Sweet Surrendering
Page 8
Then I took the hand that had come back to rest on my thigh and guided it around my leg and in between, and then under my skirt. His fingers twitched and I could feel him wondering what the hell I was doing, even though I couldn’t see him. Once his hand was completely under my skirt, I thought he could figure out what I was asking him to do as I shifted myself closer to his hand and put both hands on the table and stared at the presentation as if my life depended on it.
After only a moment of hesitation, his hand worked its way upward and came in contact with my over-sensitized flesh. Good boy.
His fingers fluttered for a moment on the very inside of my thigh before brushing across my center. I had to fight the sigh that almost escaped my lips. I felt him shift so he could get a better angle and then his fingers danced across me in a staccato pattern that was making things a little wet down there.
Have you ever been fingered during a tedious meeting and had to stop yourself from sighing in pleasure? Yeah, not easy.
The moment it was the hardest was when he moved my panties aside and started stroking my clit and fingering my entrance. I didn’t know he’d take it quite that far, but it was my own fault for having this idea in the first place. As he stroked me toward orgasm, the meeting started getting hazy and I had to bite my lip to stay silent. I kept looking around, but everyone was still engrossed in the charts. Or whatever those were. My eyes couldn’t really focus on them.
It soon became a struggle to keep my hips still as they wanted to thrust toward his hand and I knew that I had to put a stop to this. Against nearly every instinct in my body, I grabbed his hand and removed it slowly from under my skirt and placed it back on his leg. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was staring at the presentation.
You’ll finish this later I scribbled on the notepad and slid it toward him. It felt very much like we were passing notes in middle school again. He took the pad and wrote something before moving it back to me.
Hm, good question. Most of the places here were out of the question, seeing as how anyone could walk it in at any time. Which was kind of sexy, but would prove disastrous. Ah! We had a room that was reserved for overseas calls that was soundproof and locked when it wasn’t in use, and I just happened to have a key. BOOM. This was happening.
Conference room. End of hall. After meeting. I have a key.
There was no reaction that I could see, but his hand caressed my leg and wrote one word. YES. And then he added what I could only interpret as an exclamation point.
I almost laughed and had to swallow it and make it a cough. Finally, the presentation ended and the lights came on. I saw that my notes were a little incriminating, so I scribbled them out and then crumpled them up in my hand. I’d put them through my mega shredder later.
Standing was a little tricky and then there was a hand to help me up.
“Good meeting, wasn’t it, Miss Clarke?” Mr. Blaine said as I met his eyes and blushed.
“Yeah. Very good. Very productive, Mr. Blaine. I’m very pleased with the projections.” Oh God, that sounded dirtier than I meant it. He just grinned at me and gathered up his notes.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” I almost smacked him in the arm, convinced someone was watching us, or they could at least smell the aura of lust that hung over both of us.
“Why don’t you type up your notes and then send me a copy so we can compare them?” I arched an eyebrow at him and hoped he got my meaning.
“As you wish, Miss Clarke.” And then he bowed. He freaking bowed and I almost laughed out loud as he walked out of the room.
“How is he working out?” A voice said, interrupting my watching of Lucas as he walked away.
I turned to find Hal Marksman standing right beside me. One of the board members was asked to attend all relevant meetings, and it was his turn this week. Of course.
“Very well, Mr. Marksman. He learns fast and retains the information and he has common sense.”
“Good, good.” He nodded and I looked for my escape. “I have a very good feeling about that boy.” Or man, seeing as how he’s an adult.
“Me too. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve been supervising him on a project and we’re nearly finished, and I’d like to get it done today.” I had no idea how I said this with a straight face, but I managed.
“Yes, yes, of course. Carry on.” I seized my moment and scurried away. The hallway down to the locked room was empty, so I made a dash for it. I unlocked the door on the first try and shut it behind me, taking out my phone. I had Mr. Blaine in my contacts in case he ever needed to call me for any reason when we weren’t in the office.
Count to 100 and then knock three times.
Yes, this plan was convoluted, but it was the only way to make it work unless we left the office, and we both had too much stuff to do today.
I waited what felt like hours with my heart pounding and my body still keyed up from earlier. I could probably finish myself, but that was so much less fun.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I cracked the door open and yanked him in.
“Did anyone see you?” I said as I locked the door behind him.
“No. The hallway was empty.” The room wasn’t big, and it seemed to be getting smaller by the moment. I kept the lights off because I was convinced if we turned them on, someone would see and know that we were in here. Soft light filtered in between the window shades, so it wasn’t completely dark.
Paranoid much? Yes, I was.
I turned to face him and he was a breath away.
“So,” he said.
“So,” I said.
And then his mouth was on mine, devouring it, and it was like he had more hands than just two because they were EVERYWHERE and my skirt was on the floor and my shirt was joining it and then his shirt followed and then he was bending me back on the desk and kissing me so hard I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t think it really mattered.
“What’s this?” he said when he finally pulled back enough to notice the lingerie. His fingers stroked the ribbons that crossed my stomach. “It’s not my birthday, but it feels like it.”
