Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 12

by Ron L. Carter

After Ty made contact with his mother, he knew she would let Maggie know what they talked about. He now had time on his hands knowing it would take time for Maggie to make an appointment with Carla. He knew he couldn’t do it on his own. He’d already tried a couple of times and didn’t have any luck. While sitting with Markus and Holly he said, “Why don’t we go visit a few things we have questions about?” Markus said, “Dude, that’s a great idea!” Holly was also eager to do something different. Without hesitation, Markus asked Ty where he wanted to go. He replied “If it’s okay with you guys, I really want to find out more about the Bigfoot stories I’ve heard about over the years. I did a lot of research about them when I was younger and I’ve always been fascinated with them. What if we go to the portal at the Fleshwalker Ranch in Utah we can follow one of them as he comes from the other dimension. We can see what he does and where he goes?”

  “I’ve heard there have been sightings of different types of Bigfoots from locations all over the world. In the United States, the Bigfoots are known as Sasquatch and in other parts of the world they’re called the Yeti or Abominable Snowman. They have different names for them in different countries. In Canada they’re called Windigo, Australia they’re called Yowie, in China they’re called Yeren and in Sumatra they’re called Orang Pendek. In southern United States, they’re called the Skunk Ape. Reported sightings of them say they resemble some type of hairy Ape. They’re a man like creature that walks upright on two legs and have been reported to be eight or nine feet tall. They have hair all over their bodies like an ape. People claim they have a foul odor emitting from their bodies that you can smell when they’re near you. According to reports they’ve been spotted on every continent except maybe Antarctica and despite all the sightings, there isn’t any scientific proof they truly exist. Some people believe they’ve been around as long as the dawn of man and they’re just some ape like creature that followed humans throughout their migration out of Africa, through Asia, across the Bering Land and into the America. We already know they’re real because we heard Zitrik talk about them as we were crossing the portal at the Fleshwalker Ranch.” Holly replied, “That’s right, I remember him saying something about the Bigfoots coming through the portal from another dimension.” Ty looked at them and said, “Doesn’t it make you just a little inquisitive?” Markus and Holly both agreed it could be an interesting experience. Ty replied, “Okay it settled then, let’s meet up at the Fleshwalker Ranch and see if we can find one.” Instantly, they were at the base of the portal and since it was still daylight, they agreed to wait there until they spotted one as it came through. The reports Ty read about them said there were more sightings of Bigfoots during the night because they felt more comfortable when humans were sleeping.

  They waited at the portal for a few days until they got their first glimpse of the massive creature. As it made its way out of the portal it looked exactly like what so many people had described. This one was a male about eight and a half feet tall and its body was covered in dark brown shaggy hair. It was walking upright, just like a human, and as soon as it landed on the ground it took off running. It headed for the wooded part of the property to take cover. It was faster than anything Ty had ever seen, except for the Cheetah he’d seen on television. They followed him at a safe distance for several miles, until he finally slowed down and began to walk. Even at a slower walk, his strides were about six foot long. Once he was deep in the woods, he stopped and raised his head in the air and let out a deep bellowing scream. He waited for a few minutes as if to be waiting for some type of response. Not hearing anything, he continued west through the mountains of thick brush and trees. They continued to follow him for a few days. During the day, he would find a cave or dark place to hide until night-time fell on him once again. After dark he would travel as far as he could go before daylight. This was the pattern he followed from day to day.

  On the third night, he came to a clearing in the middle of the forest and stopped. He looked back and motioned for them to come closer. At first Ty, Markus and Holly didn’t know he was waving to them because they didn’t think he could see them. After several more attempts, they finally realized that he was waving to them. They approached him very cautiously at first, not knowing what to expect. When they got within a few yards of him, he looked at them and spoke. At first they couldn’t understand him because it sounded just like a lot of mumbling. Ty said to him, “We can’t understand you. You sound like you have marbles in your mouth.” He hesitated for a moment and then spoke up once again. This time he spoke slower, and as he talked, there was an echo that followed his mumbling. The echo came out in slow choppy words they could understand. He said, “Why do you follow me?” They all looked at him then back at each other with their mouths wide open, unable to speak. Ty finally spoke up again and asked, “So, you do see us?” He replied, “Yes, of course I see you. Why do you think I wanted you to come closer? You’re spirits aren’t you?” Ty was amazed this creature could see them because humans didn’t have the ability see and talk to them. This creature looked more human than anything else. Now they were actually carrying on a conversation with him. As they inched a bit closer Ty replied, “Yes, we are spirits. We’re from the other dimension.” Ty introduced himself, Markus and Holly to the creature. They could tell he wasn’t just some stupid animal, in fact, it seemed like he had full control of the English language. As he spoke up, they could tell that he had a lot of pride as he puffed up his chest and said, “They call me Eigock. I was named after one our great Kings that once ruled our planet.”

