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Seducing the Bride (A Forbidden Older Man / Younger Woman Romance)

Page 6

by Shayla Black

  “I’m nervous,” I admit.

  “Don’t be. This is for us. Tell me everything you want and feel. I will, too. We’re not just fucking; we’re joining. And after this, I’m never going to let go, Perrie. You understand that?”

  So far he’s made me hot, but his words now touch me deep.

  As I nod, he skims my cheek with his knuckles, brushing his way back to cup my nape and lift my lips to his. Then I’m falling, dissolving into him, losing myself in his kiss. One bleeds into the next, then another, until my lips feel swollen, bruised, and tingling.

  His hands aren’t still, either. It’s as if he’s intending to sensitize me to his every touch, starting with a drag of his fingertips over my shoulders, then down my arms, across my collarbones, before slowly drifting up my throat and under my jaw. Finally, he swipes his thumb across my bottom lip again.

  “So that’s what you look like when you’ve been well kissed.” He smiles, terribly pleased with himself.

  “Are you going to make me blush or kiss me again?”

  “You should know the answer to that.”

  I do, and I brace for more of both. Instead, he surprises me by easing the strap off my baby doll. His lips follow in a seduction so slow and patient it makes me want to cry. He does the same with the matching strap on the other shoulder until the garment is barely clinging to my breasts. Not that it matters. He can see through it anyway, especially with the sun beaming across our bodies.

  “You have the prettiest fucking nipples.” Finally, he drags his knuckles across one.

  The sensation is so instant, so hot, I gasp. “Hayden…”

  He’s barely touched me, and I’m panting. Every inch of my skin is on fire. God, how will I feel when he’s surrounding me? On top of me? Inside me?

  “Hmm, princess.” Through the fabric, he does the same to the other nipple. “These are so hard. I love how sensitive you are, the way you respond to me.”

  I barely manage a nod before he grips one rigid tip between his thumb and forefinger and squeezes. My instant yelp has nothing to do with pain and everything to do with pleasure.

  “Yes,” he croons as he pinches the other, then slides the baby doll’s straps down my arms, one after the other, exposing my breasts to his hungry stare. “So fucking perfect.”

  With firm, hot fingers, he cradles a breast in his hand and lifts it as he leans in.

  Oh, god…

  The first touch of his tongue is like a jolt from a live wire, somehow unexpected and shocking. But then his lips close around my sensitive tip. He gives it a tug and draws it into his mouth with a strong pull.

  I’m a goner.

  Without any conscious thought at all, I sink my fingers into his short hair and wrap my hands around him to yank him closer. He obliges me with another tug of suction, a follow-up caress of his tongue, then a little bite that has me digging my nails into his scalp.

  “You like that,” he murmurs against my skin. It’s not a question. “Oh, Perrie, I’m going to be at these nipples all the time. Holy fuck…”

  When he switches to the other bud and all but inhales it into his mouth, I cry out again and realize that I’ve not only lost my heart to this man for the rest of my life, but I’m about to lose my body, too. By morning, every part of me will belong to him. I’m both thrilled and terrified by that notion.

  As he continues to nip and sip at my tips, pulling, tugging, pinching, laving, they grow tight and pleasantly sore. I didn’t know such a state existed, but I feel my body. My skin is alive. My blood races. My heart is full. I’m all woman right now. He’s like a drug, and I want more.

  Heat swamps me. My head buzzes. I’m dizzy, disoriented. On fire.

  Hayden’s scorching palms skim the baby doll down the bare skin of my torso. The way he exposes my body to his singeing gaze leaves my chest tight. I’m breathless, achy. And so ready.

  “You’re beautiful.” He thumbs my navel, palms the curve of my hip, eats at the hollow of my waist. “And you’re mine.”

  “For tonight.” I’m not giving in easily.

  “Keep thinking that if it makes you feel better.”

  I’m still trying to rub two brain cells together to form a snappy comeback when he skims his knuckles across the gauzy fabric covering my pussy. I’m shocked to realize it’s clinging wetly to my flesh.

