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The Destiny: A YA Paranormal Academy Romance (Deep Cove Academy Book 1)

Page 6

by Madison Becker

  Yep, it’s definitely just me that bothers him. I sigh and return to my pile of food.

  Next to me, Dennis turns his face to the window and gasps. “Check it out!”

  He points at something outside and we crowd around. A group of upper year students are hurtling towards the ocean below. They whoop and holler like they’ve never seen water before. They run along the sand and strip off their uniforms as they go. Each of them is wearing a different color bathing suit. I’m sure the water is cold, but they dive in like it's nothing at all.

  A flick of color emerges above the waves.

  “Was that—?” I ask, breathless.

  Another flick of color appears and Casey and Flo shriek. A girl jumps above the water and I’m bowled over by the sight of a very present, very real tail. It’s the exact baby pink color of her bathing suit.

  My jaw hangs open as other kids in the group follow suit. Before our eyes, the very same students that we had just seen running on two legs are now jumping in the water with tails. Tails in an array of colors, but each as beautiful as the next, flashing brightly in the sunshine.

  The students jump and swim away from the shoreline and I freeze in place. My mouth goes dry and I blink a few times to be sure I’m not dreaming. But, what Muir said is somehow, unbelievably, undeniably true. A group of humans has transformed into mermaids.

  Sorry — sirens.

  “Are we going to be doing that too?” Casey asks tentatively, her eyes wide.

  “I guess so.” Flo picks at her nails.

  As though to answer her question, the siren with a pink tail flips into the air. She twirls elegantly before plunging below the surface.

  I exhale a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “They’re beautiful.”

  Reef bursts out laughing at my words. I turn and stare at him, shocked. We lock eyes for a moment and I gasp at his cold glare.

  What did I do to make him hate me so much?

  Before I can say anything, TJ cuts in.

  “Beautiful? Is that what you think?” TJ runs his fingers through his hair flirtatiously. “And here I was thinking “fish boy” was meant to be insulting. Are you hitting on me again, Rodriguez?”

  Casey whacks TJ on the arm with a laugh.

  I chuckle but don’t join in. Instead, I turn back to the window where the sirens have disappeared below the surface of the water. I clutch the star around my neck, a reminder of my failed trial. They transformed so elegantly, so seamlessly. Will I be able to transform like that, or am I an imposter at Deep Cove?

  * * *

  Our first Transformation class is tomorrow. Here’s hoping I get some answers then.


  The next morning, I wake up thinking of Reef. With a shudder, I shove away the memory of his nightmare eyes. I have better things to think about than Reef Fenner.

  I choose a baby blue bathing suit from the selection my mom bought me, and then pull on my “casual” uniform — a white tracksuit emblazoned with a silver Deep Cove Academy crest on the back. The crest consists of the siren motto Fatum est enim vestra, written under a large circle with waves curling across the bottom and an intricate tail protruding elegantly from the water.

  The symbol of the siren.

  Anxiety sits like a lead weight on my shoulders as I check my class schedule for the millionth time. First up is Transformation Class with Professor Halloran. It’s probably best to get it out of the way.

  Sitting on the bed across from mine, Kendra combs her bright blonde locks into a severe high ponytail. She’s dressed in a bikini that’s the exact same purple as her eyes.

  “Thank goodness we get to transform, finally.” She draws out the last syllable in a drawl. She sounds confident, but her eyes are glossy and unsure.

  “I completely agree,” Rayne pipes in, fiddling with her lipstick.

  There’s a nervous energy in the air. For the first time, the human-borns are on a level playing field with the kids who grew up siren. This is the first time any of us will try to transform.

  Casey hops from one foot to the other as she waits for me to tie my shoes. Flo looks serene as ever.

  “Let’s go.” I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

  The three of us head out without a word to our siren-born roommates. We’ve reached an uncomfortable equilibrium in our dorm. Our roommates simply act like we don’t exist. Most people have been nice and welcoming. It’s unfortunate that we’re sharing a room with the Mean Girls posse of Deep Cove.

