cecily’s eyes shot open as Jon pulled her body down sheathing himself inside her rectum slowly. Moving her up and down, Jon eased his way into her warm bottom until his groin met her bottom. Jon groaned in pleasure as his Little girl squeezed him tightly with her strong muscles.

  “Daddy?” Cecily looked at him with amazement. They had been slowly stretching her anus and rectum with the dilators recommended by Dr. Richards for weeks now. The ever-larger plugs had stretched Cecily for several hours each day or overnight. She had doubted that her Daddy would ever be able to fit in her bottom. He was just too big.

  “Cecily, I promised you Daddy would be able to squeeze into your bottom. I think I also promised you that you’d enjoy it.” Jon began to raise and lower her bottom slowly with one strong arm while he moved the other hand between her thighs to caress her inner labia and clitoris. “Oh, honey, you’re so wet. I think we both know already that you’re enjoying it,” Jon grinned at her and then laughed as she grinned back from ear to ear nodding.

  That was the last of the conversation for a while. Finally, when Cecily orgasmed for the third time, Jon allowed her gripping muscles to push him over, and he pumped his warm semen into her bottom. They both held on to each other tightly. Jon kissed the top of his Little’s head. “I love you, Cecily.”

  “I love you, Daddy,” Cecily answered kissing his neck. Several minutes passed, and she sa
t up quickly to look in his eyes. “Does that count for my Tuesday enema?” she said creatively.


  If you’ve enjoyed this story, it will make my day if you could leave an honest review on Amazon. Reviews help other people find my books and help me continue creating more Little adventures. My thanks in advance. I always love to hear from my readers what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on my Pepper North or Dr. Richards’ Littles Facebook pages, on my website at or at

  I’m experimenting with Instagram, Twitter – @4peppernorth and Pinterest. You can find me there as well!

  For your reading enjoyment, my other age-play stories are:

  Dr. Richards’ Littles

  A beloved age play series that features Littles who find their forever Daddies and Mommies. Dr. Richards guides and supports their efforts to keep their Littles happy and healthy.

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  Oliver: Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  Luna: Dr. Richards’ Littles 19

  Lydia & Neil: Dr. Richards’ Littles 20

  A Little Vacation South of the Border

  Roxy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 21

  Jillian: Dr. Richards’ Littles 22

  Hunter: Dr. Richards’ Littles 23


  Pepper North introduces you to an age play community that is isolated from the surrounding world. Here Littles can be Little, and Daddies can care for their Littles and keep them protected from the outside world.

  Sharing Shelby: A SANCTUM Novel

  The Keepers

  This series from Pepper North is a twist on contemporary age play romances. Here are the stories of humans cared for by specially selected Keepers of an alien race. These are science fiction novels that age play readers will love!

  The Keepers: Payi

  The Keepers: Pien

  The Magic of Twelve

  The Magic of Twelve features the stories of twelve women transported on their 22nd birthday to a new life as the droblin (cherished Little one) of a Sorcerer of Bairn. These magic wielders have waited a long time to take complete care of their droblin’s needs. They will protect their precious one to their last drop of magic from a growing menace. Each novel is a complete story.

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  The Magic of Twelve: Marigold

  The Magic of Twelve: Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

  Excerpt from Zoey: Dr. Richards Littles 1

  Zoey breathed a sigh of relief as she approached the ornate iron gates spanning the entrance of the large estate. She’d made it here. Now, would they let her in when she was arriving 5 hours late? She pulled her drooping shoulders back and advanced to the speaker limping painfully in shoes that had not been designed to walk the 20-mile trek she’d had when her car had overheated by the side of a road very far from here. Zoey pressed the speak button and waited.

  “Dr. Richards’ residence. May I help you?” answered a strong, elderly man’s voice.

  “Good evening. I’m afraid I’ve been terribly delayed in arriving. My name is Zoey Geller, and I had an appointment to speak to Dr. Richards at 2:00 would it be possible for me to speak to him now?” Zoey asked with a hopeful tone.

  “I’m sorry. Dr. Richards is not receiving applicants this evening. You will have to call to reschedule your appointment tomorrow,” the voice declared with finality.