  “You’re soaking, princess.” Hayden groans as he drops to his knees in front of me and plasters the sheer sodden fabric to my skin. “Look at you…”

  I tremble as he leans in and fastens his mouth over the saturated triangle and laps at me with the flat of his tongue.

  Sensations jolt through me. The immediate shock of pleasure burns my veins. Tingles cascade behind that, leaving me reeling and staggered. It’s twenty times more agonizing when Hayden slips his thumbs under the elastic front of the tiny panties, spreads my lips apart, and prods my most sensitive spot with the tip of his tongue.


  “Jesus, you’re sweet. Has any man ever made you come in his mouth?”

  “N-no.” I can barely gasp the word out.

  Against my flesh, I feel him smile. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of this.”

  When he wraps his arms around my hips and stands, lifting my feet off the ground, I squeal. I don’t have long to be startled since Hayden quickly drops me flat on the mattress. With impatient jerks, he drags the itty-bitty thong from my body and kneels beside the bed.

  My heart pounds as he drags my hips to the edge and positions my thighs over his shoulders. Then he plows his tongue through my folds, letting loose a deep, satisfied groan.

  “Oh my god!” My back arches. I fist the comforter. My eyes roll back in my head.

  How can I possibly keep from shattering into a million tiny pieces?

  The way Hayden devours my pussy, centering all his attention on my clit with the most skillful nips and licks, makes me realize it’s impossible. He’s fracturing me, tearing down all the barriers he thinks I’ve erected between us, making me his.

  I can’t stop him…and I don’t want to.

  He’s merciless and unceasing, swiping, licking, sucking. He manipulates my reaction, my body, my mind, until I’m twisting in agony and chanting his name. Until I no longer care about anything except Hayden, how he makes me feel, and finding a way to make this ecstasy last forever.

  Suddenly, he backs away and presses an almost chaste kiss to the pad of my pussy. “No, princess. The first time you come for me, I’m going to be inside you.”

  As much as I want the orgasm now, I nod. I’d rather we be joined, me feeling him deep when I come apart for him.

  “Hurry.” I attack his zipper.

  “Wait, Perrie. Princess. Just a— Holy shit!”

  Yeah, he probably didn’t expect me to shove his pants and underwear around his knees and swallow the crest of his cock between my lips. But I groan because I’m so glad I did. He’s salty and musky. Manly. And he’s built big. I’m stretching my lips as wide as I can, but within seconds, the hinge of my jaw begins to protest. Still, I don’t care. I want to taste this man. I want his flavor on my tongue. I want to please him.

  I lick him like an ice cream cone, reveling in his hiss as he fists my hair and guides me up and down his rigid length. “Oh, fuck. Yes. Princess, hmm…”

  Since my mouth is otherwise occupied, I smile on the inside as I suck him deeper, molding my lips to his shape and pressing him to the roof of my mouth as I work him. Then I rear back, graze the underside of his crown with the tip of my tongue, worrying a spot that instantly sends him reeling.

  He pulls free with a snarl. “Did Derek teach you that?”


  “Then where the fuck did you learn to give head?”

  I gape, so glad in that moment that a few of my former college roommates proudly called themselves whores. They hooked up a lot, with anyone who interested them. And they weren’t shy about sharing details. I listened…

  “No one.”<
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  He frowns. “Are you saying you’ve never given a blow job?”

  “Never,” I whisper.

  I wonder how long it will take for him to figure out the rest of my secret.

  Hayden’s suspicious stare tells me he’s already puzzling his way to the truth.

  “But it doesn’t matter. I just want to please you.” I lean back in.

  He’s too fast and gives my hair a tug, stopping me before he urges me flat onto the mattress again, then covers my body with his. He stares deeply, intently. I can practically hear his mind working, so I lurch up and press my lips to his.

  Instantly, he uses his own to pry mine open wide and sweeps inside, chest rumbling with need, as he forces himself into the deepest recesses of my mouth—and my soul.