  Ty began to tell him the story about how the three of them came together in the old house where he and Markus grew up. Eigock sat down on an old stump of a fallen tree as he listened intently to what Ty had to say. After a while, Eigock appeared to be growing a little impatient with the conversation because he wanted to keep traveling to his destination. He said, “You still haven’t told me why you’re following me.” Ty then told him how he had studied the “Bigfoot” when he was younger and that he was hoping to see if everything he had read about them was true. He told him that humans call him “Bigfoot” because of his size. Eigock let out a deep bellowing sound as he laughed at what Ty said. After that, Eigock relaxed a little and they began to ask each other questions. The more they talked to Eigock the more they realized he was very intelligent, even if he did resemble an ape in many ways. Ty knew that people always related monkeys, chimps, apes and other primates as being less intelligent than humans.

  Ty had tons of questions he wanted to ask Eigock so he asked him if it would be okay if they could talk about his life and his people. Eigock told him it would be okay, but didn’t want it to take all night. He told him he would try to answer as many questions as he could as he said, “Let’s walk along while we talk.” As they started back on the trail, Ty began to ask him if it was true that the Bigfoots lived off the wild game in the forest and stayed by lakes and streams for water. Eigock laughed again and told them that it wasn’t true at all, that his people didn’t eat or drink anything. He told them he was more like them, more like a spirit, but yet somewhat different. His people could take on a massive physical appearance like the Bigfoot when they were on Earth. Ty told him that there has never been any evidence of any kind that you exist on Earth even though some of you have been spotted in thousands of places. Eigock stopped in his tracks and looked at Ty and said, “It’s because we can change back into the spirit form whenever we choose, especially when a human shoots one of their weapons at us or when we get too close to the humans.” That explained a lot to Ty, especially why there hadn’t been anything left behind like animal carcasses, feces or any of their dead bodies. Ty asked him what they were doing on Earth and what was their purpose in being here? Eigock replied, “Around 40,000 years ago our planet relied on precious metals such as gold and silver for our energy source. My people were sent to Earth to harvest the gold and silver bec
ause your planet had huge amounts of both metals.” “Is that what all of you are doing here now?” Eigock replied, “No. We no longer need those simple metals as an energy source. We once used precious metals, wind, solar and nuclear as our main source of energy, just like humans do now, until we were able to capture the energy from the solar flares of the sun. We found that the sun flares are an endless supply of energy. We come to Earth now just as a place to visit because we like it here so much. Many of us love Earth because of the beauty of the mountains, streams and wildlife. We love to roam through the forests and meet in the cave beneath the ground like our ancestors have done for thousands of years.” “What do you mean caves underneath the ground? Where are these caves?” Eigock replied, “We have caves that run north and south with short branch offshoots east and west from the main cave. We have them in different locations all over Earth. They go for hundreds of miles underground and in several places we have big open areas where we meet up and have a great time just visiting with each other. We sit around a campfire and talk about our experiences along our many journeys, both here and on other planets. That’s where I was heading before I got interrupted by you three. I’m meeting up with some of my comrades in one of the main caves in the Northwest part of the United States and what humans call the state of Washington. The cave entrance is hidden deep in the mountains and it is surrounded by heavily wooded and rugged terrain. The entrance to the cave has a large boulder that hides the opening. It’s in an area where not many, if any, humans have ever attempted to venture. We keep it well camouflaged and hidden so that it can’t or won’t be found. We like to stay close to the wildlife because they always alert us when humans are near. We also like to travel on the wild game trails and dirt roads because it’s easier to travel at night. We like to congregate in the areas where there is very little civilization.” Ty said, “What’s up with the loud screams and the knocking on trees I heard about?” Eigock replied, “It’s just our way of communicating with each other. We use the knocking as a signal that we’re close to one and another and the different screams each have a meaning.” Ty asked Eigock if he would mind if they tagged along and kept him company for a while. He had a lot more questions he wanted to ask him. He said, “You can come along, but just stay out of my way. I don’t want anything to slow me down. I have to meet up with the others in a few days.” Ty asked him, “If you can change into a spirit form why don’t you just beam yourself there?” Eigock replied, “I would miss out on all the beauty of the trip and that’s half the fun.”

