Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 11

by Ron L. Carter

Ty, Markus and Holly went back to Ty’s mom and dad’s house as Ty began to eagerly wait for the meeting with the psychic. The following day he was standing behind his mom and Martha as she came to the front door and rang the bell. When she came in, she was exactly what Ty had envisioned. She was a tall and slender middle aged woman with dark brown hair and graying temples. Ty thought she was a very attractive and well dressed woman. After they introduced themselves to each other Cheryl pointed to the living room couch and said, “Can we please sit right over there?” Carla replied that would be fine when she moved slowly in front of them as she headed for the couch. She was quietly looking around to every corner to see if she could see or feel a spirit presence in the room. She turned to Cheryl and Martha, smiled and said, “I can feel a presence of someone in the room.” When she sat down she removed a blank notebook and a pen from the case she was carrying and put it down on the coffee table in front of her. She said, “Do you mind if I take a few notes? I don’t want to miss anything the spirits might say to me.” Cheryl nervously replied that it would be fine.

  Once seated, she started telling Cheryl and Martha a little about how she likes to operate as a medium. She said, “Psychic mediums are sometimes able to tune into another dimension which enables them to see or sense another person or event from another place, time or realm. Some of the mediums are able to channel this dimension through their psychic eye and are then able to perceive unseen events and relate them back to the current time. It’s like having a remote camera set up on your computer where you can see another event that is happening on the other side of the world. It’s done through the transmission of spiritual light energy in the forms of light which transcend time and space to remote view persons that have passed on. She told them that doesn’t usually happen with her; she just hears their voices and feels their presence.” She explained that she has the ability to tune in to the other wavelength of the departed soul, just like you would tune in to a radio station. She said, “Every energy spirit comes through in different ways and that sometimes I only gets bits and pieces of their response to my questions.” She told them not to tell her anything about why she was there for this meeting. She knew from the appointment that Cheryl wanted to contact someone that had passed away.

  While she was sitting there she looked around the room and said, “I can sense there is a strong energy presence with us right now. Cheryl and Martha just looked at each other and smiled. She was talking to the unseen presence as she asked, “Can you tell me who else is in the room with us?” Ty was just waiting for her to invite him to speak as he very excitedly said, “Its Tyler, I’m standing right here behind my mom.” Carla turned to Cheryl and Martha and said, “My, he’s got a lot of energy. He says his name is Ty or Tyler or something like that and he’s standing right behind you.” Cheryl’s eyes immediately filled with tears as she replied, “I knew it; I knew he was here.” Ty told her to tell his mom not to worry about him, that he is okay now. “Tell her that I don’t have any pain.” “He says to tell you he doesn’t have any pain and he’s okay now.” Cheryl said, “Can you ask if he was the one that has been moving things around in the house and if he is the one from the footsteps I hear?” Ty didn’t wait for Carla to ask the question he just replied, “Tell her yes, it was me and I’ll always be with her.” Carla laughed and said, “He is very excited and said to tell you yes, it was him.” Ty told Carla to tell her that he loves her very much. Carla replied, “He says he loves you very much and will always be with you.” He continued, “Please tell her not to be sad for me.” “He says not to be sad for him.” He knew that he didn’t have much energy left so he said, “Tell mom to tell Maggie that I love her.” Carla told them that his energy was starting to get weak, but he said something about Maggie and to tell her he loved her.” Cheryl’s last reply to Ty was, “I love you Tyler and I’ll tell her.” That was it and Ty’s energy had dissipated to the point where he could no longer communicate with Carla. She looked at Cheryl and said, “His energy is gone.” Cheryl sat there for a few minutes with tears dripping down her face as she wiped them away with a handkerchief. Carla asked her if Tyler was the only one who she was wanted to hear from and she said yes as she thanked Carla over and over again for the meeting. She told her that it was perfect, the meeting couldn’t have gone any better. It was exactly what she needed.

  Once Carla and Martha were gone, Cheryl looked around the room and said, “I knew it was you Tyler, I knew you were trying to get my attention. I’ll call Maggie and tell her that I talked to you and that you said to tell her that you loved her. It brought Cheryl a lot of satisfaction, just knowing that Tyler was not in any pain, and that he was still with her. When Bill got home from golfing Cheryl told him about the meeting and all he said was, “If it brought you some piece of mind then I’m okay with it.”

  A few days after the meeting with Carla, Cheryl called Maggie and asked her how she was doing. Maggie said, “Some days are better than others, I just love Ty and miss him so much.” During the conversation, Cheryl let her know that she had been having some type of visitation from a ghost or spirit and believed it was Tyler. She told her that her friend Martha had suggested she contact a psychic medium to see if it was Tyler that had been visiting her. She told Maggie that during the meeting with the psychic she was able to make contact with Ty’s spirit. She said that he told her he was okay now and not in any pain. “He wanted me to tell you he loved you.” Maggie was very excited to hear the news of the contact with Ty. Cheryl could tell by her voice when it choked her up. Maggie knew that it could be possible because of the pack her and Tyler had made with each other. She asked if Cheryl would tell her all the things that Tyler had said to her during the meeting. While she listened, she took comfort in knowing he had contacted Cheryl through the medium, but wondered why he hadn’t contacted her yet. Maggie said, “I have to make an appointment with the medium. I know Ty wants to talk to me.” Cheryl replied, “Whenever you’re ready, you can meet with Carla and see if Tyler comes through for you. I know he will because he loves you so much.” They talked for a while and before they said their goodbyes, promised each other to get together soon.

  * * *

  Chapter 12 – Meeting Eigcok


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