  Finally, he wrenches away and takes my face in his hands. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes,” I gasp. “So much.”

  “Do you need more proof that you belong to me?”

  “No.” I don’t want to play games anymore. I just want Hayden. “I’m yours.”

  “You’re not marrying Derek, right?”

  “I’m not.”

  He sighs with visible relief, then caresses my lip with his thumb. “You going to marry me instead? I’ve already talked to your dad. He’s given us his blessing.”

  My heart catches in my throat. “Really? You’re seriously asking me?”

  “I’m not letting you go again. The first time was the biggest mistake of my life.”

  “Oh my god…” This is real.

  “Is that a yes?” he demands.

  “Yes.” I nod as it sinks in. I’m going to be Hayden’s wife. “Yes!”

  “Oh, princess. Thank fuck. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He skims his kiss across my jaw, seals our bond with a sweet press of lips, then reluctantly releases me to meet my gaze. “Do you want kids?”

  “Of course.” I didn’t love being an only child, so I’ve always pictured three or four little ones I could nurture and spoil.

  “Me, too. I want them with you.”

  I smile. “I’d love that.”

  His expression turns serious. “I want them now.”

  Suddenly, I grasp what he’s saying. “Right now?”

  “We’ve already waited years. You really want to wait more?”

  A million thoughts flit through my head. We’d be newlyweds. I’m trying to start a new career. We need to adjust to living together. I’m still pretty young.

  But we’ve known each other forever, so how much do we really need to get to know or adjust to one another? I can still work and be a mom; lots of women do it well. And worrying about age is for people who don’t know what they want out of life. I totally do.

  “You’re right. Let’s start now.”

  He laughs, then smacks a kiss across my mouth that’s meant as a celebration. It soon lingers, then worships. I’m sucked back into a vortex of passion I can’t escape. I have a feeling that’s how it will always be between Hayden and me.

  When I’m melting, panting, and red-cheeked, he settles his body between my splayed thighs and peers deep into my eyes. “The night you gave me that token, you said you’d be saving yourself for me. Perrie?”

  I know what he’s asking. I swallow. “I’m a virgin.”

  A smile softens his face. “I should have guessed sooner. You’re a girl who always keeps her word. You’re not actually engaged to Derek, are you?”


  “And you never have been?”

  I can’t quite look Hayden in the eye. “He’s a really good friend. I do love him…but he’s like a brother to me.”

  “So why did you come here and…”

  “And pretend? Derek offered me a job at his new start-up in Seattle. Before I accepted, I had to come here and see if there was any chance that you could finally want me. He offered to help.”

  “I always wanted you…even when I shouldn’t have. So this farce was for me?”

  I nod. “I figured if it didn’t matter to you now that I belonged to someone else, it never would. Then I could move to Seattle and try to get on with my life.”

  “You need to turn down his job and tell him to go to hell.”

  I laugh. “He won’t be terribly surprised. He’s only flying back tomorrow because—”

  “He’s not even fake marrying you at noon.”

  I shake my head. “He’s not. He just needs to get his stuff and say goodbye.”

  Hayden raises a brow. “If he wants to stay tomorrow and watch me marry you for real—just so he knows you’re off-limits—I’m all for that.”

  “You mean…you and I get married? For real?”

  “Why let a perfectly good wedding go to waste?”

  I giggle, giddy with happiness. Hayden is giving me everything I could have wanted. Well, almost. I’m still waiting for him to join our bodies and make me his in the most primal way possible.

  “I love it,” I murmur. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. In a few hours—if I can stand not being inside you—I’ll get the engagement ring I bought you out of my pocket and slip it on your finger. Then we’ll open that bottle of champagne and drink from the glasses I sent with it, the ones that say Mr. and Mrs.” He flashes me a self-deprecating smile. “I was thinking positive because there’s no one else I want to be Mrs. Hughes except you.”

  “That sounds great. But right now…”

  “Right now, I’ve got to have you. I feel like I’ve waited my whole fucking life.”