  We decide to skip breakfast, grab coffee to go from the common room, and get to Transformation class early.

  I shiver with nerves. I’m hardly a water baby and I’m not the best swimmer. Plus, I’m not exactly excited to get back in the ocean after my near-drowning experience on the boat. My skin crawls at the very memory of that vast, endless hopelessness.

  “If it isn’t my favorite Landwalkers.” TJ’s voice jolts me out of my thoughts.

  He appears at the coffee station, where I’m filling my reusable mug with much-needed caffeine. I can’t help but laugh. When Kendra calls us Landwalkers, my fists involuntarily curl at her tone, but with TJ, it’s funny. He’s the kind of guy who only teases people if he likes them.

  “What do you want, fish boy?” Casey replies, a smile on her lips.

  I turn to add something to Casey’s comeback, but my words stick in my throat. I’m face to face with Reef Fenner — so close to him, I feel the electric current between us.

  My eyes are locked on his and, for a few seconds, it's like we’re the only people in the room. His eyes are less stormy today. They’re softer, and more questioning than angry. I lower my gaze, disturbed that, with one look from him, I’m simultaneously plunged into my nightmares and high as a kite.

  “Hey,” he breaks the silence disinterestedly.

  I open my mouth to respond but he turns away. He smiles at Flo and gestures for her to go in front of him to get coffee. Marlowe and a couple of other siren-born guys — Dean and Beau — stand next to TJ.

  Beau gives us a breezy smile. “Ready for Transformation?”

  “Ready as we'll ever be,” Flo says.

  “Do you know where we’re meant to go?” I address the general direction of the guys, carefully keeping my eyes away from Reef.

  “Do we?” Marlowe asks, glancing at the other guys and looking as lost as I feel.

  “Yes, do we?” TJ echoes.

  “Uh, no. We don’t,” Beau concludes with a laugh. “I guess we can find it together.”

  “Follow us, Landwalker Ladies!” Dean cries, and we follow the guys into the courtyard.

  Reef falls into step next to me. But for the first time, I hardly notice or care about his presence. My heart is beating faster at the knowledge that I’ll soon be in the water.

  Will this be the moment that I’m discovered — will everyone see that I don’t belong here?

  Our group meanders across the courtyard and into the main castle. Dean stops dead and looks from left to right.

  “You might want this, Expedition Leader.” Casey laughs and pulls out her school map from her backpack. At least one of us is prepared.

  Dean chuckles and takes the map, puffing his cheeks out at her. “Landwalker to the rescue!”

  The star necklace at my throat burns my skin, reminding me that I’m a fraud. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my hands in and out of fists, trying to quiet my panicked thoughts.

  A muffled noise distracts me. I open my eyes and Reef is looking at me, his green eyes dancing with laughter. His mouth is twisted into an amused — and annoyingly adorable — smile. Embarrassed, I stare pointedly in the other direction. My face flushes red and I feel his eyes on me, making me cringe even more. What’s he laughing at?

  We make our way down a long passage of the castle that snakes around the perimeter of the building. We reach a huge stone staircase that appears to descend forever downwards.

  “This can’t be right?” Casey grabs the map from Dean.

sp; He shrugs, assessing the endless steps ahead. “Looks right to me.”

  Casey wrinkles her brow and nods before passing the map to Marlowe.

  Marlowe seconds the opinion. “That’s what the map says.”

  So down we go. Flight after flight of stone steps coil us further into the middle of the cliffs. Strangely, no other Intakes follow us down. We left early, but surely other students would be catching up to us by now?

  A lifetime later, the stairs end and the eight of us stop abruptly in our tracks. Peeking over Casey’s shoulder, I see why. We’re standing in front of a massive hole in the floor. Actually, it’s more that the floor becomes a hole.

  “What the...?” Marlowe opens the map once again.

  TJ leans forward to peer through the hole and whistles under his breath. “It’s about a twenty-foot drop to the water from here.”

