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Unearthly Realms

Page 14

by Ron L. Carter

Once Holly was gone Markus said to Ty, “Now what do we do with ourselves?” Ty thought for a minute and replied, “Let’s see if Zitrik will take us on another mission.” Markus rolled his eyes, “I don’t know if he’ll give you another ride Ty, especially after what you did the last time. He was pissed at you for not doing what he said. We were told to stay on board and wait for him.” Ty said, “I know, I know, but he’s a nice guy. He’ll forgive me. He’s probably over it by now. At least it’s worth a try.” Markus agreed they should see what he says, but this time he was taking Ty with him to plead his case to Zitrik in person instead of having to do it for him.

  When they arrived at Zitrik’s planet, they spent some time searching before they finally found him. As they approached, they could tell he wasn’t real happy to see either of them. As they got closer he said, “What do you two think you’re doing here?” Markus quickly spoke up and replied, “We missed you and wanted to see what you were up to.” Zitrik could see right through the sly approach that Markus was using on him. He replied, “Sure you did, and you just want to tag along with me on another mission, right?” Ty then spoke up and said, “You’re right Zitrik, we’d really like to see more of what else is out there that we haven’t seen. We know you’re the best person to help us out.” That seemed to pacify Zitrik, because that made him feel, somewhat important. He said, “I wouldn’t mind the company on my next trip, but Ty, you’ll have to promise you won’t pull another stunt like the last time.” Ty told him that he promised he wouldn’t do anything like that again. Zitrik told him he was going to hold him to that promise and agreed to take them along. He warned them that if it happened again, that would be the end of their friendship and he would be done with them. He said, “The commander just assigned me to a new mission, I’m leaving soon. If you want to go, then come on. Let’s get going.” They soon boarded the ship and were on their way.

  While traveling through space Zitrik told them they were going to go back into the same dimension as the one he had taken them to before. He told them he was delivering supplies to one of their underground bases located deep in the Pacific Ocean. He said, “The base is located in the Santa Catalina Channel that separates mainland California from the Catalina Island. In order to get to the base we have to enter the water at a high rate of speed and from an angle, in order to make a smooth entrance. The water is very deep in the channel. Once we enter the water, it is pretty easy to hide from United States military submarines and aircraft that constantly watch for us.”

  Ty was very curious about the channel because he’d heard stories for years about people seeing what they called USO’s (Unidentified Submersible Objects) coming and going in and out of the ocean from that location. There were reports that went back to the 1940’s. People claimed they had observed as many as two hundred USO’s coming out of the water at one time. Once out of the water, they hovered above the water for a few minutes, and when they were all together, they accelerated off into the sky at lightning speeds. Most people didn’t believe the story because it just seemed too much like a science fiction movie.

  Ty told Zitrik and Markus, “There had been hundreds of such reports of USO or UFO encounters along the California coast line from Santa Barbara south to Long Beach. One reported sighting that got Ty’s attention, was from three men from Playa Del Rey. They claimed they were driving along the Pacific Coast Highway when their car suddenly stalled. The three men got out of their car and observed what they said looked like an egg shaped object, surrounded by a blue haze. They watched for several minutes as it landed on the beach only a few yards from them. They claimed two strange looking men disembarked from the object and approached them. According to the three men the occupants had yellowish and greenish skin and they were wearing black looking leather pants with white belts and light colored skin tight body shirts. They said the two occupants walked up to them and starting asking questions to them in a language they couldn’t understand. Not getting the kind of response they wanted, the two occupants just turned around, returned to their ship, and closed the hatch behind them. As the spaceship took off it accelerated at an extremely high rate of speed until it was out of sight.”

  Another story Ty heard about took place between 1989 and 1990. “According to eye witnesses, they had seen twenty different sightings not far from the shoreline along the stretch known as the Catalina Channel. One UFO was reported to be over a hundred feet in diameter. The larger UFO, while hovering above the water, had smaller USO’s, about ten to twelve feet in diameter, fly out of it and go directly into the water. As they submerged into the ocean they had bright lights that surrounded them and they moved swiftly through the water. This all took place only about one thousand feet from the shoreline and they were said to be very visible.” One reason Ty was so interested in USO’s is that most of the reports he’d heard about unidentified flying objects all over the world were about UFO’s and not USO’s. He couldn’t believe Zitrik was now telling them they were going to go to an underwater base right where all the activity had taken place. After what Zitrik told them, he now believed those sightings along the west coast shoreline, must have been true.

  As they approached the entry point Zitrik told them their base was hidden in a huge “cavity like” compartment under a mountain, in the deepest part of the channel. He said “Once we enter the Channel, we submerge and travel near the bottom of the ocean until we come to the hidden entryway deep, in the side of the mountain. The entryway is camouflaged with a huge rock structure that slides away when our ships enter and exit. The opening is so deep in the water that the human’s modern, underwater crafts would still have a hard time finding it.” Ty had to ask him the question that was driving him crazy, “Just how big is “the Base,” and what’s it used for?” Zitrik replied, “Just wait, you’ll see.” He wasn’t going to give Ty any more information about the base than he had to. He didn’t want to give him any ideas to do something stupid, like the last time he was on board the ship.