  “Me, too.”

  Then silence falls between us. Hayden lowers his head and takes my lips again in a kiss both solemn and passionate. His hands roam, outlining the curve of my waist, then he grips my hips as he braces himself and nuzzles my neck.

  After tracing an erotic path over my pulse point, his lips drift to my ear while he aligns his naked cock against the entrance to my small, aching pussy. “Tell me you’re mine, Perrie.”

  “I’m yours.” I close my eyes in anticipation.

  I’m only seconds away from feeling that on a deep, visceral level.

  “Open,” he insists. “Your eyes, your cunt, your heart. Spread them all wide for me.”

  I lift my lashes with a flutter and part my legs wider under him. My heart is already open; it has been for years.

  He pins me with a commanding stare that makes me shiver. “Tell me you’ll be mine forever.”

  “I will. And you’ll be mine forever,” I insist.

  “I will.” He speaks the words like a vow.

  My heart pounds and traps my breath in my chest. Time slows. I know only this man. And I’ll remember the way he’s looking at me in this moment for the rest of my life.

  Finally, he bares his teeth, growls, and shoves his way past the thin barrier of my hymen with one rough push. Even as he tears into my body and I gasp at his invasion, our joining mends the fracture he left in my heart four awful years ago.

  The discomfort between my legs is a small price to pay for the feel of Hayden working himself inside me, inching and pushing, only to withdraw and sink in again, this time deeper, more insistent.

  “Oh, god… I’ve never felt anything better, princess. Ever.”

  I raise my hips to meet him as he slowly strokes downward again. Even though I feel packed full of him, he’s still not completely inside me. The stretch of my flesh to accommodate him burns and stings, but I welcome it.

  “Deeper…” I moan.

  He hisses as he balances above me, his dark eyes burning with both passion and the strain of holding back. “You’re so fucking tight. And it feels so different bareback.”

  I’m shocked. “You’ve never…”

  “Not without a condom, no.” He eases out, then forces his way back in—finally to the hilt.

  We both groan. I feel him everywhere—inside me, around me, overwhelming me. I throw my head back, cling to him, dig my nails into him.

  “I can’t b
elieve I’m finally inside you,” he breathes. “I fantasized about being your first, princess. I’ve wanted to make you mine for so long. The fact we’re together now, that there’s nothing between us, and you could get pregnant tonight…” Impossibly, he swells inside me. “Oh, fuck, yes.”

  I manage a little mental math. “The timing would be right.”


  “Is that okay?”

  “Okay?” Suddenly, he thrusts into me like a wild man, claiming me with a hard, ever-increasing pace that fires all my nerve endings. “I’m going to stay inside you all night, make you come for me until you’re wrung out, and fucking fill you every chance I get. I’d love for you to be pregnant when I marry you tomorrow.”


  All talking stops then. He pumps me deep, one strong push after another, increasing his pace into something raw, primal, insistent. Teeth bared, he groans as he grinds his way inside me, claiming me masterfully and turning my body inside out. Every shove of his wide cock scrapes nerve endings inside me that has my eyes flaring, my body tensing, my heart thundering.

  “You’re tightening on me.”

  “You’re unraveling me,” I manage to cry out between labored breaths.

  “Good. I want to watch you come.” He rolls onto his back and grips my hips until I’m situated on top, straddling him.

  He’s so huge, I swear I can feel him everywhere inside me.

  “Now be a little good girl and fuck me.”

  I sense Hayden is holding back a bit since it’s my first time, and it’s sweet. But he’s giving me a glimpse of the fact he’ll be dirty and raw in bed.


  As I move carefully over him, my hair brushes sensually over my back. I splay my palms across the solid width of his working-man’s chest and drink in the sight of tribal ink around his thick biceps. As he guides my hips, my breasts bounce and my pussy catches fire. Incredibly, I feel him in places I didn’t before. And when he tightens and slams up inside me in rapid-fire strokes, my desire churns out of control. I start to come apart.


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