  The distance from the portal in northern Utah up through Idaho and onto the northern part of Washington was a grueling 900 mile trek over treacherous mountainous terrain. Eigock averaged almost twelve miles per hour, but stopped during the daylight hours to avoid being seen by humans. He always found canyon crevasses, small caves and thick overgrown brush to hide during the day. At the rate he was moving it would take him six days to get to his final destination and meet up with his friends. He was already almost three days into his journey or half way there, when he had stopped to talk to them. Eigock also asked them several questions about themselves and what their life was like on Earth. They had a lot of fun talking along the way and finding out as much as they could about each other’s lives along. They found out their lives weren’t that much different and they were actually starting to become good friends as they traveled along.

  It was almost pitch black in the forest and it was the middle of the night when Eigock started getting close to the caves entrance. By traveling at night, they avoided humans and it was easy for him since he had vision that was very similar to what the military called their night vision weapons. He could see just as clear during the night hours as he could during the day.

  On the night of the fourth day of traveling Eigock stopped dead in his tracks when he told them something was stalking him. He couldn’t see what it was, but he heard the shuffling and rustling sound in the woods behind him. He also heard a low growling sound. He knew this sound very well because, over the many years, some of his people had encounters with this creature. As the animal stepped out from behind a large tree it was massive, over four feet tall while walking on all fours. Ty recognized it as being a large Grizzly bear and apparently it had never seen anything like Eigock before. It was young and hungry and it looked at Eigock as though he was something it could kill and eat. As it approached Eigock, it stood up on its hind legs and they could see it was over nine feet tall. Ty thought it looked like it weighed several hundred pounds, based on its huge size. It was within ten yards of Eigock when it let out a loud blood curdling growl. Its mouth was open and its long white teeth gnashed violently at the air. Holly let out a scream as she, Markus and Ty retreated to the tree line as Eigock told them to find some cover. From the bushes and trees they watched with anticipation to see what was going to happen next. Knowing what they had read and heard about the grizzly bear, they were now afraid Eigock was going to be ripped to shreds by this huge animal. Realizing there wasn’t a way out of this impending battle between the two of them, Eigock took up a fighting stance. Holly said, “Wow! Look at him! They hadn’t realized, until that moment, just how massive Eigock was until he was standing there with his muscles hardened and posed ready to defend himself. His wide shoulders and large chest didn’t seem much different in size compared to the grizzly’s upper torso. Eigock’s arms looked like big tree trunks protruding from his large upper body. His legs looked like large cement pillars stuck in the ground. The stand-off reminded Ty of two large bull Elk fighting for the ownership of a young female, as they stood posed with their huge antlers, ready to strike deadly blows to each other. Eigock let out an equally frightening retaliatory warning to the grizzly and it all made Holly and Markus tremble with fear. The grizzly wasn’t going to back off, he was hungry and he only had one thing on his mind. When he got within a few yards of Eigock he made his move and lunged at Eigock with lightning speed. He went after him with his full force and fury clawing and biting at the air. His first attack knocked Eigock to the ground momentarily. He was biting at Eigock and trying to swipe him across the body with his large long sharp claws as Eigock made it to his feet and stepped backwards and just out of reach. During the first attack the swing of his two front paws just missed Eigock’s head by a few inches. Eigock readied himself for the second attack and this time one of his swipes of the grizzly’s mighty paws sent Eigock rolling across the pine needle filled ground. Eigock was now bleeding from claw marks to his shoulder as he once again got to his feet. Holly was worried for Eigock as she said, Oh God! The grizzly is going to kill him.” Ty and Markus told Holly that they didn’t think Eigock was going to give up that easy. At that point Eigock took up a fighting stance and he looked more determined than ever that he wasn’t going to let the grizzly have him for dinner. As the grizzly came at him the third time Eigock took a mighty swing at him with a closed fists and hit the grizzly on the side of its head and it fell to the ground like it had been hit with a sledge hammer. It got to its feet and began to attack Eigock once again, but before it could get to Eigock, he knocked it to the ground once again. This time, while it was down, he pounded him several more times in the head and in the chest area. The grizzly let out a pitiful scream of agony as it made its way to all fours. For the first time, it had fear in its eyes as it realized it wasn’t going to win this battle. He then turned and began running away in a retreating posture. He was looking back over his shoulder in fear that Eigock may be chasing after him as he disappeared into the woods. After the brawl was over and seeing that Eigock was okay, Ty went up to him and said, “Unbelievable, I’ve never seen anything like that. You were amazing! Are you okay?” Eigock had three cuts from the grizzly’s claws that were about a half inch deep and blood had oozed out. The wound had already healed itself in just a matter of a few minutes. Markus was still shaking as he approached and said, “That was awesome dude.” H
olly was still trying to realize what just happened as she approached with her hands cupped over her mouth. Eigock was very proud of himself as he looked at them and laughed, “I guess I taught him a good lesson, which is don’t bite off more than you can chew.” He laughed and everyone joined in as they collected themselves and Eigock said, “Come on, let’s get going.” Soon they were back on the trail and headed to the cave entrance. Markus couldn’t stop talking about the fight as he said to Ty, “Man, did you see how big Eigock’s muscles were and how he kicked that grizzly’s butt? He’s one bad dude.” Ty agreed as he said to Markus, “He was all over that grizzly, but at first I thought the grizzly was going to kill him. Maybe Eigock was just having fun with him.”