  Zitrik was willing to tell them what the base was used for. He said, “Since the people on earth had developed the nuclear bomb and used it in Japan, my people feared that the earthlings would someday develop a weapon so powerful it would destroy all living beings on earth. From the underwater base, we try to monitor the nuclear tests that have taken place and possible future tests to make sure humans don’t destroy themselves.” Ty asked him, “Have you ever had to intervene and stop any of the tests?” Zitrik replied, “Yes, we’ve had to launch our own weapon to intercept and blow a few of them out of the sky, just to slow down their progress. The testing of nuclear weapon size has kept getting larger and larger until they’ve finally developed a new weapon called the energy direct weapon. It shoots out a beam of energy that will blow up just about anything. It can take out an entire large town with just one burst of energy. Once the major powers on earth had developed those weapons they backed away on further testing of nuclear weapons. Now, we are mainly concerned about some of the smaller countries that are developing and testing the nuclear weapons instead of the larger countries that already have them. Some of the smaller countries have a total different mentality regarding how and when they want to use a nuclear weapon. Some of the smaller countries have expressed the desire to use them in an offensive attack on other countries once they have them and they are fully capable of firing them at their intended target. Because of that, we’re constantly observing their progress.”

  It didn’t seem like they had gone very far through space when Zitrik told them to hang on. They were coming to the point where they needed to enter the water. Ty and Markus were very excited as they prepared themselves for the splash. The ship was dipping and weaving as Zitrik maneuvered it in position to enter the water. Markus said, “This thing is like riding one of the huge roller coasters from Magic Mountain.” Just like a flash of light they entered the water without much of a splash and almost instantly the ship slowed down to
a much slower speed. Zitrik looked back at Markus and Ty and said, “I got you! I bet you thought we were going to hit the water hard, didn’t you?” They both just laughed as Markus looked at Ty and said, “I guess he’s a comedian, too!”

  The spaceship had a huge light that encircled it and projected all around it as it glided through the water. They were able to see for a long distance into the water, even though it was very dark as deep as they were near the ocean floor. Ty and Markus were in awe as they watched the sea creatures come alive as they passed by the ship. Ty imagined this experience would be like traveling through the bottom of Grand Canyon filled with water, except with all kinds of fish and sea life swimming by as you made your way through. When he was younger, Ty had been on one of those glass bottom boats in the bay off the coast of California. He remembered how beautiful and clear everything appeared just below the glass bottom as they watched fish pass by. This reminded him of that experience, except, on this ship, you could see everything as if you had a spotlight fastened to the ship. The major difference was that Ty thought this was about a thousand times more brilliant and picturesque as they just seemed to glide through the water with ease. When the light hit the fish they sparkled and reflected back with stunning colors, shapes and sizes.

  Ty asked Zitrik, “Does the United States military aircraft, submarines or Coast Guard ever give you any trouble?” Zitrik replied, “Yes, there have been many times when the submarines try to follow us or shoot at us with their onboard missiles, but they can’t hit us. We always divert their missiles away from our ships before they hit. Once we’re in the water the Aircraft can’t follow us and the Coast Guard can’t keep up with us so they just leave us alone. The submarines are too slow and we just outrun them. When we come out of the water our ships are too fast for the modern aircraft or weapons they have on earth so we don’t worry about them. They’re not a threat to us right now; they’re more of a pain in the neck, than anything.”

  It was only a few short minutes and they arrived at the opening of the Base and the rock doorway opened up and they went through it. They were able to ascend out of the water and hover onto a flat pad that was located inside the chamber. There were approximately fifty other ships that were parked on the flat area where Zitrik parked his ship. Once they were parked and Zitrik opened the hatch door he was greeted by several other fellow alien comrades. Some of them began to unload the supplies from Zitrik’s ship as others stood greeting him. After a few minutes, Zitrik motioned for Ty and Markus to get out of the ship and follow him.

  As they made their way off the ship Markus said, “Wow, look at this place. It’s huge. It resembles one of our indoor football stadiums.” The walls and ceiling were solid smooth rock and it had an oval top just like an indoor sports arena. The entire base was lit up with different colored lights, like lights on a Christmas tree. There were different colors in different locations of the base and they each represented a different section of the base. Ty thought it was beautiful with all the flickering lights going on and off and at different intervals. As they met up with Zitrik he said, “Come on. We’re going to the headquarters. The commander wants to see me.” When they arrived at headquarters, Ty and Markus slid in behind Zitrik as he walked through the door. They did as he requested and stayed out of the way.

  * * *

  Chapter 15 – Mission to North Korea


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