  The ocean roars at the bottom of the abyss like a hungry sea monster. The water is black, roiling and crushing as it approaches the cliffs.

  My head feels light and I use the wall to prop me up. I want to throw up. “I, uh, I mean, we aren’t expected to—”

  “Jump.” Reef finishes my sentence.

  We all gawp at each other, our eyes wide. I get fleeting pleasure from the fact that the boys look as shocked as we do.

  “No way, I’m not jumping.” I make my decision aloud.

  Well done Maya. You didn’t even make it to the classroom for your first real class.

  “I think we have to.” Casey squints at the map. “The classroom is marked as directly below this spot.”

  “What would we do when we get down there?” TJ asks. “None of us have transformed yet and it looks like bad currents down there. How do you know where to go in the water?”

  “Maybe we need to go below the water, bro.” Marlowe’s brow furrows. “There could be a passage under there or something.”

  “You think we’d have classes in underwater passages pre-transformation?” Beau asks.

  Marlowe shrugs. “Could be, I guess.”

  Everyone talks at once, bickering about what we should do and where we’re meant to go. We all take a turn staring at the map, but it’s clearly marked. Transformation class is located directly below where we’re standing.

  “Maybe it’s a test, like the trial the other night?” Flo suggests, her quiet voice somehow rising above the rest.

  The blood drains from my face. A second trial?

  Beau glances at his watch. “7.57. We’ve got three minutes until class starts.”

  My heart threatens to beat right out of my chest. If this is a test, I need to pass. I need to prove that I’m worthy of being here. It’s my chance to make up for my weakness at the first trial, my failure.

  If I can do this, maybe I belong at Deep Cove after all.

  “You guys are sure the classroom is right below?” I bite my lip and look around the group.

  Everyone nods.

  I take a deep breath and approach the hole.

  “Maya, what are you—”

  Casey’s voice is lost as I hold my nose and jump.


  The water hits me with a violent smack and my body and mind are plunged into cold darkness. I surface and gasp for air just as a wave crashes over my head. I’m sucked under and I struggle against the force. The current is strong, swirling like a demon and pulling me further under.

  The nauseating back and forth motion of the water crushes me, and I look frantically for the surface. Finally, I spot a glimmer of light, but it’s above, beside, and behind me all at once as the current spins me around. I move my arms and pain shoots through me. All of my muscles are cramped.

  I remain still in the current for a moment and try desperately to figure out how to get to the surface. My lungs feel like they’re going to explode. I need to breathe air, and soon.

  Suddenly, a mass plunges through the water next to me. Bubbles erupt everywhere.

  Did someone else jump?

  The form comes into focus as it moves towards me. I’m frozen, helpless. And then I see the signature green eyes.


  He reaches me and puts both of his hands under my arms. My lungs burn and the pain is blinding. Reef heads for the surface, his grip tight on my body. He’s clearly a much stronger and more confident swimmer than I am. He manages to navigate the current without too much difficulty.

  Finally, we break through the surface of the water. I gasp for air.

  From the hole above, the group cheers us on with whoops and hollers. The waves crash around our heads and the current beneath pulls aggressively at my legs.

  Reef cups my face in his hands and forces my gaze to meet his. “You okay?”

  His voice is gentle, but urgent. The electric current between us heats my skin and I nod, unable to speak.

  Reef exhales and closes his eyes, relief crossing his face. Then, all too quickly, his body language changes and he places his hands across my midsection. He swims towards the beach with me in tow. I’m useless, my muscles cramped and pulsing in pain from the jump.

  By the time we approach the shallows, the ocean is calmer and my muscles unfreeze. I kick my feet to help him along, not that he needs it. He’s swimming easily, like he’s used to rescuing flailing girls from the ocean.

  We reach the shore and his arms are still wrapped around my torso. He flips me and lifts me, carrying me out of the water like I’m a damsel in distress. My arms wrap weakly around his neck, my muscles still numb and tingling. If he was anyone else, or if he was less cold and hard to read, I’d probably be grateful. But with him? I’m beyond mortified.