  As they walked along Eigock told them, “That was all for show just for you guys, I could’ve shaped shifted into a spirit and avoided the entire confrontation, if I would’ve wanted too. “I don’t like to fight; I would rather walk away or shape shift into a spirit form, but I thought it would be fun for you to watch.” Holly sarcastically replied, “Oh! That was so much fun! You scared me to death!” Ty quickly changed the subject as he said, “That brings up another interesting question. Is it true there have never been any recorded incidents where you Bigfoots have hurt or killed any humans? It’s clearly evident that you could hurt or kill them if you wanted to.” Eigock replied, “The humans have never been a threat to us or our people. There have been isolated moments when a lone hunter or a few hunters together have taken shots at us, but we’ve never been in fear for our safety around them. We can always shape shift into the spirit form at any time, to get away from them, if we need to. We also know that if we were to harm a human that would just bring more attention upon us and that is the last thing our people want or need.”

  When they came to the opening of the cave Eigock told them to be prepared to adjust their vision because the caves are cold and dark. There was a boulder about ten foot high and ten foot wide blocking the entrance to the cave. It was massive and looked like it weighed several tons and impossible to move. He went over and stood in front of the huge boulder and then put his hands out in front of him. He took his right arm and pointed it directly at the boulder and made a motion to the left. As he did that, he telepathically moved the boulder at the same time. As the boulder moved it revealed the cave entrance and a few bats came flying out. Eigock told everyone to hurry up and get inside so he could close the boulder behind them. Ty didn’t think Eigock had to worry about anyone getting into the cave, if the humans ever found this place they wouldn’t have known how to move the boulder. They would have to bring in heavy equipment hundreds of miles through the thick forest to move a boulder that size. He didn’t think the chances of either of those things would ever happen.

  Inside the cave looked just like any natural cave they had seen on National Geographic’s and not man made. It had a gradual drop down about twenty feet below the surface and was about eight foot wide, ten foot high. It was just enough so that Eigock could walk through it standing up. As they made their way through the cave it looked like parts of it had been widened for safe passage. It appeared that the ceiling had been raised in certain areas, over the years, to make room for Eigock and his people. He told them they had put in air vent holes at different intervals so they wouldn’t run out of oxygen.