  Zoey heard the speaker click off. Her thin shoulders sagged back into the miserable position they had occupied for all the miles throughout the long walk. Just her luck for the weather to decide to settle on gentle spring showers all day. Zoey was soaked through to her skin, and now after the sun had set, the brisk spring air was becoming distinctively cold. Zoey shivered and looked for a place to get out of the rain while she decided what to do now that all hope of making it in time to have an interview had evaporated.

  The entrance to the estate was free of sheltering trees - probably a wise security move. The only small area of covered space was the nook under the security speaker and camera. She turned around and wiggled her body, bottom first into the space. Barely! She fit though, and she was out of the rain for a little while. She hugged her knees to her chest and tugged her skirt over her shins to conserve her body heat.

  Dropping her head to her knees, she debated her best move. Her feet were torn and blistered in her shoes. Would she be able to walk back to town? If she stayed here tonight, there was the possibility that she could get an interview with Dr. Richards tomorrow if he would forgive her missing her appointment. Should she take her car breaking down as a sign that she shouldn’t have come for an interview? This was definitely not her regular waitressing job that she’d done since she was 15.

  She’d met Jon and Cecily at the diner where she worked. Jon was a tall, handsome gentleman that was obviously very successful with his business. He wore suits that even to Zoey’s inexperienced eye were custom fitted to his broad, muscular shoulders. Cecily was a short, chubby woman who bubbled with enthusiasm and childlike enjoyment of life. It was obvious from the beginning that these two had a different relationship. Jon made all the decisions and took care of Cecily in all ways: ordering her meals, cutting up her food, making her drink the milk he always ordered for her. Cecily dressed more as a child than an adult woman in short, ruffled dresses with socks and flat shoes or in leggings and a long colorful shirt often decorated with juvenile designs of kittens or toys. The fitted and ruffled clothing seemed to hint that she wore something padded under her clothing. Cecily always held Jon’s hand when they weren’t seated and never was out of his eyesight.

  The couple made the other waitresses nervous, so Zoey always volunteered to wait on them. She liked the eccentric couple. They obviously loved each other. It warmed Zoey’s heart to see Jon so concerned in taking care of Cecily even when he acted more like Cecily’s father than her husband. Even Zoey was a little concerned when Cecily received the steely eyed stare and warning of “Little girl, you need to behave, or there will be consequences,” that Cecily received when she was bouncing too energetically around on the bench seat or refusing to drink her milk as directed.

  Zoey had gotten friendly with the couple over the last few months. Last week, Cecily had blurted out that she thought Zoey should apply to be the companion of her doctor, Dr. Richards. Cecily immediately had turned red and looked with hesitation to see what Jon would say to this outburst. Jon had looked thoughtful and replied slowly that if Zoey wanted to change her entire life, he could see that she would be a perfect match as a companion for Dr. Richards. He went on to speak glowingly of the doctor professionally and personally as he wrote a phone number down on the back of a business card. “Here’s his phone number. Give him a call and set up an interview. I’ll tell him you will be calling if you are interested?” Jon looked at her with the penetrating gaze, and Zoey felt herself nod in agreement.

  Find out what happens next! The rest of the story is waiting for you at Amazon!

  Excerpt from Charlotte: Dr. Richards Littles 7

te stumbled down the stairs of the city bus. She was about 5 blocks from Gordon’s. It was a large department store that only catered to a select clientele. No one could name any people who shopped there. It was a well-guarded secret. Charlotte started walking as she thought about the events that had brought her here.

  Charlotte had graduated from a well-known local university one year ago. She had thought that her degree making her a certified designer and decorator would immediately open the doors to several prestigious companies. Unfortunately, those companies were only interested in hiring individuals that were already acquainted with the type of customer that utilized their design services. Charlotte had attended the university thanks to a large endowment from a local charity for high school students raised in foster care. She did not have the family name and background that would allow her to move easily in this elite circle. Her limited wardrobe and lack of designer brand apparel was an immediate red flag to employers searching for a person that would convey an image of wealth and prestige.

  When school ended, and her free room and board evaporated, Charlotte was forced to accept any job that she could find in the challenging job market. She began working at a large discount store with branches all over the United States. Charlotte thought that she’d be able to distinguish herself by showcasing her talents and be able to climb the ladder of success once she had proven herself. Unfortunately, the store manager was only interested in following the dictates of the national directors.


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