“My roommate made it,” I said breathlessly as he traced the lines of the ribbons.
“She’s very talented. It’s almost too pretty to spoil. Almost. Shall I unwrap you?”
“If you don’t, you’re fired,” I said and he laughed. “There are snaps.” I felt the need to direct him so he didn’t rip it or ruin it.
“Got it.” He found the snaps and released the ribbon part, easing it off me before running his hands down my overheated skin.
“Happy un-birthday to me,” he said before his mouth was on me again and he was climbing onto the table to join me.
“What do you want?” he said, pulling back for a second, his hand on his belt. It was such an honest question that I stopped thinking about my body’s needs for a second.
“I want you to kiss me everywhere and I want to kiss you everywhere and I want you inside me until we’re both satisfied, but we don’t have time for that.”
“What a shame,” he said pinching one of my nipples through my bra. “But you are the boss, so I should probably satisfy you. Because when the boss is satisfied, everyone is satisfied.” As he said it, his hands reached around, unclasped my bra and pulled it over my arms. The table was cold on my bare back, but the rest of me was on fire.
“I wouldn’t want to get a poor score on my performance review.” And then my panties were gone and I was naked and he was straddling me and kissing me fiercely, his tongue diving and tasting and conquering.
His hands, oh, his hands. Such wonderful hands. One was teasing my left nipple, making it hard and making my right nipple very jealous, and his other hand dived between my legs and started stroking. I was still wet from earlier and he smiled as he slid a finger inside me and I moaned.
“Music to my ears, Miss Clarke.” His mouth left me and I whimpered, but then he kissed down to my breasts and spe
nt some quality time on my nipples. I had no idea how much time had passed, but I seriously didn’t care. He moved lower and, as much as I wanted him going down on me again, I felt bad that he was spending all our precious time on me.
“You, inside me, now.” This time he didn’t ask if I was sure. He just reached into his back pocket and pulled out a condom.
“For emergencies,” he said as he tore it open with his teeth and shoved his pants to his ankles with my help and then rolled the condom on. He really did have a nice package. I should compliment him on it later.
“Quick and hard?” he said, teasing my entrance like he had the last time.
“Quick and hard,” I agreed and he thrust into me so hard my back slammed into the desk with a thud. Good thing the room was soundproof.
I gasped as he pulled back and thrust again as his mouth assaulted mine, and then the two of us were lost and it was hot and rough and I never wanted it to end. I was going to have bruises and I didn’t care one bit.
“Are you close?” he said, breaking the kiss for just a moment.
“So close.” He reached a hand down and circled my clit, playing with my piercing as he continued to drive both of us closer and closer until . . .
I shuddered around him and then I felt him tense and come himself. Nearly simultaneous orgasms. I’d never had that happen before. Near the end of my relationship with Royce, I’d had to fake a few times and then get Mr. Buzzy to finish the job.
Lucas rolled off me and onto his back on the desk, which was sweaty from our combined efforts.
“Anything else I can do for you, Miss Clarke?” he said, his voice a little breathless.
“No, I think that about covers it, Mr. Blaine.” I turned my head and he was grinning at me. “You get my approval.”
“Does that mean this will be a regular occurrence? I just want to be sure I’m as prepared as I can be.”
“Well, you did have a condom in your back pocket,” I said, propping myself up on my elbow.
“I was a Boy Scout. Be prepared.” He made the sign with his hand and I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I was never a Girl Scout.” I reluctantly peeled myself off the desk. “Ugh, I think there are some cleaning wipes here somewhere.” I found some, and also some tissues for Lucas so he could clean himself up. He put the tissues and condom in his pocket, which was probably a good idea. A used condom in the wastebasket was a wee bit suspicious.
I put my clothes back on, and wiped down the table and sprayed some air freshener that I’d also found in a cabinet for good measure. Hopefully no one would come in here for the rest of the day so it could air out. That’s the part you never think about when you decide to have sex in the office: the cleanup.
I heard the zip of Lucas’ pants and we turned to face one another.
“How’s my hair?” I said.
“Honestly? Thoroughly fucked.” I didn’t have a mirror, but I used my hands to feel my head and it was definitely not good.
“Here,” he said, motioning to me to turn around. He took my hair down from the hairband and started combing through it with his fingers.
“I have two nieces,” he said in answer to my unspoken question.
“Oh.” He smoothed my hair back, then gathered it and twisted it back into a low ponytail like someone who had done it a fair share of times.
“There.” I reached back and it was an improvement.
“Anytime. It’s been a business doing pleasure with you.” He gave me a quick smile and I realized that his hair was pretty fucked, too. I motioned for him to lean down and I ran my fingers through it, trying to get it back to how it looked before.
I gave up.
“Don’t worry. It always looks like this.” He kissed my cheek and then motioned for the door.
“I’ll go first, yes?” I nodded and he slowly opened the door after I unlocked it. “Coast is clear.” I gave him the go-ahead and he walked out of the room like he was just taking a stroll, then headed toward the break room. Smart. I left the door open a crack and waited, my heart pounding.