  While walking through the cave it was both dark and creepy and they could hear the screeching of some type of creature in the distance. Ty said, “What’s that sound? It sounds like an animal.” Eigock told them about a creature that lives in the caves that isn’t well known to the humans. He told them they have burrowed holes high in the cave walls in some of the open areas where they are hard to reach. They have been in the caves for thousands of years. They live and multiply just like wild animals outside the cave. They live on the leaches and other parasites in the cave and they get their water from small streams that run through the cave. He said, “We call them the Wagaru, because of their white ashen skin color and deep sunken red eyes. They are skinny and average about four feet tall. Sometimes they walk upright like us, but prefer to stay in a low crouched position along the ground. They have razor sharp teeth, long fingers with sharp claws and they can rip a body apart in seconds if they attack their prey in numbers. Their voice is like a sound of a low pitched whisper except when they call out to each other from a distance. “Holly shivered and said, “They sound really creepy to me. Do they attack your people?” Eigock replied, “They’ve attacked a few of us in the past so we had to have a talk with them to let them know we weren’t going to tolerate that kind of violence from them. For the most part, they have stayed out of our way.” Holly said, “I hope we don’t run into any of them, they sound like they might be dangerous.” Eigock replied, “We’re not worried about them, they’ve been under control for a while and haven’t caused any trouble. They usually leave us alone if we leave them alone. There were some that escaped from the cave about thirty years ago and we tried to track them down and bring them back. We weren’t able to find all of them and they scattered to different parts of earth. We found out later they had killed some farmer’s livestock by sucking the blood out of them. They don’t eat the flesh they just want the blood.” Holly replied, “They sound like a vampire.” Eigock said, “I guess you could call them that.”

  They continued deeper and deeper into the cave, and the further they got the creepier Holly thought it became, and the more her and Markus were feeling uneasy about this entire trip. At one point while Eigock stopped for a moment, Markus told Ty and Holly, “This place is way to friken creepy for me; let’s get the heck out of here as soon as we get a chance.” Ty told Markus just to relax because there wasn’t anything that could hurt them in there. Besides, Ty wanted to stay with Eigock for a while longer and see if he could find out more regarding the rest of his people. He wanted to see where they all met up and how they interacted with each other. As they continued deeper into the cave they could hear the whispering of the Wagaru in the distance. Occasionally they would hear the sound of something moving past them. They couldn’t see what it was because it was low to the ground and fast. Markus told Ty and Holly that everything in the cave made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

  Eigock told them that his ancestors had been visiting the caves for thousands of years and they now just like carrying on the tradition. To them, it was a lot like the “Civil War Reenactments.” He said they used to carry fire wood for miles through the caves to build the traditional fire once they arrived at their destination, but they had found a fire source that resembles rocks that would burn continuously for months at a time without burning out. They could put it out with water and the next day start it up again.

  On the second day of traveling through the cave they made their way into a large open chamber. It was about half the size of a football field and there were four connecting cave entrances leading into this large area. The center of the cave was about fifty five feet high and at one end there was a raised dirt platform area that was completely flat that resembled a performing stage. It was about five feet above the rest of the open area and it resembled a half circle coming out from the wall of the cave. In the middle of the area was a large rock fire pit filled with several porous dark gray rocks about the size of soccer balls and flames were shooting from them about four feet into the air. There was a round open hole in the top of the cave about four feet in diameter for the smokeless exhaust of the fire to escape. There were a group of Eigock’s clan all gathered around the fire talking and when they saw Eigock approaching they were very excited to see him. When he got a little closer, a few of the females, came running up to him and gave him a big hug. He was very happy to see them as well but kept walking to the fire where he met up with some of the other males. At first they were happy to see him, but when they saw that he had brought company with him they became a little agitated that he had lead others into their secret hiding place. E
igock told them, “These are my friends; they won’t tell anyone where our caves are located.” After several minutes of arguing with a few of the big males they finally agreed to let them stay.

  Eigock made his rounds to all his friends as Ty, Markus and Holly just stayed out of his way. After a while, he returned to speak with them and he told them that he had been told by some of his people that a few of the Wagaru had tried to attack one of their females a few days earlier as she was making her way through the cave. He said she had to shape-shift into the spirit form to get away from them. He told them it appeared the numbers of the Wagaru in the caves were starting to increase to the point where they were becoming hungrier for blood and a lot braver. He told them that the next day several of the males were going to go out and try and find their leader and talk to him to get things under control. He said they were hoping it didn’t lead to a huge confrontation. Holly was a passive person and didn’t like a lot of violence. She looked at Markus and Ty and said, “Oh great, what’ve we got ourselves into?” She knew she didn’t want any part of a fight between these two groups. Ty and Markus talked it over with her and agreed they also didn’t want to be around when they were dealing with the Wagaru. When he got a chance, Ty pulled Eigock to the side and said, “We don’t want to watch your people in a confrontation with the Wagaru; it’s just not something we’re comfortable with.” Ty felt obligated to stay with Eigock because of all the information he’d shared with them. Ty told him, “Tomorrow morning we’ll be leaving.” Eigock agreed that it would probably be a good idea if they left in the morning. He had them join his group and they spent the rest of the evening exchanging stories and information with each other.