  My legs stop tingling and I struggle in his arms to put me down. He doesn’t. I’m all the more embarrassed.

  He walks with me until we’re clear of the water, and only then does he set me down — gently, like I’m made of glass or something. His hands linger by my waist for a split-second and then he steps back, his eyes chilly with disdain.

  “Maya, what the hell was that?!”

  Before I can reply, Casey shouts from down the beach. “You survived!”

  Our friends reach us at the shoreline, panting and out of breath from the run. Casey and Flo wrap me in a big hug. The siren-born guys punch Reef playfully. His sandy blonde hair hangs low over his eyes and he stares at the ground. Droplets of water fall from the strands and run down his arms. How does he look so good even soaking wet?

  Then, a tall man strides towards us. He’s wearing a dark blue suit that brings out the salt and pepper colors of his hair. His dark eyes are ablaze and his mouth is set in any angry line.

  My heart sinks. If I remember correctly from Muir’s introductions, it’s Professor Halloran. And he is not happy.

  “Mr. Fenner, Miss Murphy!” he says. “I saw you jump directly past my classroom. What in Siren’s name were you thinking?”

  I glance at Reef, wondering whether he’s going to throw me under the bus. Given how angry he seemed a moment ago, I wouldn’t be surprised. It would be so easy for him to tell the Professor that I jumped on a foolish whim, that he jumped in to save me.

  But instead, he says nothing.

  “The map!” I splutter, my breath returning. “The map said that that’s where we needed to go to get to your classroom.”

  “Miss Murphy.” Halloran whips out his own school map. “The map shows that this is the entrance for upper semester students — for all students who have transformed. It’s not meant for Intakes. Did you not see the walkway here?”

  Halloran hands me the map and Reef peers over my shoulder. One by one, the rest of our group joins us.

  “Ohhhh.” We emit a collective sigh when we see what Halloran is talking about. There is, indeed, a small passage inside the castle that reads “Transformation 1 students enter here.”

  How did we miss that?

  “Must’ve read the map wrong,” Casey says sheepishly.

  Halloran’s smiles tentatively as he assesses our group. Even so, I don’t trust his dark eyes
as they land on me. It’s like he knows something.

  “I’m just glad that you’re both okay! That is a very high jump for a couple of Intakes. You’re lucky you didn’t break anything.” He turns on his heel and heads towards the stone archway. “Follow me. The rest of the class is waiting.”

  I try to catch Reef’s eye to thank him for saving me and for not ratting me out with Halloran. But he avoids my gaze.

  “Bro, you’re as insane as she is!” Beau whistles as his friends pounce on him.

  Reef laughs and shakes his head. TJ gives him a fist-bump and they make for the stone archway behind Halloran.

  Ugh, of course. He didn’t want to save me.

  He just wanted to show that he’s a hero.


  We walk into Transformation class and twenty-two curious faces stare at us. The room erupts into mutters and mumbles. I follow Casey and Flo to desks along the side of the room, my cheeks burning. My uniform is wet and cold against my body.

  “Settle down, class,” Halloran says and then strides over to me with a fluffy white towel. He hands a second towel to Reef. “Given that you’ve both decided to circumvent Transformation 1 and attempt an upper year entrance, you two can take seats near the fireplace at the back of the classroom.”

  His smile is kind but his eyes are hard to read. I nod and walk to the back of the class. I take a seat at the desk closest to the huge fireplace and Reef takes the desk beside me. My back is straight and I can’t relax. His arm is close enough to mine that I feel the heat coming from his body.

  “As I was saying to the rest of the class,” Halloran announces and I squeak in my seat. “Remember the seats that you are currently sitting in. This will serve as your assigned seat for the rest of the semester. The person at the desk next to yours is your ‘transformation buddy’ for homework, assignments, projects and other tasks in this class.”

  I notice that everyone in class is already paired up. James and Dennis, Brooke and Rayne etc. Then, I see the rest of our group — the eight stragglers — pair up. Casey is with Flo, TJ with Marlowe, Beau with Dean.


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