“Is there someone in here?”
My heart was no longer pounding; it had stopped. The door opened and it was Mrs. Andrews, peering in. I dropped to my knees.
“Oh, hello dear. I saw that the door was open, so I wanted to make sure everything was okay.” I looked up and tried to look as calm as I could.
“Oh, I was just looking for one of my earrings. I only found one this morning, and I remembered I’d been in here last week and thought maybe I’d dropped it, but no luck.” I sighed to really play it up as I got to my feet.
“Would you like me to help you look for it? Four eyes are better than two.” She started to come into the room, but I knew if she did that she’d smell the air freshener and then there would be questions that I couldn’t answer, or at least come up with a good enough story to explain.
“No, that’s all right, I think I’ve combed this room a million times.” I moved toward the door and she had no choice but to back up as I shut it and locked it again.
Sexcapade: Accomplished.
I scurried to the bathroom to check my hair after I nearly got busted by Mrs. Andrews and realized I needed to, um, actually do my job. I loved my job. It was challenging and interesting (for the most part) and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Having an office tryst with Lucas was not going to change that. Or change me. I barely knew the guy, and I wasn’t going to let having sex every now and then with him alter my life.
When I got back to my office, Lucas was back at his desk and he gave me a wink as I walked by. I glared a reprimand at him, but then I slowed my walk and wiggled my butt just a tad before going into my office and shutting the door.
Nothing was going to change, except that I would be sexually satisfied and that was a good thing for everyone.
“What’s the verdict?” Sloane said the second I walked into the apartment that night.
“Can I just put my bag down?”
“Yes, but while you’re doing it tell me how it went with the undies?”
I put my bag down and sighed. To tell the truth, or not to tell the truth? That was the question.
“Well, Lucas seemed to like it when he ripped my clothes off in one of the conference rooms and proceeded to bang me on the table.” Sloane’s mouth dropped open.
“Are you fucking serious? You had sex in your office?”
“Not in my office. But yeah, we did.”
“You dirty slut!” she said slapping my arm, but it was a term of endearment. “I knew you had it in you. Oh my God, you have to give me details. Chlo is coming over by the way. She’s been extra emo lately, so I told her she needed to stop moping and listening to Evanescence and come over.” That was probably a good idea. I hadn’t talked to her in a few days, but I knew Sloane called and texted her frequently to make sure she was doing okay.
“Poor thing. I’ve never seen her take a breakup this hard. We need to get her laid. Do you know any attractive single lesbians? Or anyone who’s bi? We just need a rebound lay and then she should be fine.”
“I work in a building full of men. So not really.”
“Hm, we’ll have to do something about that. But anyway, tell me about the dirty office banging. I want all the details. Who was on top?”
This was going to be a fun night.
It got even worse when Chloe arrived because she wanted to hear all the details as well, because she didn’t want to talk about her breakup or rebounds or anything about herself, so I was forced to tell the story again, and against my will, I got hot and bothered and I just wanted to go to my room with Mr. Buzzy and relive the experience alone.
“Wow,” Sloane and Chloe said at the same time as I finished my second retelling.
“Yeah,” I said as I sipped my second glass of wine and grabbed another chip from the bowl and dipped it in hummus. Yes, we were classy bitches. We also had salsa, animal crackers a jar of frosting, a
nd carrots and celery with ranch dressing. It was unofficial dip night.
“I’m jealous and I don’t even like penises. You know, the plural should really be peni,” Chloe said, grabbing another chip and popping it into her mouth.
“It should,” I agreed.
“So are you going to make it a regular thing?” Lucas (I’d given up on calling him Mr. Blaine. Once a man’s penis has been inside you twice, you can’t call him that without feeling weird), had asked me the same thing and I really didn’t know the answer. The stakes were pretty damn high, and I wasn’t about to throw my career away on a fuck buddy.
“I don’t know. I should say that I’m going to end it, but I seriously don’t want to. And then I feel horrible for even considering it. I love my job and I would never do anything to put it in jeopardy and oh GOD, if my dad ever found out, I can’t imagine what he’d say.” I shuddered just thinking about it. That would be so much worse than the time I’d gone to an unsupervised party in my teens and gotten drunk and passed out on the front lawn, only to be discovered when the party holder’s parents had come back from Martha’s Vineyard a day early.
“I shouldn’t even be considering if it’s going to happen again. I’m a terrible person,” I said, shoving my face into the couch.
“No, you’re not. You just haven’t gotten laid in a while and you need someone to clean out your pipes,” Sloane said and Chloe and I made identical sounds of disgust.
“It’s times like these that make me glad I’m a lesbian.” We all drank to that.
“I don’t know what to do. I mean, I know what to do, it’s the doing that’s the problem.”
“Actually, it’s the not doing, in this case,” Chloe pointed out.
“Yes, that’s so helpful. Okay, we did it once. It was great and I got it out of my system. But it’s not going to happen anymore. I’m putting my foot down. No more.”
“Hear, hear!” Sloane said. We all toasted again and pretty soon the food trays were empty and so was the second bottle of wine.