  It was around midnight when Eigock and his friends were ready to bed down for the night. Without anyone knowing, a group of Wagaru had successfully snuck into their camp and were preparing for an attack. The Wagaru must’ve overheard the plans that Eigock and some of the other males were going to be looking for them in the morning. The Wagaru had talked it over with each other and decided they weren’t going to wait until morning to find out what they were going to do to them. They wanted to take matters into their own hands and attack Eigock and his people without even talking things over with them. Because of the size of their numbers they felt the caves now belonged to them and they didn’t need to take orders from Eigock and his people. The young male Wagaru’s were prepared as they crept close to where everyone was sleeping. Ty, Markus and Holly saw them as they were preparing to attack. Ty told Markus to go and tell one of the guards while he went and warned the other one. The guards immediately sounded the alert and everyone leaped to their feet in a fighting mode. They grabbed their clubs and other weapons and in a few minutes they were waiting for the Wagaru to attack. The Wagaru quickly went on the attack mode and made their way upon the platform where everyone had been sleeping. Soon the fighting had begun and just from their sheer numbers the Wagaru were making a well-planned and effective attack. Eigock and his people were beating the attacking Wagaru off, but the Bigfoots were holding their own for a while, even though some of them had to shift into spirit for to keep from being harmed. The sound of the fighting was deafening as Ty, Markus and Holly were right in the middle of the fighting and heard the screams of pain from the Wagaru and also the yelling from the Bigfoots. They could hear the blows from the clubs as they smashed the Wagaru to the ground. Occasionally one of the Bigfoots would let out loud sound. Markus was hopping from place to place as Holly hid in a dark corner, away from it all, as they tried to stay out of the way. Markus looked over at Ty and said, “This is almost as bad as being attacked by the demons. I don’t know where to go or what to do.” Ty replied, “Yeah, I know, but we’ll just stay out of it, this isn’t our fight.” The fighting continued for over ten minutes before the Wagaru finally retreated in defeat. As they retreated a huge number of Wagaru bodies were lying on the cave floor beaten and battered. Some of the wounded were still whimpering in pain as the Bigfoot men went over to them and put an end to their agony. During the ensuing battle two of the male Bigfoots had to temporarily shape-shift into a spirit form. After they regrouped, Eigock and his people were very angry about the attack. They called a meeting to discuss what they were going to do next. During the meeting they decided they would go after the Wagaru in the morning, after they formatted a plan, and were prepared to try and negotiate with them.

  When Eigock was through with the meeting, he came over to Ty and told him that he was sorry they had to see that entire ordeal as it unfolded. He told him about their plans to go after the Wagaru the next day and try to talk to their leader and let him know they couldn’t be attacking them. They were going to leave the females behind, with a few of the males, to collect the bodies of the dead Wagaru and throw them on the fire. Ty looked at him and said, I thought all of you were a peaceful and loving clan?” Eigock angrily replied, “That may be true, but we’re not going to let them think they can get away with trying to attack us.” Eigock told Ty that he wouldn’t be there in the morning so he was going to say his goodbyes. Ty thanked him for letting them hang out with him for the past several days. Eigock replied, “I liked having you guys around.” Ty laughed and said, “Us too old buddy.” Just before they left, he patted Eigock on the shoulder and told him he was a great guy. As they got ready to leave Eigock replied, “I hope we see you again someday friends.” Ty replied, “If you turn into a spirit once you’re dead, like us, then we’ll probably see each other again.” Markus and Holly also thanked Eigock for letting them tag along and told him to take care of himself.

  Ty, Markus and Holly had a short meeting and agreed they would meet outside the cave and once outside they would go back to Ty’s mom and dad’s house. After the meeting they ascended out of the hole of the cave to the outside. It wasn’t long and they were home once again. They were back in the house and sitting on the bed as Markus looked at Ty and Holly and said, “I don’t know about you guys, but that was all pretty freaking crazy to me.” Ty and Holly shook their heads in agreement. Ty said, “Yea, that may be true, but we know a lot more about Bigfoots now and we also know they’re real!”

  * * *

  Chapter 13 – Holly Makes Contact with Rebecca


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